Long story, there's also minimal example to take care of.
This change should take care of anything with ETHER_ADDR_LEN in
net/ethernet.h plus windows, for both the lib and example.
Introduce a LWS_WITH_WOL and an api to wake a mac address, optionally with
an address bind to the local interface to go out on.
Add a helper to parse ascii mac addresses well, and add tests.
Also thanks to OgreTransporter
We use warmcat dns for testing, but for a while it has become dynamic
breaking the tests.
Fix up the affected tests with IPv4 addresses from getaddrinfo() so they
pass when they match these results.
Add a dlo-based layout callback for use with lhp.
If lhp_dl_render() is used as the Lws Html/CSS parser callback, it
produces a display_list representation of the Html as DLOs, referencing the
appropriate CSS to drive the layout as best it can.
The display list can be rasterized on to an lws_display using the display's
state object
lds->disp->blit(lds, (uint8_t *)&dl, &box);
Introduce a very lightweight html5 + css2.1+ stateful stream parser, along
the same lines as the lws json and cbor ones.
This is interesting primarily because of just how low-resource it is for
modest css + html, it uses an lwsac to hold the entirity of the css in
memory at once but the html is parsed in chunks without any need to keep
previous chunks around (chunks may be as small as 1 byte).
A user callback receives element entry and exit callbacks with payload and
all attributes parsed out, CSS related to the active element stack is
parsed to provide a list of active css attributes, which takes heap for the
duration of the parsing.
In effect this provides rich information about the html and css state to
the callback, which has the job of producing the layout in a user-defined
As such, there is no DOM in memory at one time, there is only a stack of
active elements like <html><body><div>xxx with their associated attributes
(like class). So as it is, it does not support DOM modification such as
JS changing elements after parsing, although elements with interesting IDs
could be kept around by the callback. There is a corresponding tiny and
relatively flat heap usage regardless of html size.
Default CSS is specified as recommended in the CSS 2.1 standard.
Inline <style></style> elements are supported, but not pre-html5 style= in
element attributes, since these are incompatible with strict CSP.
What the attributes should mean on your system, eg, font-size, font-family
etc is left for the user callback to decide, along with how to lay out the
items using the CSS attributes, and render them.
Fixed point 32.32 constants are used (fraction expressed at parts in 100M)
instead of floating point.
If you have presentation needs, even on a constrained display on a
constrained microcontroller, this makes it feasible to use standardized
markup and styling instead of roll your own.
Several examples trim their buffer with an extra LWS_PRE from the end...
actually end should point to end the end of buf without a second LWS_PRE
Add EXPECT_MORE flag to indicate that running out of input is not (yet)
indicating the end of the document. The caller should remove this flag
when it identifies that it does not have the chunk with the end of the
document: the last chunk may be zero length.
Track line numbers so the caller can infer CR, absorb CRLF -> CR.
Also add COLON_NONTERM needed for ipv6 literal addresses.
Introduce a rewritten picojpeg that is able to operate statefully and
rasterize into an internal line ringbuffer, emitting a line of pixels
at a time to the caller. This is the JPEG equivalent of the lws
PNG decoder.
JPEG is based around 8- or 16- line height MCU blocks, depending on
the chroma coding, mandating a corresponding internal line buffer
Example total heap requirement for various kinds of 600px width jpeg
Grayscale: 6.5KB
RGB 4:4:4: 16.4KB
RGB 4:2:2v: 16.4KB
RGB 4:4:2h: 31KB
RGB 4:4:0: 31KB
No other allocations occur during decode.
Stateful stream parsing means decode can be paused for lack of input
at any time and resumed seamlessly when more input becomes available.
The adapted upng has a very compact fully-stateful lws-aligned
implementation already.
Adapt it to also be buildable and operable standalone, and to
understand gzip headers.
Provide some apis to inflate gzip simply reusing opaque inflator
contexts from upng.
Provide an api test that inflates gzip files from stdin -> stdout
Add a rewritten version of upng that decodes statefully line by line, and so
does not require a bitmap buffer for the output. This compares to original
upng approach that needs heap allocations for the input, the whole output
and intermediate allocations.
Instead of buffers for input, decompression and output, it only allocates
2 x lines of RGBA pixels (ie, a few KB), and 32KB of decompressed data for
backward references in the decoder, and decodes as needed into the 2-line
buffer to produce line rasterized results. For a 600px width PNG, this is
just 40KB heap for the duration.
This introduces a fixed precision signed 32.32 fractional type that can
work on devices without an FPU.
The integer part works as an int32_t, the fractional part represents the
fractional proportion expressed as part of 100M, so 8 fractional decimal
digit precision which is more than enough for many applications.
Add and Sub are reasonably fast as they are scaled on to a combined
uint64_t, Multiply is a little slower as it takes four uint64_t multiplies
that are summed, and divide is expensive but accurate, done bitwise taking
up to 32 iterations involving uint64_t div and mod.
This adds apis that enable usage of compressed backtraces in heap
A decompressor tool is also provided that emits a textual
call stack suitable for use with addr2line.
Modern toolchains are fine with giving a typedef as a forward reference,
but gcc 4.3 can't cope with that and then seeing the real definition in the
.c later.
Just conceal the typedef and use the struct form for the forward reference
resolution type in the public header so even senior toolchains are happy.
VFS needs some small updates... pass in the bound fops as well as the
context fops to the member callbacks. ZIP_FOPS only cared about doing
operations on the platform / context vfs to walk the ZIP file, but other
uses are valid where we are doing operation inside the bound VFS itself.
Also, stash a cx pointer into file ops struct for convenience.
Sequencer went away a while ago, remove api tests and minimal examples.
Use Secure Streams to get an object with a lifetime longer than a wsi that
can autonomously retry.
Although many of the examples must be run from the example directory as
cwd, everyone getting started probably wants to try the examples, cmake
knows how to do it, so let's enable it by default.
This adds an optional feature LEJP_FLAG_FEAT_OBJECT_INDEXES that changes
lejp to treat { } items as indexable in ctx->i[] / ctx->ipos, since they
also can take commas.
This may break existing uses so it requires the default-off feature flag to
enable it. The flags context field is zeroed by lejp_construct(), so any
flags should be set on ctx->flags after alling that.
There's also a flag LEJP_FLAG_LATEST available as an alias to enable any
desirable but not-backwards-compatible behaviour, including this.
Add the info to the README and adapt the unit test to do it both with and
without the FEAT_OBJECT_INDEXES flag.
There's no problem for library build, also with LWS_WITH_MINIMAL_EXAMPLES,
but after install at least on OSX, there are problems finding the installed
lws include dir (concealed on most platforms by the path being in the
default search list for the toolchain), and the references in the lws
includes to the tls includes meaning that explicit paths for that must be
available at consuming cmakes.
This patch enhances the cmake config installed by lws to deal with adding
the lws include paths to CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES and include_directories,
so it can be found before the target is introduced.
The tls include is passed back up the CMakeLists layers and the lws targets
marked with target_include_directories(PUBLIC) with them, so they are
understood as needed by consumers.
More boilerplate is moved out of the example consuming cmakes.
After this, on machines with previous installs of older lws, you may have to
clean out the cmake install path, that is usually something like
before make installing lws and putting the latest content in there.
Add some exports so the api test can inject results into the parser for
live queries, suppressing asking the server but otherwise following the
Provide two new suspect responses for injection and parsing in ctest.
Add a --cos option to minimal-http-client to force a close after the
connection has started the async dns.
Added the ability to get additional form parameters with unknown names in the form parameters parser lws_spa. The example of using the form parameters parser has been updated. Fixed bug of double freeing memory in the example.