- For some reason the "extern int pid_daemon" usage in libwebsockets.c would cause an "undefined symbols" linker error for the test-apps. This only happens with the CMake project, not the normal Makefiles. I have no clue why this is. Fixed it by getting the pid via a function instead.
- Added test-server-extpoll
- Renamed the library from libwebsocket -> libwebsockets
PATH_MAX is typically 4KB, let's malloc space for the
actual path instead and just have the pointer in bss
Signed-off-by: Andy Green <andy.green@linaro.org>
Solve some unchecked return codes in the new daemonization file
AG adapted a bit
Signed-off-by: Edwin van den Oetelaar <oetelaar.automatisering@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Andy Green <andy.green@linaro.org>