/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2019 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "private-lib-core.h" #if defined(LWS_WITH_SERVER_STATUS) void lws_sum_stats(const struct lws_context *ctx, struct lws_conn_stats *cs) { const struct lws_vhost *vh = ctx->vhost_list; while (vh) { cs->rx += vh->conn_stats.rx; cs->tx += vh->conn_stats.tx; cs->h1_conn += vh->conn_stats.h1_conn; cs->h1_trans += vh->conn_stats.h1_trans; cs->h2_trans += vh->conn_stats.h2_trans; cs->ws_upg += vh->conn_stats.ws_upg; cs->h2_upg += vh->conn_stats.h2_upg; cs->h2_alpn += vh->conn_stats.h2_alpn; cs->h2_subs += vh->conn_stats.h2_subs; cs->rejected += vh->conn_stats.rejected; vh = vh->vhost_next; } } int lws_json_dump_vhost(const struct lws_vhost *vh, char *buf, int len) { #if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2) static const char * const prots[] = { "http://", "https://", "file://", "cgi://", ">http://", ">https://", "callback://" }; #endif char *orig = buf, *end = buf + len - 1, first; int n; if (len < 100) return 0; buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "{\n \"name\":\"%s\",\n" " \"port\":\"%d\",\n" " \"use_ssl\":\"%d\",\n" " \"sts\":\"%d\",\n" " \"rx\":\"%llu\",\n" " \"tx\":\"%llu\",\n" " \"h1_conn\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h1_trans\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_trans\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"ws_upg\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"rejected\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_upg\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_alpn\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_subs\":\"%lu\"" , vh->name, vh->listen_port, #if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS) vh->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL, #else 0, #endif !!(vh->options & LWS_SERVER_OPTION_STS), vh->conn_stats.rx, vh->conn_stats.tx, vh->conn_stats.h1_conn, vh->conn_stats.h1_trans, vh->conn_stats.h2_trans, vh->conn_stats.ws_upg, vh->conn_stats.rejected, vh->conn_stats.h2_upg, vh->conn_stats.h2_alpn, vh->conn_stats.h2_subs ); #if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2) if (vh->http.mount_list) { const struct lws_http_mount *m = vh->http.mount_list; buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ",\n \"mounts\":["); first = 1; while (m) { if (!first) buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ","); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n {\n \"mountpoint\":\"%s\",\n" " \"origin\":\"%s%s\",\n" " \"cache_max_age\":\"%d\",\n" " \"cache_reuse\":\"%d\",\n" " \"cache_revalidate\":\"%d\",\n" " \"cache_intermediaries\":\"%d\"\n" , m->mountpoint, prots[m->origin_protocol], m->origin, m->cache_max_age, m->cache_reusable, m->cache_revalidate, m->cache_intermediaries); if (m->def) buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ",\n \"default\":\"%s\"", m->def); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n }"); first = 0; m = m->mount_next; } buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n ]"); } #endif if (vh->protocols) { n = 0; first = 1; buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ",\n \"ws-protocols\":["); while (n < vh->count_protocols) { if (!first) buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ","); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n {\n \"%s\":{\n" " \"status\":\"ok\"\n }\n }" , vh->protocols[n].name); first = 0; n++; } buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n ]"); } buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n}"); return buf - orig; } int lws_json_dump_context(const struct lws_context *context, char *buf, int len, int hide_vhosts) { char *orig = buf, *end = buf + len - 1, first = 1; const struct lws_vhost *vh = context->vhost_list; const struct lws_context_per_thread *pt; int n, listening = 0, cgi_count = 0, fd; struct lws_conn_stats cs; double d = 0; #ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI struct lws_cgi * const *pcgi; #endif //#ifdef LWS_WITH_LIBUV && // uv_uptime(&d); //#endif buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "{ " "\"version\":\"%s\",\n" "\"uptime\":\"%ld\",\n", lws_get_library_version(), (long)d); #ifdef LWS_HAVE_GETLOADAVG #if defined(__sun) #include #endif { double d[3]; int m; m = getloadavg(d, 3); for (n = 0; n < m; n++) { buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\"l%d\":\"%.2f\",\n", n + 1, d[n]); } } #endif fd = lws_open("/proc/self/statm", LWS_O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { char contents[96], pure[96]; n = read(fd, contents, sizeof(contents) - 1); if (n > 0) { contents[n] = '\0'; if (contents[n - 1] == '\n') contents[--n] = '\0'; lws_json_purify(pure, contents, sizeof(pure), NULL); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\"statm\": \"%s\",\n", pure); } close(fd); } buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\"heap\":%lld,\n\"contexts\":[\n", (long long)lws_get_allocated_heap()); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "{ " "\"context_uptime\":\"%llu\",\n" "\"cgi_spawned\":\"%d\",\n" "\"pt_fd_max\":\"%d\",\n" "\"ah_pool_max\":\"%d\",\n" "\"deprecated\":\"%d\",\n" "\"wsi_alive\":\"%d\",\n", (unsigned long long)(lws_now_usecs() - context->time_up) / LWS_US_PER_SEC, context->count_cgi_spawned, context->fd_limit_per_thread, context->max_http_header_pool, context->deprecated, context->count_wsi_allocated); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\"pt\":[\n "); for (n = 0; n < context->count_threads; n++) { pt = &context->pt[n]; if (n) buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ","); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "\n {\n" " \"fds_count\":\"%d\",\n" " \"ah_pool_inuse\":\"%d\",\n" " \"ah_wait_list\":\"%d\"\n" " }", pt->fds_count, pt->http.ah_count_in_use, pt->http.ah_wait_list_length); } buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "]"); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ", \"vhosts\":[\n "); first = 1; vh = context->vhost_list; listening = 0; cs = context->conn_stats; lws_sum_stats(context, &cs); while (vh) { if (!hide_vhosts) { if (!first) if(buf != end) *buf++ = ','; buf += lws_json_dump_vhost(vh, buf, end - buf); first = 0; } if (vh->lserv_wsi) listening++; vh = vh->vhost_next; } buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "],\n\"listen_wsi\":\"%d\",\n" " \"rx\":\"%llu\",\n" " \"tx\":\"%llu\",\n" " \"h1_conn\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h1_trans\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_trans\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"ws_upg\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"rejected\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_alpn\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_subs\":\"%lu\",\n" " \"h2_upg\":\"%lu\"", listening, cs.rx, cs.tx, cs.h1_conn, cs.h1_trans, cs.h2_trans, cs.ws_upg, cs.rejected, cs.h2_alpn, cs.h2_subs, cs.h2_upg); #ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI for (n = 0; n < context->count_threads; n++) { pt = &context->pt[n]; pcgi = &pt->http.cgi_list; while (*pcgi) { pcgi = &(*pcgi)->cgi_list; cgi_count++; } } #endif buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, ",\n \"cgi_alive\":\"%d\"\n ", cgi_count); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "}"); buf += lws_snprintf(buf, end - buf, "]}\n "); return buf - orig; } #endif