/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2019 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "private-lib-core.h" #include "private-lib-jose-jwe.h" /* * RFC3394 Key Wrap uses a 128-bit key, and bloats what it is wrapping by * one 8-byte block. So, if you had a 32 byte plaintext CEK to wrap, after * wrapping it becomes a 40 byte wrapped, enciphered, key. * * The CEK comes in from and goes out in LJWE_EKEY. So LJWE_EKEY length * increases by 8 from calling this. */ int lws_jwe_encrypt_aeskw_cbc_hs(struct lws_jwe *jwe, char *temp, int *temp_len) { struct lws_genaes_ctx aesctx; /* we are wrapping a key, so size for the worst case after wrap */ uint8_t enc_cek[LWS_JWE_LIMIT_KEY_ELEMENT_BYTES + LWS_JWE_RFC3394_OVERHEAD_BYTES]; int n, m, hlen = (int)lws_genhmac_size(jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type), ot = *temp_len; if (jwe->jws.jwk->kty != LWS_GENCRYPTO_KTY_OCT) { lwsl_err("%s: unexpected kty %d\n", __func__, jwe->jws.jwk->kty); return -1; } /* create a b64 version of the JOSE header, needed for hashing */ if (lws_jws_encode_b64_element(&jwe->jws.map_b64, LJWE_JOSE, temp, temp_len, jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_JOSE], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_JOSE])) return -1; /* Allocate temp space for ATAG and IV */ if (lws_jws_alloc_element(&jwe->jws.map, LJWE_ATAG, temp + (ot - *temp_len), temp_len, hlen / 2, 0)) return -1; if (lws_jws_alloc_element(&jwe->jws.map, LJWE_IV, temp + (ot - *temp_len), temp_len, LWS_JWE_AES_IV_BYTES, 0)) return -1; /* 1) Encrypt the payload... */ /* the CEK is 256-bit in the example encrypted with a 128-bit key */ n = lws_jwe_encrypt_cbc_hs(jwe, (uint8_t *)jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_EKEY], (uint8_t *)jwe->jws.map_b64.buf[LJWE_JOSE], jwe->jws.map_b64.len[LJWE_JOSE]); if (n < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: lws_jwe_encrypt_cbc_hs failed\n", __func__); return -1; } /* 2) Encrypt the JWE Encrypted Key: RFC3394 Key Wrap uses 64 bit blocks * and 128-bit input key*/ if (lws_genaes_create(&aesctx, LWS_GAESO_ENC, LWS_GAESM_KW, jwe->jws.jwk->e, 1, NULL)) { lwsl_notice("%s: lws_genaes_create\n", __func__); return -1; } /* tag size is determined by enc cipher key length */ n = lws_genaes_crypt(&aesctx, (uint8_t *)jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_EKEY], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_EKEY], enc_cek, NULL, NULL, NULL, lws_gencrypto_bits_to_bytes( jwe->jose.enc_alg->keybits_fixed)); m = lws_genaes_destroy(&aesctx, NULL, 0); if (n < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: encrypt cek fail\n", __func__); return -1; } if (m < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: lws_genaes_destroy fail\n", __func__); return -1; } jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_EKEY] += LWS_JWE_RFC3394_OVERHEAD_BYTES; memcpy((uint8_t *)jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_EKEY], enc_cek, jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_EKEY]); return jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_CTXT]; } int lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_aeskw_cbc_hs(struct lws_jwe *jwe) { struct lws_genaes_ctx aesctx; uint8_t enc_cek[LWS_JWE_LIMIT_KEY_ELEMENT_BYTES + LWS_JWE_RFC3394_OVERHEAD_BYTES]; int n, m; if (jwe->jws.jwk->kty != LWS_GENCRYPTO_KTY_OCT) { lwsl_err("%s: unexpected kty %d\n", __func__, jwe->jws.jwk->kty); return -1; } /* the CEK is 256-bit in the example encrypted with a 128-bit key */ if (jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_EKEY] > sizeof(enc_cek)) return -1; /* 1) Decrypt the JWE Encrypted Key to get the raw MAC / CEK */ if (lws_genaes_create(&aesctx, LWS_GAESO_DEC, LWS_GAESM_KW, jwe->jws.jwk->e, 1, NULL)) { lwsl_notice("%s: lws_genaes_create\n", __func__); return -1; } /* * Decrypt the CEK into enc_cek * tag size is determined by enc cipher key length */ n = lws_genaes_crypt(&aesctx, (uint8_t *)jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_EKEY], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_EKEY], enc_cek, NULL, NULL, NULL, lws_gencrypto_bits_to_bytes( jwe->jose.enc_alg->keybits_fixed)); m = lws_genaes_destroy(&aesctx, NULL, 0); if (n < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: decrypt CEK fail\n", __func__); return -1; } if (m < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: lws_genaes_destroy fail\n", __func__); return -1; } /* 2) Decrypt the payload */ n = lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_cbc_hs(jwe, enc_cek, (uint8_t *)jwe->jws.map_b64.buf[LJWE_JOSE], jwe->jws.map_b64.len[LJWE_JOSE]); if (n < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_cbc_hs failed\n", __func__); return -1; } return jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_CTXT]; }