/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2021 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Implements a cache backing store compatible with netscape cookies.txt format * There is one entry per "line", and fields are tab-delimited * * We need to know the format here, because while the unique cookie tag consists * of "hostname|urlpath|cookiename", that does not appear like that in the file; * we have to go parse the fields and synthesize the corresponding tag. * * We rely on all the fields except the cookie value fitting in a 256 byte * buffer, and allow eating multiple buffers to get a huge cookie values. * * Because the cookie file is a device-wide asset, although lws will change it * from the lws thread without conflict, there may be other processes that will * change it by removal and regenerating the file asynchronously. For that * reason, file handles are opened fresh each time we want to use the file, so * we always get the latest version. * * When updating the file ourselves, we use a lockfile to ensure our process * has exclusive access. * * * Tag Matching rules * * There are three kinds of tag matching rules * * 1) specific - tag strigs must be the same * 2) wilcard - tags matched using optional wildcards * 3) wildcard + lookup - wildcard, but path part matches using cookie scope rules * */ #include #include "private-lib-misc-cache-ttl.h" typedef enum nsc_iterator_ret { NIR_CONTINUE = 0, NIR_FINISH_OK = 1, NIR_FINISH_ERROR = -1 } nsc_iterator_ret_t; typedef enum cbreason { LCN_SOL = (1 << 0), LCN_EOL = (1 << 1) } cbreason_t; typedef int (*nsc_cb_t)(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, void *opaque, int flags, const char *buf, size_t size); static void expiry_cb(lws_sorted_usec_list_t *sul); static int nsc_backing_open_lock(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, int mode, const char *par) { int sanity = 50; char lock[128]; int fd_lock, fd; lwsl_debug("%s: %s\n", __func__, par); lws_snprintf(lock, sizeof(lock), "%s.LCK", cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); do { fd_lock = open(lock, LWS_O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600); if (fd_lock >= 0) { close(fd_lock); break; } if (!sanity--) { lwsl_warn("%s: unable to lock %s: errno %d\n", __func__, lock, errno); return -1; } #if defined(WIN32) Sleep(100); #else usleep(100000); #endif } while (1); fd = open(cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath, LWS_O_CREAT | mode, 0600); if (fd == -1) { lwsl_warn("%s: unable to open or create %s\n", __func__, cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); unlink(lock); } return fd; } static void nsc_backing_close_unlock(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, int fd) { char lock[128]; lwsl_debug("%s\n", __func__); lws_snprintf(lock, sizeof(lock), "%s.LCK", cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); unlink(lock); } /* * We're going to call the callback with chunks of the file with flags * indicating we're giving it the start of a line and / or giving it the end * of a line. * * It's like this because the cookie value may be huge (and to a lesser extent * the path may also be big). * * If it's the start of a line (flags on the cb has LCN_SOL), then the buffer * contains up to the first 256 chars of the line, it's enough to match with. * * We cannot hold the file open inbetweentimes, since other processes may * regenerate it, so we need to bind to a new inode. We open it with an * exclusive flock() so other processes can't replace conflicting changes * while we also write changes, without having to wait and see our changes. */ static int nscookiejar_iterate(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, int fd, nsc_cb_t cb, void *opaque) { int m = 0, n = 0, e, r = LCN_SOL, ignore = 0, ret = 0; char temp[256], eof = 0; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) return -1; do { /* for as many buffers in the file */ int n1; lwsl_debug("%s: n %d, m %d\n", __func__, n, m); read: if ((size_t)n >= sizeof(temp) - 1) /* there's no space left in temp */ n1 = 0; else n1 = (int)read(fd, temp + n, sizeof(temp) - (size_t)n); lwsl_debug("%s: n1 %d\n", __func__, n1); if (n1 <= 0) { eof = 1; if (m == n) continue; } else { n += n1; if ((size_t)n > sizeof(temp)) { /* coverity */ ret = -1; goto bail; } } while (m < n) { m++; /* m can == n nw then */ if (temp[m - 1] != '\n') continue; /* ie, we hit EOL */ if (temp[0] == '#') /* lines starting with # are comments */ e = 0; else e = cb(cache, opaque, r | LCN_EOL, temp, (size_t)m - 1); r = LCN_SOL; ignore = 0; /* * Move back remainder and prefill the gap that opened * up: we want to pass enough in the start chunk so the * cb can classify it even if it can't get all the * value part in one go */ /* coverity: we will blow up if m > n */ if (m > n) { ret = -1; goto bail; } memmove(temp, temp + m, (size_t)(n - m)); n -= m; m = 0; if (e) { ret = e; goto bail; } goto read; } if (m) { /* we ran out of buffer */ if (ignore || (r == LCN_SOL && n && temp[0] == '#')) { e = 0; ignore = 1; } else { e = cb(cache, opaque, r | (n == m && eof ? LCN_EOL : 0), temp, (size_t)m); m = 0; n = 0; } if (e) { /* * We have to call off the whole thing if any * step, eg, OOMs */ ret = e; goto bail; } r = 0; } } while (!eof || n != m); ret = 0; bail: return ret; } /* * lookup() just handles wildcard resolution, it doesn't deal with moving the * hits to L1. That has to be done individually by non-wildcard names. */ enum { NSC_COL_HOST = 0, /* wc idx 0 */ NSC_COL_PATH = 2, /* wc idx 1 */ NSC_COL_EXPIRY = 4, NSC_COL_NAME = 5, /* wc idx 2 */ NSC_COL_COUNT = 6 }; /* * This performs the specialized wildcard that knows about cookie path match * rules. * * To defeat the lookup path matching, lie to it about idx being NSC_COL_PATH */ static int nsc_match(const char *wc, size_t wc_len, const char *col, size_t col_len, int idx) { size_t n = 0; if (idx != NSC_COL_PATH) return lws_strcmp_wildcard(wc, wc_len, col, col_len); /* * Cookie path match is special, if we lookup on a path like /my/path, * we must match on cookie paths for every dir level including /, so * match on /, /my, and /my/path. But we must not match on /m or * /my/pa etc. If we lookup on /, we must not match /my/path * * Let's go through wc checking at / and for every complete subpath if * it is an explicit match */ if (!strcmp(col, wc)) return 0; /* exact hit */ while (n <= wc_len) { if (n == wc_len || wc[n] == '/') { if (n && col_len <= n && !strncmp(wc, col, n)) return 0; /* hit */ if (n != wc_len && col_len <= n + 1 && !strncmp(wc, col, n + 1)) /* check for trailing / */ return 0; /* hit */ } n++; } return 1; /* fail */ } static const uint8_t nsc_cols[] = { NSC_COL_HOST, NSC_COL_PATH, NSC_COL_NAME }; static int lws_cache_nscookiejar_tag_match(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *cache, const char *wc, const char *tag, char lookup) { const char *wc_end = wc + strlen(wc), *tag_end = tag + strlen(tag), *start_wc, *start_tag; int n = 0; lwsl_cache("%s: '%s' vs '%s'\n", __func__, wc, tag); /* * Given a well-formed host|path|name tag and a wildcard term, * make the determination if the tag matches the wildcard or not, * using lookup rules that apply at this cache level. */ while (n < 3) { start_wc = wc; while (wc < wc_end && *wc != LWSCTAG_SEP) wc++; start_tag = tag; while (tag < tag_end && *tag != LWSCTAG_SEP) tag++; lwsl_cache("%s: '%.*s' vs '%.*s'\n", __func__, lws_ptr_diff(wc, start_wc), start_wc, lws_ptr_diff(tag, start_tag), start_tag); if (nsc_match(start_wc, lws_ptr_diff_size_t(wc, start_wc), start_tag, lws_ptr_diff_size_t(tag, start_tag), lookup ? nsc_cols[n] : NSC_COL_HOST)) { lwsl_cache("%s: fail\n", __func__); return 1; } if (wc < wc_end) wc++; if (tag < tag_end) tag++; n++; } lwsl_cache("%s: hit\n", __func__); return 0; /* match */ } /* * Converts the start of a cookie file line into a tag */ static int nsc_line_to_tag(const char *buf, size_t size, char *tag, size_t max_tag, lws_usec_t *pexpiry) { int n, idx = 0, tl = 0; lws_usec_t expiry = 0; size_t bn = 0; char col[64]; if (size < 3) return 1; while (bn < size && idx <= NSC_COL_NAME) { n = 0; while (bn < size && n < (int)sizeof(col) - 1 && buf[bn] != '\t') col[n++] = buf[bn++]; col[n] = '\0'; if (buf[bn] == '\t') bn++; switch (idx) { case NSC_COL_EXPIRY: expiry = (lws_usec_t)((unsigned long long)atoll(col) * (lws_usec_t)LWS_US_PER_SEC); break; case NSC_COL_HOST: case NSC_COL_PATH: case NSC_COL_NAME: /* * As we match the pieces of the wildcard, * compose the matches into a specific tag */ if (tl + n + 2 > (int)max_tag) return 1; if (tl) tag[tl++] = LWSCTAG_SEP; memcpy(tag + tl, col, (size_t)n); tl += n; tag[tl] = '\0'; break; default: break; } idx++; } if (pexpiry) *pexpiry = expiry; lwsl_info("%s: %.*s: tag '%s'\n", __func__, (int)size, buf, tag); return 0; } struct nsc_lookup_ctx { const char *wildcard_key; lws_dll2_owner_t *results_owner; lws_cache_match_t *match; /* current match if any */ size_t wklen; }; static int nsc_lookup_cb(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, void *opaque, int flags, const char *buf, size_t size) { struct nsc_lookup_ctx *ctx = (struct nsc_lookup_ctx *)opaque; lws_usec_t expiry; char tag[200]; int tl; if (!(flags & LCN_SOL)) { if (ctx->match) ctx->match->payload_size += size; return NIR_CONTINUE; } /* * There should be enough in buf to match or reject it... let's * synthesize a tag from the text "line" and then check the tags for * a match */ ctx->match = NULL; /* new SOL means stop tracking payload len */ if (nsc_line_to_tag(buf, size, tag, sizeof(tag), &expiry)) return NIR_CONTINUE; if (lws_cache_nscookiejar_tag_match(&cache->cache, ctx->wildcard_key, tag, 1)) return NIR_CONTINUE; tl = (int)strlen(tag); /* * ... it looks like a match then... create new match * object with the specific tag, and add it to the owner list */ ctx->match = lws_fi(&cache->cache.info.cx->fic, "cache_lookup_oom") ? NULL : lws_malloc(sizeof(*ctx->match) + (unsigned int)tl + 1u, __func__); if (!ctx->match) /* caller of lookup will clean results list on fail */ return NIR_FINISH_ERROR; ctx->match->payload_size = size; ctx->match->tag_size = (size_t)tl; ctx->match->expiry = expiry; memset(&ctx->match->list, 0, sizeof(ctx->match->list)); memcpy(&ctx->match[1], tag, (size_t)tl + 1u); lws_dll2_add_tail(&ctx->match->list, ctx->results_owner); return NIR_CONTINUE; } static int lws_cache_nscookiejar_lookup(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *_c, const char *wildcard_key, lws_dll2_owner_t *results_owner) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)_c; struct nsc_lookup_ctx ctx; int ret, fd; fd = nsc_backing_open_lock(cache, LWS_O_RDONLY, __func__); if (fd < 0) return 1; ctx.wildcard_key = wildcard_key; ctx.results_owner = results_owner; ctx.wklen = strlen(wildcard_key); ctx.match = 0; ret = nscookiejar_iterate(cache, fd, nsc_lookup_cb, &ctx); /* * The cb can fail, eg, with OOM, making the whole lookup * invalid and returning fail. Caller will clean * results_owner on fail. */ nsc_backing_close_unlock(cache, fd); return ret == NIR_FINISH_ERROR; } /* * It's pretty horrible having to implement add or remove individual items by * file regeneration, but if we don't want to keep it all in heap, and we want * this cookie jar format, that is what we are into. * * Allow to optionally add a "line", optionally wildcard delete tags, and always * delete expired entries. * * Although we can rely on the lws thread to be doing this, multiple processes * may be using the cookie jar and can tread on each other. So we use flock() * (linux only) to get exclusive access while we are processing this. * * We leave the existing file alone and generate a new one alongside it, with a * fixed name.tmp format so it can't leak, if that went OK then we unlink the * old and rename the new. */ struct nsc_regen_ctx { const char *wildcard_key_delete; const void *add_data; lws_usec_t curr; size_t add_size; int fdt; char drop; }; /* only used by nsc_regen() */ static int nsc_regen_cb(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, void *opaque, int flags, const char *buf, size_t size) { struct nsc_regen_ctx *ctx = (struct nsc_regen_ctx *)opaque; char tag[256]; lws_usec_t expiry; if (flags & LCN_SOL) { ctx->drop = 0; if (nsc_line_to_tag(buf, size, tag, sizeof(tag), &expiry)) /* filter it out if it is unparseable */ goto drop; /* routinely track the earliest expiry */ if (!cache->earliest_expiry || (expiry && cache->earliest_expiry > expiry)) cache->earliest_expiry = expiry; if (expiry && expiry < ctx->curr) /* routinely strip anything beyond its expiry */ goto drop; if (ctx->wildcard_key_delete) lwsl_cache("%s: %s vs %s\n", __func__, tag, ctx->wildcard_key_delete); if (ctx->wildcard_key_delete && !lws_cache_nscookiejar_tag_match(&cache->cache, ctx->wildcard_key_delete, tag, 0)) { lwsl_cache("%s: %s matches wc delete %s\n", __func__, tag, ctx->wildcard_key_delete); goto drop; } } if (ctx->drop) return 0; cache->cache.current_footprint += (uint64_t)size; if (write(ctx->fdt, buf, /*msvc*/(unsigned int)size) != (ssize_t)size) return NIR_FINISH_ERROR; if (flags & LCN_EOL) if ((size_t)write(ctx->fdt, "\n", 1) != 1) return NIR_FINISH_ERROR; return 0; drop: ctx->drop = 1; return NIR_CONTINUE; } static int nsc_regen(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, const char *wc_delete, const void *pay, size_t pay_size) { struct nsc_regen_ctx ctx; char filepath[128]; int fd, ret = 1; fd = nsc_backing_open_lock(cache, LWS_O_RDONLY, __func__); if (fd < 0) return 1; lws_snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s.tmp", cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); unlink(filepath); if (lws_fi(&cache->cache.info.cx->fic, "cache_regen_temp_open")) goto bail; ctx.fdt = open(filepath, LWS_O_CREAT | LWS_O_WRONLY, 0600); if (ctx.fdt < 0) goto bail; /* magic header */ if (lws_fi(&cache->cache.info.cx->fic, "cache_regen_temp_write") || /* other consumers insist to see this at start of cookie jar */ write(ctx.fdt, "# Netscape HTTP Cookie File\n", 28) != 28) goto bail1; /* if we are adding something, put it first */ if (pay && write(ctx.fdt, pay, /*msvc*/(unsigned int)pay_size) != (ssize_t)pay_size) goto bail1; if (pay && write(ctx.fdt, "\n", 1u) != (ssize_t)1) goto bail1; cache->cache.current_footprint = 0; ctx.wildcard_key_delete = wc_delete; ctx.add_data = pay; ctx.add_size = pay_size; ctx.curr = lws_now_usecs(); ctx.drop = 0; cache->earliest_expiry = 0; if (lws_fi(&cache->cache.info.cx->fic, "cache_regen_iter_fail") || nscookiejar_iterate(cache, fd, nsc_regen_cb, &ctx)) goto bail1; close(ctx.fdt); ctx.fdt = -1; if (unlink(cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath) == -1) lwsl_info("%s: unlink %s failed\n", __func__, cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); if (rename(filepath, cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath) == -1) lwsl_info("%s: rename %s failed\n", __func__, cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); if (cache->earliest_expiry) lws_cache_schedule(&cache->cache, expiry_cb, cache->earliest_expiry); ret = 0; goto bail; bail1: if (ctx.fdt >= 0) close(ctx.fdt); bail: unlink(filepath); nsc_backing_close_unlock(cache, fd); return ret; } static void expiry_cb(lws_sorted_usec_list_t *sul) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = lws_container_of(sul, lws_cache_nscookiejar_t, cache.sul); /* * regen the cookie jar without changes, so expired are removed and * new earliest expired computed */ if (nsc_regen(cache, NULL, NULL, 0)) return; if (cache->earliest_expiry) lws_cache_schedule(&cache->cache, expiry_cb, cache->earliest_expiry); } /* specific_key and expiry are ignored, since it must be encoded in payload */ static int lws_cache_nscookiejar_write(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *_c, const char *specific_key, const uint8_t *source, size_t size, lws_usec_t expiry, void **ppvoid) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)_c; char tag[128]; lwsl_cache("%s: %s: len %d\n", __func__, _c->info.name, (int)size); assert(source); if (nsc_line_to_tag((const char *)source, size, tag, sizeof(tag), NULL)) return 1; if (ppvoid) *ppvoid = NULL; if (nsc_regen(cache, tag, source, size)) { lwsl_err("%s: regen failed\n", __func__); return 1; } return 0; } struct nsc_get_ctx { struct lws_buflist *buflist; const char *specific_key; const void **pdata; size_t *psize; lws_cache_ttl_lru_t *l1; lws_usec_t expiry; }; /* * We're looking for a specific key, if found, we want to make an entry for it * in L1 and return information about that */ static int nsc_get_cb(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, void *opaque, int flags, const char *buf, size_t size) { struct nsc_get_ctx *ctx = (struct nsc_get_ctx *)opaque; char tag[200]; uint8_t *q; if (ctx->buflist) goto collect; if (!(flags & LCN_SOL)) return NIR_CONTINUE; if (nsc_line_to_tag(buf, size, tag, sizeof(tag), &ctx->expiry)) { lwsl_err("%s: can't get tag\n", __func__); return NIR_CONTINUE; } lwsl_cache("%s: %s %s\n", __func__, ctx->specific_key, tag); if (strcmp(ctx->specific_key, tag)) { lwsl_cache("%s: no match\n", __func__); return NIR_CONTINUE; } /* it's a match */ lwsl_cache("%s: IS match\n", __func__); if (!(flags & LCN_EOL)) goto collect; /* it all fit in the buffer, let's create it in L1 now */ *ctx->psize = size; if (ctx->l1->info.ops->write(ctx->l1, ctx->specific_key, (const uint8_t *)buf, size, ctx->expiry, (void **)ctx->pdata)) return NIR_FINISH_ERROR; return NIR_FINISH_OK; collect: /* * it's bigger than one buffer-load, we have to stash what we're getting * on a buflist and create it when we have it all */ if (lws_buflist_append_segment(&ctx->buflist, (const uint8_t *)buf, size)) goto cleanup; if (!(flags & LCN_EOL)) return NIR_CONTINUE; /* we have all the payload, create the L1 entry without payload yet */ *ctx->psize = size; if (ctx->l1->info.ops->write(ctx->l1, ctx->specific_key, NULL, lws_buflist_total_len(&ctx->buflist), ctx->expiry, (void **)&q)) goto cleanup; *ctx->pdata = q; /* dump the buflist into the L1 cache entry */ do { uint8_t *p; size_t len = lws_buflist_next_segment_len(&ctx->buflist, &p); memcpy(q, p, len); q += len; lws_buflist_use_segment(&ctx->buflist, len); } while (ctx->buflist); return NIR_FINISH_OK; cleanup: lws_buflist_destroy_all_segments(&ctx->buflist); return NIR_FINISH_ERROR; } static int lws_cache_nscookiejar_get(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *_c, const char *specific_key, const void **pdata, size_t *psize) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)_c; struct nsc_get_ctx ctx; int ret, fd; fd = nsc_backing_open_lock(cache, LWS_O_RDONLY, __func__); if (fd < 0) return 1; /* get a pointer to l1 */ ctx.l1 = &cache->cache; while (ctx.l1->child) ctx.l1 = ctx.l1->child; ctx.pdata = pdata; ctx.psize = psize; ctx.specific_key = specific_key; ctx.buflist = NULL; ctx.expiry = 0; ret = nscookiejar_iterate(cache, fd, nsc_get_cb, &ctx); nsc_backing_close_unlock(cache, fd); return ret != NIR_FINISH_OK; } static int lws_cache_nscookiejar_invalidate(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *_c, const char *wc_key) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)_c; return nsc_regen(cache, wc_key, NULL, 0); } static struct lws_cache_ttl_lru * lws_cache_nscookiejar_create(const struct lws_cache_creation_info *info) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache; cache = lws_fi(&info->cx->fic, "cache_createfail") ? NULL : lws_zalloc(sizeof(*cache), __func__); if (!cache) return NULL; cache->cache.info = *info; /* * We need to scan the file, if it exists, and find the earliest * expiry while cleaning out any expired entries */ expiry_cb(&cache->cache.sul); lwsl_notice("%s: create %s\n", __func__, info->name ? info->name : "?"); return (struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *)cache; } static int lws_cache_nscookiejar_expunge(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *_c) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)_c; int r; if (!cache) return 0; r = unlink(cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); if (r) lwsl_warn("%s: failed to unlink %s\n", __func__, cache->cache.info.u.nscookiejar.filepath); return r; } static void lws_cache_nscookiejar_destroy(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru **_pc) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)*_pc; if (!cache) return; lws_sul_cancel(&cache->cache.sul); lws_free_set_NULL(*_pc); } #if defined(_DEBUG) static int nsc_dump_cb(lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache, void *opaque, int flags, const char *buf, size_t size) { lwsl_hexdump_cache(buf, size); return 0; } static void lws_cache_nscookiejar_debug_dump(struct lws_cache_ttl_lru *_c) { lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *cache = (lws_cache_nscookiejar_t *)_c; int fd = nsc_backing_open_lock(cache, LWS_O_RDONLY, __func__); if (fd < 0) return; lwsl_cache("%s: %s\n", __func__, _c->info.name); nscookiejar_iterate(cache, fd, nsc_dump_cb, NULL); nsc_backing_close_unlock(cache, fd); } #endif const struct lws_cache_ops lws_cache_ops_nscookiejar = { .create = lws_cache_nscookiejar_create, .destroy = lws_cache_nscookiejar_destroy, .expunge = lws_cache_nscookiejar_expunge, .write = lws_cache_nscookiejar_write, .tag_match = lws_cache_nscookiejar_tag_match, .lookup = lws_cache_nscookiejar_lookup, .invalidate = lws_cache_nscookiejar_invalidate, .get = lws_cache_nscookiejar_get, #if defined(_DEBUG) .debug_dump = lws_cache_nscookiejar_debug_dump, #endif };