/* * ESP32 Scan / Factory protocol handler * * Copyright (C) 2017 Andy Green * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation: * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA* * */ #include #include #include typedef enum { SCAN_STATE_NONE, SCAN_STATE_INITIAL, SCAN_STATE_INITIAL_MANIFEST, SCAN_STATE_KNOWN, SCAN_STATE_LIST, SCAN_STATE_FINAL } scan_state; struct store_json { const char *j; const char *nvs; }; struct per_session_data__esplws_scan { struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *next; scan_state scan_state; struct timeval last_send; struct lws_spa *spa; char filename[32]; char result[LWS_PRE + 512]; unsigned char buffer[4096]; int result_len; int filename_length; long file_length; nvs_handle nvh; char ap_record; unsigned char subsequent:1; unsigned char changed_partway:1; }; #define max_aps 12 struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan { wifi_ap_record_t ap_records[10]; TimerHandle_t timer, reboot_timer; struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *live_pss_list; struct lws_context *context; struct lws_vhost *vhost; const struct lws_protocols *protocol; struct lws_wifi_scan *known_aps_list; const esp_partition_t *part; esp_ota_handle_t otahandle; long file_length; long content_length; int cert_remaining_days; struct lws *cwsi; char json[2048]; int json_len; int acme_state; char acme_msg[256]; uint16_t count_ap_records; char count_live_pss; unsigned char scan_ongoing:1; unsigned char completed_any_scan:1; unsigned char reboot:1; unsigned char changed_settings:1; unsigned char checked_updates:1; unsigned char autonomous_update:1; unsigned char autonomous_update_sampled:1; }; static const struct store_json store_json[] = { { "\"ssid0\":\"", "0ssid" }, { ",\"pw0\":\"", "0password" }, { "\"ssid1\":\"", "1ssid" }, { ",\"pw1\":\"", "1password" }, { "\"ssid2\":\"", "2ssid" }, { ",\"pw2\":\"", "2password" }, { "\"ssid3\":\"", "3ssid" }, { ",\"pw3\":\"", "3password" }, { ",\"access_pw\":\"", "access_pw" }, { "{\"group\":\"", "group" }, { "{\"role\":\"", "role" }, { ",\"region\":\"", "region" }, }; static wifi_scan_config_t scan_config = { .ssid = 0, .bssid = 0, .channel = 0, .show_hidden = true }; const esp_partition_t * ota_choose_part(void); static const char * const param_names[] = { "text", "pub", "pri", "serial", "opts", "group", "role", "updsettings", }; enum enum_param_names { EPN_TEXT, EPN_PUB, EPN_PRI, EPN_SERIAL, EPN_OPTS, EPN_GROUP, EPN_ROLE, EPN_UPDSETTINGS, }; static void scan_finished(uint16_t count, wifi_ap_record_t *recs, void *v); static int esplws_simple_arg(char *dest, int len, const char *in, const char *match) { const char *p = strstr(in, match); int n = 0; if (!p) return 1; p += strlen(match); while (*p && *p != '\"' && n < len - 1) dest[n++] = *p++; dest[n] = '\0'; return 0; } static void scan_start(struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan *vhd) { int n; if (vhd->reboot) esp_restart(); if (vhd->scan_ongoing) return; if (lws_esp32.acme) return; if (lws_esp32.upload) return; vhd->scan_ongoing = 1; lws_esp32.scan_consumer = scan_finished; lws_esp32.scan_consumer_arg = vhd; n = esp_wifi_scan_start(&scan_config, false); if (n != ESP_OK) lwsl_err("scan start failed %d\n", n); } static int scan_defer; static void timer_cb(TimerHandle_t t) { struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan *vhd = pvTimerGetTimerID(t); // if (!lws_esp32.inet && ((scan_defer++) & 1)) /* * AP mode + scan does not work well on ESP32... if we didn't connect to an AP * ourselves, just scan once at boot. Then leave us on the AP channel. * * Do the callback for everyone to keep the heartbeat alive. */ if (!lws_esp32.inet && scan_defer++) { lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol(vhd->context, vhd->protocol); return; } scan_start(vhd); } static void reboot_timer_cb(TimerHandle_t t) { esp_restart(); } static int client_connection(struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan *vhd, const char *file) { #if defined(CONFIG_LWS_IS_FACTORY_APPLICATION) && defined(CONFIG_LWS_OTA_SERVER_BASE_URL) && \ defined(CONFIG_LWS_OTA_SERVER_FQDN) static struct lws_client_connect_info i; char path[256]; memset(&i, 0, sizeof i); snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, CONFIG_LWS_OTA_SERVER_BASE_URL "/" CONFIG_LWS_MODEL_NAME "/%s", file); lwsl_notice("Fetching %s\n", path); i.port = 443; i.context = vhd->context; i.address = CONFIG_LWS_OTA_SERVER_FQDN; i.ssl_connection = 1; i.host = i.address; i.origin = i.host; i.vhost = vhd->vhost; i.method = "GET"; i.path = path; i.protocol = "esplws-scan"; i.pwsi = &vhd->cwsi; vhd->cwsi = lws_client_connect_via_info(&i); if (!vhd->cwsi) { lwsl_notice("NULL return\n"); return 1; /* fail */ } #endif return 0; /* ongoing */ } static int lws_wifi_scan_rssi(struct lws_wifi_scan *p) { if (!p->count) return -127; return p->rssi / p->count; } /* * Insert new lws_wifi_scan into linkedlist in rssi-sorted order, trimming the * list if needed to keep it at or below max_aps entries. */ static int lws_wifi_scan_insert_trim(struct lws_wifi_scan **list, struct lws_wifi_scan *ns) { int count = 0, ins = 1, worst; struct lws_wifi_scan *newlist, **pworst, *pp1; lws_start_foreach_llp(struct lws_wifi_scan **, pp, *list) { /* try to find existing match */ if (!strcmp((*pp)->ssid, ns->ssid) && !memcmp((*pp)->bssid, ns->bssid, 6)) { if ((*pp)->count > 127) { (*pp)->count /= 2; (*pp)->rssi /= 2; } (*pp)->rssi += ns->rssi; (*pp)->count++; ins = 0; break; } } lws_end_foreach_llp(pp, next); if (ins) { lws_start_foreach_llp(struct lws_wifi_scan **, pp, *list) { /* trim any excess guys */ if (count++ >= max_aps - 1) { pp1 = *pp; *pp = (*pp)->next; free(pp1); continue; /* stay where we are */ } } lws_end_foreach_llp(pp, next); /* we are inserting... so alloc a copy of him */ pp1 = malloc(sizeof(*pp1)); if (!pp1) return -1; memcpy(pp1, ns, sizeof(*pp1)); pp1->next = *list; *list = pp1; } /* sort the list ... worst first, but added at the newlist head */ newlist = NULL; /* while anybody left on the old list */ while (*list) { worst = 0; pworst = NULL; /* who is the worst guy still left on the old list? */ lws_start_foreach_llp(struct lws_wifi_scan **, pp, *list) { if (lws_wifi_scan_rssi(*pp) <= worst) { worst = lws_wifi_scan_rssi(*pp); pworst = pp; } } lws_end_foreach_llp(pp, next); if (pworst) { /* move the worst to the head of the new list */ pp1 = *pworst; *pworst = (*pworst)->next; pp1->next = newlist; newlist = pp1; } } *list = newlist; return 0; } static void scan_finished(uint16_t count, wifi_ap_record_t *recs, void *v) { struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan *vhd = v; struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *p = vhd->live_pss_list; struct lws_wifi_scan lws; wifi_ap_record_t *r; int m; lwsl_notice("%s: count %d\n", __func__, count); vhd->scan_ongoing = 0; if (count < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(vhd->ap_records)) vhd->count_ap_records = count; else vhd->count_ap_records = LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(vhd->ap_records); memcpy(vhd->ap_records, recs, vhd->count_ap_records * sizeof(*recs)); while (p) { if (p->scan_state != SCAN_STATE_INITIAL && p->scan_state != SCAN_STATE_NONE) p->changed_partway = 1; else p->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_INITIAL; p = p->next; } /* convert to generic, cumulative scan results */ for (m = 0; m < vhd->count_ap_records; m++) { r = &vhd->ap_records[m]; lws.authmode = r->authmode; lws.channel = r->primary; lws.rssi = r->rssi; lws.count = 1; memcpy(&lws.bssid, r->bssid, 6); lws_strncpy(lws.ssid, (const char *)r->ssid, sizeof(lws.ssid)); lws_wifi_scan_insert_trim(&vhd->known_aps_list, &lws); } lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol(vhd->context, vhd->protocol); if (lws_esp32.inet && !vhd->cwsi && !vhd->checked_updates) client_connection(vhd, "manifest.json"); if (vhd->changed_settings) { lws_esp32_wlan_nvs_get(1); vhd->changed_settings = 0; } else esp_wifi_connect(); } static const char *ssl_names[] = { "ap-cert.pem", "ap-key.pem" }; static int file_upload_cb(void *data, const char *name, const char *filename, char *buf, int len, enum lws_spa_fileupload_states state) { struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *pss = (struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *)data; int n; switch (state) { case LWS_UFS_OPEN: if (lws_esp32_get_reboot_type() != LWS_MAGIC_REBOOT_TYPE_FORCED_FACTORY_BUTTON) return -1; lwsl_notice("LWS_UFS_OPEN Filename %s\n", filename); lws_strncpy(pss->filename, filename, sizeof(pss->filename)); if (!strcmp(name, "pub") || !strcmp(name, "pri")) { if (nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READWRITE, &pss->nvh)) return 1; } else return 1; pss->file_length = 0; break; case LWS_UFS_FINAL_CONTENT: case LWS_UFS_CONTENT: if (len) { /* if the file length is too big, drop it */ if (pss->file_length + len > sizeof(pss->buffer)) return 1; memcpy(pss->buffer + pss->file_length, buf, len); } pss->file_length += len; if (state == LWS_UFS_CONTENT) break; lwsl_notice("LWS_UFS_FINAL_CONTENT\n"); n = 0; if (!strcmp(name, "pri")) n = 1; lwsl_notice("writing %s\n", ssl_names[n]); n = nvs_set_blob(pss->nvh, ssl_names[n], pss->buffer, pss->file_length); if (n == ESP_OK) nvs_commit(pss->nvh); nvs_close(pss->nvh); if (n != ESP_OK) return 1; break; } return 0; } static int callback_esplws_scan(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *pss = (struct per_session_data__esplws_scan *)user; struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan *vhd = (struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan *) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(lws_get_vhost(wsi), lws_get_protocol(wsi)); unsigned char *start = pss->buffer + LWS_PRE - 1, *p = start, *end = pss->buffer + sizeof(pss->buffer) - 1; union lws_tls_cert_info_results ir; struct lws_wifi_scan *lwscan; char subject[64]; int n, m; nvs_handle nvh; size_t s; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT: vhd = lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc(lws_get_vhost(wsi), lws_get_protocol(wsi), sizeof(struct per_vhost_data__esplws_scan)); vhd->context = lws_get_context(wsi); vhd->protocol = lws_get_protocol(wsi); vhd->vhost = lws_get_vhost(wsi); vhd->timer = xTimerCreate("x", pdMS_TO_TICKS(10000), 1, vhd, (TimerCallbackFunction_t)timer_cb); vhd->scan_ongoing = 0; strcpy(vhd->json, " { }"); // scan_start(vhd); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY: if (!vhd) break; xTimerStop(vhd->timer, 0); xTimerDelete(vhd->timer, 0); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: lwsl_notice("%s: ESTABLISHED\n", __func__); if (!vhd->live_pss_list) { // scan_start(vhd); xTimerStart(vhd->timer, 0); } vhd->count_live_pss++; pss->next = vhd->live_pss_list; vhd->live_pss_list = pss; /* if we have scan results, update them. Otherwise wait */ // if (vhd->count_ap_records) { pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_INITIAL; lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); // } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE: if (vhd->autonomous_update_sampled) { p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, " {\n \"auton\":\"1\",\n \"pos\": \"%ld\",\n" " \"len\":\"%ld\"\n}\n", vhd->file_length, vhd->content_length); n = LWS_WRITE_TEXT; goto issue; } switch (pss->scan_state) { struct timeval t; uint8_t mac[6]; struct lws_esp32_image i; char img_factory[384], img_ota[384], group[16], role[16]; int grt; case SCAN_STATE_NONE: /* fallthru */ case SCAN_STATE_INITIAL: gettimeofday(&t, NULL); // if (t.tv_sec - pss->last_send.tv_sec < 10) // return 0; pss->last_send = t; if (nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READWRITE, &nvh)) { lwsl_err("unable to open nvs\n"); return -1; } n = 0; if (nvs_get_blob(nvh, "ap-cert.pem", NULL, &s) == ESP_OK) n = 1; if (nvs_get_blob(nvh, "ap-key.pem", NULL, &s) == ESP_OK) n |= 2; s = sizeof(group) - 1; group[0] = '\0'; role[0] = '\0'; nvs_get_str(nvh, "group", group, &s); nvs_get_str(nvh, "role", role, &s); nvs_close(nvh); ir.ns.name[0] = '\0'; subject[0] = '\0'; if (t.tv_sec > 1464083026 && !lws_tls_vhost_cert_info(vhd->vhost, LWS_TLS_CERT_INFO_VALIDITY_TO, &ir, 0)) { vhd->cert_remaining_days = (ir.time - t.tv_sec) / (24 * 3600); ir.ns.name[0] = '\0'; lws_tls_vhost_cert_info(vhd->vhost, LWS_TLS_CERT_INFO_COMMON_NAME, &ir, sizeof(ir.ns.name)); lws_strncpy(subject, ir.ns.name, sizeof(subject)); ir.ns.name[0] = '\0'; lws_tls_vhost_cert_info(vhd->vhost, LWS_TLS_CERT_INFO_ISSUER_NAME, &ir, sizeof(ir.ns.name)); } /* * this value in the JSON is just * used for UI indication. Each conditional feature confirms * it itself before it allows itself to be used. */ grt = lws_esp32_get_reboot_type(); esp_efuse_mac_get_default(mac); strcpy(img_factory, " { \"date\": \"Empty\" }"); strcpy(img_ota, " { \"date\": \"Empty\" }"); // if (grt != LWS_MAGIC_REBOOT_TYPE_FORCED_FACTORY_BUTTON) { lws_esp32_get_image_info(esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_APP, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_APP_FACTORY, NULL), &i, img_factory, sizeof(img_factory) - 1); img_factory[sizeof(img_factory) - 1] = '\0'; if (img_factory[0] == 0xff || strlen(img_factory) < 8) strcpy(img_factory, " { \"date\": \"Empty\" }"); lws_esp32_get_image_info(esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_APP, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_APP_OTA_0, NULL), &i, img_ota, sizeof(img_ota) - 1); img_ota[sizeof(img_ota) - 1] = '\0'; if (img_ota[0] == 0xff || strlen(img_ota) < 8) strcpy(img_ota, " { \"date\": \"Empty\" }"); // } p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, "{ \"model\":\"%s\",\n" " \"forced_button\":\"%d\",\n" " \"serial\":\"%s\",\n" " \"opts\":\"%s\",\n" " \"host\":\"%s-%s\",\n" " \"region\":\"%d\",\n" " \"ssl_pub\":\"%d\",\n" " \"ssl_pri\":\"%d\",\n" " \"mac\":\"%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\",\n" " \"ssid\":\"%s\",\n" " \"conn_ip\":\"%s\",\n" " \"conn_mask\":\"%s\",\n" " \"conn_gw\":\"%s\",\n" " \"certdays\":\"%d\",\n" " \"unixtime\":\"%llu\",\n" " \"certissuer\":\"%s\",\n" " \"certsubject\":\"%s\",\n" " \"le_dns\":\"%s\",\n" " \"le_email\":\"%s\",\n" " \"acme_state\":\"%d\",\n" " \"acme_msg\":\"%s\",\n" " \"button\":\"%d\",\n" " \"group\":\"%s\",\n" " \"role\":\"%s\",\n", lws_esp32.model, grt == LWS_MAGIC_REBOOT_TYPE_FORCED_FACTORY_BUTTON, lws_esp32.serial, lws_esp32.opts, lws_esp32.model, lws_esp32.serial, lws_esp32.region, n & 1, (n >> 1) & 1, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5] | 1, lws_esp32.active_ssid, lws_esp32.sta_ip, lws_esp32.sta_mask, lws_esp32.sta_gw, vhd->cert_remaining_days, (unsigned long long)t.tv_sec, ir.ns.name, subject, lws_esp32.le_dns, lws_esp32.le_email, vhd->acme_state, vhd->acme_msg, ((volatile struct lws_esp32 *)(&lws_esp32))->button_is_down, group, role); p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, " \"img_factory\": %s,\n" " \"img_ota\": %s,\n", img_factory, img_ota ); n = LWS_WRITE_TEXT | LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN; pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_INITIAL_MANIFEST; pss->ap_record = 0; pss->subsequent = 0; break; case SCAN_STATE_INITIAL_MANIFEST: p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, " \"latest\": %s,\n" " \"inet\":\"%d\",\n", vhd->json, lws_esp32.inet ); p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, " \"known\":[\n"); n = LWS_WRITE_CONTINUATION | LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN; pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_KNOWN; break; case SCAN_STATE_KNOWN: if (nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READONLY, &nvh)) { lwsl_notice("unable to open nvh\n"); return -1; } for (m = 0; m < 4; m++) { char name[10], ssid[65]; unsigned int pp = 0, use = 0; if (m) *p++ = ','; s = sizeof(ssid) - 1; ssid[0] = '\0'; lws_snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%dssid", m); nvs_get_str(nvh, name, ssid, &s); lws_snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%dpassword", m); s = 10; nvs_get_str(nvh, name, NULL, &s); pp = !!s; lws_snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "%duse", m); nvs_get_u32(nvh, name, &use); p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, "{\"ssid\":\"%s\",\n" " \"pp\":\"%u\",\n" "\"use\":\"%u\"}\n", ssid, pp, use); } nvs_close(nvh); pss->ap_record = 0; p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, "], \"aps\":[\n"); n = LWS_WRITE_CONTINUATION | LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN; pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_LIST; break; case SCAN_STATE_LIST: lwscan = vhd->known_aps_list; n = pss->ap_record; while (lwscan && n--) lwscan = lwscan->next; for (m = 0; m < 6; m++) { n = LWS_WRITE_CONTINUATION | LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN; if (!lwscan) goto scan_state_final; if (pss->subsequent) *p++ = ','; pss->subsequent = 1; pss->ap_record++; p += snprintf((char *)p, end - p, "{\"ssid\":\"%s\",\n" "\"bssid\":\"%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\",\n" "\"rssi\":\"%d\",\n" "\"chan\":\"%d\",\n" "\"auth\":\"%d\"}\n", lwscan->ssid, lwscan->bssid[0], lwscan->bssid[1], lwscan->bssid[2], lwscan->bssid[3], lwscan->bssid[4], lwscan->bssid[5], lws_wifi_scan_rssi(lwscan), lwscan->channel, lwscan->authmode); lwscan = lwscan->next; if (!lwscan) pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_FINAL; } break; case SCAN_STATE_FINAL: scan_state_final: n = LWS_WRITE_CONTINUATION; p += sprintf((char *)p, "]\n}\n"); if (pss->changed_partway) { pss->changed_partway = 0; pss->subsequent = 0; pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_INITIAL; } else { pss->scan_state = SCAN_STATE_NONE; vhd->autonomous_update_sampled = vhd->autonomous_update; } break; default: return 0; } issue: m = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)start, p - start, n); if (m < 0) { lwsl_err("ERROR %d writing to di socket\n", m); return -1; } if (pss->scan_state != SCAN_STATE_NONE) lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_VHOST_CERT_UPDATE: lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_VHOST_CERT_UPDATE: %d\n", (int)len); vhd->acme_state = (int)len; if (in) { lws_strncpy(vhd->acme_msg, in, sizeof(vhd->acme_msg)); lwsl_notice("acme_msg: %s\n", (char *)in); } lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol_vhost(vhd->vhost, vhd->protocol); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE: { const char *sect = "\"app\": {", *b; nvs_handle nvh; char p[64], use[6]; int n, si = -1; if (strstr((const char *)in, "identify")) { lws_esp32_identify_physical_device(); break; } if (vhd->json_len && strstr((const char *)in, "update-factory")) { sect = "\"factory\": {"; goto auton; } if (vhd->json_len && strstr((const char *)in, "update-ota")) goto auton; if (strstr((const char *)in, "\"reset\"")) goto sched_reset; if (!strncmp((const char *)in, "{\"job\":\"start-le\"", 17)) goto start_le; if (nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READWRITE, &nvh) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to open nvs\n"); break; } if (!esplws_simple_arg(p, sizeof(p), in, ",\"slot\":\"")) si = atoi(p); lwsl_notice("si %d\n", si); for (n = 0; n < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(store_json); n++) { if (esplws_simple_arg(p, sizeof(p), in, store_json[n].j)) continue; /* only change access password if he has physical access to device */ if (n == 8 && lws_esp32_get_reboot_type() != LWS_MAGIC_REBOOT_TYPE_FORCED_FACTORY_BUTTON) continue; if (lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, store_json[n].nvs, p) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to store %s in nvm\n", store_json[n].nvs); goto bail_nvs; } if (si != -1 && n < 8) { if (!(n & 1)) { lws_strncpy(lws_esp32.ssid[(n >> 1) & 3], p, sizeof(lws_esp32.ssid[0])); lws_snprintf(use, sizeof(use) - 1, "%duse", si); lwsl_notice("resetting %s to 0\n", use); nvs_set_u32(nvh, use, 0); } else lws_strncpy(lws_esp32.password[(n >> 1) & 3], p, sizeof(lws_esp32.password[0])); } } nvs_commit(nvh); nvs_close(nvh); if (strstr((const char *)in, "\"factory-reset\"")) { if (lws_esp32_get_reboot_type() == LWS_MAGIC_REBOOT_TYPE_FORCED_FACTORY_BUTTON) { lwsl_notice("Doing factory reset\n"); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READWRITE, &nvh)); n = nvs_erase_all(nvh); if (n) lwsl_notice("erase_all failed %d\n", n); nvs_commit(nvh); nvs_close(nvh); goto sched_reset; } else lwsl_notice("failed on factory button boot\n"); } if (vhd->scan_ongoing) vhd->changed_settings = 1; else lws_esp32_wlan_nvs_get(1); lwsl_notice("set Join AP info\n"); break; bail_nvs: nvs_close(nvh); return 1; sched_reset: vhd->reboot_timer = xTimerCreate("x", pdMS_TO_TICKS(250), 0, vhd, (TimerCallbackFunction_t)reboot_timer_cb); xTimerStart(vhd->reboot_timer, 0); return 1; auton: lwsl_notice("Autonomous upload\n"); b = strstr(vhd->json, sect); if (!b) { lwsl_notice("Can't find %s in JSON\n", sect); return 1; } b = strstr(b, "\"file\": \""); if (!b) { lwsl_notice("Can't find \"file\": JSON\n"); return 1; } vhd->autonomous_update = 1; if (pss->scan_state == SCAN_STATE_NONE) vhd->autonomous_update_sampled = 1; b += 9; n = 0; while ((*b != '\"') && n < sizeof(p) - 1) p[n++] = *b++; p[n] = '\0'; vhd->part = ota_choose_part(); if (!vhd->part) return 1; if (client_connection(vhd, p)) vhd->autonomous_update = 0; break; start_le: lws_esp32.acme = 1; /* hold off scanning */ puts(in); /* * {"job":"start-le","cn":"home.warmcat.com", * "email":"andy@warmcat.com", "staging":"true"} */ if (nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READWRITE, &nvh) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to open nvs\n"); break; } n = 0; b = strstr(in, ",\"cn\":\""); if (b) { b += 7; while (*b && *b != '\"' && n < sizeof(lws_esp32.le_dns) - 1) lws_esp32.le_dns[n++] = *b++; } lws_esp32.le_dns[n] = '\0'; lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, "acme-cn", lws_esp32.le_dns); n = 0; b = strstr(in, ",\"email\":\""); if (b) { b += 10; while (*b && *b != '\"' && n < sizeof(lws_esp32.le_email) - 1) lws_esp32.le_email[n++] = *b++; } lws_esp32.le_email[n] = '\0'; lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, "acme-email", lws_esp32.le_email); nvs_commit(nvh); nvs_close(nvh); n = 1; b = strstr(in, ",\"staging\":\""); if (b) lwsl_notice("staging: %s\n", b); if (b && b[12] == 'f') n = 0; lwsl_notice("cn: %s, email: %s, staging: %d\n", lws_esp32.le_dns, lws_esp32.le_email, n); { struct lws_acme_cert_aging_args caa; memset(&caa, 0, sizeof(caa)); caa.vh = vhd->vhost; caa.element_overrides[LWS_TLS_REQ_ELEMENT_COMMON_NAME] = lws_esp32.le_dns; caa.element_overrides[LWS_TLS_REQ_ELEMENT_EMAIL] = lws_esp32.le_email; if (n) caa.element_overrides[LWS_TLS_SET_DIR_URL] = "https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"; /* staging */ else caa.element_overrides[LWS_TLS_SET_DIR_URL] = "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"; /* real */ lws_callback_vhost_protocols_vhost(vhd->vhost, LWS_CALLBACK_VHOST_CERT_AGING, (void *)&caa, 0); } break; } case LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED: { struct per_session_data__esplws_scan **p = &vhd->live_pss_list; while (*p) { if ((*p) == pss) { *p = pss->next; continue; } p = &((*p)->next); } vhd->count_live_pss--; } if (!vhd->live_pss_list) xTimerStop(vhd->timer, 0); break; /* "factory" POST handling */ case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY: /* create the POST argument parser if not already existing */ if (!pss->spa) { pss->spa = lws_spa_create(wsi, param_names, LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(param_names), 1024, file_upload_cb, pss); if (!pss->spa) return -1; pss->filename[0] = '\0'; pss->file_length = 0; } //puts((const char *)in); /* let it parse the POST data */ if (lws_spa_process(pss->spa, in, len)) return -1; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION: lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION (scan)\n"); /* call to inform no more payload data coming */ lws_spa_finalize(pss->spa); for (n = 0; n < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(param_names); n++) if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, n)) lwsl_notice(" Param %s: %s\n", param_names[n], lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, n)); else lwsl_notice(" Param %s: (none)\n", param_names[n]); if (nvs_open("lws-station", NVS_READWRITE, &nvh) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to open nvs\n"); break; } if (lws_esp32_get_reboot_type() == LWS_MAGIC_REBOOT_TYPE_FORCED_FACTORY_BUTTON) { if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_SERIAL)) { if (lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, "serial", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_SERIAL)) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to store serial in nvm\n"); goto bail_nvs; } nvs_commit(nvh); } if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_OPTS)) { if (lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, "opts", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_OPTS)) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to store options in nvm\n"); goto bail_nvs; } nvs_commit(nvh); } } if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_GROUP)) { if (lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, "group", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_GROUP)) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to store group in nvm\n"); goto bail_nvs; } nvs_commit(nvh); } if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_ROLE)) { if (lws_nvs_set_str(nvh, "role", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, EPN_ROLE)) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to store group in nvm\n"); goto bail_nvs; } nvs_commit(nvh); } nvs_close(nvh); pss->result_len = snprintf(pss->result + LWS_PRE, sizeof(pss->result) - LWS_PRE - 1, "OK"); if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_OK, &p, end)) goto bail; if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, (unsigned char *)"text/html", 9, &p, end)) goto bail; if (lws_add_http_header_content_length(wsi, pss->result_len, &p, end)) goto bail; if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end)) goto bail; n = lws_write(wsi, start, p - start, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS); goto bail; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_WRITEABLE: lwsl_debug("LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_WRITEABLE: sending %d\n", pss->result_len); if (!pss->result_len) break; n = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)pss->result + LWS_PRE, pss->result_len, LWS_WRITE_HTTP); if (n < 0) return 1; vhd->reboot_timer = xTimerCreate("x", pdMS_TO_TICKS(3000), 0, vhd, (TimerCallbackFunction_t)reboot_timer_cb); xTimerStart(vhd->reboot_timer, 0); return 1; // hang up since we will reset /* ----- client handling ----- */ case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR: lwsl_notice("Client connection error %s\n", (char *)in); vhd->cwsi = NULL; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED_CLIENT_HTTP: if (!vhd->autonomous_update) break; { char pp[20]; if (lws_hdr_copy(wsi, pp, sizeof(pp) - 1, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH) < 0) return -1; vhd->content_length = atoi(pp); if (vhd->content_length <= 0 || vhd->content_length > vhd->part->size) return -1; if (esp_ota_begin(vhd->part, (long)-1, &vhd->otahandle) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("OTA: Failed to begin\n"); return 1; } vhd->file_length = 0; break; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP_READ: //lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP_READ: %ld\n", // (long)len); if (!vhd->autonomous_update) { if (sizeof(vhd->json) - vhd->json_len - 1 < len) len = sizeof(vhd->json) - vhd->json_len - 1; memcpy(vhd->json + vhd->json_len, in, len); vhd->json_len += len; vhd->json[vhd->json_len] = '\0'; break; } /* autonomous download */ if (vhd->file_length + len > vhd->part->size) { lwsl_err("OTA: incoming file too large\n"); goto abort_ota; } lwsl_debug("writing 0x%lx... 0x%lx\n", vhd->part->address + vhd->file_length, vhd->part->address + vhd->file_length + len); if (esp_ota_write(vhd->otahandle, in, len) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("OTA: Failed to write\n"); goto abort_ota; } vhd->file_length += len; lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol(vhd->context, vhd->protocol); break; abort_ota: esp_ota_end(vhd->otahandle); vhd->otahandle = 0; vhd->autonomous_update = 0; return 1; case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP: { char *px = (char *)pss->buffer + LWS_PRE; int lenx = sizeof(pss->buffer) - LWS_PRE - 1; //lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP: %d\n", len); if (lws_http_client_read(wsi, &px, &lenx) < 0) return -1; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_COMPLETED_CLIENT_HTTP: lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_COMPLETED_CLIENT_HTTP\n"); vhd->cwsi = NULL; if (!vhd->autonomous_update) { vhd->checked_updates = 1; puts(vhd->json); return -1; } /* autonomous download */ lwsl_notice("auton complete\n"); if (esp_ota_end(vhd->otahandle) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("OTA: end failed\n"); return 1; } if (esp_ota_set_boot_partition(vhd->part) != ESP_OK) { lwsl_err("OTA: set boot part failed\n"); return 1; } vhd->otahandle = 0; vhd->autonomous_update = 0; vhd->reboot_timer = xTimerCreate("x", pdMS_TO_TICKS(250), 0, vhd, (TimerCallbackFunction_t)reboot_timer_cb); xTimerStart(vhd->reboot_timer, 0); return -1; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED_CLIENT_HTTP: lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED_CLIENT_HTTP\n"); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_DROP_PROTOCOL: /* called when our wsi user_space is going to be destroyed */ if (pss->spa) { lws_spa_destroy(pss->spa); pss->spa = NULL; } break; default: break; } return 0; bail: return 1; } #define LWS_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_ESPLWS_SCAN \ { \ "esplws-scan", \ callback_esplws_scan, \ sizeof(struct per_session_data__esplws_scan), \ 1024, 0, NULL, 900 \ }