/* * ws protocol handler plugin for "generic sessions" * * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Andy Green * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation: * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "private-lwsgs.h" #include /* keep changes in sync with the enum in lwsgs.h */ static const char * const param_names[] = { "username", "password", "password2", "email", "register", "good", "bad", "reg-good", "reg-bad", "admin", "forgot", "forgot-good", "forgot-bad", "forgot-post-good", "forgot-post-bad", "change", "curpw", "delete" }; struct lwsgs_fill_args { char *buf; int len; }; static const struct lws_protocols protocols[]; static int lwsgs_lookup_callback_email(void *priv, int cols, char **col_val, char **col_name) { struct lwsgs_fill_args *a = (struct lwsgs_fill_args *)priv; int n; for (n = 0; n < cols; n++) { if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "content")) { lws_strncpy(a->buf, col_val[n], a->len); continue; } } return 0; } static int lwsgs_email_cb_get_body(struct lws_email *email, char *buf, int len) { struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd = (struct per_vhost_data__gs *)email->data; struct lwsgs_fill_args a; char ss[150], esc[50]; a.buf = buf; a.len = len; lws_snprintf(ss, sizeof(ss) - 1, "select content from email where username='%s';", lws_sql_purify(esc, vhd->u.username, sizeof(esc) - 1)); lws_strncpy(buf, "failed", len); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, ss, lwsgs_lookup_callback_email, &a, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup email: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } return 0; } static int lwsgs_email_cb_sent(struct lws_email *email) { struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd = (struct per_vhost_data__gs *)email->data; char s[200], esc[50]; /* mark the user as having sent the verification email */ lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "update users set verified=1 where username='%s' and verified==0;", lws_sql_purify(esc, vhd->u.username, sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("%s: Unable to update user: %s\n", __func__, sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "delete from email where username='%s';", lws_sql_purify(esc, vhd->u.username, sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("%s: Unable to delete email text: %s\n", __func__, sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } return 0; } static int lwsgs_email_cb_on_next(struct lws_email *email) { struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd = lws_container_of(email, struct per_vhost_data__gs, email); char s[LWSGS_EMAIL_CONTENT_SIZE], esc[50]; time_t now = lws_now_secs(); /* * users not verified in 24h get deleted */ lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "delete from users where ((verified != %d)" " and (creation_time <= %lu));", LWSGS_VERIFIED_ACCEPTED, (unsigned long)now - vhd->timeout_email_secs); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to expire users: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "update users set token_time=0 where " "(token_time <= %lu);", (unsigned long)now - vhd->timeout_email_secs); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to expire users: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } vhd->u.username[0] = '\0'; lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select username from email limit 1;"); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, lwsgs_lookup_callback_user, &vhd->u, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup user: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select username, creation_time, email, ip, verified, token" " from users where username='%s' limit 1;", lws_sql_purify(esc, vhd->u.username, sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, lwsgs_lookup_callback_user, &vhd->u, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup user: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } if (!vhd->u.username[0]) /* * nothing to do, we are idle and no suitable * accounts waiting for verification. When a new user * is added we will get kicked to try again. */ return 1; lws_strncpy(email->email_to, vhd->u.email, sizeof(email->email_to)); return 0; } struct lwsgs_subst_args { struct per_session_data__gs *pss; struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd; struct lws *wsi; }; static const char * lwsgs_subst(void *data, int index) { struct lwsgs_subst_args *a = (struct lwsgs_subst_args *)data; struct lwsgs_user u; lwsgw_hash sid; char esc[50], s[100]; int n; a->pss->result[0] = '\0'; u.email[0] = '\0'; if (!lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(a->wsi, &sid)) { if (lwsgs_lookup_session(a->vhd, &sid, a->pss->result, 31)) { lwsl_notice("sid lookup for %s failed\n", sid.id); a->pss->delete_session = sid; return NULL; } lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select username,email " "from users where username = '%s';", lws_sql_purify(esc, a->pss->result, sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(a->vhd->pdb, s, lwsgs_lookup_callback_user, &u, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup token: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(a->vhd->pdb)); a->pss->delete_session = sid; return NULL; } } else lwsl_notice("no sid\n"); lws_strncpy(a->pss->result + 32, u.email, 100); switch (index) { case 0: return a->pss->result; case 1: n = lwsgs_get_auth_level(a->vhd, a->pss->result); sprintf(a->pss->result, "%d", n); return a->pss->result; case 2: return a->pss->result + 32; } return NULL; } static int callback_generic_sessions(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { struct per_session_data__gs *pss = (struct per_session_data__gs *)user; const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo; struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd = (struct per_vhost_data__gs *) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(lws_get_vhost(wsi), &protocols[0]); char cookie[1024], username[32], *pc = cookie; unsigned char buffer[LWS_PRE + LWSGS_EMAIL_CONTENT_SIZE]; struct lws_process_html_args *args; struct lws_session_info *sinfo; char s[LWSGS_EMAIL_CONTENT_SIZE]; unsigned char *p, *start, *end; sqlite3_stmt *sm; lwsgw_hash sid; const char *cp; int n; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT: /* per vhost */ vhd = lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc(lws_get_vhost(wsi), &protocols[0], sizeof(struct per_vhost_data__gs)); if (!vhd) return 1; vhd->context = lws_get_context(wsi); /* defaults */ vhd->timeout_idle_secs = 600; vhd->timeout_absolute_secs = 36000; vhd->timeout_anon_absolute_secs = 1200; vhd->timeout_email_secs = 24 * 3600; strcpy(vhd->email.email_helo, "unconfigured.com"); strcpy(vhd->email.email_from, "noreply@unconfigured.com"); strcpy(vhd->email_title, "Registration Email from unconfigured"); strcpy(vhd->email.email_smtp_ip, ""); vhd->email.on_next = lwsgs_email_cb_on_next; vhd->email.on_get_body = lwsgs_email_cb_get_body; vhd->email.on_sent = lwsgs_email_cb_sent; vhd->email.data = (void *)vhd; pvo = (const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *)in; while (pvo) { if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "admin-user")) lws_strncpy(vhd->admin_user, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->admin_user)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "admin-password-sha1")) lws_strncpy(vhd->admin_password_sha1.id, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->admin_password_sha1.id)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "session-db")) lws_strncpy(vhd->session_db, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->session_db)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "confounder")) lws_strncpy(vhd->confounder, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->confounder)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-from")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email.email_from, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email.email_from)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-helo")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email.email_helo, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email.email_helo)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-template")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email_template, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email_template)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-title")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email_title, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email_title)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-contact-person")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email_contact_person, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email_contact_person)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-confirm-url-base")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email_confirm_url, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email_confirm_url)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-server-ip")) lws_strncpy(vhd->email.email_smtp_ip, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->email.email_smtp_ip)); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "timeout-idle-secs")) vhd->timeout_idle_secs = atoi(pvo->value); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "timeout-absolute-secs")) vhd->timeout_absolute_secs = atoi(pvo->value); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "timeout-anon-absolute-secs")) vhd->timeout_anon_absolute_secs = atoi(pvo->value); if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "email-expire")) vhd->timeout_email_secs = atoi(pvo->value); pvo = pvo->next; } if (!vhd->admin_user[0] || !vhd->admin_password_sha1.id[0] || !vhd->session_db[0]) { lwsl_err("generic-sessions: " "You must give \"admin-user\", " "\"admin-password-sha1\", " "and \"session_db\" per-vhost options\n"); return 1; } if (sqlite3_open_v2(vhd->session_db, &vhd->pdb, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to open session db %s: %s\n", vhd->session_db, sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } if (sqlite3_prepare(vhd->pdb, "create table if not exists sessions (" " name char(40)," " username varchar(32)," " expire integer" ");", -1, &sm, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to prepare session table init: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } if (sqlite3_step(sm) != SQLITE_DONE) { lwsl_err("Unable to run session table init: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } sqlite3_finalize(sm); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, "create table if not exists users (" " username varchar(32)," " creation_time integer," " ip varchar(46)," " email varchar(100)," " pwhash varchar(42)," " pwsalt varchar(42)," " pwchange_time integer," " token varchar(42)," " verified integer," " token_time integer," " last_forgot_validated integer," " primary key (username)" ");", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to create user table: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } sprintf(s, "create table if not exists email (" " username varchar(32)," " content blob," " primary key (username)" ");"); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to create user table: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } lws_email_init(&vhd->email, lws_uv_getloop(vhd->context, 0), LWSGS_EMAIL_CONTENT_SIZE); vhd->email_inited = 1; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY: // lwsl_notice("gs: LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY: v=%p, ctx=%p\n", vhd, vhd->context); if (vhd->pdb) { sqlite3_close(vhd->pdb); vhd->pdb = NULL; } if (vhd->email_inited) { lws_email_destroy(&vhd->email); vhd->email_inited = 0; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_WRITEABLE: if (!pss->check_response) break; n = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)&pss->check_response_value, 1, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_FINAL); if (n != 1) return -1; goto try_to_reuse; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP: lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP: %s\n", (const char *)in); pss->login_session.id[0] = '\0'; pss->phs.pos = 0; lws_strncpy(pss->onward, (char *)in, sizeof(pss->onward)); if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-forgot")) { lwsgs_handler_forgot(vhd, wsi, pss); goto redirect_with_cookie; } if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-confirm")) { lwsgs_handler_confirm(vhd, wsi, pss); goto redirect_with_cookie; } if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-check")) { lwsgs_handler_check(vhd, wsi, pss); /* second, async part will complete transaction */ break; } if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-login")) break; if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-logout")) break; if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-forgot")) break; if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/lwsgs-change")) break; /* if no legitimate url for GET, return 404 */ lwsl_err("http doing 404 on %s\n", (const char *)in); lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, NULL); return -1; //goto try_to_reuse; case LWS_CALLBACK_CHECK_ACCESS_RIGHTS: n = 0; username[0] = '\0'; sid.id[0] = '\0'; args = (struct lws_process_html_args *)in; lwsl_debug("LWS_CALLBACK_CHECK_ACCESS_RIGHTS\n"); if (!lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(wsi, &sid)) { if (lwsgs_lookup_session(vhd, &sid, username, sizeof(username))) { static const char * const oprot[] = { "http://", "https://" }; lwsl_notice("session lookup for %s failed, probably expired\n", sid.id); pss->delete_session = sid; args->final = 1; /* signal we dealt with it */ if (lws_hdr_copy(wsi, cookie, sizeof(cookie) - 1, WSI_TOKEN_HOST) < 0) return 1; lws_snprintf(pss->onward, sizeof(pss->onward) - 1, "%s%s%s", oprot[!!lws_is_ssl(wsi)], cookie, args->p); lwsl_notice("redirecting to ourselves with cookie refresh\n"); /* we need a redirect to ourselves, session cookie is expired */ goto redirect_with_cookie; } } else lwsl_notice("failed to get sid from wsi\n"); n = lwsgs_get_auth_level(vhd, username); if ((args->max_len & n) != args->max_len) { lwsl_notice("Access rights fail 0x%X vs 0x%X (cookie %s)\n", args->max_len, n, sid.id); return 1; } lwsl_debug("Access rights OK\n"); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_SESSION_INFO: { struct lwsgs_user u; sinfo = (struct lws_session_info *)in; sinfo->username[0] = '\0'; sinfo->email[0] = '\0'; sinfo->ip[0] = '\0'; sinfo->session[0] = '\0'; sinfo->mask = 0; sid.id[0] = '\0'; lwsl_debug("LWS_CALLBACK_SESSION_INFO\n"); if (lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(wsi, &sid)) break; if (lwsgs_lookup_session(vhd, &sid, username, sizeof(username))) break; lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select username, email from users where username='%s';", username); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, lwsgs_lookup_callback_user, &u, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup token: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); break; } lws_strncpy(sinfo->username, u.username, sizeof(sinfo->username)); lws_strncpy(sinfo->email, u.email, sizeof(sinfo->email)); lws_strncpy(sinfo->session, sid.id, sizeof(sinfo->session)); sinfo->mask = lwsgs_get_auth_level(vhd, username); lws_get_peer_simple(wsi, sinfo->ip, sizeof(sinfo->ip)); } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_PROCESS_HTML: args = (struct lws_process_html_args *)in; { static const char * const vars[] = { "$lwsgs_user", "$lwsgs_auth", "$lwsgs_email" }; struct lwsgs_subst_args a; a.vhd = vhd; a.pss = pss; a.wsi = wsi; pss->phs.vars = vars; pss->phs.count_vars = ARRAY_SIZE(vars); pss->phs.replace = lwsgs_subst; pss->phs.data = &a; if (lws_chunked_html_process(args, &pss->phs)) return -1; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY: if (len < 2) break; if (!pss->spa) { pss->spa = lws_spa_create(wsi, param_names, ARRAY_SIZE(param_names), 1024, NULL, NULL); if (!pss->spa) return -1; } if (lws_spa_process(pss->spa, in, len)) { lwsl_notice("spa process blew\n"); return -1; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION: if (!pss->spa) break; lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION: %s\n", pss->onward); lws_spa_finalize(pss->spa); if (!strcmp((char *)pss->onward, "/lwsgs-change")) { if (!lwsgs_handler_change_password(vhd, wsi, pss)) { cp = lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_GOOD); goto pass; } cp = lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_BAD); lwsl_notice("user/password no good %s\n", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME)); lws_strncpy(pss->onward, cp, sizeof(pss->onward) - 1); pss->onward[sizeof(pss->onward) - 1] = '\0'; goto completion_flow; } if (!strcmp((char *)pss->onward, "/lwsgs-login")) { if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_FORGOT) && lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_FORGOT)[0]) { if (lwsgs_handler_forgot_pw_form(vhd, wsi, pss)) { n = FGS_FORGOT_BAD; goto reg_done; } /* get the email monitor to take a look */ lws_email_check(&vhd->email); n = FGS_FORGOT_GOOD; goto reg_done; } if (!lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME) || !lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_PASSWORD)) { lwsl_notice("username '%s' or pw '%s' missing\n", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME), lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_PASSWORD)); return -1; } if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_REGISTER) && lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_REGISTER)[0]) { if (lwsgs_handler_register_form(vhd, wsi, pss)) n = FGS_REG_BAD; else { n = FGS_REG_GOOD; /* get the email monitor to take a look */ lws_email_check(&vhd->email); } reg_done: lws_strncpy(pss->onward, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, n), sizeof(pss->onward)); pss->login_expires = 0; pss->logging_out = 1; goto completion_flow; } /* we have the username and password... check if admin */ if (lwsgw_check_admin(vhd, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME), lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_PASSWORD))) { if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_ADMIN)) cp = lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_ADMIN); else if (lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_GOOD)) cp = lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_GOOD); else { lwsl_info("No admin or good target url in form\n"); return -1; } lwsl_debug("admin\n"); goto pass; } /* check users in database */ if (!lwsgs_check_credentials(vhd, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME), lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_PASSWORD))) { lwsl_info("pw hash check met\n"); cp = lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_GOOD); goto pass; } else lwsl_notice("user/password no good %s\n", lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME)); if (!lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_BAD)) { lwsl_info("No admin or good target url in form\n"); return -1; } lws_strncpy(pss->onward, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_BAD), sizeof(pss->onward)); lwsl_debug("failed\n"); goto completion_flow; } if (!strcmp((char *)pss->onward, "/lwsgs-logout")) { lwsl_notice("/logout\n"); if (lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(wsi, &pss->login_session)) { lwsl_notice("not logged in...\n"); return 1; } lwsgw_update_session(vhd, &pss->login_session, ""); if (!lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_GOOD)) { lwsl_info("No admin or good target url in form\n"); return -1; } lws_strncpy(pss->onward, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_GOOD), sizeof(pss->onward)); pss->login_expires = 0; pss->logging_out = 1; goto completion_flow; } break; pass: lws_strncpy(pss->onward, cp, sizeof(pss->onward)); if (lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(wsi, &sid)) sid.id[0] = '\0'; pss->login_expires = lws_now_secs() + vhd->timeout_absolute_secs; if (!sid.id[0]) { /* we need to create a new, authorized session */ if (lwsgs_new_session_id(vhd, &pss->login_session, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME), pss->login_expires)) goto try_to_reuse; lwsl_info("Creating new session: %s\n", pss->login_session.id); } else { /* * we can just update the existing session to be * authorized */ lwsl_info("Authorizing existing session %s", sid.id); lwsgw_update_session(vhd, &sid, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, FGS_USERNAME)); pss->login_session = sid; } completion_flow: lwsgw_expire_old_sessions(vhd); goto redirect_with_cookie; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_DROP_PROTOCOL: if (pss && pss->spa) { lws_spa_destroy(pss->spa); pss->spa = NULL; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_ADD_HEADERS: lwsgw_expire_old_sessions(vhd); args = (struct lws_process_html_args *)in; if (!pss) return 1; if (pss->delete_session.id[0]) { pc = cookie; lwsgw_cookie_from_session(&pss->delete_session, 0, &pc, cookie + sizeof(cookie) - 1); lwsl_info("deleting cookie '%s'\n", cookie); if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (unsigned char *)"set-cookie:", (unsigned char *)cookie, pc - cookie, (unsigned char **)&args->p, (unsigned char *)args->p + args->max_len)) return 1; } if (!pss->login_session.id[0]) lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(wsi, &pss->login_session); if (!pss->login_session.id[0] && !pss->logging_out) { pss->login_expires = lws_now_secs() + vhd->timeout_anon_absolute_secs; if (lwsgs_new_session_id(vhd, &pss->login_session, "", pss->login_expires)) goto try_to_reuse; pc = cookie; lwsgw_cookie_from_session(&pss->login_session, pss->login_expires, &pc, cookie + sizeof(cookie) - 1); lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_ADD_HEADERS: setting cookie '%s'\n", cookie); if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (unsigned char *)"set-cookie:", (unsigned char *)cookie, pc - cookie, (unsigned char **)&args->p, (unsigned char *)args->p + args->max_len)) return 1; } break; default: break; } return 0; redirect_with_cookie: p = buffer + LWS_PRE; start = p; end = p + sizeof(buffer) - LWS_PRE; if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_SEE_OTHER, &p, end)) return 1; if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_LOCATION, (unsigned char *)pss->onward, strlen(pss->onward), &p, end)) return 1; if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, (unsigned char *)"text/html", 9, &p, end)) return 1; if (lws_add_http_header_content_length(wsi, 0, &p, end)) return 1; if (pss->delete_session.id[0]) { lwsgw_cookie_from_session(&pss->delete_session, 0, &pc, cookie + sizeof(cookie) - 1); lwsl_notice("deleting cookie '%s'\n", cookie); if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (unsigned char *)"set-cookie:", (unsigned char *)cookie, pc - cookie, &p, end)) return 1; } if (!pss->login_session.id[0]) { pss->login_expires = lws_now_secs() + vhd->timeout_anon_absolute_secs; if (lwsgs_new_session_id(vhd, &pss->login_session, "", pss->login_expires)) return 1; } else pss->login_expires = lws_now_secs() + vhd->timeout_absolute_secs; if (pss->login_session.id[0] || pss->logging_out) { /* * we succeeded to login, we must issue a login * cookie with the prepared data */ pc = cookie; lwsgw_cookie_from_session(&pss->login_session, pss->login_expires, &pc, cookie + sizeof(cookie) - 1); lwsl_info("setting cookie '%s'\n", cookie); pss->logging_out = 0; if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (unsigned char *)"set-cookie:", (unsigned char *)cookie, pc - cookie, &p, end)) return 1; } if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end)) return 1; n = lws_write(wsi, start, p - start, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS); if (n < 0) return 1; /* fallthru */ try_to_reuse: if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi)) return -1; return 0; } static const struct lws_protocols protocols[] = { { "protocol-generic-sessions", callback_generic_sessions, sizeof(struct per_session_data__gs), 1024, }, }; LWS_EXTERN LWS_VISIBLE int init_protocol_generic_sessions(struct lws_context *context, struct lws_plugin_capability *c) { if (c->api_magic != LWS_PLUGIN_API_MAGIC) { lwsl_err("Plugin API %d, library API %d", LWS_PLUGIN_API_MAGIC, c->api_magic); return 1; } c->protocols = protocols; c->count_protocols = ARRAY_SIZE(protocols); c->extensions = NULL; c->count_extensions = 0; return 0; } LWS_EXTERN LWS_VISIBLE int destroy_protocol_generic_sessions(struct lws_context *context) { return 0; }