/* * lws System Fault Injection * * Copyright (C) 2019 - 2021 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "private-lib-core.h" #include static lws_fi_priv_t * lws_fi_lookup(const lws_fi_ctx_t *fic, const char *name) { lws_start_foreach_dll(struct lws_dll2 *, p, fic->fi_owner.head) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv = lws_container_of(p, lws_fi_priv_t, list); if (!strcmp(pv->fi.name, name)) return pv; } lws_end_foreach_dll(p); return NULL; } int lws_fi(const lws_fi_ctx_t *fic, const char *name) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv; int n; pv = lws_fi_lookup(fic, name); if (!pv) return 0; switch (pv->fi.type) { case LWSFI_ALWAYS: goto inject; case LWSFI_DETERMINISTIC: pv->fi.times++; if (pv->fi.times >= pv->fi.pre) if (pv->fi.times < pv->fi.pre + pv->fi.count) goto inject; return 0; case LWSFI_PROBABILISTIC: if (lws_xos_percent((lws_xos_t *)&fic->xos, (int)pv->fi.pre)) goto inject; return 0; case LWSFI_PATTERN: case LWSFI_PATTERN_ALLOC: n = (int)((pv->fi.times++) % pv->fi.count); if (pv->fi.pattern[n >> 3] & (1 << (n & 7))) goto inject; return 0; default: return 0; } return 0; inject: lwsl_warn("%s: Injecting fault %s->%s\n", __func__, fic->name ? fic->name : "unk", pv->fi.name); return 1; } int _lws_fi_user_wsi_fi(struct lws *wsi, const char *name) { return lws_fi(&wsi->fic, name); } int _lws_fi_user_context_fi(struct lws_context *ctx, const char *name) { return lws_fi(&ctx->fic, name); } #if defined(LWS_WITH_SECURE_STREAMS) int _lws_fi_user_ss_fi(struct lws_ss_handle *h, const char *name) { return lws_fi(&h->fic, name); } #if defined(LWS_WITH_SECURE_STREAMS_PROXY_API) int _lws_fi_user_sspc_fi(struct lws_sspc_handle *h, const char *name) { return lws_fi(&h->fic, name); } #endif #endif int lws_fi_add(lws_fi_ctx_t *fic, const lws_fi_t *fi) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv; size_t n = strlen(fi->name); pv = lws_malloc(sizeof(*pv) + n + 1, __func__); if (!pv) return 1; lws_dll2_clear(&pv->list); memcpy(&pv->fi, fi, sizeof(*fi)); pv->fi.name = (const char *)&pv[1]; memcpy(&pv[1], fi->name, n + 1); lws_dll2_add_tail(&pv->list, &fic->fi_owner); return 0; } void lws_fi_remove(lws_fi_ctx_t *fic, const char *name) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv = lws_fi_lookup(fic, name); if (!pv) return; lws_dll2_remove(&pv->list); lws_free(pv); } void lws_fi_import(lws_fi_ctx_t *fic_dest, const lws_fi_ctx_t *fic_src) { /* inherit the PRNG seed for our context from source guy too */ lws_xos_init(&fic_dest->xos, lws_xos((lws_xos_t *)&fic_src->xos)); lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll2 *, p, p1, fic_src->fi_owner.head) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv = lws_container_of(p, lws_fi_priv_t, list); lws_dll2_remove(&pv->list); lws_dll2_add_tail(&pv->list, &fic_dest->fi_owner); } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(p, p1); } static void do_inherit(lws_fi_ctx_t *fic_dest, lws_fi_t *pfi, size_t trim) { lws_fi_t fi = *pfi; fi.name += trim; lwsl_info("%s: %s: %s inherited as %s\n", __func__, fic_dest->name, pfi->name, fi.name); if (fi.type == LWSFI_PATTERN_ALLOC) { fi.pattern = lws_malloc((size_t)((fi.count >> 3) + 1), __func__); if (!fi.pattern) return; memcpy((uint8_t *)fi.pattern, pfi->pattern, (size_t)((fi.count >> 3) + 1)); } lws_fi_add(fic_dest, &fi); } void lws_fi_inherit_copy(lws_fi_ctx_t *fic_dest, const lws_fi_ctx_t *fic_src, const char *scope, const char *value) { size_t sl = 0, vl = 0; if (scope) sl = strlen(scope); if (value) vl = strlen(value); lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll2 *, p, p1, fic_src->fi_owner.head) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv = lws_container_of(p, lws_fi_priv_t, list); size_t nl = strlen(pv->fi.name); if (!scope) do_inherit(fic_dest, &pv->fi, 0); else if (nl > sl + 2 && !strncmp(pv->fi.name, scope, sl) && pv->fi.name[sl] == '/') do_inherit(fic_dest, &pv->fi, sl + 1); else { if (value && nl > sl + vl + 2 && pv->fi.name[sl] == '=' && !strncmp(pv->fi.name + sl + 1, value, vl) && pv->fi.name[sl + 1 + vl] == '/') do_inherit(fic_dest, &pv->fi, sl + vl + 2); } } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(p, p1); } void lws_fi_destroy(const lws_fi_ctx_t *fic) { lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll2 *, p, p1, fic->fi_owner.head) { lws_fi_priv_t *pv = lws_container_of(p, lws_fi_priv_t, list); if (pv->fi.type == LWSFI_PATTERN_ALLOC && pv->fi.pattern) { lws_free((void *)pv->fi.pattern); pv->fi.pattern = NULL; } lws_dll2_remove(&pv->list); lws_free(pv); } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(p, p1); } enum { PARSE_NAME, PARSE_WHEN, PARSE_PC, PARSE_ENDBR }; void lws_fi_deserialize(lws_fi_ctx_t *fic, const char *sers) { struct lws_tokenize ts; lws_fi_t fi; char nm[64]; int state = PARSE_NAME; /* * Go through the comma-separated list of faults * creating them and adding to the lws_context info */ lws_tokenize_init(&ts, sers, LWS_TOKENIZE_F_DOT_NONTERM | LWS_TOKENIZE_F_NO_INTEGERS | LWS_TOKENIZE_F_NO_FLOATS | LWS_TOKENIZE_F_EQUALS_NONTERM | LWS_TOKENIZE_F_SLASH_NONTERM | LWS_TOKENIZE_F_MINUS_NONTERM); ts.len = (unsigned int)strlen(sers); if (ts.len < 1 || ts.len > 10240) return; do { ts.e = (int8_t)lws_tokenize(&ts); switch (ts.e) { case LWS_TOKZE_TOKEN: if (state == PARSE_NAME) { /* * One fault to inject looks like, eg, * * vh=xxx/listenskt */ memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(fi)); lws_strnncpy(nm, ts.token, ts.token_len, sizeof(nm)); fi.name = nm; fi.type = LWSFI_ALWAYS; lwsl_notice("%s: name %.*s\n", __func__, (int)ts.token_len, ts.token); /* added later, potentially after (when) */ break; } if (state == PARSE_WHEN) { /* it's either numeric or a pattern */ lwsl_notice("%s: when\n", __func__); if (*ts.token == '.' || *ts.token == 'X') { uint8_t *pat; size_t n; /* * pattern... we need to allocate it */ fi.type = LWSFI_PATTERN_ALLOC; pat = lws_zalloc((ts.token_len >> 3) + 1, __func__); if (!pat) return; fi.pattern = pat; fi.count = (uint64_t)ts.token_len; for (n = 0; n < ts.token_len; n++) if (ts.token[n] == 'X') pat[n >> 3] = (uint8_t)( pat[n >> 3] | (1 << (n & 7))); lwsl_hexdump_notice(pat, (ts.token_len >> 3) + 1); state = PARSE_ENDBR; break; } fi.pre = (uint64_t)atoi(ts.token); lwsl_notice("%s: prob %d%%\n", __func__, (int)fi.pre); fi.type = LWSFI_PROBABILISTIC; state = PARSE_PC; break; } break; case LWS_TOKZE_DELIMITER: if (*ts.token == ',') { lws_fi_add(fic, &fi); state = PARSE_NAME; break; } if (*ts.token == '(') { lwsl_notice("%s: (\n", __func__); if (state != PARSE_NAME) { lwsl_err("%s: misplaced (\n", __func__); return; } state = PARSE_WHEN; break; } if (*ts.token == ')') { if (state != PARSE_ENDBR) { lwsl_err("%s: misplaced )\n", __func__); return; } state = PARSE_NAME; break; } if (*ts.token == '%') { if (state != PARSE_PC) { lwsl_err("%s: misplaced %%\n", __func__); return; } state = PARSE_ENDBR; break; } break; case LWS_TOKZE_ENDED: lws_fi_add(fic, &fi); return; default: return; } } while (ts.e > 0); }