/* * devices for ESP WROVER KIT * * Written in 2010-2020 by Andy Green * * This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 * Universal Public Domain Dedication. */ #define LWIP_PROVIDE_ERRNO 1 #define _ESP_PLATFORM_ERRNO_H_ #include #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include #include struct lws_led_state *lls; lws_display_state_t lds; struct lws_button_state *bcs; lws_netdev_instance_wifi_t *wnd; /* * Button controller * * On the WROVER KIT, it's a bit overloaded... the two buttons are reset and * gpio0, gpio is also used for one of the RGB LEDs channels control so it's not * really usable as a general user button. * * Instead we use GPIO 14 (available on J1) for a button with the other side * of the switch connected to 0V. */ static const lws_button_map_t bcm[] = { { .gpio = GPIO_NUM_14, .smd_interaction_name = "user" }, }; static const lws_button_controller_t bc = { .smd_bc_name = "bc", .gpio_ops = &lws_gpio_plat, .button_map = &bcm[0], .active_state_bitmap = 0, .count_buttons = LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(bcm), }; /* * pwm controller */ static const lws_pwm_map_t pwm_map[] = { { .gpio = GPIO_NUM_2, .index = 0, .active_level = 1 }, { .gpio = GPIO_NUM_0, .index = 1, .active_level = 1 }, { .gpio = GPIO_NUM_4, .index = 2, .active_level = 1 }, { .gpio = GPIO_NUM_5, .index = 3, .active_level = 0 } }; static const lws_pwm_ops_t pwm_ops = { lws_pwm_plat_ops, .pwm_map = &pwm_map[0], .count_pwm_map = LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_map) }; /* * led controller */ static const lws_led_gpio_map_t lgm[] = { { .name = "red", .gpio = GPIO_NUM_2, .pwm_ops = &pwm_ops, /* managed by pwm */ .active_level = 1, }, { .name = "green", .gpio = GPIO_NUM_0, .pwm_ops = &pwm_ops, /* managed by pwm */ .active_level = 1, }, { .name = "blue", .gpio = GPIO_NUM_4, .pwm_ops = &pwm_ops, /* managed by pwm */ .active_level = 1, }, { .name = "backlight", .gpio = GPIO_NUM_5, .pwm_ops = &pwm_ops, /* managed by pwm */ .active_level = 0, /* * The wrover kit uses a 2 NPN in series to drive the backlight * which means if the GPIO provides no current, the backlight is * full-on. This causes a white flash during boot... they mark * the first stage with "Modify In ESP-WROVER-KIT!" on the * schematics but on Kit v4.1, it's still like that. */ }, }; static const lws_led_gpio_controller_t lgc = { .led_ops = lws_led_gpio_ops, .gpio_ops = &lws_gpio_plat, .led_map = &lgm[0], .count_leds = LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(lgm) }; /* * Bitbang SPI configuration for display */ static const lws_bb_spi_t lbspi = { .bb_ops = { lws_bb_spi_ops, .bus_mode = LWS_SPI_BUSMODE_CLK_IDLE_LOW_SAMP_RISING }, .gpio = &lws_gpio_plat, .clk = GPIO_NUM_19, .ncs = { GPIO_NUM_22 }, .ncmd = { GPIO_NUM_21 }, .mosi = GPIO_NUM_23, .miso = GPIO_NUM_25, .flags = LWSBBSPI_FLAG_USE_NCS0 | LWSBBSPI_FLAG_USE_NCMD0 }; /* * SPI display */ static const lws_display_ili9341_t disp = { .disp = { lws_display_ili9341_ops, .bl_pwm_ops = &pwm_ops, .bl_active = &lws_pwmseq_static_on, .bl_dim = &lws_pwmseq_static_half, .bl_transition = &lws_pwmseq_linear_wipe, .bl_index = 3, .w = 320, .h = 240, .latency_wake_ms = 150, }, .spi = (lws_spi_ops_t *)&lbspi, .gpio = &lws_gpio_plat, .reset_gpio = GPIO_NUM_18, .spi_index = 0 }; /* * Settings stored in platform nv */ static const lws_settings_ops_t sett = { lws_settings_ops_plat }; /* * Wifi */ static const lws_netdev_ops_t wifi_ops = { lws_netdev_wifi_plat_ops }; int init_plat_devices(struct lws_context *ctx) { lws_settings_instance_t *si; lws_netdevs_t *netdevs = lws_netdevs_from_ctx(ctx); si = lws_settings_init(&sett, (void *)"nvs"); if (!si) { lwsl_err("%s: failed to create settings instance\n", __func__); return 1; } netdevs->si = si; #if 0 /* * This is a temp hack to bootstrap the settings to contain the test * AP ssid and passphrase for one time, so the settings can be stored * while there's no UI atm */ { lws_wifi_creds_t creds; memset(&creds, 0, sizeof(creds)); lws_strncpy(creds.ssid, "xxx", sizeof(creds.ssid)); lws_strncpy(creds.passphrase, "yyy", sizeof(creds.passphrase)); lws_dll2_add_tail(&creds.list, &netdevs->owner_creds); if (lws_netdev_credentials_settings_set(netdevs)) { lwsl_err("%s: failed to write bootstrap creds\n", __func__); return 1; } } #endif // if (lws_netdev_instance_wifi_settings_get(si, "netdev.wl0", &niw, &ac)) { // lwsl_err("%s: unable to fetch wl0 settings\n", __func__); // return 1; // } /* create the wifi network device and configure it */ wnd = (lws_netdev_instance_wifi_t *) wifi_ops.create(ctx, &wifi_ops, "wl0", NULL); if (!wnd) { lwsl_err("%s: failed to create wifi object\n", __func__); return 1; } wnd->flags |= LNDIW_MODE_STA; if (wifi_ops.configure(&wnd->inst, NULL)) { lwsl_err("%s: failed to configure wifi object\n", __func__); return 1; } wifi_ops.up(&wnd->inst); /* bring up the led controller */ lls = lgc.led_ops.create(&lgc.led_ops); if (!lls) { lwsl_err("%s: could not create led\n", __func__); return 1; } /* pwm init must go after the led controller init */ pwm_ops.init(&pwm_ops); /* ... and the button controller */ bcs = lws_button_controller_create(ctx, &bc); if (!bcs) { lwsl_err("%s: could not create buttons\n", __func__); return 1; } lws_button_enable(bcs, 0, lws_button_get_bit(bcs, "user")); /* ... bring up spi bb and the display */ lbspi.bb_ops.init(&lbspi.bb_ops); lws_display_state_init(&lds, ctx, 30000, 10000, lls, &disp.disp); /* * Make the RGB LED do something using sequenced PWM... pressing the * GPIO14 button with single-presses advances the blue channel between * different sequences */ lws_led_transition(lls, "blue", &lws_pwmseq_sine_endless_fast, &lws_pwmseq_linear_wipe); lws_led_transition(lls, "green", &lws_pwmseq_sine_endless_slow, &lws_pwmseq_linear_wipe); lws_led_transition(lls, "red", &lws_pwmseq_sine_endless_slow, &lws_pwmseq_linear_wipe); return 0; }