Detected Browser:
libwebsockets "dumb-increment-protocol"
Not initialized
The incrementing number is coming from the server and is individual for each connection to the server... try opening a second browser window.

The button zeros just this connection's number.

Click Here to have the test server send a big picture by http.

libwebsockets "lws-mirror-protocol"
Use the mouse to draw on the canvas below -- all other browser windows open on this page see your drawing in realtime and you can see any of theirs as well.

The lws-mirror protocol doesn't interpret what is being sent to it, it just re-sends it to every other websocket it has a connection with using that protocol, including the guy who sent the packet.

libwebsockets-test-client joins in by spamming circles on to this shared canvas when run.
Drawing color:
Not initialized
libwebsockets "open and close testing"
Not initialized
To help with open and close testing, you can open and close a connection by hand using the buttons. "Request Server Close" sends a message asking the server to initiate the close.

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