/* * lws-api-test-fts - lws full-text search api test * * Written in 2010-2019 by Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com> * * This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 * Universal Public Domain Dedication. */ #include <libwebsockets.h> #if defined(LWS_HAS_GETOPT_LONG) || defined(WIN32) #include <getopt.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #if defined(LWS_HAS_GETOPT_LONG) || defined(WIN32) static struct option options[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "createindex", no_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "index", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "debug", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "file", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "lines", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; #endif static const char *index_filepath = "/tmp/lws-fts-test-index"; static char filepath[256]; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n, logs = LLL_USER | LLL_ERR | LLL_WARN | LLL_NOTICE; int fd, fi, ft, createindex = 0, flags = LWSFTS_F_QUERY_AUTOCOMPLETE; struct lws_fts_search_params params; struct lws_fts_result *result; struct lws_fts_file *jtf; struct lws_fts *t; char buf[16384]; do { #if defined(LWS_HAS_GETOPT_LONG) || defined(WIN32) n = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hd:i:cfl", options, NULL); #else n = getopt(argc, argv, "hd:i:cfl"); #endif if (n < 0) continue; switch (n) { case 'i': strncpy(filepath, optarg, sizeof(filepath) - 1); filepath[sizeof(filepath) - 1] = '\0'; index_filepath = filepath; break; case 'd': logs = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': createindex = 1; break; case 'f': flags &= ~LWSFTS_F_QUERY_AUTOCOMPLETE; flags |= LWSFTS_F_QUERY_FILES; break; case 'l': flags |= LWSFTS_F_QUERY_FILES | LWSFTS_F_QUERY_FILE_LINES; break; case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [--createindex]" "[--index=<index filepath>] " "[-d <log bitfield>] file1 file2 \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } while (n >= 0); lws_set_log_level(logs, NULL); lwsl_user("LWS API selftest: full-text search\n"); if (createindex) { lwsl_notice("Creating index\n"); /* * create an index by shifting through argv and indexing each * file given there into a single combined index */ ft = open(index_filepath, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (ft < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: can't open index %s\n", __func__, index_filepath); goto bail; } t = lws_fts_create(ft); if (!t) { lwsl_err("%s: Unable to allocate trie\n", __func__); goto bail1; } while (optind < argc) { fi = lws_fts_file_index(t, argv[optind], strlen(argv[optind]), 1); if (fi < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: Failed to get file idx for %s\n", __func__, argv[optind]); goto bail1; } fd = open(argv[optind], O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { lwsl_err("unable to open %s for read\n", argv[optind]); goto bail; } do { int n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (n <= 0) break; if (lws_fts_fill(t, fi, buf, n)) { lwsl_err("%s: lws_fts_fill failed\n", __func__); close(fd); goto bail; } } while (1); close(fd); optind++; } if (lws_fts_serialize(t)) { lwsl_err("%s: serialize failed\n", __func__); goto bail; } lws_fts_destroy(&t); close(ft); return 0; } /* * shift through argv searching for each token */ jtf = lws_fts_open(index_filepath); if (!jtf) goto bail; while (optind < argc) { struct lws_fts_result_autocomplete *ac; struct lws_fts_result_filepath *fp; uint32_t *l, n; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); params.needle = argv[optind]; params.flags = flags; params.max_autocomplete = 20; params.max_files = 20; result = lws_fts_search(jtf, ¶ms); if (!result) { lwsl_err("%s: search failed\n", __func__); lws_fts_close(jtf); goto bail; } ac = result->autocomplete_head; fp = result->filepath_head; if (!ac) lwsl_notice("%s: no autocomplete results\n", __func__); while (ac) { lwsl_notice("%s: AC %s: %d agg hits\n", __func__, ((char *)(ac + 1)), ac->instances); ac = ac->next; } if (!fp) lwsl_notice("%s: no filepath results\n", __func__); while (fp) { lwsl_notice("%s: %s: (%d lines) %d hits \n", __func__, (((char *)(fp + 1)) + fp->matches_length), fp->lines_in_file, fp->matches); if (fp->matches_length) { l = (uint32_t *)(fp + 1); n = 0; while ((int)n++ < fp->matches) lwsl_notice(" %d\n", *l++); } fp = fp->next; } lwsac_free(¶ms.results_head); optind++; } lws_fts_close(jtf); return 0; bail1: close(ft); bail: lwsl_user("FAILED\n"); return 1; }