/* * lws-api-test-lhp * * Written in 2010-2022 by Andy Green * * This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 * Universal Public Domain Dedication. * * sanity tests for lhp */ #include #include static const char * const cb_reasons[] = { "LHPCB_CONSTRUCTED", "LHPCB_DESTRUCTED", "LHPCB_COMPLETE", "LHPCB_FAILED", "LHPCB_ELEMENT_START", /* reported at end of <> */ "LHPCB_ELEMENT_END", "LHPCB_CONTENT", "LHPCB_COMMENT", }; static const char * const html_tests[] = { /* test 1 */ "hello", /* test 2 */ "", /* test 3 */ "", /* test 4 */ "hello", /* test 5 */ "\n" "\n" "\n" "An HTML standard template\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "


\n" "bold, normal
\n" "\n" "\n", "<>", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
", "
", "", "\n" "\n" "\n" "Test html\n" "\n" "\n" "" "\n" "


\n" "A bunch of normal text, long enough that it is going to want to wrap
" "bold, normal
\n" "" "\n" "\n", "€👍", "the title" "


\n" "
" "A bunch of normal and boldtext in a div" "
" "hello" }; static unsigned int m, step; static int dump_atr(lws_dll2_t *d, void *user) { lhp_atr_t *atr = lws_container_of(d, lhp_atr_t, list); const char *p = (const char *)&atr[1]; printf("{ \"%.*s\", \"%.*s\" }, ", (int)atr->name_len, p, (int)atr->value_len, p + atr->name_len + 1); return 0; } #if 0 static int dump_css_atr(lws_dll2_t *d, void *user) { lcsp_atr_ptr_t *pa = lws_container_of(d, lcsp_atr_ptr_t, list); lcsp_atr_t *a = pa->atr; if (a->unit == LCSP_UNIT_RGBA) lwsl_notice("css attr: color 0x%08x\n", a->u.rgba); else lwsl_notice("css attr: %d %u.%u %u\n", a->propval, a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac, a->unit); return 0; } #endif static lws_stateful_ret_t test_cb(lhp_ctx_t *ctx, char reason) { lhp_pstack_t *ps = lws_container_of(ctx->stack.tail, lhp_pstack_t, list); const lcsp_atr_t *a; printf("{ %s, %u, \"%.*s\", %u, { ", cb_reasons[(unsigned int)reason], ctx->npos, ctx->npos, ctx->buf, ps->atr.count); if (reason == LHPCB_ELEMENT_START || reason == LHPCB_ELEMENT_END) { lws_dll2_foreach_safe(&ps->atr, NULL, dump_atr); a = lws_css_cascade_get_prop_atr(ctx, LCSP_PROP_DISPLAY); if (a) lwsl_notice("display: %d\n", a->propval); a = lws_css_cascade_get_prop_atr(ctx, LCSP_PROP_COLOR); if (a) lwsl_notice("color: %d 0x%08X\n", a->propval, a->u.rgba); //lwsl_notice("color: active_stz %d, atr %d\n", ctx->active_stanzas.count, ctx->active_atr.count); //lws_dll2_foreach_safe(&ctx->active_atr, NULL, dump_css_atr); a = ps->css_position; if (a) lwsl_notice("position: %d\n", a->propval); a = ps->css_width; if (a) lwsl_notice("width: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_height; if (a) lwsl_notice("height: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_pos[CCPAS_TOP]; if (a) lwsl_notice("top: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_pos[CCPAS_RIGHT]; if (a) lwsl_notice("right: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_pos[CCPAS_BOTTOM]; if (a) lwsl_notice("bottom: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_pos[CCPAS_LEFT]; if (a) lwsl_notice("left: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_margin[CCPAS_TOP]; if (a) lwsl_notice("margin top: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_margin[CCPAS_RIGHT]; if (a) lwsl_notice("margin right: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_margin[CCPAS_BOTTOM]; if (a) lwsl_notice("margin bottom: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_margin[CCPAS_LEFT]; if (a) lwsl_notice("margin left: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_padding[CCPAS_TOP]; if (a) lwsl_notice("padding top: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_padding[CCPAS_RIGHT]; if (a) lwsl_notice("padding right: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_padding[CCPAS_BOTTOM]; if (a) lwsl_notice("padding bottom: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = ps->css_padding[CCPAS_LEFT]; if (a) lwsl_notice("padding left: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = lws_css_cascade_get_prop_atr(ctx, LCSP_PROP_FONT_SIZE); if (a) lwsl_notice("font-size: %d.%u\n", a->u.i.whole, a->u.i.frac); a = lws_css_cascade_get_prop_atr(ctx, LCSP_PROP_FONT_FAMILY); if (a) lwsl_notice("font-family: %s\n", (const char *)&a[1]); } printf(" },\n"); #if 0 if (m < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(rpkg)) { if (step < rpkg[m].len) { // lwsl_notice("test %d, step %d\n", m, step); if (reason != rpkg[m].r[step].reason) { lwsl_err("%s: reason mismatch %d vs %d\n", __func__, reason, rpkg[m].r[step].reason); return -1; } if (ctx->ipos != rpkg[m].r[step].ipos) { lwsl_err("%s: ipos mismatch %d vs %d\n", __func__, ctx->ipos, rpkg[m].r[step].ipos); return -1; } if (ctx->ipos && memcmp(ctx->i, rpkg[m].r[step].indexes, ctx->ipos)) { lwsl_err("%s: indexes mismatch\n", __func__); lwsl_hexdump_err(ctx->i, ctx->ipos); lwsl_hexdump_err(rpkg[m].r[step].indexes, ctx->ipos); return -1; } if (ctx->path_match != rpkg[m].r[step].path_match) { lwsl_err("%s: path_match mismatch %d vs %d\n", __func__, ctx->path_match, rpkg[m].r[step].path_match); return -1; } if (strcmp(ctx->path, rpkg[m].r[step].path)) { lwsl_err("%s: path mismatch '%s' vs '%s'\n", __func__, ctx->path, rpkg[m].r[step].path); return -1; } if (strcmp(ctx->buf, rpkg[m].r[step].buf)) { lwsl_err("%s: buf mismatch '%s' vs '%s'\n", __func__, ctx->buf, rpkg[m].r[step].buf); return -1; } } else { lwsl_err("%s: extra steps\n", __func__); return -1; } step++; } #endif return 0; } static const lws_surface_info_t ic = { .wh_px = { { 600,0 }, { 448,0 } }, .wh_mm = { { 114,5000000 }, { 82,5000000 } }, }; static lws_displaylist_t displaylist; int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int e = 0, logs = LLL_USER | LLL_ERR | LLL_WARN | LLL_NOTICE; lws_stateful_ret_t n; lws_dl_rend_t drt; lhp_ctx_t ctx; const char *p; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); if ((p = lws_cmdline_option(argc, argv, "-d"))) logs = atoi(p); lws_set_log_level(logs, NULL); lwsl_user("LWS API selftest: lhp HTML5 parser\n"); for (m = 0; m < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(html_tests); m++) { const uint8_t *data; size_t size; lwsl_user("%s: ++++++++++++++++ test %d\n", __func__, m + 1); step = 0; drt.dl = &displaylist; drt.w = ic.wh_px[0].whole; drt.h = ic.wh_px[1].whole; if (lws_lhp_construct(&ctx, test_cb, &drt, &ic)) { e++; continue; } ctx.flags = LHP_FLAG_DOCUMENT_END; ctx.base_url = strdup(""); data = (uint8_t *)html_tests[m]; size = strlen(html_tests[m]); lwsl_hexdump_info(data, size); n = lws_lhp_parse(&ctx, &data, &size); lwsl_notice("n = %d\n", (int)n); if (n & LWS_SRET_FATAL) e = 1; lws_lhp_destruct(&ctx); } if (e) goto bail; lwsl_user("Completed: PASS\n"); return 0; bail: lwsl_user("Completed: FAIL\n"); return 1; }