/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Original code used in this source file: * * https://github.com/PerBothner/DomTerm.git @912add15f3d0aec * * ./lws-term/io.c * ./lws-term/junzip.c * * Copyright (C) 2017 Per Bothner * * MIT License * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * ( copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Somewhat rewritten by AG */ #include "private-lib-core.h" #if defined(LWS_WITH_MINIZ) #include #else #include #endif /* * This code works with zip format containers which may have files compressed * with gzip deflate (type 8) or store uncompressed (type 0). * * Linux zip produces such zipfiles by default, eg * * $ zip ../myzip.zip file1 file2 file3 */ #define ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_STORE 0 #define ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE 8 typedef struct { lws_filepos_t filename_start; uint32_t crc32; uint32_t comp_size; uint32_t uncomp_size; uint32_t offset; uint32_t mod_time; uint16_t filename_len; uint16_t extra; uint16_t method; uint16_t file_com_len; } lws_fops_zip_hdr_t; typedef struct { struct lws_fop_fd fop_fd; /* MUST BE FIRST logical fop_fd into * file inside zip: fops_zip fops */ lws_fop_fd_t zip_fop_fd; /* logical fop fd on to zip file * itself: using platform fops */ lws_fops_zip_hdr_t hdr; z_stream inflate; lws_filepos_t content_start; lws_filepos_t exp_uncomp_pos; union { uint8_t trailer8[8]; uint32_t trailer32[2]; } u; uint8_t rbuf[128]; /* decompression chunk size */ int entry_count; unsigned int decompress:1; /* 0 = direct from file */ unsigned int add_gzip_container:1; } *lws_fops_zip_t; struct lws_plat_file_ops fops_zip; #define fop_fd_to_priv(FD) ((lws_fops_zip_t)(FD)) static const uint8_t hd[] = { 31, 139, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 }; enum { ZC_SIGNATURE = 0, ZC_VERSION_MADE_BY = 4, ZC_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT = 6, ZC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_BIT_FLAG = 8, ZC_COMPRESSION_METHOD = 10, ZC_LAST_MOD_FILE_TIME = 12, ZC_LAST_MOD_FILE_DATE = 14, ZC_CRC32 = 16, ZC_COMPRESSED_SIZE = 20, ZC_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE = 24, ZC_FILE_NAME_LENGTH = 28, ZC_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH = 30, ZC_FILE_COMMENT_LENGTH = 32, ZC_DISK_NUMBER_START = 34, ZC_INTERNAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = 36, ZC_EXTERNAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = 38, ZC_REL_OFFSET_LOCAL_HEADER = 42, ZC_DIRECTORY_LENGTH = 46, ZE_SIGNATURE_OFFSET = 0, ZE_DESK_NUMBER = 4, ZE_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_DISK_NUMBER = 6, ZE_NUM_ENTRIES_THIS_DISK = 8, ZE_NUM_ENTRIES = 10, ZE_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIZE = 12, ZE_CENTRAL_DIR_OFFSET = 16, ZE_ZIP_COMMENT_LENGTH = 20, ZE_DIRECTORY_LENGTH = 22, ZL_REL_OFFSET_CONTENT = 28, ZL_HEADER_LENGTH = 30, LWS_FZ_ERR_SEEK_END_RECORD = 1, LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_END_RECORD, LWS_FZ_ERR_END_RECORD_MAGIC, LWS_FZ_ERR_END_RECORD_SANITY, LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_SEEK, LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_READ, LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_SANITY, LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_SEEK, LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_READ, LWS_FZ_ERR_CONTENT_SANITY, LWS_FZ_ERR_CONTENT_SEEK, LWS_FZ_ERR_SCAN_SEEK, LWS_FZ_ERR_NOT_FOUND, LWS_FZ_ERR_ZLIB_INIT, LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_CONTENT, LWS_FZ_ERR_SEEK_COMPRESSED, }; #define eff_size(_priv) (_priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_STORE ? \ _priv->hdr.uncomp_size : _priv->hdr.comp_size) static uint16_t get_u16(void *p) { const uint8_t *c = (const uint8_t *)p; return (uint16_t)((c[0] | (c[1] << 8))); } static uint32_t get_u32(void *p) { const uint8_t *c = (const uint8_t *)p; return (uint32_t)((c[0] | (c[1] << 8) | (c[2] << 16) | (c[3] << 24))); } int lws_fops_zip_scan(lws_fops_zip_t priv, const char *name, int len) { lws_filepos_t amount; uint8_t buf[96]; int i; if (lws_vfs_file_seek_end(priv->zip_fop_fd, -ZE_DIRECTORY_LENGTH) < 0) return LWS_FZ_ERR_SEEK_END_RECORD; if (lws_vfs_file_read(priv->zip_fop_fd, &amount, buf, ZE_DIRECTORY_LENGTH)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_END_RECORD; if (amount != ZE_DIRECTORY_LENGTH) return LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_END_RECORD; /* * We require the zip to have the last record right at the end * Linux zip always does this if no zip comment. */ if (buf[0] != 'P' || buf[1] != 'K' || buf[2] != 5 || buf[3] != 6) return LWS_FZ_ERR_END_RECORD_MAGIC; i = get_u16(buf + ZE_NUM_ENTRIES); if (get_u16(buf + ZE_DESK_NUMBER) || get_u16(buf + ZE_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_DISK_NUMBER) || i != get_u16(buf + ZE_NUM_ENTRIES_THIS_DISK)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_END_RECORD_SANITY; /* end record is OK... look for our file in the central dir */ if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, get_u32(buf + ZE_CENTRAL_DIR_OFFSET)) < 0) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_SEEK; while (i--) { priv->content_start = lws_vfs_tell(priv->zip_fop_fd); if (lws_vfs_file_read(priv->zip_fop_fd, &amount, buf, ZC_DIRECTORY_LENGTH)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_READ; if (amount != ZC_DIRECTORY_LENGTH) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_READ; if (get_u32(buf + ZC_SIGNATURE) != 0x02014B50) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CENTRAL_SANITY; lwsl_debug("cstart 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)priv->content_start); priv->hdr.filename_len = get_u16(buf + ZC_FILE_NAME_LENGTH); priv->hdr.extra = get_u16(buf + ZC_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH); priv->hdr.filename_start = lws_vfs_tell(priv->zip_fop_fd); priv->hdr.method = get_u16(buf + ZC_COMPRESSION_METHOD); priv->hdr.crc32 = get_u32(buf + ZC_CRC32); priv->hdr.comp_size = get_u32(buf + ZC_COMPRESSED_SIZE); priv->hdr.uncomp_size = get_u32(buf + ZC_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE); priv->hdr.offset = get_u32(buf + ZC_REL_OFFSET_LOCAL_HEADER); priv->hdr.mod_time = get_u32(buf + ZC_LAST_MOD_FILE_TIME); priv->hdr.file_com_len = get_u16(buf + ZC_FILE_COMMENT_LENGTH); if (priv->hdr.filename_len != len) goto next; if (len >= (int)sizeof(buf) - 1) return LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(priv->zip_fop_fd, &amount, buf, len)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_READ; if ((int)amount != len) return LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_READ; buf[len] = '\0'; lwsl_debug("check %s vs %s\n", buf, name); if (strcmp((const char *)buf, name)) goto next; /* we found a match */ if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, priv->hdr.offset) < 0) return LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_SEEK; if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(priv->zip_fop_fd, &amount, buf, ZL_HEADER_LENGTH)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_READ; if (amount != ZL_HEADER_LENGTH) return LWS_FZ_ERR_NAME_READ; priv->content_start = priv->hdr.offset + ZL_HEADER_LENGTH + priv->hdr.filename_len + get_u16(buf + ZL_REL_OFFSET_CONTENT); lwsl_debug("content supposed to start at 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)priv->content_start); if (priv->content_start > priv->zip_fop_fd->len) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CONTENT_SANITY; if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, priv->content_start) < 0) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CONTENT_SEEK; /* we are aligned at the start of the content */ priv->exp_uncomp_pos = 0; return 0; next: if (i && lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, priv->content_start + ZC_DIRECTORY_LENGTH + priv->hdr.filename_len + priv->hdr.extra + priv->hdr.file_com_len) < 0) return LWS_FZ_ERR_SCAN_SEEK; } return LWS_FZ_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } static int lws_fops_zip_reset_inflate(lws_fops_zip_t priv) { if (priv->decompress) inflateEnd(&priv->inflate); priv->inflate.zalloc = Z_NULL; priv->inflate.zfree = Z_NULL; priv->inflate.opaque = Z_NULL; priv->inflate.avail_in = 0; priv->inflate.next_in = Z_NULL; if (inflateInit2(&priv->inflate, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK) { lwsl_err("inflate init failed\n"); return LWS_FZ_ERR_ZLIB_INIT; } if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, priv->content_start) < 0) return LWS_FZ_ERR_CONTENT_SEEK; priv->exp_uncomp_pos = 0; return 0; } static lws_fop_fd_t lws_fops_zip_open(const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops, const char *vfs_path, const char *vpath, lws_fop_flags_t *flags) { lws_fop_flags_t local_flags = 0; lws_fops_zip_t priv; char rp[192]; int m; /* * vpath points at the / after the fops signature in vfs_path, eg * with a vfs_path "/var/www/docs/manual.zip/index.html", vpath * will come pointing at "/index.html" */ priv = lws_zalloc(sizeof(*priv), "fops_zip priv"); if (!priv) return NULL; priv->fop_fd.fops = &fops_zip; m = sizeof(rp) - 1; if ((vpath - vfs_path - 1) < m) m = lws_ptr_diff(vpath, vfs_path) - 1; lws_strncpy(rp, vfs_path, m + 1); /* open the zip file itself using the incoming fops, not fops_zip */ priv->zip_fop_fd = fops->LWS_FOP_OPEN(fops, rp, NULL, &local_flags); if (!priv->zip_fop_fd) { lwsl_err("%s: unable to open zip %s\n", __func__, rp); goto bail1; } if (*vpath == '/') vpath++; m = lws_fops_zip_scan(priv, vpath, (int)strlen(vpath)); if (m) { lwsl_err("unable to find record matching '%s' %d\n", vpath, m); goto bail2; } /* the directory metadata tells us modification time, so pass it on */ priv->fop_fd.mod_time = priv->hdr.mod_time; *flags |= LWS_FOP_FLAG_MOD_TIME_VALID | LWS_FOP_FLAG_VIRTUAL; priv->fop_fd.flags = *flags; /* The zip fop_fd is left pointing at the start of the content. * * 1) Content could be uncompressed (STORE), and we can always serve * that directly * * 2) Content could be compressed (GZIP), and the client can handle * receiving GZIP... we can wrap it in a GZIP header and trailer * and serve the content part directly. The flag indicating we * are providing GZIP directly is set so lws will send the right * headers. * * 3) Content could be compressed (GZIP) but the client can't handle * receiving GZIP... we can decompress it and serve as it is * inflated piecemeal. * * 4) Content may be compressed some unknown way... fail * */ if (priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_STORE) { /* * it is stored uncompressed, leave it indicated as * uncompressed, and just serve it from inside the * zip with no gzip container; */ lwsl_info("direct zip serving (stored)\n"); priv->fop_fd.len = priv->hdr.uncomp_size; return &priv->fop_fd; } if ((*flags & LWS_FOP_FLAG_COMPR_ACCEPTABLE_GZIP) && priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE) { /* * We can serve the gzipped file contents directly as gzip * from inside the zip container; client says it is OK. * * To convert to standalone gzip, we have to add a 10-byte * constant header and a variable 8-byte trailer around the * content. * * The 8-byte trailer is prepared now and held in the priv. */ lwsl_info("direct zip serving (gzipped)\n"); priv->fop_fd.len = sizeof(hd) + priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(priv->u); if (lws_is_be()) { uint8_t *p = priv->u.trailer8; *p++ = (uint8_t)priv->hdr.crc32; *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.crc32 >> 8); *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.crc32 >> 16); *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.crc32 >> 24); *p++ = (uint8_t)priv->hdr.uncomp_size; *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.uncomp_size >> 8); *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.uncomp_size >> 16); *p = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.uncomp_size >> 24); } else { priv->u.trailer32[0] = priv->hdr.crc32; priv->u.trailer32[1] = priv->hdr.uncomp_size; } *flags |= LWS_FOP_FLAG_COMPR_IS_GZIP; priv->fop_fd.flags = *flags; priv->add_gzip_container = 1; return &priv->fop_fd; } if (priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE) { /* we must decompress it to serve it */ lwsl_info("decompressed zip serving\n"); priv->fop_fd.len = priv->hdr.uncomp_size; if (lws_fops_zip_reset_inflate(priv)) { lwsl_err("inflate init failed\n"); goto bail2; } priv->decompress = 1; return &priv->fop_fd; } /* we can't handle it ... */ lwsl_err("zipped file %s compressed in unknown way (%d)\n", vfs_path, priv->hdr.method); bail2: lws_vfs_file_close(&priv->zip_fop_fd); bail1: free(priv); return NULL; } /* ie, we are closing the fop_fd for the file inside the gzip */ static int lws_fops_zip_close(lws_fop_fd_t *fd) { lws_fops_zip_t priv = fop_fd_to_priv(*fd); if (priv->decompress) inflateEnd(&priv->inflate); lws_vfs_file_close(&priv->zip_fop_fd); /* close the gzip fop_fd */ free(priv); *fd = NULL; return 0; } static lws_fileofs_t lws_fops_zip_seek_cur(lws_fop_fd_t fd, lws_fileofs_t offset_from_cur_pos) { fd->pos += offset_from_cur_pos; return fd->pos; } static int lws_fops_zip_read(lws_fop_fd_t fd, lws_filepos_t *amount, uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len) { lws_fops_zip_t priv = fop_fd_to_priv(fd); lws_filepos_t ramount, rlen, cur = lws_vfs_tell(fd); int ret; if (priv->decompress) { if (priv->exp_uncomp_pos != fd->pos) { /* * there has been a seek in the uncompressed fop_fd * we have to restart the decompression and loop eating * the decompressed data up to the seek point */ lwsl_info("seek in decompressed\n"); lws_fops_zip_reset_inflate(priv); while (priv->exp_uncomp_pos != fd->pos) { rlen = len; if (rlen > fd->pos - priv->exp_uncomp_pos) rlen = fd->pos - priv->exp_uncomp_pos; if (lws_fops_zip_read(fd, amount, buf, rlen)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_SEEK_COMPRESSED; } *amount = 0; } priv->inflate.avail_out = (unsigned int)len; priv->inflate.next_out = buf; spin: if (!priv->inflate.avail_in) { rlen = sizeof(priv->rbuf); if (rlen > eff_size(priv) - (cur - priv->content_start)) rlen = eff_size(priv) - (cur - priv->content_start); if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ( priv->zip_fop_fd, &ramount, priv->rbuf, rlen)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_CONTENT; cur += ramount; priv->inflate.avail_in = (unsigned int)ramount; priv->inflate.next_in = priv->rbuf; } ret = inflate(&priv->inflate, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR) return ret; switch (ret) { case Z_NEED_DICT: ret = Z_DATA_ERROR; /* fallthru */ case Z_DATA_ERROR: case Z_MEM_ERROR: return ret; } if (!priv->inflate.avail_in && priv->inflate.avail_out && cur != priv->content_start + priv->hdr.comp_size) goto spin; *amount = len - priv->inflate.avail_out; priv->exp_uncomp_pos += *amount; fd->pos += *amount; return 0; } if (priv->add_gzip_container) { lwsl_info("%s: gzip + container\n", __func__); *amount = 0; /* place the canned header at the start */ if (len && fd->pos < sizeof(hd)) { rlen = sizeof(hd) - fd->pos; if (rlen > len) rlen = len; /* provide stuff from canned header */ memcpy(buf, hd + fd->pos, (size_t)rlen); fd->pos += rlen; buf += rlen; len -= rlen; *amount += rlen; } /* serve gzipped data direct from zipfile */ if (len && fd->pos >= sizeof(hd) && fd->pos < priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(hd)) { rlen = priv->hdr.comp_size - (priv->zip_fop_fd->pos - priv->content_start); if (rlen > len) rlen = len; if (rlen && priv->zip_fop_fd->pos < (priv->hdr.comp_size + priv->content_start)) { if (lws_vfs_file_read(priv->zip_fop_fd, &ramount, buf, rlen)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_CONTENT; *amount += ramount; fd->pos += ramount; // virtual pos buf += ramount; len -= ramount; } } /* place the prepared trailer at the end */ if (len && fd->pos >= priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(hd) && fd->pos < priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(hd) + sizeof(priv->u)) { cur = fd->pos - priv->hdr.comp_size - sizeof(hd); rlen = sizeof(priv->u) - cur; if (rlen > len) rlen = len; memcpy(buf, priv->u.trailer8 + cur, (size_t)rlen); *amount += rlen; fd->pos += rlen; } return 0; } lwsl_info("%s: store\n", __func__); if (len > eff_size(priv) - cur) len = eff_size(priv) - cur; if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(priv->zip_fop_fd, amount, buf, len)) return LWS_FZ_ERR_READ_CONTENT; fd->pos += *amount; return 0; } struct lws_plat_file_ops fops_zip = { lws_fops_zip_open, lws_fops_zip_close, lws_fops_zip_seek_cur, lws_fops_zip_read, NULL, { { ".zip/", 5 }, { ".jar/", 5 }, { ".war/", 5 } }, NULL, };