/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2019 - 2020 Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. * * * When the user code is in a different process, a non-tls unix domain socket * proxy is used to asynchronusly transfer buffers in each direction via the * network stack, without explicit IPC * * user_process{ [user code] | shim | socket-}------ lws_process{ lws } * * Lws exposes a listening unix domain socket in this case, the user processes * connect to it and pass just info.streamtype in an initial tx packet. All * packets are prepended by a 1-byte type field when used in this mode. See * lws-secure-streams.h for documentation and definitions. * * Proxying in either direction can face the situation it cannot send the onward * packet immediately and is subject to separating the write request from the * write action. To make the best use of memory, a single preallocated buffer * stashes pending packets in all four directions (c->p, p->c, p->ss, ss->p). * This allows it to adapt to different traffic patterns without wasted areas * dedicated to traffic that isn't coming in a particular application. * * A shim is provided to monitor the process' unix domain socket and regenerate * the secure sockets api there with callbacks happening in the process thread * context. * * This file implements the listening unix domain socket proxy... this code is * only going to run on a Linux-class device with its implications about memory * availability. */ #include <private-lib-core.h> /* * Because both sides of the connection share the conn, we allocate it * during accepted adoption, and both sides point to it. * * The last one of the accepted side and the onward side to close frees it. */ struct conn { struct lws_ss_serialization_parser parser; lws_dsh_t *dsh; /* unified buffer for both sides */ struct lws *wsi; /* the client side */ lws_ss_handle_t *ss; /* the onward, ss side */ lws_ss_conn_states_t state; }; struct raw_pss { struct conn *conn; }; /* * Proxy - onward secure-stream handler */ typedef struct ss_proxy_onward { lws_ss_handle_t *ss; struct conn *conn; } ss_proxy_t; /* secure streams payload interface */ static lws_ss_state_return_t ss_proxy_onward_rx(void *userobj, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, int flags) { ss_proxy_t *m = (ss_proxy_t *)userobj; const char *rsp = NULL; int n; // lwsl_notice("%s: len %d\n", __func__, (int)len); /* * The onward secure stream connection has received something. */ if (m->ss->rideshare != m->ss->policy && m->ss->rideshare) { rsp = m->ss->rideshare->streamtype; flags |= LWSSS_FLAG_RIDESHARE; } n = lws_ss_serialize_rx_payload(m->conn->dsh, buf, len, flags, rsp); if (n) return n; if (m->conn->wsi) /* if possible, request client conn write */ lws_callback_on_writable(m->conn->wsi); return 0; } /* * we are transmitting buffered payload originally from the client on to the ss */ static lws_ss_state_return_t ss_proxy_onward_tx(void *userobj, lws_ss_tx_ordinal_t ord, uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, int *flags) { ss_proxy_t *m = (ss_proxy_t *)userobj; void *p; size_t si; if (!m->conn->ss || m->conn->state != LPCSPROX_OPERATIONAL) { lwsl_notice("%s: ss not ready\n", __func__); *len = 0; return 1; } /* * The onward secure stream says that we could send something to it * (by putting it in buf, and setting *len and *flags) */ if (lws_ss_deserialize_tx_payload(m->conn->dsh, m->ss->wsi, ord, buf, len, flags)) return 1; if (!lws_dsh_get_head(m->conn->dsh, KIND_C_TO_P, (void **)&p, &si)) lws_ss_request_tx(m->conn->ss); if (!*len && !*flags) return 1; /* we don't actually want to send anything */ lwsl_info("%s: onward tx %d fl 0x%x\n", __func__, (int)*len, *flags); #if 0 { int ff = open("/tmp/z", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666); if (ff == -1) lwsl_err("%s: errno %d\n", __func__, errno); write(ff, buf, *len); close(ff); } #endif return 0; } static lws_ss_state_return_t ss_proxy_onward_state(void *userobj, void *sh, lws_ss_constate_t state, lws_ss_tx_ordinal_t ack) { ss_proxy_t *m = (ss_proxy_t *)userobj; switch (state) { case LWSSSCS_CREATING: break; case LWSSSCS_DESTROYING: if (!m->conn) break; if (!m->conn->wsi) { /* * Our onward secure stream is closing and our client * connection has already gone away... destroy the conn. */ lwsl_info("%s: Destroying conn\n", __func__); lws_dsh_destroy(&m->conn->dsh); free(m->conn); m->conn = NULL; return 0; } else lwsl_info("%s: ss DESTROYING, wsi up\n", __func__); break; default: break; } if (!m->conn) { lwsl_warn("%s: dropping state due to conn not up\n", __func__); return 0; } lws_ss_serialize_state(m->conn->dsh, state, ack); if (m->conn->wsi) /* if possible, request client conn write */ lws_callback_on_writable(m->conn->wsi); return 0; } void ss_proxy_onward_txcr(void *userobj, int bump) { ss_proxy_t *m = (ss_proxy_t *)userobj; if (!m->conn) return; lws_ss_serialize_txcr(m->conn->dsh, bump); if (m->conn->wsi) /* if possible, request client conn write */ lws_callback_on_writable(m->conn->wsi); } /* * Client - Proxy connection on unix domain socket */ static int callback_ss_proxy(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->a.context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi]; struct raw_pss *pss = (struct raw_pss *)user; const lws_ss_policy_t *rsp; struct conn *conn = NULL; lws_ss_metadata_t *md; lws_ss_info_t ssi; const uint8_t *cp; #if defined(LWS_WITH_DETAILED_LATENCY) lws_usec_t us; #endif char s[256]; uint8_t *p; size_t si; char pay; int n; if (pss) conn = pss->conn; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT: break; case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY: break; /* callbacks related to raw socket descriptor "accepted side" */ case LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_ADOPT: lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_ADOPT\n"); if (!pss) return -1; pss->conn = malloc(sizeof(struct conn)); if (!pss->conn) return -1; memset(pss->conn, 0, sizeof(*pss->conn)); pss->conn->dsh = lws_dsh_create(&pt->ss_dsh_owner, LWS_SS_MTU * 160, 2); if (!pss->conn->dsh) { free(pss->conn); return -1; } pss->conn->wsi = wsi; pss->conn->state = LPCSPROX_WAIT_INITIAL_TX; /* * Client is expected to follow the unix domain socket * acceptance up rapidly with an initial tx containing the * streamtype name. We can't create the stream until then. */ lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_AWAITING_CLIENT_HS_SEND, 3); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_CLOSE: lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_CLOSE:\n"); if (!conn) break; /* * the client unix domain socket connection (wsi / conn->wsi) * has closed... eg, client has exited or otherwise has * definitively finished with the proxying and onward connection * * But right now, the SS and possibly the SS onward wsi are * still live... */ if (conn->ss) { struct lws *cw = conn->ss->wsi; /* * The onward connection is around */ lwsl_info("%s: destroying ss.h=%p, ss.wsi=%p\n", __func__, conn->ss, conn->ss->wsi); /* sever relationship with ss about to be deleted */ lws_set_opaque_user_data(wsi, NULL); if (wsi != cw) /* * The wsi doing the onward connection can no * longer relate to the conn... otherwise when * he gets callbacks he wants to bind to * the ss we are about to delete */ lws_wsi_close(cw, LWS_TO_KILL_ASYNC); conn->wsi = NULL; lws_ss_destroy(&conn->ss); /* conn may have gone */ break; } if (conn->state == LPCSPROX_DESTROYED || !conn->ss) { /* * There's no onward secure stream and our client * connection is closing. Destroy the conn. */ lws_dsh_destroy(&conn->dsh); free(conn); pss->conn = NULL; } else lwsl_debug("%s: CLOSE; ss=%p\n", __func__, conn->ss); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_RX: /* * ie, the proxy is receiving something from a client */ lwsl_info("%s: RX: rx %d\n", __func__, (int)len); if (!conn || !conn->wsi) { lwsl_err("%s: rx with bad conn state\n", __func__); return -1; } // lwsl_hexdump_info(in, len); if (conn->state == LPCSPROX_WAIT_INITIAL_TX) { memset(&ssi, 0, sizeof(ssi)); ssi.user_alloc = sizeof(ss_proxy_t); ssi.handle_offset = offsetof(ss_proxy_t, ss); ssi.opaque_user_data_offset = offsetof(ss_proxy_t, conn); ssi.rx = ss_proxy_onward_rx; ssi.tx = ss_proxy_onward_tx; } ssi.state = ss_proxy_onward_state; ssi.flags = 0; n = lws_ss_deserialize_parse(&conn->parser, lws_get_context(wsi), conn->dsh, in, len, &conn->state, conn, &conn->ss, &ssi, 0); switch (n) { case LWSSSSRET_OK: break; case LWSSSSRET_DISCONNECT_ME: return -1; case LWSSSSRET_DESTROY_ME: if (conn->ss) lws_ss_destroy(&conn->ss); return -1; } if (conn->state == LPCSPROX_REPORTING_FAIL || conn->state == LPCSPROX_REPORTING_OK) lws_callback_on_writable(conn->wsi); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_WRITEABLE: // lwsl_notice("LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_PROXY_SRV_WRITEABLE\n"); /* * We can transmit something back to the client from the dsh * of stuff we received on its behalf from the ss */ if (!conn || !conn->wsi) break; n = 0; pay = 0; s[3] = 0; cp = (const uint8_t *)s; switch (conn->state) { case LPCSPROX_REPORTING_FAIL: s[3] = 1; /* fallthru */ case LPCSPROX_REPORTING_OK: s[0] = LWSSS_SER_RXPRE_CREATE_RESULT; s[1] = 0; s[2] = 1; n = 4; /* * If there's rideshare sequencing, it's added after the * first 4 bytes or the create result, comma-separated */ if (conn->ss) { rsp = conn->ss->policy; while (rsp) { if (n != 4 && n < (int)sizeof(s) - 2) s[n++] = ','; n += lws_snprintf(&s[n], sizeof(s) - n, "%s", rsp->streamtype); rsp = lws_ss_policy_lookup(wsi->a.context, rsp->rideshare_streamtype); } } s[2] = n - 3; conn->state = LPCSPROX_OPERATIONAL; lws_set_timeout(wsi, 0, 0); break; case LPCSPROX_OPERATIONAL: /* * rx metadata has priority */ md = conn->ss->metadata; while (md) { // lwsl_notice("%s: check %s: %d\n", __func__, // md->name, md->pending_onward); if (md->pending_onward) { size_t naml = strlen(md->name); // lwsl_notice("%s: proxy issuing rxmd\n", __func__); if (4 + naml + md->length > sizeof(s)) { lwsl_err("%s: rxmdata too big\n", __func__); goto hangup; } md->pending_onward = 0; p = (uint8_t *)s; p[0] = LWSSS_SER_RXPRE_METADATA; lws_ser_wu16be(&p[1], 1 + naml + md->length); p[3] = (uint8_t)naml; memcpy(&p[4], md->name, naml); p += 4 + naml; memcpy(p, md->value__may_own_heap, md->length); p += md->length; n = lws_ptr_diff(p, cp); goto again; } md = md->next; } /* * if no fresh rx metadata, just pass through incoming * dsh */ if (lws_dsh_get_head(conn->dsh, KIND_SS_TO_P, (void **)&p, &si)) break; cp = p; #if defined(LWS_WITH_DETAILED_LATENCY) if (cp[0] == LWSSS_SER_RXPRE_RX_PAYLOAD && wsi->a.context->detailed_latency_cb) { /* * we're fulfilling rx that came in on ss * by sending it back out to the client on * the Unix Domain Socket * * + 7 u32 write will compute latency here... * + 11 u32 ust we received from ss * * lws_write will report it and fill in * LAT_DUR_PROXY_CLIENT_REQ_TO_WRITE */ us = lws_now_usecs(); lws_ser_wu32be(&p[7], us - lws_ser_ru64be(&p[11])); lws_ser_wu64be(&p[11], us); wsi->detlat.acc_size = wsi->detlat.req_size = si - 19; /* time proxy held it */ wsi->detlat.latencies[ LAT_DUR_PROXY_RX_TO_ONWARD_TX] = lws_ser_ru32be(&p[7]); } #endif pay = 1; n = (int)si; break; default: break; } again: if (!n) break; n = lws_write(wsi, (uint8_t *)cp, n, LWS_WRITE_RAW); if (n < 0) { lwsl_info("%s: WRITEABLE: %d\n", __func__, n); goto hangup; } switch (conn->state) { case LPCSPROX_REPORTING_FAIL: goto hangup; case LPCSPROX_OPERATIONAL: if (pay) lws_dsh_free((void **)&p); if (!lws_dsh_get_head(conn->dsh, KIND_SS_TO_P, (void **)&p, &si)) { if (!lws_send_pipe_choked(wsi)) { cp = p; pay = 1; n = (int)si; goto again; } lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return lws_callback_http_dummy(wsi, reason, user, in, len); hangup: /* hang up on him */ return -1; } static const struct lws_protocols protocols[] = { { "ssproxy-protocol", callback_ss_proxy, sizeof(struct raw_pss), 2048, 2048, NULL, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* * called from create_context() */ int lws_ss_proxy_create(struct lws_context *context, const char *bind, int port) { struct lws_context_creation_info info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.vhost_name = "ssproxy"; info.options = LWS_SERVER_OPTION_ADOPT_APPLY_LISTEN_ACCEPT_CONFIG; info.port = port; if (!port) { if (!bind) bind = "@proxy.ss.lws"; info.options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_UNIX_SOCK; } info.iface = bind; info.unix_socket_perms = "root:root"; info.listen_accept_role = "raw-skt"; info.listen_accept_protocol = "ssproxy-protocol"; info.protocols = protocols; if (!lws_create_vhost(context, &info)) { lwsl_err("%s: Failed to create ss proxy vhost\n", __func__); return 1; } return 0; }