/* * minilex.c * * High efficiency lexical state parser * * Copyright (C)2011-2014 Andy Green * * Licensed under LGPL2 * * Usage: gcc minilex.c -o minilex && ./minilex > lextable.h * * Run it twice to test parsing on the generated table on stderr */ #include #include #include /* set of parsable strings -- ALL LOWER CASE */ const char *set[] = { "get ", "post ", "host:", "connection:", "sec-websocket-key1:", "sec-websocket-key2:", "sec-websocket-protocol:", "upgrade:", "origin:", "sec-websocket-draft:", "\x0d\x0a", "sec-websocket-key:", "sec-websocket-version:", "sec-websocket-origin:", "sec-websocket-extensions:", "sec-websocket-accept:", "sec-websocket-nonce:", "http/1.1 ", "accept:", "access-control-request-headers:", "if-modified-since:", "if-none-match:" "accept-encoding:", "accept-language:", "pragma:", "cache-control:", "authorization:", "cookie:", "content-length:", "content-type:", "date:", "range:", "referer:", "", /* not matchable */ }; /* * b7 = 0 = 1-byte seq * 0x08 = fail * 2-byte seq * 0x00 - 0x07, then terminal as given in 2nd byte 3-byte seq * no match: go fwd 3 byte, match: jump fwd by amt in +1/+2 bytes * = 1 = 1-byte seq * no match: die, match go fwd 1 byte */ unsigned char lextable[] = { #include "lextable.h" }; #define PARALLEL 30 struct state { char c[PARALLEL]; int state[PARALLEL]; int count; int bytepos; int real_pos; }; struct state state[1000]; int next = 1; #define FAIL_CHAR 0x08 int lextable_decode(int pos, char c) { while (1) { if (lextable[pos] & (1 << 7)) { /* 1-byte, fail on mismatch */ if ((lextable[pos] & 0x7f) != c) return -1; /* fall thru */ pos++; if (lextable[pos] == FAIL_CHAR) return -1; return pos; } else { /* b7 = 0, end or 3-byte */ if (lextable[pos] < FAIL_CHAR) /* terminal marker */ return pos; if (lextable[pos] == c) /* goto */ return pos + (lextable[pos + 1]) + (lextable[pos + 2] << 8); /* fall thru goto */ pos += 3; /* continue */ } } } int main(void) { int n = 0; int m = 0; int prev; char c; int walk; int saw; int y; int j; int pos = 0; while (n < sizeof(set) / sizeof(set[0])) { m = 0; walk = 0; prev = 0; if (set[n][0] == '\0') { n++; continue; } while (set[n][m]) { saw = 0; for (y = 0; y < state[walk].count; y++) if (state[walk].c[y] == set[n][m]) { /* exists -- go forward */ walk = state[walk].state[y]; saw = 1; break; } if (saw) goto again; /* something we didn't see before */ state[walk].c[state[walk].count] = set[n][m]; state[walk].state[state[walk].count] = next; state[walk].count++; walk = next++; again: m++; } state[walk].c[0] = n++; state[walk].state[0] = 0; /* terminal marker */ state[walk].count = 1; } walk = 0; for (n = 0; n < next; n++) { state[n].bytepos = walk; walk += (2 * state[n].count); } /* compute everyone's position first */ pos = 0; walk = 0; for (n = 0; n < next; n++) { state[n].real_pos = pos; for (m = 0; m < state[n].count; m++) { if (state[n].state[m] == 0) pos += 2; /* terminal marker */ else { /* c is a character */ if ((state[state[n].state[m]].bytepos - walk) == 2) pos++; else { pos += 3; if (m == state[n].count - 1) pos++; /* fail */ } } walk += 2; } } walk = 0; pos = 0; for (n = 0; n < next; n++) { for (m = 0; m < state[n].count; m++) { if (!m) fprintf(stdout, "/* pos %04x: %3d */ ", state[n].real_pos, n); else fprintf(stdout, " "); y = state[n].c[m]; saw = state[n].state[m]; if (saw == 0) { // c is a terminal then if (y > 0x7ff) { fprintf(stderr, "terminal too big\n"); return 2; } fprintf(stdout, " 0x%02X, 0x%02X " " " "/* - terminal marker %2d - */,\n", y >> 8, y & 0xff, y & 0x7f); pos += 2; walk += 2; continue; } /* c is a character */ prev = y &0x7f; if (prev < 32 || prev > 126) prev = '.'; if ((state[saw].bytepos - walk) == 2) { fprintf(stdout, " 0x%02X /* '%c' -> */,\n", y | 0x80, prev); pos++; walk += 2; continue; } j = state[saw].real_pos - pos; if (j > 0xffff) { fprintf(stderr, "Jump > 64K bytes ahead (%d to %d)\n", state[n].real_pos, state[saw].real_pos); return 1; } fprintf(stdout, " 0x%02X /* '%c' */, 0x%02X, 0x%02X " "/* (to 0x%04X state %3d) */,\n", y, prev, j & 0xff, j >> 8, state[saw].real_pos, saw); pos += 3; if (m == state[n].count - 1) { fprintf(stdout, " 0x%02X, /* fail */\n", FAIL_CHAR); pos++; /* fail */ } walk += 2; } } fprintf(stdout, "/* total size %d bytes */\n", pos); /* * Try to parse every legal input string */ for (n = 0; n < sizeof(set) / sizeof(set[0]); n++) { walk = 0; m = 0; y = -1; if (set[n][0] == '\0') continue; fprintf(stderr, " trying '%s'\n", set[n]); while (set[n][m]) { walk = lextable_decode(walk, set[n][m]); if (walk < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed\n"); return 3; } if (lextable[walk] < FAIL_CHAR) { y = (lextable[walk] << 8) + lextable[walk + 1]; break; } m++; } if (y != n) { fprintf(stderr, "decode failed %d\n", y); return 4; } } fprintf(stderr, "All decode OK\n"); return 0; }