/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Andy Green * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation: * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "core/private.h" #if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32) && !defined(LWS_PLAT_OPTEE) static int interface_to_sa(struct lws_vhost *vh, const char *ifname, struct sockaddr_in *addr, size_t addrlen, int allow_ipv6) { int ipv6 = 0; #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 if (allow_ipv6) ipv6 = LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(vh); #endif (void)vh; return lws_interface_to_sa(ipv6, ifname, addr, addrlen); } #endif #ifndef LWS_PLAT_OPTEE static int lws_get_addresses(struct lws_vhost *vh, void *ads, char *name, int name_len, char *rip, int rip_len) { struct addrinfo ai, *res; struct sockaddr_in addr4; rip[0] = '\0'; name[0] = '\0'; addr4.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC; #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 if (LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(vh)) { if (!lws_plat_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ads)->sin6_addr, rip, rip_len)) { lwsl_err("inet_ntop: %s", strerror(LWS_ERRNO)); return -1; } // Strip off the IPv4 to IPv6 header if one exists if (strncmp(rip, "::ffff:", 7) == 0) memmove(rip, rip + 7, strlen(rip) - 6); getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)ads, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), name, name_len, NULL, 0, 0); return 0; } else #endif { struct addrinfo *result; memset(&ai, 0, sizeof ai); ai.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; ai.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; #if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32) if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)ads, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), name, name_len, NULL, 0, 0)) return -1; #endif if (getaddrinfo(name, NULL, &ai, &result)) return -1; res = result; while (addr4.sin_family == AF_UNSPEC && res) { switch (res->ai_family) { case AF_INET: addr4.sin_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr)->sin_addr; addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; break; } res = res->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(result); } if (addr4.sin_family == AF_UNSPEC) return -1; if (lws_plat_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr4.sin_addr, rip, rip_len) == NULL) return -1; return 0; } LWS_VISIBLE const char * lws_get_peer_simple(struct lws *wsi, char *name, int namelen) { socklen_t len, olen; #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; #endif struct sockaddr_in sin4; int af = AF_INET; void *p, *q; wsi = lws_get_network_wsi(wsi); #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 if (LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(wsi->vhost)) { len = sizeof(sin6); p = &sin6; af = AF_INET6; q = &sin6.sin6_addr; } else #endif { len = sizeof(sin4); p = &sin4; q = &sin4.sin_addr; } olen = len; if (getpeername(wsi->desc.sockfd, p, &len) < 0 || len > olen) { lwsl_warn("getpeername: %s\n", strerror(LWS_ERRNO)); return NULL; } return lws_plat_inet_ntop(af, q, name, namelen); } #endif LWS_VISIBLE void lws_get_peer_addresses(struct lws *wsi, lws_sockfd_type fd, char *name, int name_len, char *rip, int rip_len) { #ifndef LWS_PLAT_OPTEE socklen_t len; #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; #endif struct sockaddr_in sin4; struct lws_context *context = wsi->context; int ret = -1; void *p; rip[0] = '\0'; name[0] = '\0'; lws_latency_pre(context, wsi); #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 if (LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(wsi->vhost)) { len = sizeof(sin6); p = &sin6; } else #endif { len = sizeof(sin4); p = &sin4; } if (getpeername(fd, p, &len) < 0) { lwsl_warn("getpeername: %s\n", strerror(LWS_ERRNO)); goto bail; } ret = lws_get_addresses(wsi->vhost, p, name, name_len, rip, rip_len); bail: lws_latency(context, wsi, "lws_get_peer_addresses", ret, 1); #endif (void)wsi; (void)fd; (void)name; (void)name_len; (void)rip; (void)rip_len; } /* note: this returns a random port, or one of these <= 0 return codes: * * LWS_ITOSA_USABLE: the interface is usable, returned if so and sockfd invalid * LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST: the requested iface does not even exist * LWS_ITOSA_NOT_USABLE: the requested iface exists but is not usable (eg, no IP) * LWS_ITOSA_BUSY: the port at the requested iface + port is already in use */ LWS_EXTERN int lws_socket_bind(struct lws_vhost *vhost, lws_sockfd_type sockfd, int port, const char *iface, int ipv6_allowed) { #ifdef LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK struct sockaddr_un serv_unix; #endif #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 struct sockaddr_in6 serv_addr6; #endif struct sockaddr_in serv_addr4; #ifndef LWS_PLAT_OPTEE socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); #endif int n; #if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32) && !defined(LWS_PLAT_OPTEE) int m; #endif struct sockaddr_storage sin; struct sockaddr *v; memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); #if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK) if (LWS_UNIX_SOCK_ENABLED(vhost)) { v = (struct sockaddr *)&serv_unix; n = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); memset(&serv_unix, 0, sizeof(serv_unix)); serv_unix.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (!iface) return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; if (sizeof(serv_unix.sun_path) <= strlen(iface)) { lwsl_err("\"%s\" too long for UNIX domain socket\n", iface); return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; } strcpy(serv_unix.sun_path, iface); if (serv_unix.sun_path[0] == '@') serv_unix.sun_path[0] = '\0'; else unlink(serv_unix.sun_path); } else #endif #if defined(LWS_WITH_IPV6) && !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32) if (ipv6_allowed && LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(vhost)) { v = (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr6; n = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); memset(&serv_addr6, 0, sizeof(serv_addr6)); if (iface) { m = interface_to_sa(vhost, iface, (struct sockaddr_in *)v, n, 1); if (m == LWS_ITOSA_NOT_USABLE) { lwsl_info("%s: netif %s: Not usable\n", __func__, iface); return m; } if (m == LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST) { lwsl_info("%s: netif %s: Does not exist\n", __func__, iface); return m; } serv_addr6.sin6_scope_id = lws_get_addr_scope(iface); } serv_addr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; serv_addr6.sin6_port = htons(port); } else #endif { v = (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr4; n = sizeof(serv_addr4); memset(&serv_addr4, 0, sizeof(serv_addr4)); serv_addr4.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; #if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32) && !defined(LWS_PLAT_OPTEE) if (iface) { m = interface_to_sa(vhost, iface, (struct sockaddr_in *)v, n, 0); if (m == LWS_ITOSA_NOT_USABLE) { lwsl_info("%s: netif %s: Not usable\n", __func__, iface); return m; } if (m == LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST) { lwsl_info("%s: netif %s: Does not exist\n", __func__, iface); return m; } } #endif serv_addr4.sin_port = htons(port); } /* ipv4 */ /* just checking for the interface extant */ if (sockfd == LWS_SOCK_INVALID) return LWS_ITOSA_USABLE; n = bind(sockfd, v, n); #ifdef LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK if (n < 0 && LWS_UNIX_SOCK_ENABLED(vhost)) { lwsl_err("ERROR on binding fd %d to \"%s\" (%d %d)\n", sockfd, iface, n, LWS_ERRNO); return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; } else #endif if (n < 0) { lwsl_err("ERROR on binding fd %d to port %d (%d %d)\n", sockfd, port, n, LWS_ERRNO); /* if something already listening, tell caller to fail permanently */ if (LWS_ERRNO == LWS_EADDRINUSE) return LWS_ITOSA_BUSY; /* otherwise ask caller to retry later */ return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; } #if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK) if (LWS_UNIX_SOCK_ENABLED(vhost)) { uid_t uid = vhost->context->uid; gid_t gid = vhost->context->gid; if (vhost->unix_socket_perms) { if (lws_plat_user_colon_group_to_ids( vhost->unix_socket_perms, &uid, &gid)) { lwsl_err("%s: Failed to translate %s\n", __func__, vhost->unix_socket_perms); return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; } } if (uid && gid) { if (chown(serv_unix.sun_path, uid, gid)) { lwsl_err("%s: failed to set %s perms %u:%u\n", __func__, serv_unix.sun_path, (unsigned int)uid, (unsigned int)gid); return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; } lwsl_notice("%s: vh %s unix skt %s perms %u:%u\n", __func__, vhost->name, serv_unix.sun_path, (unsigned int)uid, (unsigned int)gid); if (chmod(serv_unix.sun_path, 0660)) { lwsl_err("%s: failed to set %s to 0600 mode\n", __func__, serv_unix.sun_path); return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; } } } #endif #ifndef LWS_PLAT_OPTEE if (getsockname(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, &len) == -1) lwsl_warn("getsockname: %s\n", strerror(LWS_ERRNO)); else #endif #if defined(LWS_WITH_IPV6) port = (sin.ss_family == AF_INET6) ? ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &sin)->sin6_port) : ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) &sin)->sin_port); #else { struct sockaddr_in sain; memcpy(&sain, &sin, sizeof(sain)); port = ntohs(sain.sin_port); } #endif return port; } #if defined(LWS_WITH_IPV6) LWS_EXTERN unsigned long lws_get_addr_scope(const char *ipaddr) { unsigned long scope = 0; #ifndef WIN32 struct ifaddrs *addrs, *addr; char ip[NI_MAXHOST]; unsigned int i; getifaddrs(&addrs); for (addr = addrs; addr; addr = addr->ifa_next) { if (!addr->ifa_addr || addr->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET6) continue; getnameinfo(addr->ifa_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), ip, sizeof(ip), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); i = 0; while (ip[i]) if (ip[i++] == '%') { ip[i - 1] = '\0'; break; } if (!strcmp(ip, ipaddr)) { scope = if_nametoindex(addr->ifa_name); break; } } freeifaddrs(addrs); #else PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES adapter, addrs = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS addr; ULONG size = 0; DWORD ret; struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr; char ip[NI_MAXHOST]; unsigned int i; int found = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ret = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET6, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX, NULL, addrs, &size); if ((ret == NO_ERROR) || (ret == ERROR_NO_DATA)) { break; } else if (ret == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { if (addrs) free(addrs); addrs = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *)malloc(size); } else { if (addrs) { free(addrs); addrs = NULL; } lwsl_err("Failed to get IPv6 address table (%d)", ret); break; } } if ((ret == NO_ERROR) && (addrs)) { adapter = addrs; while (adapter && !found) { addr = adapter->FirstUnicastAddress; while (addr && !found) { if (addr->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { sockaddr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) (addr->Address.lpSockaddr); lws_plat_inet_ntop(sockaddr->sin6_family, &sockaddr->sin6_addr, ip, sizeof(ip)); if (!strcmp(ip, ipaddr)) { scope = sockaddr->sin6_scope_id; found = 1; break; } } addr = addr->Next; } adapter = adapter->Next; } } if (addrs) free(addrs); #endif return scope; } #endif