/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2019 Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "private-lwsgs.h" #include <stdlib.h> void sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(unsigned char *hash, lwsgw_hash *shash) { static const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef"; char *p = shash->id; int n; for (n = 0; n < (int)lws_genhash_size(LWS_GENHASH_TYPE_SHA256); n++) { *p++ = hex[(hash[n] >> 4) & 0xf]; *p++ = hex[hash[n] & 15]; } *p = '\0'; } int lwsgw_check_admin(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, const char *username, const char *password) { lwsgw_hash_bin hash_bin; lwsgw_hash pw_hash; if (strcmp(vhd->admin_user, username)) return 0; lws_SHA1((unsigned char *)password, strlen(password), hash_bin.bin); sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(hash_bin.bin, &pw_hash); return !strcmp(vhd->admin_password_sha256.id, pw_hash.id); } /* * secure cookie: it can only be passed over https where it cannot be * snooped in transit * HttpOnly: it can only be accessed via http[s] transport, it cannot be * gotten at by JS */ void lwsgw_cookie_from_session(lwsgw_hash *sid, time_t expires, char **p, char *end) { struct tm *tm = gmtime(&expires); time_t n = lws_now_secs(); *p += lws_snprintf(*p, end - *p, "id=%s;Expires=", sid->id); #ifdef WIN32 *p += strftime(*p, end - *p, "%Y %H:%M %Z", tm); #else *p += strftime(*p, end - *p, "%F %H:%M %Z", tm); #endif *p += lws_snprintf(*p, end - *p, ";path=/"); *p += lws_snprintf(*p, end - *p, ";Max-Age=%lu", (unsigned long)(expires - n)); // *p += lws_snprintf(*p, end - *p, ";secure"); *p += lws_snprintf(*p, end - *p, ";HttpOnly"); } int lwsgw_expire_old_sessions(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd) { time_t n = lws_now_secs(); char s[200]; if (n - vhd->last_session_expire < 5) return 0; vhd->last_session_expire = n; lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "delete from sessions where " "expire <= %lu;", (unsigned long)n); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to expire sessions: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } return 0; } int lwsgw_update_session(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, lwsgw_hash *hash, const char *user) { time_t n = lws_now_secs(); char s[200], esc[96], esc1[96]; if (user[0]) n += vhd->timeout_absolute_secs; else n += vhd->timeout_anon_absolute_secs; lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "update sessions set expire=%lu,username='%s' where name='%s';", (unsigned long)n, lws_sql_purify(esc, user, sizeof(esc)), lws_sql_purify(esc1, hash->id, sizeof(esc1))); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to update session: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } puts(s); return 0; } static int lwsgw_session_from_cookie(const char *cookie, lwsgw_hash *sid) { const char *p = cookie; int n; while (*p) { if (p[0] == 'i' && p[1] == 'd' && p[2] == '=') { p += 3; break; } p++; } if (!*p) { lwsl_info("no id= in cookie\n"); return 1; } for (n = 0; n < (int)sizeof(sid->id) - 1 && *p; n++) { /* our SID we issue only has these chars */ if ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f')) sid->id[n] = *p++; else { lwsl_info("bad chars in cookie id %c\n", *p); return 1; } } if (n < (int)sizeof(sid->id) - 1) { lwsl_info("cookie id too short\n"); return 1; } sid->id[sizeof(sid->id) - 1] = '\0'; return 0; } int lwsgs_get_sid_from_wsi(struct lws *wsi, lwsgw_hash *sid) { char cookie[1024]; /* fail it on no cookie */ if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE)) { lwsl_info("%s: no cookie\n", __func__); return 1; } if (lws_hdr_copy(wsi, cookie, sizeof cookie, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE) < 0) { lwsl_info("cookie copy failed\n"); return 1; } /* extract the sid from the cookie */ if (lwsgw_session_from_cookie(cookie, sid)) { lwsl_info("%s: session from cookie failed\n", __func__); return 1; } return 0; } struct lla { char *username; int len; int results; }; static int lwsgs_lookup_callback(void *priv, int cols, char **col_val, char **col_name) { struct lla *lla = (struct lla *)priv; //lwsl_err("%s: %d\n", __func__, cols); if (cols) lla->results = 0; if (col_val && col_val[0]) { lws_strncpy(lla->username, col_val[0], lla->len + 1); lwsl_info("%s: %s\n", __func__, lla->username); } return 0; } int lwsgs_lookup_session(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, const lwsgw_hash *sid, char *username, int len) { struct lla lla = { username, len, 1 }; char s[150], esc[96]; lwsgw_expire_old_sessions(vhd); lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select username from sessions where name = '%s';", lws_sql_purify(esc, sid->id, sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, lwsgs_lookup_callback, &lla, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to create user table: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } /* 0 if found */ return lla.results; } int lwsgs_lookup_callback_user(void *priv, int cols, char **col_val, char **col_name) { struct lwsgs_user *u = (struct lwsgs_user *)priv; int n; for (n = 0; n < cols; n++) { if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "username")) { lws_strncpy(u->username, col_val[n], sizeof(u->username)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "ip")) { lws_strncpy(u->ip, col_val[n], sizeof(u->ip)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "creation_time")) { u->created = atol(col_val[n]); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "last_forgot_validated")) { if (col_val[n]) u->last_forgot_validated = atol(col_val[n]); else u->last_forgot_validated = 0; continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "email")) { lws_strncpy(u->email, col_val[n], sizeof(u->email)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "verified")) { u->verified = atoi(col_val[n]); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "pwhash")) { lws_strncpy(u->pwhash.id, col_val[n], sizeof(u->pwhash.id)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "pwsalt")) { lws_strncpy(u->pwsalt.id, col_val[n], sizeof(u->pwsalt.id)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "token")) { lws_strncpy(u->token.id, col_val[n], sizeof(u->token.id)); continue; } } return 0; } int lwsgs_lookup_user(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, const char *username, struct lwsgs_user *u) { char s[150], esc[96]; u->username[0] = '\0'; lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select username,creation_time,ip,email,verified,pwhash,pwsalt,last_forgot_validated " "from users where username = '%s';", lws_sql_purify(esc, username, sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, lwsgs_lookup_callback_user, u, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup user: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return -1; } return !u->username[0]; } int lwsgs_new_session_id(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, lwsgw_hash *sid, const char *username, int exp) { unsigned char sid_rand[32]; const char *u; char s[300], esc[96], esc1[96]; if (username) u = username; else u = ""; if (!sid) { lwsl_err("%s: NULL sid\n", __func__); return 1; } memset(sid, 0, sizeof(*sid)); if (lws_get_random(vhd->context, sid_rand, sizeof(sid_rand)) != sizeof(sid_rand)) return 1; sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(sid_rand, sid); lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "insert into sessions(name, username, expire) " "values ('%s', '%s', %u);", lws_sql_purify(esc, sid->id, sizeof(esc) - 1), lws_sql_purify(esc1, u, sizeof(esc1) - 1), exp); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to insert session: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } lwsl_notice("%s: created session %s\n", __func__, sid->id); return 0; } int lwsgs_get_auth_level(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, const char *username) { struct lwsgs_user u; int n = 0; /* we are logged in as some kind of user */ if (username[0]) { /* we are logged in as admin */ if (!strcmp(username, vhd->admin_user)) /* automatically verified */ n |= LWSGS_AUTH_VERIFIED | LWSGS_AUTH_ADMIN; } if (!lwsgs_lookup_user(vhd, username, &u)) { if ((u.verified & 0xff) == LWSGS_VERIFIED_ACCEPTED) n |= LWSGS_AUTH_LOGGED_IN | LWSGS_AUTH_VERIFIED; if (u.last_forgot_validated > (time_t)lws_now_secs() - 300) n |= LWSGS_AUTH_FORGOT_FLOW; } return n; } int lwsgs_check_credentials(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, const char *username, const char *password) { struct lws_genhash_ctx hash_ctx; lwsgw_hash_bin hash_bin; struct lwsgs_user u; lwsgw_hash hash; if (lwsgs_lookup_user(vhd, username, &u)) return -1; lwsl_info("user %s found, salt '%s'\n", username, u.pwsalt.id); /* sha256sum of password + salt */ if (lws_genhash_init(&hash_ctx, LWS_GENHASH_TYPE_SHA256) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, password, strlen(password)) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, "-", 1) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, vhd->confounder, strlen(vhd->confounder)) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, "-", 1) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, u.pwsalt.id, strlen(u.pwsalt.id)) || lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, hash_bin.bin)) { lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, NULL); return 1; } sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(&hash_bin.bin[0], &hash); return !!strcmp(hash.id, u.pwhash.id); } /* sets u->pwsalt and u->pwhash */ int lwsgs_hash_password(struct per_vhost_data__gs *vhd, const char *password, struct lwsgs_user *u) { unsigned char sid_rand[32]; struct lws_genhash_ctx hash_ctx; lwsgw_hash_bin hash_bin; /* create a random salt as big as the hash */ if (lws_get_random(vhd->context, sid_rand, sizeof(sid_rand)) != sizeof(sid_rand)) { lwsl_err("Problem getting random for salt\n"); return 1; } sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(sid_rand, &u->pwsalt); /* if (lws_get_random(vhd->context, sid_rand, sizeof(sid_rand)) != sizeof(sid_rand)) { lwsl_err("Problem getting random for token\n"); return 1; } sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(sid_rand, &hash); */ /* sha256sum of password + salt */ if (lws_genhash_init(&hash_ctx, LWS_GENHASH_TYPE_SHA256) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, password, strlen(password)) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, "-", 1) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, vhd->confounder, strlen(vhd->confounder)) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, "-", 1) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, u->pwsalt.id, strlen(u->pwsalt.id)) || lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, hash_bin.bin)) { lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, NULL); return 1; } sha256_to_lwsgw_hash(&hash_bin.bin[0], &u->pwhash); return 0; }