(function () { /* * We display untrusted stuff in html context... reject anything * that has HTML stuff in it */ function san(s) { if (s.search("<") != -1) return "invalid string"; return s; } function humanize(s) { i = parseInt(s); if (i > 1000000000) return (i / 1000000000).toFixed(3) + "G"; if (i > 1000000) return (i / 1000000).toFixed(3) + "M"; if (i > 1000) return (i / 1000).toFixed(3) + "K"; return s; } var pos = 0; function get_appropriate_ws_url() { var pcol; var u = document.URL; /* * We open the websocket encrypted if this page came on an * https:// url itself, otherwise unencrypted */ if (u.substring(0, 5) == "https") { pcol = "wss://"; u = u.substr(8); } else { pcol = "ws://"; if (u.substring(0, 4) == "http") u = u.substr(7); } u = u.split('/'); /* + "/xxx" bit is for IE10 workaround */ return pcol + u[0] + "/xxx"; } var socket_status, jso, s; function ws_open_server_status() { socket_status = new WebSocket(get_appropriate_ws_url(), "lws-server-status"); try { socket_status.onopen = function() { document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Server Status (Active)"; lws_gray_out(false); } socket_status.onmessage =function got_packet(msg) { var u, ci, n; //document.getElementById("json").innerHTML = "<pre>"+msg.data+"</pre>"; if (msg.data.length < 100) return; jso = JSON.parse(msg.data); u = parseInt(san(jso.i.uptime)); if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[0].deprecated) == 0) s = "<table><tr><td></td><td class=\"c0\">"; else s = "<table><tr><td></td><td class=\"dc0\">"; s += "Server</td><td>" + "<span class=n>Version:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.version) + "</span><br>" + "<span class=n>Uptime:</span> <span class=v>" + ((u / (24 * 3600)) | 0) + "d " + (((u % (24 * 3600)) / 3600) | 0) + "h " + (((u % 3600) / 60) | 0) + "m</span>"; if (jso.i.l1) s = s + ", <span class=n>Load:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.l1) + " "; if (jso.i.l2) s = s + san(jso.i.l2) + " "; if (jso.i.l3) s = s + san(jso.i.l3); if (jso.i.l1) s =s + "<span>"; for (n = 0; n < jso.files.length; n++) { s += "<br><span class=n>" + san(jso.files[n].path) + ":</span><br> " + san(jso.files[n].val); } s += "</td></tr>"; for (ci = 0; ci < jso.i.contexts.length; ci++) { if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[ci].deprecated) == 0) s += "<tr><td></td><td class=\"c\">" + "Active Context</td><td>"; else s += "<tr><td></td><td class=\"c1\">" + "Deprecated Context " + ci + "</td><td>"; u = parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].context_uptime)); s += "<span class=n>Uptime:</span> <span class=v>" + ((u / (24 * 3600)) | 0) + "d " + (((u % (24 * 3600)) / 3600) | 0) + "h " + (((u % 3600) / 60) | 0) + "m</span>"; s = s + "<br>" + "<span class=n>Listening wsi:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].listen_wsi) + "</span>, " + "<span class=n>Current wsi alive:</span> <span class=v>" + (parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].wsi_alive)) - parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].listen_wsi))) + "</span><br>" + "<span class=n>Total Rx:</span> <span class=v>" + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].rx)) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Total Tx:</span> <span class=v>" + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].tx)) +"</span><br>" + "<span class=n>CONNECTIONS: HTTP/1.x:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h1_conn) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Websocket:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].ws_upg) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>H2 upgrade:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_upg) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>H2 ALPN:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_alpn) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Rejected:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].rejected) +"</span><br>" + "<span class=n>TRANSACTIONS: HTTP/1.x:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h1_trans) + "</span>, " + "<span class=n>H2:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_trans) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Total H2 substreams:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].h2_subs) +"</span><br>" + "<span class=n>CGI: alive:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].cgi_alive) + "</span>, " + "<span class=n>spawned:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].cgi_spawned) + "</span><table>"; for (n = 0; n < jso.i.contexts[ci].pt.length; n++) { if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[ci].deprecated) == 0) s += "<tr><td> </td><td class=\"l\">service thread " + (n + 1); else s += "<tr><td> </td><td class=\"dl\">service thread " + (n + 1); s += "</td><td>" + "<span class=n>fds:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt[n].fds_count) + " / " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt_fd_max) + "</span>, "; s = s + "<span class=n>ah pool:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt[n].ah_pool_inuse) + " / " + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].ah_pool_max) + "</span>, " + "<span class=n>ah waiting list:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].pt[n].ah_wait_list); s = s + "</span></td></tr>"; } for (n = 0; n < jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts.length; n++) { if (parseInt(jso.i.contexts[ci].deprecated) == 0) s += "<tr><td> </td><td class=\"l\">vhost " + (n + 1); else s += "<tr><td> </td><td class=\"dl\">vhost " + (n + 1); s += "</td><td><span class=\"mountname\">"; if (jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].use_ssl == '1') s = s + "https://"; else s = s + "http://"; s = s + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].name) + ":" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].port) + "</span>"; if (jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].sts == '1') s = s + " (STS)"; s = s +"<br>" + "<span class=n>Total Rx:</span> <span class=v>" + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].rx)) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Total Tx:</span> <span class=v>" + humanize(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].tx)) +"</span><br>" + "<span class=n>CONNECTIONS: HTTP/1.x:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h1_conn) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Websocket:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].ws_upg) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>H2 upgrade:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_upg) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>H2 ALPN:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_alpn) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Rejected:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].rejected) +"</span><br>" + "<span class=n>TRANSACTIONS: HTTP/1.x:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h1_trans) + "</span>, " + "<span class=n>H2:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_trans) +"</span>, " + "<span class=n>Total H2 substreams:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].h2_subs) +"</span><br>" + "<table style=\"margin-left:16px\"><tr><td class=t>Mountpoint</td><td class=t>Origin</td><td class=t>Cache Policy</td></tr>"; var m; for (m = 0; m < jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts.length; m++) { s = s + "<tr><td>"; s = s + "<span class=\"m1\">" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].mountpoint) + "</span></td><td><span class=\"m2\">" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].origin) + "</span></td><td>"; if (parseInt(san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_max_age))) s = s + "<span class=n>max-age:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_max_age) + "</span>, <span class=n>reuse:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_reuse) + "</span>, <span class=n>reval:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_revalidate) + "</span>, <span class=n>inter:</span> <span class=v>" + san(jso.i.contexts[ci].vhosts[n].mounts[m].cache_intermediaries); s = s + "</span></td></tr>" } s = s + "</table>"; s = s + "</td></tr>"; } s += "</table></td></tr>"; } // context s = s + "</table>"; document.getElementById("conninfo").innerHTML = s; } socket_status.onclose = function(){ document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Server Status (Disconnected)"; lws_gray_out(true,{'zindex':'499'}); } } catch(exception) { alert('<p>Error' + exception); } } /* stuff that has to be delayed until all the page assets are loaded */ window.addEventListener("load", function() { lws_gray_out(true,{'zindex':'499'}); ws_open_server_status(); }, false); })();