/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2019 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "private-lib-core.h" #include "private-lib-jose.h" #include "private-lib-jose-jwe.h" /* * Currently only support flattened or compact (implicitly single signature) */ static const char * const jwe_json[] = { "protected", "iv", "ciphertext", "tag", "encrypted_key" }; enum enum_jwe_complete_tokens { LWS_EJCT_PROTECTED, LWS_EJCT_IV, LWS_EJCT_CIPHERTEXT, LWS_EJCT_TAG, LWS_EJCT_RECIP_ENC_KEY, }; /* parse a JWS complete or flattened JSON object */ struct jwe_cb_args { struct lws_jws *jws; char *temp; int *temp_len; }; static signed char lws_jwe_json_cb(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason) { struct jwe_cb_args *args = (struct jwe_cb_args *)ctx->user; int n, m; if (!(reason & LEJP_FLAG_CB_IS_VALUE) || !ctx->path_match) return 0; switch (ctx->path_match - 1) { /* strings */ case LWS_EJCT_PROTECTED: /* base64u: JOSE: must contain 'alg' */ m = LJWS_JOSE; goto append_string; case LWS_EJCT_IV: /* base64u */ m = LJWE_IV; goto append_string; case LWS_EJCT_CIPHERTEXT: /* base64u */ m = LJWE_CTXT; goto append_string; case LWS_EJCT_TAG: /* base64u */ m = LJWE_ATAG; goto append_string; case LWS_EJCT_RECIP_ENC_KEY: /* base64u */ m = LJWE_EKEY; goto append_string; default: return -1; } return 0; append_string: if (*args->temp_len < ctx->npos) { lwsl_err("%s: out of parsing space\n", __func__); return -1; } /* * We keep both b64u and decoded in temp mapped using map / map_b64, * the jws signature is actually over the b64 content not the plaintext, * and we can't do it until we see the protected alg. */ if (!args->jws->map_b64.buf[m]) { args->jws->map_b64.buf[m] = args->temp; args->jws->map_b64.len[m] = 0; } memcpy(args->temp, ctx->buf, ctx->npos); args->temp += ctx->npos; *args->temp_len -= ctx->npos; args->jws->map_b64.len[m] += ctx->npos; if (reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_END) { args->jws->map.buf[m] = args->temp; n = lws_b64_decode_string_len( (const char *)args->jws->map_b64.buf[m], args->jws->map_b64.len[m], (char *)args->temp, *args->temp_len); if (n < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: b64 decode failed\n", __func__); return -1; } args->temp += n; *args->temp_len -= n; args->jws->map.len[m] = n; } return 0; } int lws_jwe_json_parse(struct lws_jwe *jwe, const uint8_t *buf, int len, char *temp, int *temp_len) { struct jwe_cb_args args; struct lejp_ctx jctx; int m = 0; args.jws = &jwe->jws; args.temp = temp; args.temp_len = temp_len; lejp_construct(&jctx, lws_jwe_json_cb, &args, jwe_json, LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(jwe_json)); m = (int)(signed char)lejp_parse(&jctx, (uint8_t *)buf, len); lejp_destruct(&jctx); if (m < 0) { lwsl_notice("%s: parse returned %d\n", __func__, m); return -1; } return 0; } void lws_jwe_init(struct lws_jwe *jwe, struct lws_context *context) { lws_jose_init(&jwe->jose); lws_jws_init(&jwe->jws, &jwe->jwk, context); memset(&jwe->jwk, 0, sizeof(jwe->jwk)); jwe->recip = 0; jwe->cek_valid = 0; } void lws_jwe_destroy(struct lws_jwe *jwe) { lws_jws_destroy(&jwe->jws); lws_jose_destroy(&jwe->jose); lws_jwk_destroy(&jwe->jwk); /* cleanse the CEK we held on to in case of further encryptions of it */ lws_explicit_bzero(jwe->cek, sizeof(jwe->cek)); jwe->cek_valid = 0; } static uint8_t * be32(uint32_t i, uint32_t *p32) { uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)p32; *p++ = (i >> 24) & 0xff; *p++ = (i >> 16) & 0xff; *p++ = (i >> 8) & 0xff; *p++ = i & 0xff; return (uint8_t *)p32; } /* * The key derivation process derives the agreed-upon key from the * shared secret Z established through the ECDH algorithm, per * Section of [NIST.800-56A]. * * * Key derivation is performed using the Concat KDF, as defined in * Section 5.8.1 of [NIST.800-56A], where the Digest Method is SHA-256. * * out must be prepared to take at least 32 bytes or the encrypted key size, * whichever is larger. */ int lws_jwa_concat_kdf(struct lws_jwe *jwe, int direct, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *shared_secret, int sslen) { int hlen = lws_genhash_size(LWS_GENHASH_TYPE_SHA256), aidlen; struct lws_genhash_ctx hash_ctx; uint32_t ctr = 1, t; const char *aid; if (!jwe->jose.enc_alg || !jwe->jose.alg) return -1; /* * Hash * * AlgorithmID || PartyUInfo || PartyVInfo * {|| SuppPubInfo }{|| SuppPrivInfo } * * AlgorithmID * * The AlgorithmID value is of the form Datalen || Data, where Data * is a variable-length string of zero or more octets, and Datalen is * a fixed-length, big-endian 32-bit counter that indicates the * length (in octets) of Data. In the Direct Key Agreement case, * Data is set to the octets of the ASCII representation of the "enc" * Header Parameter value. In the Key Agreement with Key Wrapping * case, Data is set to the octets of the ASCII representation of the * "alg" (algorithm) Header Parameter value. */ aid = direct ? jwe->jose.enc_alg->alg : jwe->jose.alg->alg; aidlen = strlen(aid); /* * PartyUInfo (PartyVInfo is the same deal) * * The PartyUInfo value is of the form Datalen || Data, where Data is * a variable-length string of zero or more octets, and Datalen is a * fixed-length, big-endian 32-bit counter that indicates the length * (in octets) of Data. If an "apu" (agreement PartyUInfo) Header * Parameter is present, Data is set to the result of base64url * decoding the "apu" value and Datalen is set to the number of * octets in Data. Otherwise, Datalen is set to 0 and Data is set to * the empty octet sequence * * SuppPubInfo * * This is set to the keydatalen represented as a 32-bit big-endian * integer. * * keydatalen * * This is set to the number of bits in the desired output key. For * "ECDH-ES", this is length of the key used by the "enc" algorithm. * For "ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", and "ECDH-ES+A256KW", this * is 128, 192, and 256, respectively. * * Compute Hash i = H(counter || Z || OtherInfo). * * We must iteratively hash over key material that's larger than * one hash output size (256b for SHA-256) */ while (ctr <= (uint32_t)((jwe->jose.enc_alg->keybits_fixed + (hlen - 1)) / hlen)) { /* * Key derivation is performed using the Concat KDF, as defined * in Section 5.8.1 of [NIST.800-56A], where the Digest Method * is SHA-256. */ if (lws_genhash_init(&hash_ctx, LWS_GENHASH_TYPE_SHA256)) return -1; if (/* counter */ lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, be32(ctr++, &t), 4) || /* Z */ lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, shared_secret, sslen) || /* other info */ lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, be32(strlen(aid), &t), 4) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, aid, aidlen) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, be32(jwe->jose.e[LJJHI_APU].len, &t), 4) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, jwe->jose.e[LJJHI_APU].buf, jwe->jose.e[LJJHI_APU].len) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, be32(jwe->jose.e[LJJHI_APV].len, &t), 4) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, jwe->jose.e[LJJHI_APV].buf, jwe->jose.e[LJJHI_APV].len) || lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, be32(jwe->jose.enc_alg->keybits_fixed, &t), 4) || lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, out)) { lwsl_err("%s: fail\n", __func__); lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, NULL); return -1; } out += hlen; } return 0; } LWS_VISIBLE void lws_jwe_be64(uint64_t c, uint8_t *p8) { int n; for (n = 56; n >= 0; n -= 8) *p8++ = (uint8_t)((c >> n) & 0xff); } LWS_VISIBLE int lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt(struct lws_jwe *jwe, char *temp, int *temp_len) { int valid_aescbc_hmac, valid_aesgcm; char dotstar[96]; if (lws_jwe_parse_jose(&jwe->jose, jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE], temp, temp_len) < 0) { lws_strnncpy(dotstar, jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE], sizeof(dotstar)); lwsl_err("%s: JOSE parse '%s' failed\n", __func__, dotstar); return -1; } if (!jwe->jose.alg) { lws_strnncpy(dotstar, jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE], sizeof(dotstar)); lwsl_err("%s: no jose.alg: %s\n", __func__, dotstar); return -1; } valid_aescbc_hmac = jwe->jose.enc_alg && jwe->jose.enc_alg->algtype_crypto == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_AES_CBC && (jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type == LWS_GENHMAC_TYPE_SHA256 || jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type == LWS_GENHMAC_TYPE_SHA384 || jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type == LWS_GENHMAC_TYPE_SHA512); valid_aesgcm = jwe->jose.enc_alg && jwe->jose.enc_alg->algtype_crypto == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_AES_GCM; if ((jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_RSASSA_PKCS1_1_5 || jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_RSASSA_PKCS1_OAEP)) { /* RSA + AESCBC */ if (valid_aescbc_hmac) return lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_rsa_aes_cbc_hs(jwe); /* RSA + AESGCM */ if (valid_aesgcm) return lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_rsa_aes_gcm(jwe); } /* AESKW */ if (jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_AES_ECB && valid_aescbc_hmac) return lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_aeskw_cbc_hs(jwe); /* ECDH-ES + AESKW */ if (jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_ECDHES && valid_aescbc_hmac) return lws_jwe_auth_and_decrypt_ecdh_cbc_hs(jwe, temp, temp_len); lwsl_err("%s: unknown cipher alg combo %s / %s\n", __func__, jwe->jose.alg->alg, jwe->jose.enc_alg ? jwe->jose.enc_alg->alg : "NULL"); return -1; } LWS_VISIBLE int lws_jwe_encrypt(struct lws_jwe *jwe, char *temp, int *temp_len) { int valid_aescbc_hmac, valid_aesgcm, ot = *temp_len, ret = -1; if (jwe->jose.recipients >= (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(jwe->jose.recipient)) { lwsl_err("%s: max recipients reached\n", __func__); return -1; } valid_aesgcm = jwe->jose.enc_alg && jwe->jose.enc_alg->algtype_crypto == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_AES_GCM; if (lws_jwe_parse_jose(&jwe->jose, jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE], temp, temp_len) < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: JOSE parse failed\n", __func__); goto bail; } temp += ot - *temp_len; valid_aescbc_hmac = jwe->jose.enc_alg && jwe->jose.enc_alg->algtype_crypto == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_AES_CBC && (jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type == LWS_GENHMAC_TYPE_SHA256 || jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type == LWS_GENHMAC_TYPE_SHA384 || jwe->jose.enc_alg->hmac_type == LWS_GENHMAC_TYPE_SHA512); if ((jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_RSASSA_PKCS1_1_5 || jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_RSASSA_PKCS1_OAEP)) { /* RSA + AESCBC */ if (valid_aescbc_hmac) { ret = lws_jwe_encrypt_rsa_aes_cbc_hs(jwe, temp, temp_len); goto bail; } /* RSA + AESGCM */ if (valid_aesgcm) { ret = lws_jwe_encrypt_rsa_aes_gcm(jwe, temp, temp_len); goto bail; } } /* AESKW */ if (jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_AES_ECB && valid_aescbc_hmac) { ret = lws_jwe_encrypt_aeskw_cbc_hs(jwe, temp, temp_len); goto bail; } /* ECDH-ES + AESKW */ if (jwe->jose.alg->algtype_signing == LWS_JOSE_ENCTYPE_ECDHES && valid_aescbc_hmac) { ret = lws_jwe_encrypt_ecdh_cbc_hs(jwe, temp, temp_len); goto bail; } lwsl_err("%s: unknown cipher alg combo %s / %s\n", __func__, jwe->jose.alg->alg, jwe->jose.enc_alg ? jwe->jose.enc_alg->alg : "NULL"); bail: if (ret) memset(&jwe->jose.recipient[jwe->jose.recipients], 0, sizeof(jwe->jose.recipient[0])); else jwe->jose.recipients++; return ret; } /* * JWE Compact Serialization consists of * * BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE Protected Header)) || '.' || * BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key) || '.' || * BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector) || '.' || * BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext) || '.' || * BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag) * * * In the JWE Compact Serialization, no JWE Shared Unprotected Header or * JWE Per-Recipient Unprotected Header are used. In this case, the * JOSE Header and the JWE Protected Header are the same. * * Therefore: * * - Everything needed in the header part must go in the protected header * (it's the only part emitted). We expect the caller did this. * * - You can't emit Compact representation if there are multiple recipients */ LWS_VISIBLE int lws_jwe_render_compact(struct lws_jwe *jwe, char *out, size_t out_len) { size_t orig = out_len; int n; if (jwe->jose.recipients > 1) { lwsl_notice("%s: can't issue compact representation for" " multiple recipients (%d)\n", __func__, jwe->jose.recipients); return -1; } n = lws_jws_base64_enc(jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE], out, out_len); if (n < 0 || (int)out_len == n) { lwsl_info("%s: unable to encode JOSE\n", __func__); return n; } out += n; *out++ = '.'; out_len -= n + 1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_EKEY], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_EKEY], out, out_len); if (n < 0 || (int)out_len == n) { lwsl_info("%s: unable to encode EKEY\n", __func__); return n; } out += n; *out++ = '.'; out_len -= n + 1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_IV], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_IV], out, out_len); if (n < 0 || (int)out_len == n) { lwsl_info("%s: unable to encode IV\n", __func__); return n; } out += n; *out++ = '.'; out_len -= n + 1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_CTXT], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_CTXT], out, out_len); if (n < 0 || (int)out_len == n) { lwsl_info("%s: unable to encode CTXT\n", __func__); return n; } out += n; *out++ = '.'; out_len -= n + 1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(jwe->jws.map.buf[LJWE_ATAG], jwe->jws.map.len[LJWE_ATAG], out, out_len); if (n < 0 || (int)out_len == n) { lwsl_info("%s: unable to encode ATAG\n", __func__); return n; } out += n; *out++ = '\0'; out_len -= n; return orig - out_len; } LWS_VISIBLE int lws_jwe_create_packet(struct lws_jwe *jwe, const char *payload, size_t len, const char *nonce, char *out, size_t out_len, struct lws_context *context) { char *buf, *start, *p, *end, *p1, *end1; struct lws_jws jws; int n, m; lws_jws_init(&jws, &jwe->jwk, context); /* * This buffer is local to the function, the actual output is prepared * into out. Only the plaintext protected header * (which contains the public key, 512 bytes for 4096b) goes in * here temporarily. */ n = LWS_PRE + 2048; buf = malloc(n); if (!buf) { lwsl_notice("%s: malloc %d failed\n", __func__, n); return -1; } p = start = buf + LWS_PRE; end = buf + n - LWS_PRE - 1; /* * temporary JWS protected header plaintext */ if (!jwe->jose.alg || !jwe->jose.alg->alg) goto bail; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "{\"alg\":\"%s\",\"jwk\":", jwe->jose.alg->alg); m = end - p; n = lws_jwk_export(&jwe->jwk, 0, p, &m); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("failed to export jwk\n"); goto bail; } p += n; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, ",\"nonce\":\"%s\"}", nonce); /* * prepare the signed outer JSON with all the parts in */ p1 = out; end1 = out + out_len - 1; p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "{\"protected\":\""); jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_JOSE] = p1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(start, p - start, p1, end1 - p1); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("%s: failed to encode protected\n", __func__); goto bail; } jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_JOSE] = n; p1 += n; p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\",\"payload\":\""); jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_PYLD] = p1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(payload, len, p1, end1 - p1); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("%s: failed to encode payload\n", __func__); goto bail; } jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_PYLD] = n; p1 += n; p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\",\"header\":\""); jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_UHDR] = p1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(payload, len, p1, end1 - p1); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("%s: failed to encode payload\n", __func__); goto bail; } jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_UHDR] = n; p1 += n; p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\",\"signature\":\""); /* * taking the b64 protected header and the b64 payload, sign them * and place the signature into the packet */ n = lws_jws_sign_from_b64(&jwe->jose, &jws, p1, end1 - p1); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("sig gen failed\n"); goto bail; } jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_SIG] = p1; jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG] = n; p1 += n; p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\"}"); free(buf); return p1 - out; bail: lws_jws_destroy(&jws); free(buf); return -1; } static const char *protected_en[] = { "encrypted_key", "aad", "iv", "ciphertext", "tag" }; static int protected_idx[] = { LJWE_EKEY, LJWE_AAD, LJWE_IV, LJWE_CTXT, LJWE_ATAG }; /* * The complete JWE may look something like this: * * { * "protected": * "eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0", * "unprotected": * {"jku":"https://server.example.com/keys.jwks"}, * "recipients":[ * {"header": * {"alg":"RSA1_5","kid":"2011-04-29"}, * "encrypted_key": * "UGhIOguC7IuEvf_NPVaXsGMoLOmwvc1GyqlIKOK1nN94nHPoltGRhWhw7Zx0- * kFm1NJn8LE9XShH59_i8J0PH5ZZyNfGy2xGdULU7sHNF6Gp2vPLgNZ__deLKx * GHZ7PcHALUzoOegEI-8E66jX2E4zyJKx-YxzZIItRzC5hlRirb6Y5Cl_p-ko3 * YvkkysZIFNPccxRU7qve1WYPxqbb2Yw8kZqa2rMWI5ng8OtvzlV7elprCbuPh * cCdZ6XDP0_F8rkXds2vE4X-ncOIM8hAYHHi29NX0mcKiRaD0-D-ljQTP-cFPg * wCp6X-nZZd9OHBv-B3oWh2TbqmScqXMR4gp_A"}, * {"header": * {"alg":"A128KW","kid":"7"}, * "encrypted_key": * "6KB707dM9YTIgHtLvtgWQ8mKwboJW3of9locizkDTHzBC2IlrT1oOQ"}], * "iv": * "AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ", * "ciphertext": * "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY", * "tag": * "Mz-VPPyU4RlcuYv1IwIvzw" * } * * The flattened JWE ends up like this * * { * "protected": "eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0", * "unprotected": {"jku":"https://server.example.com/keys.jwks"}, * "header": {"alg":"A128KW","kid":"7"}, * "encrypted_key": "6KB707dM9YTIgHtLvtgWQ8mKwboJW3of9locizkDTHzBC2IlrT1oOQ", * "iv": "AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ", * "ciphertext": "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY", * "tag": "Mz-VPPyU4RlcuYv1IwIvzw" * } * * { * "protected":"", * "unprotected":, * "header":, * "encrypted_key":"", * "aad":"", * "iv":"", * "ciphertext":"", * "tag":"" * } */ LWS_VISIBLE int lws_jwe_render_flattened(struct lws_jwe *jwe, char *out, size_t out_len) { char buf[3072], *p1, *end1, protected[128]; int m, n, jlen, plen; jlen = lws_jose_render(&jwe->jose, jwe->jws.jwk, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (jlen < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: lws_jose_render failed\n", __func__); return -1; } /* * prepare the JWE JSON with all the parts in */ p1 = out; end1 = out + out_len - 1; /* * The protected header is b64url encoding of the JOSE header part */ plen = lws_snprintf(protected, sizeof(protected), "{\"alg\":\"%s\",\"enc\":\"%s\"}", jwe->jose.alg->alg, jwe->jose.enc_alg->alg); p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "{\"protected\":\""); jwe->jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_JOSE] = p1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(protected, plen, p1, end1 - p1); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("%s: failed to encode protected\n", __func__); goto bail; } jwe->jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_JOSE] = n; p1 += n; /* unprotected not supported atm */ p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\",\n\"header\":"); lws_strnncpy(p1, buf, jlen, end1 - p1); p1 += strlen(p1); for (m = 0; m < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(protected_en); m++) if (jwe->jws.map.buf[protected_idx[m]]) { p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, ",\n\"%s\":\"", protected_en[m]); //jwe->jws.map_b64.buf[protected_idx[m]] = p1; n = lws_jws_base64_enc(jwe->jws.map.buf[protected_idx[m]], jwe->jws.map.len[protected_idx[m]], p1, end1 - p1); if (n < 0) { lwsl_notice("%s: failed to encode %s\n", __func__, protected_en[m]); goto bail; } //jwe->jws.map_b64.len[protected_idx[m]] = n; p1 += n; p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\""); } p1 += lws_snprintf(p1, end1 - p1, "\n}\n"); return p1 - out; bail: lws_jws_destroy(&jwe->jws); return -1; }