 * lws-api-test-jose - RFC7515 jws tests
 * Written in 2010-2019 by Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com>
 * This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0
 * Universal Public Domain Dedication.

#include <libwebsockets.h>

 * JSON Web Signature is defined in RFC7515
 * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515
 * It's basically a way to wrap some JSON with a JSON "header" describing the
 * crypto, and a signature, all in a BASE64 wrapper with elided terminating '='.
 * The signature stays with the content, it serves a different purpose than eg
 * a TLS tunnel to transfer it.

/* for none, the compact serialization format is b64u(jose hdr).b64u(payload) */

static const char *none_cser =
	  *none_jose = "{\"alg\":\"none\"}",
	  *none_payload	= "{\"iss\":\"joe\",\r\n \"exp\":1300819380,\r\n"
			  " \"http://example.com/is_root\":true}";

test_jws_none(struct lws_context *context)
	struct lws_jws_map map;
	struct lws_jose jose;
	char temp[2048];
	int n, temp_len = sizeof(temp), ret = -1;


	/* A.5 Unsecured JSON "none" RFC7515 worked example */

	/* decode the b64.b64[.b64] compact serialization blocks */
	n = lws_jws_compact_decode(none_cser, strlen(none_cser), &map, NULL,
				   temp, &temp_len);
	if (n != 2) {
		lwsl_err("%s: concat_map failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm the decoded JOSE header is exactly what we expect */
		if (strncmp(none_jose, map.buf[LJWS_JOSE], map.len[LJWS_JOSE])) {
			lwsl_err("%s: jose b64 decode wrong\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	/* parse the JOSE header */
	if (lws_jws_parse_jose(&jose, map.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
			       (char *)lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len),
			       &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: JOSE parse failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm we used the "none" alg as expected from JOSE hdr */
		if (strcmp(jose.alg->alg, "none")) {
			lwsl_err("%s: JOSE header has wrong alg\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

		/* confirm the payload is literally what we expect */
		if (strncmp(none_payload, map.buf[LJWS_PYLD],
					  map.len[LJWS_PYLD])) {
			lwsl_err("%s: payload b64 decode wrong\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	/* end */

	ret = 0;


	if (ret)
		lwsl_err("%s: selftest failed ++++++++++++++++++++\n", __func__);
		lwsl_notice("%s: selftest OK\n", __func__);

	return ret;

static const char
	   *test1	= "{\"typ\":\"JWT\",\r\n \"alg\":\"HS256\"}",
	   *test1_enc	= "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9",
	   *test2	= "{\"iss\":\"joe\",\r\n \"exp\":1300819380,\r\n"
			  " \"http://example.com/is_root\":true}",
	   *test2_enc	= "eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQ"
	   *key_jwk	= "{\"kty\":\"oct\",\r\n"
			  " \"k\":\"AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQ"
	   *hash_enc	= "dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk"

test_jws_HS256(struct lws_context *context)
	char buf[2048], temp[256], *p = buf, *end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1, *enc_ptr;
	uint8_t digest[LWS_GENHASH_LARGEST];
	struct lws_jws_map map;
	int temp_len = sizeof(temp);
	struct lws_genhmac_ctx ctx;
	struct lws_jose jose;
	struct lws_jwk jwk;
	struct lws_jws jws;
	int n;

	lws_jws_init(&jws, &jwk, context);

	/* Test 1: SHA256 on RFC7515 worked example */

	/* parse the JOSE header */

	if (lws_jws_parse_jose(&jose, test1, strlen(test1), temp, &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: JOSE parse failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm we used the "none" alg as expected from JOSE hdr */
		if (strcmp(jose.alg->alg, "HS256")) {
			lwsl_err("%s: JOSE header has wrong alg\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	/* 1.1: import the JWK oct key */

	if (lws_jwk_import(&jwk, NULL, NULL, key_jwk, strlen(key_jwk)) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("Failed to decode JWK test key\n");
		return -1;
		if (jwk.kty != LWS_GENCRYPTO_KTY_OCT) {
			lwsl_err("%s: unexpected kty %d\n", __func__, jwk.kty);

			return -1;

	/* 1.2: create JWS known hdr + known payload */

	n = lws_jws_encode_section(test1, strlen(test1), 1, &p, end);
	if (n < 0) {
		goto bail;

		if (strcmp(buf, test1_enc))
			goto bail;

	enc_ptr = p + 1; /* + 1 skips the . */
	n = lws_jws_encode_section(test2, strlen(test2), 0, &p, end);
	if (n < 0) {
		goto bail;

		if (strcmp(enc_ptr, test2_enc))
			goto bail;

	/* 1.3: use HMAC SHA-256 with known key on the hdr . payload */

	if (lws_genhmac_init(&ctx, jose.alg->hmac_type,
		goto bail;
	if (lws_genhmac_update(&ctx, (uint8_t *)buf, p - buf))
		goto bail_destroy_hmac;
	lws_genhmac_destroy(&ctx, digest);

	/* 1.4: append a base64 encode of the computed HMAC digest */

	enc_ptr = p + 1; /* + 1 skips the . */
	n = lws_jws_encode_section((const char *)digest, 32, 0, &p, end);
	if (n < 0)
		goto bail;
	if (strcmp(enc_ptr, hash_enc)) { /* check against known B64URL hash */
		lwsl_err("%s: b64 enc of computed HMAC mismatches '%s' '%s'\n",
			 __func__, enc_ptr, hash_enc);
		goto bail;

	/* 1.5: Check we can agree the signature matches the payload */

	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm_compact_b64(buf, p - buf, &map, &jwk, context,
			lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len), &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: confirm sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;


	/* end */

	lwsl_notice("%s: selftest OK\n", __func__);

	return 0;

	lws_genhmac_destroy(&ctx, NULL);

	lwsl_err("%s: selftest failed ++++++++++++++++++++\n", __func__);

	return 1;

static const char
	/* the key from worked example in RFC7515 A-2, as a JWK */
	*rfc7515_rsa_key =
	" \"n\":\"ofgWCuLjybRlzo0tZWJjNiuSfb4p4fAkd_wWJcyQoTbji9k0l8W26mPddx"
	*rfc7515_rsa_a1 = /* the signed worked example in RFC7515 A-1 */

test_jws_RS256(struct lws_context *context)
	struct lws_jws_map map;
	struct lws_jose jose;
	struct lws_jwk jwk;
	struct lws_jws jws;
	char temp[2048], *in;
	int n, l, temp_len = sizeof(temp);

	lws_jws_init(&jws, &jwk, context);

	/* Test 2: RS256 on RFC7515 worked example */

	if (lws_gencrypto_jws_alg_to_definition("RS256", &jose.alg)) {
		lwsl_err("%s: RS256 not supported\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

	/* 2.1: import the jwk */

	if (lws_jwk_import(&jwk, NULL, NULL,
			   rfc7515_rsa_key, strlen(rfc7515_rsa_key))) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: 2.2: Failed to read JWK key\n", __func__);
		goto bail2;

	if (jwk.kty != LWS_GENCRYPTO_KTY_RSA) {
		lwsl_err("%s: 2.2: kty: %d instead of RSA\n", __func__, jwk.kty);
		goto bail;

	/* 2.2: check the signature on the test packet from RFC7515 A-1 */

	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm_compact_b64(rfc7515_rsa_a1,
					    strlen(rfc7515_rsa_a1), &map,
					    &jwk, context, temp, &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: 2.2: confirm rsa sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

	if (lws_jws_b64_compact_map(rfc7515_rsa_a1, strlen(rfc7515_rsa_a1),
				   &jws.map_b64) != 3) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: lws_jws_b64_compact_map failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

	/* 2.3: generate our own signature for a copy of the test packet */

	in = lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len);
	l = strlen(rfc7515_rsa_a1);
	if (temp_len < l + 1)
		goto bail;
	memcpy(in, rfc7515_rsa_a1, l + 1);
	temp_len -= l + 1;

	if (lws_jws_b64_compact_map(in, l, &jws.map_b64) != 3) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: lws_jws_b64_compact_map failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

	/* overwrite the copy of the known b64 sig (it's all placed inside temp) */
	n = lws_jws_sign_from_b64(&jose, &jws,
				  (char *)jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_SIG],
				  jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG] + 8);
	if (n < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: failed signing test packet\n", __func__);
		goto bail;
	jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG] = n;

	/* 2.4: confirm our signature can be verified */

	in[l] = '\0';
	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm_compact_b64(in, l, &map, &jwk, context, lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len), &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: 2.2: confirm rsa sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;


	/* end */

	lwsl_notice("%s: selftest OK\n", __func__);

	return 0;

	lwsl_err("%s: selftest failed ++++++++++++++++++++\n", __func__);

	return 1;

static const char
	*es256_jose = "{\"alg\":\"ES256\"}",
	*es256_payload	= "{\"iss\":\"joe\",\r\n \"exp\":1300819380,\r\n"
			  " \"http://example.com/is_root\":true}",
	*es256_cser =
	*es256_jwk =
#if 0
	rfc7515_ec_a3_R[] = {
		 14, 209,  33,  83, 121,  99, 108,  72,  60,  47, 127,  21,  88,
		  7, 212,   2, 163, 178,  40,   3,  58, 249, 124, 126,  23, 129,
		154, 195,  22, 158, 166, 101
	rfc7515_ec_a3_S[] = {
		197,  10,   7, 211, 140,  60, 112, 229, 216, 241,  45, 175,
		  8,  74,  84, 128, 166, 101, 144, 197, 242, 147,  80, 154,
		143,  63, 127, 138, 131, 163,  84, 213

test_jws_ES256(struct lws_context *context)
	uint8_t digest[LWS_GENHASH_LARGEST];
	struct lws_genhash_ctx hash_ctx;
	struct lws_jws_map map;
	struct lws_jose jose;
	struct lws_jwk jwk;
	struct lws_jws jws;
	char temp[2048], *p;
	int ret = -1, l, n, temp_len = sizeof(temp);

	/* A.3 "ES256" RFC7515 worked example - verify */


	/* decode the b64.b64[.b64] compact serialization blocks */
	if (lws_jws_compact_decode(es256_cser, strlen(es256_cser),
				   &jws.map, &jws.map_b64,
				   temp, &temp_len) != 3) {
		lwsl_err("%s: concat_map failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm the decoded JOSE header is exactly what we expect */
		if (jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE] != strlen(es256_jose) ||
		    strncmp(es256_jose, jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
				    jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE])) {
			lwsl_err("%s: jose b64 decode wrong\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

		/* confirm the decoded payload is exactly what we expect */
		if (jws.map.len[LJWS_PYLD] != strlen(es256_payload) ||
		    strncmp(es256_payload, jws.map.buf[LJWS_PYLD],
					    jws.map.len[LJWS_PYLD])) {
			lwsl_err("%s: payload b64 decode wrong\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	/* parse the JOSE header */
	if (lws_jws_parse_jose(&jose, jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
			       (char *)lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len), &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: JOSE parse failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm we used "ES256" alg we expect from the JOSE hdr */
		if (strcmp(jose.alg->alg, "ES256")) {
			lwsl_err("%s: JOSE header has wrong alg\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	jws.jwk = &jwk;
	jws.context = context;

	/* import the ES256 jwk */
	if (lws_jwk_import(&jwk, NULL, NULL, es256_jwk, strlen(es256_jwk))) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: Failed to read JWK key\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* sanity */
		if (jwk.kty != LWS_GENCRYPTO_KTY_EC) {
			lwsl_err("%s: kty: %d instead of EC\n",
					__func__, jwk.kty);
			goto bail1;

	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm(&jws.map_b64, &jws.map, &jwk, context) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: confirm EC sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail1;

	/* A.3 "ES256" RFC7515 worked example - sign */

	l = strlen(es256_cser);
	if (temp_len < l + 1)
		goto bail1;
	p = lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len);
	memcpy(p, es256_cser, l + 1);
	temp_len -= l + 1;

	/* scan the b64 compact serialization string to map the blocks */
	if (lws_jws_b64_compact_map(p, l, &jws.map_b64) != 3)
		goto bail1;

	/* create the hash of the protected b64 part */
	if (lws_genhash_init(&hash_ctx, jose.alg->hash_type) ||
	    lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
			    jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_JOSE]) ||
	    lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, ".", 1) ||
	    lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_PYLD],
			    jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_PYLD]) ||
	    lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, digest)) {
		lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, NULL);

		goto bail1;

	lwsl_hexdump(jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_SIG], jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG]);

	/* overwrite the copy of the known b64 sig (it's placed inside buf) */
	n = lws_jws_sign_from_b64(&jose, &jws,
				  (char *)jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_SIG],
				  jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG] + 8);
	if (n < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: failed signing test packet\n", __func__);
		goto bail1;
	jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG] = n;

	lwsl_hexdump(jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_SIG], jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG]);

	/* 2.4: confirm our generated signature can be verified */

//	lwsl_err("p %p, l %d\n", p, (int)l);
	p[l] = '\0';
	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm_compact_b64(p, l, &map, &jwk, context, lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len), &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: confirm our EC sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail1;

	/* end */
	ret =  0;


	lwsl_notice("%s: selftest %s\n", __func__, ret ? "FAIL" : "OK");

	return ret;

static const char
	*es512_jose = "{\"alg\":\"ES512\"}",
	*es512_payload	= "Payload",
	*es512_cser =
	*es512_jwk =

test_jws_ES512(struct lws_context *context)
	uint8_t digest[LWS_GENHASH_LARGEST];
	struct lws_genhash_ctx hash_ctx;
	struct lws_jws_map map;
	struct lws_jose jose;
	struct lws_jwk jwk;
	struct lws_jws jws;
	char temp[2048], *p;
	int ret = -1, l, n, temp_len = sizeof(temp);

	/* A.4 "ES512" RFC7515 worked example - verify */


	/* decode the b64.b64[.b64] compact serialization blocks */
	if (lws_jws_compact_decode(es512_cser, strlen(es512_cser),
				   &jws.map, &jws.map_b64, temp,
				   &temp_len) != 3) {
		lwsl_err("%s: concat_map failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm the decoded JOSE header is exactly what we expect */
		if (jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE] != strlen(es512_jose) ||
		    strncmp(es512_jose, jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
				        jws.map.len[LJWS_JOSE])) {
			lwsl_err("%s: jose b64 decode wrong\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

		/* confirm the decoded payload is exactly what we expect */
		if (jws.map.len[LJWS_PYLD] != strlen(es512_payload) ||
		    strncmp(es512_payload, jws.map.buf[LJWS_PYLD],
					   jws.map.len[LJWS_PYLD])) {
			lwsl_err("%s: payload b64 decode wrong\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	/* parse the JOSE header */
	if (lws_jws_parse_jose(&jose, jws.map.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
			      lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len), &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: JOSE parse failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* confirm we used "es512" alg we expect from the JOSE hdr */
		if (strcmp(jose.alg->alg, "ES512")) {
			lwsl_err("%s: JOSE header has wrong alg\n", __func__);
			goto bail;

	jws.jwk = &jwk;
	jws.context = context;

	/* import the es512 jwk */
	if (lws_jwk_import(&jwk, NULL, NULL, es512_jwk, strlen(es512_jwk))) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: Failed to read JWK key\n", __func__);
		goto bail;

		/* sanity */
		if (jwk.kty != LWS_GENCRYPTO_KTY_EC) {
			lwsl_err("%s: kty: %d instead of EC\n",
					__func__, jwk.kty);
			goto bail1;

	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm(&jws.map_b64, &jws.map, &jwk, context) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: confirm EC sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail1;

	/* A.3 "es512" RFC7515 worked example - sign */

	l = strlen(es512_cser);
	if (temp_len < l)
		goto bail1;
	p = lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len);
	memcpy(p, es512_cser, l + 1);
	temp_len -= (l + 1);

	/* scan the b64 compact serialization string to map the blocks */
	if (lws_jws_b64_compact_map(p, l, &jws.map_b64) != 3)
		goto bail1;

	/* create the hash of the protected b64 part */
	if (lws_genhash_init(&hash_ctx, jose.alg->hash_type) ||
	    lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_JOSE],
			       jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_JOSE]) ||
	    lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, ".", 1) ||
	    lws_genhash_update(&hash_ctx, jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_PYLD],
			       jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_PYLD]) ||
	    lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, digest)) {
		lws_genhash_destroy(&hash_ctx, NULL);

		goto bail1;

	/* overwrite the copy of the known b64 sig (it's placed inside buf) */
	n = lws_jws_sign_from_b64(&jose, &jws,
				  (char *)jws.map_b64.buf[LJWS_SIG], 1024);
	if (n < 0) {
		lwsl_err("%s: failed signing test packet\n", __func__);
		goto bail1;
	jws.map_b64.len[LJWS_SIG] = n;

	/* 2.4: confirm our generated signature can be verified */

	p[l] = '\0';

	if (lws_jws_sig_confirm_compact_b64(p, l, &map, &jwk, context,
			lws_concat_temp(temp, temp_len), &temp_len) < 0) {
		lwsl_notice("%s: confirm our ECDSA sig failed\n", __func__);
		goto bail1;

	/* end */
	ret =  0;


	lwsl_notice("%s: selftest %s\n", __func__, ret ? "FAIL" : "OK");

	return ret;

test_jws(struct lws_context *context)
	int n = 0;

	n |= test_jws_none(context);
	n |= test_jws_HS256(context);
	n |= test_jws_RS256(context);
	n |= test_jws_ES256(context);
	n |= test_jws_ES512(context);

	return n;