<h2>lws_client_reset - retarget a connected wsi to start over with a new connection (ie, redirect) this only works if still in HTTP, ie, not upgraded yet</h2> <i>struct lws *</i> <b>lws_client_reset</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>int</i> <b>ssl</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>address</b>, <i>int</i> <b>port</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>path</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>host</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> </dl> <h3>wsi</h3> <blockquote> connection to reset </blockquote> <h3>address</h3> <blockquote> network address of the new server </blockquote> <h3>port</h3> <blockquote> port to connect to </blockquote> <h3>path</h3> <blockquote> uri path to connect to on the new server </blockquote> <h3>host</h3> <blockquote> host header to send to the new server </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_client_connect_via_info - Connect to another websocket server</h2> <i>struct lws *</i> <b>lws_client_connect_via_info</b> (<i>struct lws_client_connect_info *</i> <b>i</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>i</b> <dd>pointer to lws_client_connect_info struct </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function creates a connection to a remote server </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_client_connect_extended - Connect to another websocket server DEPRECATED use lws_client_connect_via_info</h2> <i>struct lws *</i> <b>lws_client_connect_extended</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>address</b>, <i>int</i> <b>port</b>, <i>int</i> <b>ssl_connection</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>path</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>host</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>origin</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>protocol</b>, <i>int</i> <b>ietf_version_or_minus_one</b>, <i>void *</i> <b>userdata</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context <dt><b>address</b> <dd>Remote server address, eg, "myserver.com" <dt><b>port</b> <dd>Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80 <dt><b>ssl_connection</b> <dd>0 = ws://, 1 = wss:// encrypted, 2 = wss:// allow self signed certs <dt><b>path</b> <dd>Websocket path on server <dt><b>host</b> <dd>Hostname on server <dt><b>origin</b> <dd>Socket origin name <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>Comma-separated list of protocols being asked for from the server, or just one. The server will pick the one it likes best. <dt><b>ietf_version_or_minus_one</b> <dd>-1 to ask to connect using the default, latest protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal <dt><b>userdata</b> <dd>Pre-allocated user data </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function creates a connection to a remote server </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_client_connect - Connect to another websocket server DEPRECATED use lws_client_connect_via_info</h2> <i>struct lws *</i> <b>lws_client_connect</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>address</b>, <i>int</i> <b>port</b>, <i>int</i> <b>ssl_connection</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>path</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>host</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>origin</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>protocol</b>, <i>int</i> <b>ietf_version_or_minus_one</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context <dt><b>address</b> <dd>Remote server address, eg, "myserver.com" <dt><b>port</b> <dd>Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80 <dt><b>ssl_connection</b> <dd>0 = ws://, 1 = wss:// encrypted, 2 = wss:// allow self signed certs <dt><b>path</b> <dd>Websocket path on server <dt><b>host</b> <dd>Hostname on server <dt><b>origin</b> <dd>Socket origin name <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>Comma-separated list of protocols being asked for from the server, or just one. The server will pick the one it likes best. If you don't want to specify a protocol, which is legal, use NULL here. <dt><b>ietf_version_or_minus_one</b> <dd>-1 to ask to connect using the default, latest protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function creates a connection to a remote server </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_http_transaction_completed_client - wait for new http transaction or close</h2> <i>int LWS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT</i> <b>lws_http_transaction_completed_client</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Returns 1 if the HTTP connection must close now Returns 0 and resets connection to wait for new HTTP header / transaction if possible </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_get_library_version - </h2> <i>const char *</i> <b>lws_get_library_version</b> (<i></i> <b>void</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>void</b> <dd>no arguments </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> returns a const char * to a string like "1.1 178d78c" representing the library version followed by the git head hash it was built from </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_init_vhost_client_ssl - also enable client SSL on an existing vhost</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_init_vhost_client_ssl</b> (<i>const struct lws_context_creation_info *</i> <b>info</b>, <i>struct lws_vhost *</i> <b>vhost</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>info</b> <dd>client ssl related info <dt><b>vhost</b> <dd>which vhost to initialize client ssl operations on </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> You only need to call this if you plan on using SSL client connections on the vhost. For non-SSL client connections, it's not necessary to call this. <p> The following members of <tt><b>info</b></tt> are used during the call <p> - <tt><b>options</b></tt> must have LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DO_SSL_GLOBAL_INIT set, otherwise the call does nothing - <tt><b>provided_client_ssl_ctx</b></tt> must be NULL to get a generated client ssl context, otherwise you can pass a prepared one in by setting it - <tt><b>ssl_cipher_list</b></tt> may be NULL or set to the client valid cipher list - <tt><b>ssl_ca_filepath</b></tt> may be NULL or client cert filepath - <tt><b>ssl_cert_filepath</b></tt> may be NULL or client cert filepath - <tt><b>ssl_private_key_filepath</b></tt> may be NULL or client cert private key <p> You must create your vhost explicitly if you want to use this, so you have a pointer to the vhost. Create the context first with the option flag LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS and then call <b>lws_create_vhost</b> with the same info struct. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_create_context - Create the websocket handler</h2> <i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>lws_create_context</b> (<i>struct lws_context_creation_info *</i> <b>info</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>info</b> <dd>pointer to struct with parameters </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function creates the listening socket (if serving) and takes care of all initialization in one step. <p> After initialization, it returns a struct lws_context * that represents this server. After calling, user code needs to take care of calling <b>lws_service</b> with the context pointer to get the server's sockets serviced. This must be done in the same process context as the initialization call. <p> The protocol callback functions are called for a handful of events including http requests coming in, websocket connections becoming established, and data arriving; it's also called periodically to allow async transmission. <p> HTTP requests are sent always to the FIRST protocol in <tt><b>protocol</b></tt>, since at that time websocket protocol has not been negotiated. Other protocols after the first one never see any HTTP callack activity. <p> The server created is a simple http server by default; part of the websocket standard is upgrading this http connection to a websocket one. <p> This allows the same server to provide files like scripts and favicon / images or whatever over http and dynamic data over websockets all in one place; they're all handled in the user callback. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_context_destroy - Destroy the websocket context</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_context_destroy</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function closes any active connections and then frees the context. After calling this, any further use of the context is undefined. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_set_extension_option - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_set_extension_option</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>ext_name</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>opt_name</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>opt_val</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection <dt><b>ext_name</b> <dd>name of ext, like "permessage-deflate" <dt><b>opt_name</b> <dd>name of option, like "rx_buf_size" <dt><b>opt_val</b> <dd>value to set option to </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_return_http_status - Return simple http status</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_return_http_status</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>unsigned int</i> <b>code</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>html_body</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket instance (available from user callback) <dt><b>code</b> <dd>Status index, eg, 404 <dt><b>html_body</b> <dd>User-readable HTML description < 1KB, or NULL </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Helper to report HTTP errors back to the client cleanly and consistently </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lejp_construct - prepare a struct lejp_ctx for use</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lejp_construct</b> (<i>struct lejp_ctx *</i> <b>ctx</b>, <i>char (*</i><b>callback</b>) <i>(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason)</i>, <i>void *</i> <b>user</b>, <i>const char *const *</i> <b>paths</b>, <i>unsigned char</i> <b>count_paths</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>ctx</b> <dd>pointer to your struct lejp_ctx <dt><b>callback</b> <dd>your user callback which will received parsed tokens <dt><b>user</b> <dd>optional user data pointer untouched by lejp <dt><b>paths</b> <dd>your array of name elements you are interested in <dt><b>count_paths</b> <dd><b>ARRAY_SIZE</b> of <tt><b>paths</b></tt> </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Prepares your context struct for use with lejp </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lejp_destruct - retire a previously constructed struct lejp_ctx</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lejp_destruct</b> (<i>struct lejp_ctx *</i> <b>ctx</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>ctx</b> <dd>pointer to your struct lejp_ctx </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> lejp does not perform any allocations, but since your user code might, this provides a one-time LEJPCB_DESTRUCTED callback at destruction time where you can clean up in your callback. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lejp_change_callback - switch to a different callback from now on</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lejp_change_callback</b> (<i>struct lejp_ctx *</i> <b>ctx</b>, <i>char (*</i><b>callback</b>) <i>(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason)</i>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>ctx</b> <dd>pointer to your struct lejp_ctx <dt><b>callback</b> <dd>your user callback which will received parsed tokens </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This tells the old callback it was destroyed, in case you want to take any action because that callback "lost focus", then changes to the new callback and tells it first that it was constructed, and then started. <p> Changing callback is a cheap and powerful trick to split out handlers according to information earlier in the parse. For example you may have a JSON pair "schema" whose value defines what can be expected for the rest of the JSON. Rather than having one huge callback for all cases, you can have an initial one looking for "schema" which then calls <b>lejp_change_callback</b> to a handler specific for the schema. <p> Notice that afterwards, you need to construct the context again anyway to parse another JSON object, and the callback is reset then to the main, schema-interpreting one. The construction action is very lightweight. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lejp_parse - interpret some more incoming data incrementally</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lejp_parse</b> (<i>struct lejp_ctx *</i> <b>ctx</b>, <i>const unsigned char *</i> <b>json</b>, <i>int</i> <b>len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>ctx</b> <dd>previously constructed parsing context <dt><b>json</b> <dd>char buffer with the new data to interpret <dt><b>len</b> <dd>amount of data in the buffer </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Because lejp is a stream parser, it incrementally parses as new data becomes available, maintaining all state in the context struct. So an incomplete JSON is a normal situation, getting you a LEJP_CONTINUE return, signalling there's no error but to call again with more data when it comes to complete the parsing. Successful parsing completes with a 0 or positive integer indicating how much of the last input buffer was unused. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_set_timeout - marks the wsi as subject to a timeout</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_set_timeout</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>enum pending_timeout</i> <b>reason</b>, <i>int</i> <b>secs</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket connection instance <dt><b>reason</b> <dd>timeout reason <dt><b>secs</b> <dd>how many seconds </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> You will not need this unless you are doing something special </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_get_peer_simple - Get client address information without RDNS</h2> <i>const char *</i> <b>lws_get_peer_simple</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>char *</i> <b>name</b>, <i>int</i> <b>namelen</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Local struct lws associated with <dt><b>name</b> <dd>Buffer to take client address name </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This provides a type IP address in <tt><b>name</b></tt> from the peer that has connected to <tt><b>wsi</b></tt> </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_get_peer_addresses - Get client address information</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_get_peer_addresses</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>lws_sockfd_type</i> <b>fd</b>, <i>char *</i> <b>name</b>, <i>int</i> <b>name_len</b>, <i>char *</i> <b>rip</b>, <i>int</i> <b>rip_len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Local struct lws associated with <dt><b>fd</b> <dd>Connection socket descriptor <dt><b>name</b> <dd>Buffer to take client address name <dt><b>name_len</b> <dd>Length of client address name buffer <dt><b>rip</b> <dd>Buffer to take client address IP dotted quad <dt><b>rip_len</b> <dd>Length of client address IP buffer </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function fills in <tt><b>name</b></tt> and <tt><b>rip</b></tt> with the name and IP of the client connected with socket descriptor <tt><b>fd</b></tt>. Names may be truncated if there is not enough room. If either cannot be determined, they will be returned as valid zero-length strings. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_context_user - get the user data associated with the context</h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN void *</i> <b>lws_context_user</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This returns the optional user allocation that can be attached to the context the sockets live in at context_create time. It's a way to let all sockets serviced in the same context share data without using globals statics in the user code. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_callback_all_protocol - Callback all connections using the given protocol with the given reason</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_callback_all_protocol</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>protocol</b>, <i>int</i> <b>reason</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>Protocol whose connections will get callbacks <dt><b>reason</b> <dd>Callback reason index </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_callback_all_protocol_vhost - Callback all connections using the given protocol with the given reason</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_callback_all_protocol_vhost</b> (<i>struct lws_vhost *</i> <b>vh</b>, <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>protocol</b>, <i>int</i> <b>reason</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>vh</b> <dd>Vhost whose connections will get callbacks <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>Which protocol to match <dt><b>reason</b> <dd>Callback reason index </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_get_socket_fd - returns the socket file descriptor</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_get_socket_fd</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket connection instance </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> You will not need this unless you are doing something special </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_rx_flow_control - Enable and disable socket servicing for received packets.</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_rx_flow_control</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>int</i> <b>enable</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket connection instance to get callback for <dt><b>enable</b> <dd>0 = disable read servicing for this connection, 1 = enable </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> If the output side of a server process becomes choked, this allows flow control for the input side. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_rx_flow_allow_all_protocol - Allow all connections with this protocol to receive</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_rx_flow_allow_all_protocol</b> (<i>const struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>protocol</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>all connections using this protocol will be allowed to receive </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> When the user server code realizes it can accept more input, it can call this to have the RX flow restriction removed from all connections using the given protocol. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_canonical_hostname - returns this host's hostname</h2> <i>const char *</i> <b>lws_canonical_hostname</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> This is typically used by client code to fill in the host parameter when making a client connection. You can only call it after the context has been created. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_set_proxy - Setups proxy to lws_context.</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_set_proxy</b> (<i>struct lws_vhost *</i> <b>vhost</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>proxy</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>proxy</b> <dd>pointer to c string containing proxy in format address:port </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Returns 0 if proxy string was parsed and proxy was setup. Returns -1 if <tt><b>proxy</b></tt> is NULL or has incorrect format. <p> This is only required if your OS does not provide the http_proxy environment variable (eg, OSX) <p> IMPORTANT! You should call this function right after creation of the lws_context and before call to connect. If you call this function after connect behavior is undefined. This function will override proxy settings made on lws_context creation with <b>genenv</b> call. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_get_protocol - Returns a protocol pointer from a websocket connection.</h2> <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>lws_get_protocol</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>pointer to struct websocket you want to know the protocol of </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> Some apis can act on all live connections of a given protocol, this is how you can get a pointer to the active protocol if needed. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lwsl_timestamp - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lwsl_timestamp</b> (<i>int</i> <b>level</b>, <i>char *</i> <b>p</b>, <i>int</i> <b>len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>level</b> <dd>logging level <dt><b>p</b> <dd>char * buffer to take timestamp <dt><b>len</b> <dd>length of p </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> returns length written in p </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_set_log_level - Set the logging bitfield</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_set_log_level</b> (<i>int</i> <b>level</b>, <i>void (*</i><b>func</b>) <i>(int level, const char *line)</i>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>level</b> <dd>OR together the LLL_ debug contexts you want output from </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> log level defaults to "err", "warn" and "notice" contexts enabled and emission on stderr. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_is_ssl - Find out if connection is using SSL</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_is_ssl</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection to check </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Returns 0 if the connection is not using SSL, 1 if using SSL and using verified cert, and 2 if using SSL but the cert was not checked (appears for client wsi told to skip check on connection) </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_partial_buffered - find out if lws buffered the last write</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_partial_buffered</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection to check </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Returns 1 if you cannot use lws_write because the last write on this connection is still buffered, and can't be cleared without returning to the service loop and waiting for the connection to be writeable again. <p> If you will try to do >1 lws_write call inside a single WRITEABLE callback, you must check this after every write and bail if set, ask for a new writeable callback and continue writing from there. <p> This is never set at the start of a writeable callback, but any write may set it. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_parse_uri - </h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN int</i> <b>lws_parse_uri</b> (<i>char *</i> <b>p</b>, <i>const char **</i> <b>prot</b>, <i>const char **</i> <b>ads</b>, <i>int *</i> <b>port</b>, <i>const char **</i> <b>path</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>p</b> <dd>incoming uri string.. will get written to <dt><b>prot</b> <dd>result pointer for protocol part (https://) <dt><b>ads</b> <dd>result pointer for address part <dt><b>port</b> <dd>result pointer for port part <dt><b>path</b> <dd>result pointer for path part </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Notice it does so by dropping '\0' into input string and the leading / on the path is consequently lost </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_cgi - connected cgi process</h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN int</i> <b>lws_cgi</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>const char *const *</i> <b>exec_array</b>, <i>int</i> <b>script_uri_path_len</b>, <i>int</i> <b>timeout_secs</b>, <i>const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *</i> <b>mp_cgienv</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>connection to own the process <dt><b>exec_array</b> <dd>array of "exec-name" "arg1" ... "argn" NULL </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_cgi_write_split_stdout_headers - </h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN int</i> <b>lws_cgi_write_split_stdout_headers</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>connection to own the process </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_cgi_kill - </h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN int</i> <b>lws_cgi_kill</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>connection to own the process </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_cancel_service - Cancel servicing of pending websocket activity</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_cancel_service</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function let a call to <b>lws_service</b> waiting for a timeout immediately return. <p> There is no <b>poll</b> in MBED3, he will fire callbacks when he feels like it. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_cancel_service_pt - Cancel servicing of pending socket activity on one thread</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_cancel_service_pt</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Cancel service on the thread this wsi is serviced by </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function let a call to <b>lws_service</b> waiting for a timeout immediately return. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_cancel_service - Cancel ALL servicing of pending socket activity</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_cancel_service</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function let a call to <b>lws_service</b> waiting for a timeout immediately return. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_cancel_service - Cancel servicing of pending websocket activity</h2> <i>void</i> <b>lws_cancel_service</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function let a call to <b>lws_service</b> waiting for a timeout immediately return. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_write - Apply protocol then write data to client</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_write</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>unsigned char *</i> <b>buf</b>, <i>size_t</i> <b>len</b>, <i>enum lws_write_protocol</i> <b>wp</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket instance (available from user callback) <dt><b>buf</b> <dd>The data to send. For data being sent on a websocket connection (ie, not default http), this buffer MUST have LWS_PRE bytes valid BEFORE the pointer. This is so the protocol header data can be added in-situ. <dt><b>len</b> <dd>Count of the data bytes in the payload starting from buf </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function provides the way to issue data back to the client for both http and websocket protocols. <p> In the case of sending using websocket protocol, be sure to allocate valid storage before and after buf as explained above. This scheme allows maximum efficiency of sending data and protocol in a single packet while not burdening the user code with any protocol knowledge. <p> Return may be -1 for a fatal error needing connection close, or a positive number reflecting the amount of bytes actually sent. This can be less than the requested number of bytes due to OS memory pressure at any given time. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_hdr_fragment_length - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_hdr_fragment_length</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>enum lws_token_indexes</i> <b>h</b>, <i>int</i> <b>frag_idx</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection <dt><b>h</b> <dd>which header index we are interested in <dt><b>frag_idx</b> <dd>which fragment of <tt><b>h</b></tt> we want to get the length of </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> The returned length does not include the space for a terminating '\0' </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_hdr_total_length - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_hdr_total_length</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>enum lws_token_indexes</i> <b>h</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection <dt><b>h</b> <dd>which header index we are interested in </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> The returned length does not include the space for a terminating '\0' </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_hdr_copy_fragment - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_hdr_copy_fragment</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>char *</i> <b>dst</b>, <i>int</i> <b>len</b>, <i>enum lws_token_indexes</i> <b>h</b>, <i>int</i> <b>frag_idx</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection <dt><b>dst</b> <dd>destination buffer <dt><b>len</b> <dd>length of destination buffer <dt><b>h</b> <dd>which header index we are interested in </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> The buffer length <tt><b>len</b></tt> must include space for an additional terminating '\0', or it will fail returning -1. If the requested fragment index is not present, it fails returning -1. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_hdr_copy - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_hdr_copy</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>char *</i> <b>dst</b>, <i>int</i> <b>len</b>, <i>enum lws_token_indexes</i> <b>h</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection <dt><b>dst</b> <dd>destination buffer <dt><b>len</b> <dd>length of destination buffer <dt><b>h</b> <dd>which header index we are interested in </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> The buffer length <tt><b>len</b></tt> must include space for an additional terminating '\0', or it will fail returning -1. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_frame_is_binary - </h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_frame_is_binary</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>the connection we are inquiring about </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This is intended to be called from the LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE callback if it's interested to see if the frame it's dealing with was sent in binary mode. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_remaining_packet_payload - Bytes to come before "overall" rx packet is complete</h2> <i>size_t</i> <b>lws_remaining_packet_payload</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket instance (available from user callback) </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function is intended to be called from the callback if the user code is interested in "complete packets" from the client. libwebsockets just passes through payload as it comes and issues a buffer additionally when it hits a built-in limit. The LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE callback handler can use this API to find out if the buffer it has just been given is the last piece of a "complete packet" from the client -- when that is the case <b>lws_remaining_packet_payload</b> will return 0. <p> Many protocols won't care becuse their packets are always small. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_callback_on_writable - Request a callback when this socket becomes able to be written to without blocking</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_callback_on_writable</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket connection instance to get callback for </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol_vhost - Request a callback for all connections using the given protocol when it becomes possible to write to each socket without blocking in turn.</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol_vhost</b> (<i>const struct lws_vhost *</i> <b>vhost</b>, <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>protocol</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>vhost</b> <dd>Only consider connections on this lws_vhost <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>Protocol whose connections will get callbacks </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> This calls back connections with the same protocol ON THE SAME VHOST ONLY. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol - Request a callback for all connections using the given protocol when it becomes possible to write to each socket without blocking in turn.</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol</b> (<i>const struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>protocol</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>lws_context <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>Protocol whose connections will get callbacks </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> This calls back any connection using the same protocol on ANY VHOST. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_http_transaction_completed - wait for new http transaction or close</h2> <i>int LWS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT</i> <b>lws_http_transaction_completed</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>websocket connection </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Returns 1 if the HTTP connection must close now Returns 0 and resets connection to wait for new HTTP header / transaction if possible </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_adopt_socket - adopt foreign socket as if listen socket accepted it</h2> <i>struct lws *</i> <b>lws_adopt_socket</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>lws_sockfd_type</i> <b>accept_fd</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>lws context <dt><b>accept_fd</b> <dd>fd of already-accepted socket to adopt </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces. <p> LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's ready to accept an upgrade to ws or just serve http. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_adopt_socket_readbuf - adopt foreign socket and first rx as if listen socket accepted it</h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN struct lws *</i> <b>lws_adopt_socket_readbuf</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>lws_sockfd_type</i> <b>accept_fd</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>readbuf</b>, <i>size_t</i> <b>len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>lws context <dt><b>accept_fd</b> <dd>fd of already-accepted socket to adopt <dt><b>readbuf</b> <dd>NULL or pointer to data that must be drained before reading from accept_fd <dt><b>len</b> <dd>The length of the data held at <tt><b>readbuf</b></tt> </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces. <p> LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's ready to accept an upgrade to ws or just serve http. <p> If your external code did not already read from the socket, you can use <b>lws_adopt_socket</b> instead. <p> This api is guaranteed to use the data at <tt><b>readbuf</b></tt> first, before reading from the socket. <p> <tt><b>readbuf</b></tt> is limited to the size of the ah rx buf, currently 2048 bytes. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_serve_http_file - Send a file back to the client using http</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_serve_http_file</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>file</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>content_type</b>, <i>const char *</i> <b>other_headers</b>, <i>int</i> <b>other_headers_len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Websocket instance (available from user callback) <dt><b>file</b> <dd>The file to issue over http <dt><b>content_type</b> <dd>The http content type, eg, text/html <dt><b>other_headers</b> <dd>NULL or pointer to header string <dt><b>other_headers_len</b> <dd>length of the other headers if non-NULL </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function is intended to be called from the callback in response to http requests from the client. It allows the callback to issue local files down the http link in a single step. <p> Returning <0 indicates error and the wsi should be closed. Returning >0 indicates the file was completely sent and <b>lws_http_transaction_completed</b> called on the wsi (and close if != 0) ==0 indicates the file transfer is started and needs more service later, the wsi should be left alone. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_service_fd_tsi - Service polled socket with something waiting</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_service_fd_tsi</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>struct lws_pollfd *</i> <b>pollfd</b>, <i>int</i> <b>tsi</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context <dt><b>pollfd</b> <dd>The pollfd entry describing the socket fd and which events happened. </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function takes a pollfd that has POLLIN or POLLOUT activity and services it according to the state of the associated struct lws. <p> The one call deals with all "service" that might happen on a socket including listen accepts, http files as well as websocket protocol. <p> If a pollfd says it has something, you can just pass it to <b>lws_service_fd</b> whether it is a socket handled by lws or not. If it sees it is a lws socket, the traffic will be handled and pollfd->revents will be zeroed now. <p> If the socket is foreign to lws, it leaves revents alone. So you can see if you should service yourself by checking the pollfd revents after letting lws try to service it. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_service - Service any pending websocket activity</h2> <i>int</i> <b>lws_service</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>int</i> <b>timeout_ms</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websocket context <dt><b>timeout_ms</b> <dd>Timeout for poll; 0 means return immediately if nothing needed service otherwise block and service immediately, returning after the timeout if nothing needed service. </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This function deals with any pending websocket traffic, for three kinds of event. It handles these events on both server and client types of connection the same. <p> 1) Accept new connections to our context's server <p> 2) Call the receive callback for incoming frame data received by server or client connections. <p> You need to call this service function periodically to all the above functions to happen; if your application is single-threaded you can just call it in your main event loop. <p> Alternatively you can fork a new process that asynchronously handles calling this service in a loop. In that case you are happy if this call blocks your thread until it needs to take care of something and would call it with a large nonzero timeout. Your loop then takes no CPU while there is nothing happening. <p> If you are calling it in a single-threaded app, you don't want it to wait around blocking other things in your loop from happening, so you would call it with a timeout_ms of 0, so it returns immediately if nothing is pending, or as soon as it services whatever was pending. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>struct lws_plat_file_ops - Platform-specific file operations</h2> <b>struct lws_plat_file_ops</b> {<br> <i>lws_filefd_type (*</i><b>open</b>) <i>(struct lws *wsi, const char *filename,unsigned long *filelen, int flags)</i>;<br> <i>int (*</i><b>close</b>) <i>(struct lws *wsi, lws_filefd_type fd)</i>;<br> <i>unsigned long (*</i><b>seek_cur</b>) <i>(struct lws *wsi, lws_filefd_type fd,long offset_from_cur_pos)</i>;<br> <i>int (*</i><b>read</b>) <i>(struct lws *wsi, lws_filefd_type fd, unsigned long *amount,unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len)</i>;<br> <i>int (*</i><b>write</b>) <i>(struct lws *wsi, lws_filefd_type fd, unsigned long *amount,unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len)</i>;<br> };<br> <h3>Members</h3> <dl> <dt><b>open</b> <dd>Open file (always binary access if plat supports it) filelen is filled on exit to be the length of the file flags should be set to O_RDONLY or O_RDWR <dt><b>close</b> <dd>Close file <dt><b>seek_cur</b> <dd>Seek from current position <dt><b>read</b> <dd>Read fron file *amount is set on exit to amount read <dt><b>write</b> <dd>Write to file *amount is set on exit as amount written </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> These provide platform-agnostic ways to deal with filesystem access in the library and in the user code. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_callback_function - User server actions</h2> <i>typedef int</i> <b>lws_callback_function</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>enum lws_callback_reasons</i> <b>reason</b>, <i>void *</i> <b>user</b>, <i>void *</i> <b>in</b>, <i>size_t</i> <b>len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Opaque websocket instance pointer <dt><b>reason</b> <dd>The reason for the call <dt><b>user</b> <dd>Pointer to per-session user data allocated by library <dt><b>in</b> <dd>Pointer used for some callback reasons <dt><b>len</b> <dd>Length set for some callback reasons </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This callback is the way the user controls what is served. All the protocol detail is hidden and handled by the library. <p> For each connection / session there is user data allocated that is pointed to by "user". You set the size of this user data area when the library is initialized with lws_create_server. <p> You get an opportunity to initialize user data when called back with LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED reason. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED</h3> <blockquote> after the server completes a handshake with an incoming client. If you built the library with ssl support, <tt><b>in</b></tt> is a pointer to the ssl struct associated with the connection or NULL. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR</h3> <blockquote> the request client connection has been unable to complete a handshake with the remote server. If in is non-NULL, you can find an error string of length len where it points to. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_FILTER_PRE_ESTABLISH</h3> <blockquote> this is the last chance for the client user code to examine the http headers and decide to reject the connection. If the content in the headers is interesting to the client (url, etc) it needs to copy it out at this point since it will be destroyed before the CLIENT_ESTABLISHED call </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_ESTABLISHED</h3> <blockquote> after your client connection completed a handshake with the remote server </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED</h3> <blockquote> when the websocket session ends </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED_HTTP</h3> <blockquote> when a HTTP (non-websocket) session ends </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE</h3> <blockquote> data has appeared for this server endpoint from a remote client, it can be found at *in and is len bytes long </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE_PONG</h3> <blockquote> if you elected to see PONG packets, they appear with this callback reason. PONG packets only exist in 04+ protocol </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE</h3> <blockquote> data has appeared from the server for the client connection, it can be found at *in and is len bytes long </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP</h3> <blockquote> an http request has come from a client that is not asking to upgrade the connection to a websocket one. This is a chance to serve http content, for example, to send a script to the client which will then open the websockets connection. <tt><b>in</b></tt> points to the URI path requested and <b>lws_serve_http_file</b> makes it very simple to send back a file to the client. Normally after sending the file you are done with the http connection, since the rest of the activity will come by websockets from the script that was delivered by http, so you will want to return 1; to close and free up the connection. That's important because it uses a slot in the total number of client connections allowed set by MAX_CLIENTS. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY</h3> <blockquote> the next <tt><b>len</b></tt> bytes data from the http request body HTTP connection is now available in <tt><b>in</b></tt>. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION</h3> <blockquote> the expected amount of http request body has been delivered </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_WRITEABLE</h3> <blockquote> you can write more down the http protocol link now. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_FILE_COMPLETION</h3> <blockquote> a file requested to be send down http link has completed. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE</h3> <blockquote> If you call <b>lws_callback_on_writable</b> on a connection, you will get one of these callbacks coming when the connection socket is able to accept another write packet without blocking. If it already was able to take another packet without blocking, you'll get this callback at the next call to the service loop function. Notice that CLIENTs get LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE and servers get LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_FILTER_NETWORK_CONNECTION</h3> <blockquote> called when a client connects to the server at network level; the connection is accepted but then passed to this callback to decide whether to hang up immediately or not, based on the client IP. <tt><b>in</b></tt> contains the connection socket's descriptor. Since the client connection information is not available yet, <tt><b>wsi</b></tt> still pointing to the main server socket. Return non-zero to terminate the connection before sending or receiving anything. Because this happens immediately after the network connection from the client, there's no websocket protocol selected yet so this callback is issued only to protocol 0. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_NEW_CLIENT_INSTANTIATED</h3> <blockquote> A new client just had been connected, accepted, and instantiated into the pool. This callback allows setting any relevant property to it. Because this happens immediately after the instantiation of a new client, there's no websocket protocol selected yet so this callback is issued only to protocol 0. Only <tt><b>wsi</b></tt> is defined, pointing to the new client, and the return value is ignored. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_FILTER_HTTP_CONNECTION</h3> <blockquote> called when the request has been received and parsed from the client, but the response is not sent yet. Return non-zero to disallow the connection. <tt><b>user</b></tt> is a pointer to the connection user space allocation, <tt><b>in</b></tt> is the URI, eg, "/" In your handler you can use the public APIs <b>lws_hdr_total_length</b> / <b>lws_hdr_copy</b> to access all of the headers using the header enums lws_token_indexes from libwebsockets.h to check for and read the supported header presence and content before deciding to allow the http connection to proceed or to kill the connection. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_FILTER_PROTOCOL_CONNECTION</h3> <blockquote> called when the handshake has been received and parsed from the client, but the response is not sent yet. Return non-zero to disallow the connection. <tt><b>user</b></tt> is a pointer to the connection user space allocation, <tt><b>in</b></tt> is the requested protocol name In your handler you can use the public APIs <b>lws_hdr_total_length</b> / <b>lws_hdr_copy</b> to access all of the headers using the header enums lws_token_indexes from libwebsockets.h to check for and read the supported header presence and content before deciding to allow the handshake to proceed or to kill the connection. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_OPENSSL_LOAD_EXTRA_CLIENT_VERIFY_CERTS</h3> <blockquote> if configured for including OpenSSL support, this callback allows your user code to perform extra <b>SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations</b> or similar calls to direct OpenSSL where to find certificates the client can use to confirm the remote server identity. <tt><b>user</b></tt> is the OpenSSL SSL_CTX* </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_OPENSSL_LOAD_EXTRA_SERVER_VERIFY_CERTS</h3> <blockquote> if configured for including OpenSSL support, this callback allows your user code to load extra certifcates into the server which allow it to verify the validity of certificates returned by clients. <tt><b>user</b></tt> is the server's OpenSSL SSL_CTX* </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_OPENSSL_CONTEXT_REQUIRES_PRIVATE_KEY</h3> <blockquote> if configured for including OpenSSL support but no private key file has been specified (ssl_private_key_filepath is NULL), this is called to allow the user to set the private key directly via libopenssl and perform further operations if required; this might be useful in situations where the private key is not directly accessible by the OS, for example if it is stored on a smartcard <tt><b>user</b></tt> is the server's OpenSSL SSL_CTX* </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_OPENSSL_PERFORM_CLIENT_CERT_VERIFICATION</h3> <blockquote> if the libwebsockets context was created with the option LWS_SERVER_OPTION_REQUIRE_VALID_OPENSSL_CLIENT_CERT, then this callback is generated during OpenSSL verification of the cert sent from the client. It is sent to protocol[0] callback as no protocol has been negotiated on the connection yet. Notice that the libwebsockets context and wsi are both NULL during this callback. See </blockquote> <h3>http</h3> <blockquote> //www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_verify.html to understand more detail about the OpenSSL callback that generates this libwebsockets callback and the meanings of the arguments passed. In this callback, <tt><b>user</b></tt> is the x509_ctx, <tt><b>in</b></tt> is the ssl pointer and <tt><b>len</b></tt> is preverify_ok Notice that this callback maintains libwebsocket return conventions, return 0 to mean the cert is OK or 1 to fail it. This also means that if you don't handle this callback then the default callback action of returning 0 allows the client certificates. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_APPEND_HANDSHAKE_HEADER</h3> <blockquote> this callback happens when a client handshake is being compiled. <tt><b>user</b></tt> is NULL, <tt><b>in</b></tt> is a char **, it's pointing to a char * which holds the next location in the header buffer where you can add headers, and <tt><b>len</b></tt> is the remaining space in the header buffer, which is typically some hundreds of bytes. So, to add a canned cookie, your handler code might look similar to: <p> char **p = (char **)in; <p> if (len < 100) return 1; <p> *p += sprintf(*p, "Cookie: a=b\x0d\x0a"); <p> return 0; <p> Notice if you add anything, you just have to take care about the CRLF on the line you added. Obviously this callback is optional, if you don't handle it everything is fine. <p> Notice the callback is coming to protocols[0] all the time, because there is no specific protocol handshook yet. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CONFIRM_EXTENSION_OKAY</h3> <blockquote> When the server handshake code sees that it does support a requested extension, before accepting the extension by additing to the list sent back to the client it gives this callback just to check that it's okay to use that extension. It calls back to the requested protocol and with <tt><b>in</b></tt> being the extension name, <tt><b>len</b></tt> is 0 and <tt><b>user</b></tt> is valid. Note though at this time the ESTABLISHED callback hasn't happened yet so if you initialize <tt><b>user</b></tt> content there, <tt><b>user</b></tt> content during this callback might not be useful for anything. Notice this callback comes to protocols[0]. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONFIRM_EXTENSION_SUPPORTED</h3> <blockquote> When a client connection is being prepared to start a handshake to a server, each supported extension is checked with protocols[0] callback with this reason, giving the user code a chance to suppress the claim to support that extension by returning non-zero. If unhandled, by default 0 will be returned and the extension support included in the header to the server. Notice this callback comes to protocols[0]. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT</h3> <blockquote> One-time call per protocol so it can do initial setup / allocations etc </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY</h3> <blockquote> One-time call per protocol indicating this protocol won't get used at all after this callback, the context is getting destroyed. Take the opportunity to deallocate everything that was allocated by the protocol. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_CREATE</h3> <blockquote> outermost (earliest) wsi create notification </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_DESTROY</h3> <blockquote> outermost (latest) wsi destroy notification <p> The next five reasons are optional and only need taking care of if you will be integrating libwebsockets sockets into an external polling array. <p> For these calls, <tt><b>in</b></tt> points to a struct lws_pollargs that contains <tt><b>fd</b></tt>, <tt><b>events</b></tt> and <tt><b>prev_events</b></tt> members </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_ADD_POLL_FD</h3> <blockquote> libwebsocket deals with its <b>poll</b> loop internally, but in the case you are integrating with another server you will need to have libwebsocket sockets share a polling array with the other server. This and the other POLL_FD related callbacks let you put your specialized poll array interface code in the callback for protocol 0, the first protocol you support, usually the HTTP protocol in the serving case. This callback happens when a socket needs to be </blockquote> <h3>added to the polling loop</h3> <blockquote> <tt><b>in</b></tt> points to a struct lws_pollargs; the <tt><b>fd</b></tt> member of the struct is the file descriptor, and <tt><b>events</b></tt> contains the active events. <p> If you are using the internal polling loop (the "service" callback), you can just ignore these callbacks. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_DEL_POLL_FD</h3> <blockquote> This callback happens when a socket descriptor needs to be removed from an external polling array. <tt><b>in</b></tt> is again the struct lws_pollargs containing the <tt><b>fd</b></tt> member to be removed. If you are using the internal polling loop, you can just ignore it. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_CHANGE_MODE_POLL_FD</h3> <blockquote> This callback happens when libwebsockets wants to modify the events for a connectiion. <tt><b>in</b></tt> is the struct lws_pollargs with the <tt><b>fd</b></tt> to change. The new event mask is in <tt><b>events</b></tt> member and the old mask is in the <tt><b>prev_events</b></tt> member. If you are using the internal polling loop, you can just ignore it. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_UNLOCK_POLL</h3> <blockquote> These allow the external poll changes driven by libwebsockets to participate in an external thread locking scheme around the changes, so the whole thing is threadsafe. These are called around three activities in the library, - inserting a new wsi in the wsi / fd table (len=1) - deleting a wsi from the wsi / fd table (len=1) - changing a wsi's POLLIN/OUT state (len=0) Locking and unlocking external synchronization objects when len == 1 allows external threads to be synchronized against wsi lifecycle changes if it acquires the same lock for the duration of wsi dereference from the other thread context. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_CALLBACK_WS_PEER_INITIATED_CLOSE</h3> <blockquote> The peer has sent an unsolicited Close WS packet. <tt><b>in</b></tt> and <tt><b>len</b></tt> are the optional close code (first 2 bytes, network order) and the optional additional information which is not defined in the standard, and may be a string or non-human- readble data. If you return 0 lws will echo the close and then close the connection. If you return nonzero lws will just close the connection. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>lws_extension_callback_function - Hooks to allow extensions to operate</h2> <i>typedef int</i> <b>lws_extension_callback_function</b> (<i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>, <i>const struct lws_extension *</i> <b>ext</b>, <i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>enum lws_extension_callback_reasons</i> <b>reason</b>, <i>void *</i> <b>user</b>, <i>void *</i> <b>in</b>, <i>size_t</i> <b>len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>Websockets context <dt><b>ext</b> <dd>This extension <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>Opaque websocket instance pointer <dt><b>reason</b> <dd>The reason for the call <dt><b>user</b> <dd>Pointer to ptr to per-session user data allocated by library <dt><b>in</b> <dd>Pointer used for some callback reasons <dt><b>len</b> <dd>Length set for some callback reasons </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> Each extension that is active on a particular connection receives callbacks during the connection lifetime to allow the extension to operate on websocket data and manage itself. <p> Libwebsockets takes care of allocating and freeing "user" memory for each active extension on each connection. That is what is pointed to by the <tt><b>user</b></tt> parameter. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_EXT_CB_CONSTRUCT</h3> <blockquote> called when the server has decided to select this extension from the list provided by the client, just before the server will send back the handshake accepting the connection with this extension active. This gives the extension a chance to initialize its connection context found in <tt><b>user</b></tt>. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_EXT_CB_CLIENT_CONSTRUCT</h3> <blockquote> same as LWS_EXT_CB_CONSTRUCT but called when client is instantiating this extension. Some extensions will work the same on client and server side and then you can just merge handlers for both CONSTRUCTS. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_EXT_CB_DESTROY</h3> <blockquote> called when the connection the extension was being used on is about to be closed and deallocated. It's the last chance for the extension to deallocate anything it has allocated in the user data (pointed to by <tt><b>user</b></tt>) before the user data is deleted. This same callback is used whether you are in client or server instantiation context. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_EXT_CB_PACKET_RX_PREPARSE</h3> <blockquote> when this extension was active on a connection, and a packet of data arrived at the connection, it is passed to this callback to give the extension a chance to change the data, eg, decompress it. <tt><b>user</b></tt> is pointing to the extension's private connection context data, <tt><b>in</b></tt> is pointing to an lws_tokens struct, it consists of a char * pointer called token, and an int called token_len. At entry, these are set to point to the received buffer and set to the content length. If the extension will grow the content, it should use a new buffer allocated in its private user context data and set the pointed-to lws_tokens members to point to its buffer. </blockquote> <h3>LWS_EXT_CB_PACKET_TX_PRESEND</h3> <blockquote> this works the same way as LWS_EXT_CB_PACKET_RX_PREPARSE above, except it gives the extension a chance to change websocket data just before it will be sent out. Using the same lws_token pointer scheme in <tt><b>in</b></tt>, the extension can change the buffer and the length to be transmitted how it likes. Again if it wants to grow the buffer safely, it should copy the data into its own buffer and set the lws_tokens token pointer to it. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>struct lws_protocols - List of protocols and handlers server supports.</h2> <b>struct lws_protocols</b> {<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>name</b>;<br> <i>lws_callback_function *</i> <b>callback</b>;<br> <i>size_t</i> <b>per_session_data_size</b>;<br> <i>size_t</i> <b>rx_buffer_size</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>id</b>;<br> <i>void *</i> <b>user</b>;<br> };<br> <h3>Members</h3> <dl> <dt><b>name</b> <dd>Protocol name that must match the one given in the client Javascript new WebSocket(url, 'protocol') name. <dt><b>callback</b> <dd>The service callback used for this protocol. It allows the service action for an entire protocol to be encapsulated in the protocol-specific callback <dt><b>per_session_data_size</b> <dd>Each new connection using this protocol gets this much memory allocated on connection establishment and freed on connection takedown. A pointer to this per-connection allocation is passed into the callback in the 'user' parameter <dt><b>rx_buffer_size</b> <dd>if you want atomic frames delivered to the callback, you should set this to the size of the biggest legal frame that you support. If the frame size is exceeded, there is no error, but the buffer will spill to the user callback when full, which you can detect by using <b>lws_remaining_packet_payload</b>. Notice that you just talk about frame size here, the LWS_PRE and post-padding are automatically also allocated on top. <dt><b>id</b> <dd>ignored by lws, but useful to contain user information bound to the selected protocol. For example if this protocol was called "myprotocol-v2", you might set id to 2, and the user code that acts differently according to the version can do so by switch (wsi->protocol->id), user code might use some bits as capability flags based on selected protocol version, etc. <dt><b>user</b> <dd>User provided context data at the protocol level. Accessible via lws_get_protocol(wsi)->user This should not be confused with wsi->user, it is not the same. The library completely ignores any value in here. </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> This structure represents one protocol supported by the server. An array of these structures is passed to <b>lws_create_server</b> allows as many protocols as you like to be handled by one server. <p> The first protocol given has its callback used for user callbacks when there is no agreed protocol name, that's true during HTTP part of the </blockquote> <h3>connection and true if the client did not send a Protocol</h3> <blockquote> header. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>struct lws_ext_options - Option arguments to the extension. These are used in the negotiation at ws upgrade time. The helper function lws_ext_parse_options() uses these to generate callbacks</h2> <b>struct lws_ext_options</b> {<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>name</b>;<br> <i>enum lws_ext_options_types</i> <b>type</b>;<br> };<br> <h3>Members</h3> <dl> <dt><b>name</b> <dd>Option name, eg, "server_no_context_takeover" <dt><b>type</b> <dd>What kind of args the option can take </dl> <hr> <h2>struct lws_extension - An extension we know how to cope with</h2> <b>struct lws_extension</b> {<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>name</b>;<br> <i>lws_extension_callback_function *</i> <b>callback</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>client_offer</b>;<br> };<br> <h3>Members</h3> <dl> <dt><b>name</b> <dd>Formal extension name, eg, "permessage-deflate" <dt><b>callback</b> <dd>Service callback <dt><b>client_offer</b> <dd>String containing exts and options client offers </dl> <hr> <h2>struct lws_context_creation_info - parameters to create context with</h2> <b>struct lws_context_creation_info</b> {<br> <i>int</i> <b>port</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>iface</b>;<br> <i>const struct lws_protocols *</i> <b>protocols</b>;<br> <i>const struct lws_extension *</i> <b>extensions</b>;<br> <i>const struct lws_token_limits *</i> <b>token_limits</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>ssl_cert_filepath</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>ssl_private_key_filepath</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>ssl_ca_filepath</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>ssl_cipher_list</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>http_proxy_address</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>http_proxy_port</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>gid</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>uid</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>options</b>;<br> <i>void *</i> <b>user</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>ka_time</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>ka_probes</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>ka_interval</b>;<br> #ifdef LWS_OPENSSL_SUPPORT<br> <i>void *</i> <b>provided_client_ssl_ctx</b>;<br> #else<br> <i>void *</i> <b>provided_client_ssl_ctx</b>;<br> #endif<br> <i>short</i> <b>max_http_header_data</b>;<br> <i>short</i> <b>max_http_header_pool</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>count_threads</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>fd_limit_per_thread</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>timeout_secs</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>ecdh_curve</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>vhost_name</b>;<br> <i>const char *const *</i> <b>plugin_dirs</b>;<br> <i>const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *</i> <b>pvo</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>keepalive_timeout</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>log_filepath</b>;<br> <i>const struct lws_http_mount *</i> <b>mounts</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>server_string</b>;<br> <i>unsigned int</i> <b>pt_serv_buf_size</b>;<br> };<br> <h3>Members</h3> <dl> <dt><b>port</b> <dd>VHOST: Port to listen on... you can use CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN to suppress listening on any port, that's what you want if you are not running a websocket server at all but just using it as a client <dt><b>iface</b> <dd>VHOST: NULL to bind the listen socket to all interfaces, or the interface name, eg, "eth2" If options specifies LWS_SERVER_OPTION_UNIX_SOCK, this member is the pathname of a UNIX domain socket. you can use the UNIX domain sockets in abstract namespace, by prepending an @ symbole to the socket name. <dt><b>protocols</b> <dd>VHOST: Array of structures listing supported protocols and a protocol- specific callback for each one. The list is ended with an entry that has a NULL callback pointer. It's not const because we write the owning_server member <dt><b>extensions</b> <dd>VHOST: NULL or array of lws_extension structs listing the extensions this context supports. If you configured with --without-extensions, you should give NULL here. <dt><b>token_limits</b> <dd>CONTEXT: NULL or struct lws_token_limits pointer which is initialized with a token length limit for each possible WSI_TOKEN_*** <dt><b>ssl_cert_filepath</b> <dd>VHOST: If libwebsockets was compiled to use ssl, and you want to listen using SSL, set to the filepath to fetch the server cert from, otherwise NULL for unencrypted <dt><b>ssl_private_key_filepath</b> <dd>VHOST: filepath to private key if wanting SSL mode; if this is set to NULL but sll_cert_filepath is set, the OPENSSL_CONTEXT_REQUIRES_PRIVATE_KEY callback is called to allow setting of the private key directly via openSSL library calls <dt><b>ssl_ca_filepath</b> <dd>VHOST: CA certificate filepath or NULL <dt><b>ssl_cipher_list</b> <dd>VHOST: List of valid ciphers to use (eg, "RC4-MD5:RC4-SHA:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:HIGH:!DSS:!aNULL" or you can leave it as NULL to get "DEFAULT" <dt><b>http_proxy_address</b> <dd>VHOST: If non-NULL, attempts to proxy via the given address. If proxy auth is required, use format "username:password<tt><b>server</b></tt>:port" <dt><b>http_proxy_port</b> <dd>VHOST: If http_proxy_address was non-NULL, uses this port at the address <dt><b>gid</b> <dd>CONTEXT: group id to change to after setting listen socket, or -1. <dt><b>uid</b> <dd>CONTEXT: user id to change to after setting listen socket, or -1. <dt><b>options</b> <dd>VHOST + CONTEXT: 0, or LWS_SERVER_OPTION_... bitfields <dt><b>user</b> <dd>CONTEXT: optional user pointer that can be recovered via the context pointer using lws_context_user <dt><b>ka_time</b> <dd>CONTEXT: 0 for no keepalive, otherwise apply this keepalive timeout to all libwebsocket sockets, client or server <dt><b>ka_probes</b> <dd>CONTEXT: if ka_time was nonzero, after the timeout expires how many times to try to get a response from the peer before giving up and killing the connection <dt><b>ka_interval</b> <dd>CONTEXT: if ka_time was nonzero, how long to wait before each ka_probes attempt <dt><b>provided_client_ssl_ctx</b> <dd>CONTEXT: If non-null, swap out libwebsockets ssl implementation for the one provided by provided_ssl_ctx. Libwebsockets no longer is responsible for freeing the context if this option is selected. <dt><b>provided_client_ssl_ctx</b> <dd>CONTEXT: If non-null, swap out libwebsockets ssl implementation for the one provided by provided_ssl_ctx. Libwebsockets no longer is responsible for freeing the context if this option is selected. <dt><b>max_http_header_data</b> <dd>CONTEXT: The max amount of header payload that can be handled in an http request (unrecognized header payload is dropped) <dt><b>max_http_header_pool</b> <dd>CONTEXT: The max number of connections with http headers that can be processed simultaneously (the corresponding memory is allocated for the lifetime of the context). If the pool is busy new incoming connections must wait for accept until one becomes free. <dt><b>count_threads</b> <dd>CONTEXT: how many contexts to create in an array, 0 = 1 <dt><b>fd_limit_per_thread</b> <dd>CONTEXT: nonzero means restrict each service thread to this many fds, 0 means the default which is divide the process fd limit by the number of threads. <dt><b>timeout_secs</b> <dd>VHOST: various processes involving network roundtrips in the library are protected from hanging forever by timeouts. If nonzero, this member lets you set the timeout used in seconds. Otherwise a default timeout is used. <dt><b>ecdh_curve</b> <dd>VHOST: if NULL, defaults to initializing server with "prime256v1" <dt><b>vhost_name</b> <dd>VHOST: name of vhost, must match external DNS name used to access the site, like "warmcat.com" as it's used to match <dt><b>plugin_dirs</b> <dd>CONTEXT: NULL, or NULL-terminated array of directories to scan for lws protocol plugins at context creation time <dt><b>pvo</b> <dd>VHOST: pointer to optional linked list of per-vhost options made accessible to protocols <dt><b>keepalive_timeout</b> <dd>VHOST: (default = 0 = 60s) seconds to allow remote client to hold on to an idle HTTP/1.1 connection <dt><b>log_filepath</b> <dd>VHOST: filepath to append logs to... this is opened before any dropping of initial privileges <dt><b>mounts</b> <dd>VHOST: optional linked list of mounts for this vhost <dt><b>server_string</b> <dd>CONTEXT: string used in HTTP headers to identify server software, if NULL, "libwebsockets". <dt><b>pt_serv_buf_size</b> <dd>CONTEXT: 0 = default of 4096. This buffer is used by various service related features including file serving, it defines the max chunk of file that can be sent at once. At the risk of lws having to buffer failed large sends, it can be increased to, eg, 128KiB to improve throughput. </dl> <h3>Description</h3> <blockquote> <p> This is also used to create vhosts.... if LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS is not given, then for backwards compatibility one vhost is created at context-creation time using the info from this struct. <p> If LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS is given, then no vhosts are created at the same time as the context, they are expected to be created afterwards. </blockquote> <h3>Host</h3> <blockquote> header and / or SNI name for SSL. </blockquote> <hr> <h2>struct lws_client_connect_info - parameters to connect with when using lws_client_connect_via_info()</h2> <b>struct lws_client_connect_info</b> {<br> <i>struct lws_context *</i> <b>context</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>address</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>port</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>ssl_connection</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>path</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>host</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>origin</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>protocol</b>;<br> <i>int</i> <b>ietf_version_or_minus_one</b>;<br> <i>void *</i> <b>userdata</b>;<br> <i>const struct lws_extension *</i> <b>client_exts</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>method</b>;<br> <i>struct lws *</i> <b>parent_wsi</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>uri_replace_from</b>;<br> <i>const char *</i> <b>uri_replace_to</b>;<br> <i>struct lws_vhost *</i> <b>vhost</b>;<br> };<br> <h3>Members</h3> <dl> <dt><b>context</b> <dd>lws context to create connection in <dt><b>address</b> <dd>remote address to connect to <dt><b>port</b> <dd>remote port to connect to <dt><b>ssl_connection</b> <dd>nonzero for ssl <dt><b>path</b> <dd>uri path <dt><b>host</b> <dd>content of host header <dt><b>origin</b> <dd>content of origin header <dt><b>protocol</b> <dd>list of ws protocols <dt><b>ietf_version_or_minus_one</b> <dd>currently leave at 0 or -1 <dt><b>userdata</b> <dd>if non-NULL, use this as wsi user_data instead of malloc it <dt><b>client_exts</b> <dd>array of extensions that may be used on connection <dt><b>method</b> <dd>if non-NULL, do this http method instead of ws[s] upgrade. use "GET" to be a simple http client connection <dt><b>parent_wsi</b> <dd>if another wsi is responsible for this connection, give it here. this is used to make sure if the parent closes so do any child connections first. <dt><b>uri_replace_from</b> <dd>if non-NULL, when this string is found in URIs in text/html content-encoding, it's replaced with <tt><b>uri_replace_to</b></tt> <dt><b>uri_replace_to</b> <dd>see above <dt><b>vhost</b> <dd>vhost to bind to (used to determine related SSL_CTX) </dl> <hr> <h2>lws_close_reason - Set reason and aux data to send with Close packet If you are going to return nonzero from the callback requesting the connection to close, you can optionally call this to set the reason the peer will be told if possible.</h2> <i>LWS_EXTERN void</i> <b>lws_close_reason</b> (<i>struct lws *</i> <b>wsi</b>, <i>enum lws_close_status</i> <b>status</b>, <i>unsigned char *</i> <b>buf</b>, <i>size_t</i> <b>len</b>) <h3>Arguments</h3> <dl> <dt><b>wsi</b> <dd>The websocket connection to set the close reason on <dt><b>status</b> <dd>A valid close status from websocket standard <dt><b>buf</b> <dd>NULL or buffer containing up to 124 bytes of auxiliary data <dt><b>len</b> <dd>Length of data in <tt><b>buf</b></tt> to send </dl> <hr>