# Secure Streams Secure Streams is a client api that strictly separates payload from any metadata. That includes the endpoint address for the connection, the tls CA and even the protocol used to connect to the endpoint. The user api just receives and transmits payload, and receives advisory connection state information. The details about how the connections for different types of secure stream should be made are held in JSON "policy database" initially passed in to the context creation, but able to be updated from a remote copy. ![overview](../doc-assets/ss-explain.png) # JSON Policy Database Example JSON policy... formatting is shown for clarity but whitespace can be omitted in the actual policy. Ordering is not critical in itself, but forward references are not allowed, things must be defined before they are allowed to be referenced later in the JSON. ``` { "release": "01234567", "product": "myproduct", "schema-version": 1, "retry": [{ "default": { "backoff": [1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000], "conceal": 5, "jitterpc": 20 } }], "certs": [{ "isrg_root_x1": "MIIFazCCA1OgAw...AnX5iItreGCc=" }, { "LEX3_isrg_root_x1": "MIIFjTCCA3WgAwIB...WEsikxqEt" }], "trust_stores": [{ "le_via_isrg": ["isrg_root_x1", "LEX3_isrg_root_x1"] }], "s": [{ "mintest": { "endpoint": "warmcat.com", "port": 4443, "protocol": "h1get", "aux": "index.html", "plugins": [], "tls": true, "opportunistic": true, "retry": "default", "tls_trust_store": "le_via_isrg" } }] } ``` ### `Release` Identifies the policy version ### `Product` Identifies the product the policy should apply to ### `Schema-version` The minimum version of the policy parser required to parse this policy ### `via-socks5` Optional redirect for Secure Streams client traffic through a socks5 proxy given in the format `address:port`, eg, ``. ### `retry` A list of backoff schemes referred to in the policy ### `backoff` An array of ms delays for each retry in turn ### `conceal` The number of retries to conceal from higher layers before giving errors. If this is larger than the number of times in the backoff array, then the last time is used for the extra delays ### `jitterpc` Percentage of the delay times mentioned in the backoff array that may be randomly added to the figure from the array. For example with an array entry of 1000ms, and jitterpc of 20%, actual delays will be chosen randomly from 1000ms through 1200ms. This is to stop retry storms triggered by a single event like an outage becoming synchronized into a DoS. ### `certs` Certificates needed for validation should be listed here each with a name. The format is base64 DER, which is the same as the part of PEM that is inside the start and end lines. ### `trust_stores` Chains of certificates given in the `certs` section may be named and described inside the `trust_stores` section. Each entry in `trust_stores` is created as a vhost + tls context with the given name. Stream types can later be associated with one of these to enforce validity checking of the remote server. Entries should be named using "name" and the stack array defined using "stack" ### `s` These are an array of policies for the supported stream type names. ### `endpoint` The DNS address the secure stream should connect to ### `port` The port number as an integer on the endpoint to connect to ### `protocol` The wire protocol to connect to the endpoint with. Currently supported streamtypes are |Wire protocol|Description| |---|---| |h1|http/1| |h2|http/2| |ws|http/1 Websockets| |mqtt|mqtt 3.1.1| ### `plugins` Array of plugin names to apply to the stream, if any ### `tls` Set to `true` to enforce the stream travelling in a tls tunnel ### `client cert` Set if the stream needs to authenticate itself using a tls client certificate. Set to the certificate index counting from 0+. The certificates are managed using lws_sytstem blobs. ### `opportunistic` Set to `true` if the connection may be left dropped except when in use ### `nailed_up` Set to `true` to have lws retry if the connection carrying this stream should ever drop. ### `retry` The name of the policy described in the `retry` section to apply to this connection for retry + backoff ### `tls_trust_store` The name of the trust store described in the `trust_stores` section to apply to validate the remote server cert. ## http transport ### `http_method` HTTP method to use with http-related protocols, like GET or POST. Not required for ws. ### `http_url` Url path to use with http-related protocols The URL path can include metatadata like this "/mypath?whatever=${metadataname}" ${metadataname} will be replaced by the current value of the same metadata name. The metadata names must be listed in the "metadata": [ ] section. ### `http_auth_header` The name of the header that takes the auth token, with a trailing ':', eg ``` "http_auth_header": "authorization:" ``` ### `http_dsn_header` The name of the header that takes the dsn token, with a trailing ':', eg ``` "http_dsn_header": "x-dsn:" ``` ### `http_fwv_header` The name of the header that takes the firmware version token, with a trailing ':', eg ``` "http_fwv_header": "x-fw-version:" ``` ### `http_devtype_header` The name of the header that takes the device type token, with a trailing ':', eg ``` "http_devtype_header": "x-device-type:" ``` ### `http_auth_preamble` An optional string that precedes the auth token, eg ``` "http_auth_preamble": "bearer " ``` ### `auth_hexify` Convert the auth token to hex ('A' -> "41") before transporting. Not necessary if the auth token is already in printable string format suitable for transport. Needed if the auth token is a chunk of 8-bit binary. ### `nghttp2_quirk_end_stream` Set this to `true` if the peer server has the quirk it won't send a response until we have sent an `END_STREAM`, even though we have sent headers with `END_HEADERS`. ### `h2q_oflow_txcr` Set this to `true` if the peer server has the quirk it sends an maximum initial tx credit of 0x7fffffff and then later increments it illegally. ### `http_multipart_name` Indicates this stream goes out using multipart mime, and provides the name part of the multipart header ### `http_multipart_filename` Indicates this stream goes out using multipart mime, and provides the filename part of the multipart header ### `http_multipart_content_type` The `content-type` to mark up the multipart mime section with if present ### `http_www_form_urlencoded` Indicate the data is sent in `x-www-form-urlencoded` form ### `rideshare` For special cases where one logically separate stream travels with another when using this protocol. Eg, a single multipart mime transaction carries content from two or more streams. ## ws transport ### `ws_subprotocol` Name of the ws subprotocol to use. ### `ws_binary` Use if the ws messages are binary ## MQTT transport ### `mqtt_topic` Set the topic this streamtype uses for writes ### `mqtt_subscribe` Set the topic this streamtype subscribes to ### `mqtt qos` Set the QOS level for this streamtype ### `mqtt_keep_alive` 16-bit number representing MQTT keep alive for the stream. This is applied at connection time... where different streams may bind to the same underlying MQTT connection, all the streams should have an identical setting for this. ### `mqtt_clean_start` Set to true if the connection should use MQTT's "clean start" feature. This is applied at connection time... where different streams may bind to the same underlying MQTT connection, all the streams should have an identical setting for this. ### `mqtt_will_topic` Set the topic of the connection's will message, if any (there is none by default). This is applied at connection time... where different streams may bind to the same underlying MQTT connection, all the streams should have an identical setting for this. ### `mqtt_will_message` Set the content of the connect's will message, if any (there is none by default). This is applied at connection time... where different streams may bind to the same underlying MQTT connection, all the streams should have an identical setting for this. ### `mqtt_will_qos` Set the QoS of the will message, if any (there is none by default). This is applied at connection time... where different streams may bind to the same underlying MQTT connection, all the streams should have an identical setting for this. ### `mqtt_will_retain` Set to true if the connection should use MQTT's "will retain" feature, if there is a will message (there is none by default). This is applied at connection time... where different streams may bind to the same underlying MQTT connection, all the streams should have an identical setting for this. ## Loading and using updated remote policy If the default, hardcoded policy includes a streamtype `fetch_policy`, during startup when lws_system reaches the POLICY state, lws will use a Secure Stream of type `fetch_policy` to download, parse and update the policy to use it. The secure-streams-proxy minimal example shows how this is done and fetches its real policy from warmcat.com at startup using the built-in one. ## Stream serialization and proxying By default Secure Streams expects to make the outgoing connection described in the policy in the same process / thread, this suits the case where all the participating clients are in the same statically-linked image. In this case the `lws_ss_` apis are fulfilled locally by secure-streams.c and policy.c for policy lookups. However it also supports serialization, where the SS api can be streamed over another transport such as a Unix Domain Socket connection. This suits the case where the clients are actually in different processes in, eg, Linux or Android. In those cases, you run a proxy process (minimal-secure-streams-proxy) that listens on a Unix Domain Socket and is connected to by one or more other processes that pass their SS API activity to the proxy for fulfilment (or onward proxying). In this case the proxy uses secure-streams.c and policy.c as before to fulfil the inbound proxy streams, but uses secure-streams-serialize.c to serialize and deserialize the proxied SS API activity. The proxy clients define LWS_SS_USE_SSPC either very early in their sources before the includes, or on the compiler commandline... this causes the lws_ss_ apis to be replaced at preprocessor time with lws_sspc_ equivalents. These serialize the api action and pass it to the proxy over a Unix Domain Socket for fulfilment, the results and state changes etc are streamed over the Unix Domain Socket and presented to the application exactly the same as if it was being fulfilled locally. To demonstrate this, some minimal examples, eg, minimal-secure-streams and mimimal-secure-streams-avs build themselves both ways, once with direct SS API fulfilment and once with Unix Domain Socket proxying and -client appended on the executable name. To test the -client variants, run minimal-secure-streams-proxy on the same machine. ## Complicated scenarios with secure streams proxy As mentioned above, Secure Streams has two modes, by default the application directly parses the policy and makes the outgoing connections itself. However when configured at cmake with ``` -DLWS_WITH_SOCKS5=1 -DLWS_WITH_SECURE_STREAMS=1 -DLWS_WITH_SECURE_STREAMS_PROXY_API=1 -DLWS_WITH_MINIMAL_EXAMPLES=1 ``` and define `LWS_SS_USE_SSPC` when building the application, applications forward their network requests to a local or remote SS proxy for fulfilment... and only the SS proxy has the system policy. By default, the SS proxy is on the local machine and is connected to via a Unix Domain Socket, but tcp links are also possible. (Note the proxied traffic is not encrypyed by default.) Using the configuration above, the example SS applications are built two ways, once for direct connection fulfilment (eg, `./bin/lws-minimal-secure-streams`), and once with `LWS_SS_USE_SSPC` also defined so it connects via an SS proxy, (eg, `./bin/lws-minimal-secure-streams-client`). ## Testing an example scenario with SS Proxy and socks5 proxy ``` [ SS application ] --- tcp --- [ socks 5 proxy ] --- tcp --- [ SS proxy ] --- internet ``` In this scenario, everything is on localhost, the socks5 proxy listens on :1337 and the SS proxy listens on :1234. The SS application connects to the socks5 proxy to get to the SS proxy, which then goes out to the internet ### 1 Start the SS proxy Tell it to listen on lo interface on port 1234 ``` $ ./bin/lws-minimal-secure-streams-proxy -p 1234 -i lo ``` ### 2 Start the SOCKS5 proxy ``` $ ssh -D 1337 -N -v localhost ``` The -v makes connections to the proxy visible in the terminal for testing ### 3 Run the SS application The application is told to make all connections via the socks5 proxy at, and to fulfil its SS connections via an SS proxy, binding connections to (ipv4 lo interface, -1), to (-a/-p). ``` socks_proxy= ./bin/lws-minimal-secure-streams-client -p 1234 -i -a ``` You can confirm this goes through the ssh socks5 proxy to get to the SS proxy and fulfil the connection.