/* * libwebsockets - CGI management * * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation: * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "private-libwebsockets.h" #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) #else #include <sys/wait.h> #endif static const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static int urlencode(const char *in, int inlen, char *out, int outlen) { char *start = out, *end = out + outlen; while (inlen-- && out < end - 4) { if ((*in >= 'A' && *in <= 'Z') || (*in >= 'a' && *in <= 'z') || (*in >= '0' && *in <= '9') || *in == '-' || *in == '_' || *in == '.' || *in == '~') { *out++ = *in++; continue; } if (*in == ' ') { *out++ = '+'; in++; continue; } *out++ = '%'; *out++ = hex[(*in) >> 4]; *out++ = hex[(*in++) & 15]; } *out = '\0'; if (out >= end - 4) return -1; return out - start; } static struct lws * lws_create_basic_wsi(struct lws_context *context, int tsi) { struct lws *new_wsi; if (!context->vhost_list) return NULL; if ((unsigned int)context->pt[tsi].fds_count == context->fd_limit_per_thread - 1) { lwsl_err("no space for new conn\n"); return NULL; } new_wsi = lws_zalloc(sizeof(struct lws), "new wsi"); if (new_wsi == NULL) { lwsl_err("Out of memory for new connection\n"); return NULL; } new_wsi->tsi = tsi; new_wsi->context = context; new_wsi->pending_timeout = NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT; new_wsi->rxflow_change_to = LWS_RXFLOW_ALLOW; /* initialize the instance struct */ new_wsi->state = LWSS_CGI; new_wsi->mode = LWSCM_CGI; new_wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 0; new_wsi->position_in_fds_table = -1; /* * these can only be set once the protocol is known * we set an unestablished connection's protocol pointer * to the start of the defauly vhost supported list, so it can look * for matching ones during the handshake */ new_wsi->protocol = context->vhost_list->protocols; new_wsi->user_space = NULL; new_wsi->desc.sockfd = LWS_SOCK_INVALID; context->count_wsi_allocated++; return new_wsi; } LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN int lws_cgi(struct lws *wsi, const char * const *exec_array, int script_uri_path_len, int timeout_secs, const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *mp_cgienv) { struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi]; char *env_array[30], cgi_path[400], e[1024], *p = e, *end = p + sizeof(e) - 1, tok[256], *t, *sum, *sumend; struct lws_cgi *cgi; int n, m = 0, i, uritok = -1; /* * give the master wsi a cgi struct */ wsi->cgi = lws_zalloc(sizeof(*wsi->cgi), "new cgi"); if (!wsi->cgi) { lwsl_err("%s: OOM\n", __func__); return -1; } wsi->cgi->response_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; cgi = wsi->cgi; cgi->wsi = wsi; /* set cgi's owning wsi */ sum = cgi->summary; sumend = sum + strlen(cgi->summary) - 1; /* create pipes for [stdin|stdout] and [stderr] */ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) if (pipe(cgi->pipe_fds[n]) == -1) goto bail1; /* create cgi wsis for each stdin/out/err fd */ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { cgi->stdwsi[n] = lws_create_basic_wsi(wsi->context, wsi->tsi); if (!cgi->stdwsi[n]) goto bail2; cgi->stdwsi[n]->cgi_channel = n; cgi->stdwsi[n]->vhost = wsi->vhost; lwsl_debug("%s: cgi %p: pipe fd %d -> fd %d / %d\n", __func__, cgi->stdwsi[n], n, cgi->pipe_fds[n][!!(n == 0)], cgi->pipe_fds[n][!(n == 0)]); /* read side is 0, stdin we want the write side, others read */ cgi->stdwsi[n]->desc.sockfd = cgi->pipe_fds[n][!!(n == 0)]; if (fcntl(cgi->pipe_fds[n][!!(n == 0)], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: setting NONBLOCK failed\n", __func__); goto bail2; } } for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { lws_libuv_accept(cgi->stdwsi[n], cgi->stdwsi[n]->desc); if (__insert_wsi_socket_into_fds(wsi->context, cgi->stdwsi[n])) goto bail3; cgi->stdwsi[n]->parent = wsi; cgi->stdwsi[n]->sibling_list = wsi->child_list; wsi->child_list = cgi->stdwsi[n]; } lws_change_pollfd(cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDIN], LWS_POLLIN, LWS_POLLOUT); lws_change_pollfd(cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDOUT], LWS_POLLOUT, LWS_POLLIN); lws_change_pollfd(cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDERR], LWS_POLLOUT, LWS_POLLIN); lwsl_debug("%s: fds in %d, out %d, err %d\n", __func__, cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDIN]->desc.sockfd, cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDOUT]->desc.sockfd, cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDERR]->desc.sockfd); if (timeout_secs) lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_CGI, timeout_secs); /* the cgi stdout is always sending us http1.x header data first */ wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_HEADER; /* add us to the pt list of active cgis */ lwsl_debug("%s: adding cgi %p to list\n", __func__, wsi->cgi); cgi->cgi_list = pt->cgi_list; pt->cgi_list = cgi; sum += lws_snprintf(sum, sumend - sum, "%s ", exec_array[0]); /* prepare his CGI env */ n = 0; if (lws_is_ssl(wsi)) env_array[n++] = "HTTPS=ON"; if (wsi->ah) { static const unsigned char meths[] = { WSI_TOKEN_GET_URI, WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI, WSI_TOKEN_OPTIONS_URI, WSI_TOKEN_PUT_URI, WSI_TOKEN_PATCH_URI, WSI_TOKEN_DELETE_URI, WSI_TOKEN_CONNECT, WSI_TOKEN_HEAD_URI, #ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2 WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COLON_PATH, #endif }; static const char * const meth_names[] = { "GET", "POST", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "CONNECT", ":path" }; if (script_uri_path_len >= 0) for (m = 0; m < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(meths); m++) if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, meths[m]) >= script_uri_path_len) { uritok = meths[m]; break; } if (script_uri_path_len < 0 && uritok < 0) goto bail3; // if (script_uri_path_len < 0) // uritok = 0; if (uritok >= 0) { lws_snprintf(cgi_path, sizeof(cgi_path) - 1, "REQUEST_URI=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, uritok)); cgi_path[sizeof(cgi_path) - 1] = '\0'; env_array[n++] = cgi_path; } if (m >= 0) { env_array[n++] = p; if (m < 8) { p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "REQUEST_METHOD=%s", meth_names[m]); sum += lws_snprintf(sum, sumend - sum, "%s ", meth_names[m]); } else { p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "REQUEST_METHOD=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COLON_METHOD)); sum += lws_snprintf(sum, sumend - sum, "%s ", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COLON_METHOD)); } p++; } if (uritok >= 0) sum += lws_snprintf(sum, sumend - sum, "%s ", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, uritok)); env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "QUERY_STRING="); /* dump the individual URI Arg parameters */ m = 0; while (script_uri_path_len >= 0) { i = lws_hdr_copy_fragment(wsi, tok, sizeof(tok), WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS, m); if (i < 0) break; t = tok; while (*t && *t != '=' && p < end - 4) *p++ = *t++; if (*t == '=') *p++ = *t++; i = urlencode(t, i- (t - tok), p, end - p); if (i > 0) { p += i; *p++ = '&'; } m++; } if (m) p--; *p++ = '\0'; sum += lws_snprintf(sum, sumend - sum, "%s", env_array[n - 1]); if (script_uri_path_len >= 0) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "PATH_INFO=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, uritok) + script_uri_path_len); p++; } } if (script_uri_path_len >= 0 && lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_REFERER)) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "HTTP_REFERER=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_REFERER)); p++; } if (script_uri_path_len >= 0 && lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST)) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "HTTP_HOST=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST)); p++; } if (script_uri_path_len >= 0 && lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE)) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "HTTP_COOKIE="); m = lws_hdr_copy(wsi, p, end - p, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE); if (m > 0) p += lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE); *p++ = '\0'; } if (script_uri_path_len >= 0 && lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_USER_AGENT)) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "USER_AGENT=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_USER_AGENT)); p++; } if (script_uri_path_len >= 0 && uritok == WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI) { if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "CONTENT_TYPE=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)); p++; } if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "CONTENT_LENGTH=%s", lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)); p++; } } env_array[n++] = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/var/www/cgi-bin"; env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "SCRIPT_PATH=%s", exec_array[0]) + 1; while (mp_cgienv) { env_array[n++] = p; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "%s=%s", mp_cgienv->name, mp_cgienv->value); lwsl_debug(" Applying mount-specific cgi env '%s'\n", env_array[n - 1]); p++; mp_cgienv = mp_cgienv->next; } env_array[n++] = "SERVER_SOFTWARE=libwebsockets"; env_array[n] = NULL; #if 0 for (m = 0; m < n; m++) lwsl_err(" %s\n", env_array[m]); #endif /* * Actually having made the env, as a cgi we don't need the ah * any more */ if (script_uri_path_len >= 0 && lws_header_table_is_in_detachable_state(wsi)) lws_header_table_detach(wsi, 0); /* we are ready with the redirection pipes... run the thing */ #if !defined(LWS_HAVE_VFORK) || !defined(LWS_HAVE_EXECVPE) cgi->pid = fork(); #else cgi->pid = vfork(); #endif if (cgi->pid < 0) { lwsl_err("fork failed, errno %d", errno); goto bail3; } #if defined(__linux__) prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGTERM); #endif if (script_uri_path_len >= 0) /* stops non-daemonized main processess getting SIGINT * from TTY */ setpgrp(); if (cgi->pid) { /* we are the parent process */ wsi->context->count_cgi_spawned++; lwsl_debug("%s: cgi %p spawned PID %d\n", __func__, cgi, cgi->pid); for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) close(cgi->pipe_fds[n][!(n == 0)]); /* inform cgi owner of the child PID */ n = user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback, wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_CGI_PROCESS_ATTACH, wsi->user_space, NULL, cgi->pid); (void)n; return 0; } /* somewhere we can at least read things and enter it */ if (chdir("/tmp")) lwsl_notice("%s: Failed to chdir\n", __func__); /* We are the forked process, redirect and kill inherited things. * * Because of vfork(), we cannot do anything that changes pages in * the parent environment. Stuff that changes kernel state for the * process is OK. Stuff that happens after the execvpe() is OK. */ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { if (dup2(cgi->pipe_fds[n][!(n == 0)], n) < 0) { lwsl_err("%s: stdin dup2 failed\n", __func__); goto bail3; } close(cgi->pipe_fds[n][!(n == 0)]); } #if !defined(LWS_HAVE_VFORK) || !defined(LWS_HAVE_EXECVPE) for (m = 0; m < n; m++) { p = strchr(env_array[m], '='); *p++ = '\0'; setenv(env_array[m], p, 1); } execvp(exec_array[0], (char * const *)&exec_array[0]); #else execvpe(exec_array[0], (char * const *)&exec_array[0], &env_array[0]); #endif exit(1); bail3: /* drop us from the pt cgi list */ pt->cgi_list = cgi->cgi_list; while (--n >= 0) __remove_wsi_socket_from_fds(wsi->cgi->stdwsi[n]); bail2: for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) if (wsi->cgi->stdwsi[n]) __lws_free_wsi(cgi->stdwsi[n]); bail1: for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { if (cgi->pipe_fds[n][0]) close(cgi->pipe_fds[n][0]); if (cgi->pipe_fds[n][1]) close(cgi->pipe_fds[n][1]); } lws_free_set_NULL(wsi->cgi); lwsl_err("%s: failed\n", __func__); return -1; } /* we have to parse out these headers in the CGI output */ static const char * const significant_hdr[SIGNIFICANT_HDR_COUNT] = { "content-length: ", "location: ", "status: ", "transfer-encoding: chunked", }; enum header_recode { HR_NAME, HR_WHITESPACE, HR_ARG, HR_CRLF, }; LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN int lws_cgi_write_split_stdout_headers(struct lws *wsi) { int n, m, cmd; unsigned char buf[LWS_PRE + 1024], *start = &buf[LWS_PRE], *p = start, *end = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1 - LWS_PRE], *name, *value = NULL; char c, hrs; if (!wsi->cgi) return -1; while (wsi->hdr_state != LHCS_PAYLOAD) { /* * We have to separate header / finalize and payload chunks, * since they need to be handled separately */ switch (wsi->hdr_state) { case LHCS_RESPONSE: lwsl_debug("LHCS_RESPONSE: issuing response %d\n", wsi->cgi->response_code); if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, wsi->cgi->response_code, &p, end)) return 1; if (!wsi->cgi->explicitly_chunked && !wsi->cgi->content_length && lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING, (unsigned char *)"chunked", 7, &p, end)) return 1; if (!(wsi->http2_substream)) if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_CONNECTION, (unsigned char *)"close", 5, &p, end)) return 1; n = lws_write(wsi, start, p - start, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS | LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN); /* * so we have a bunch of http/1 style ascii headers * starting from wsi->cgi->headers_buf through * wsi->cgi->headers_pos. These are OK for http/1 * connections, but they're no good for http/2 conns. * * Let's redo them at headers_pos forward using the * correct coding for http/1 or http/2 */ if (!wsi->http2_substream) goto post_hpack_recode; p = wsi->cgi->headers_start; wsi->cgi->headers_start = wsi->cgi->headers_pos; wsi->cgi->headers_dumped = wsi->cgi->headers_start; hrs = HR_NAME; name = buf; while (p < wsi->cgi->headers_start) { switch (hrs) { case HR_NAME: /* * in http/2 upper-case header names * are illegal. So convert to lower- * case. */ if (name - buf > 64) return -1; if (*p != ':') { if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') *name++ = (*p++) + ('a' - 'A'); else *name++ = *p++; } else { p++; *name++ = '\0'; value = name; hrs = HR_WHITESPACE; } break; case HR_WHITESPACE: if (*p == ' ') { p++; break; } hrs = HR_ARG; /* fallthru */ case HR_ARG: if (name > end - 64) return -1; if (*p != '\x0a' && *p != '\x0d') { *name++ = *p++; break; } hrs = HR_CRLF; /* fallthru */ case HR_CRLF: if ((*p != '\x0a' && *p != '\x0d') || p + 1 == wsi->cgi->headers_start) { *name = '\0'; if ((strcmp((const char *)buf, "transfer-encoding") )) { lwsl_debug("+ %s: %s\n", buf, value); if ( lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, buf, (unsigned char *)value, name - value, (unsigned char **)&wsi->cgi->headers_pos, (unsigned char *)wsi->cgi->headers_end)) return 1; hrs = HR_NAME; name = buf; break; } } p++; break; } } post_hpack_recode: /* finalize cached headers before dumping them */ if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, (unsigned char **)&wsi->cgi->headers_pos, (unsigned char *)wsi->cgi->headers_end)) { lwsl_notice("finalize failed\n"); return -1; } wsi->hdr_state = LHCS_DUMP_HEADERS; wsi->reason_bf |= LWS_CB_REASON_AUX_BF__CGI_HEADERS; lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); /* back to the loop for writeability again */ return 0; case LHCS_DUMP_HEADERS: n = wsi->cgi->headers_pos - wsi->cgi->headers_dumped; if (n > 512) n = 512; lwsl_debug("LHCS_DUMP_HEADERS: %d\n", n); cmd = LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS_CONTINUATION; if (wsi->cgi->headers_dumped + n != wsi->cgi->headers_pos) { lwsl_notice("adding no fin flag\n"); cmd |= LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN; } m = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)wsi->cgi->headers_dumped, n, cmd); if (m < 0) { lwsl_debug("%s: write says %d\n", __func__, m); return -1; } wsi->cgi->headers_dumped += n; if (wsi->cgi->headers_dumped == wsi->cgi->headers_pos) { wsi->hdr_state = LHCS_PAYLOAD; lws_free_set_NULL(wsi->cgi->headers_buf); lwsl_debug("freed cgi headers\n"); } else { wsi->reason_bf |= LWS_CB_REASON_AUX_BF__CGI_HEADERS; lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); } /* writeability becomes uncertain now we wrote * something, we must return to the event loop */ return 0; } if (!wsi->cgi->headers_buf) { /* if we don't already have a headers buf, cook one up */ n = 2048; if (wsi->http2_substream) n = 4096; wsi->cgi->headers_buf = lws_malloc(n + LWS_PRE, "cgi hdr buf"); if (!wsi->cgi->headers_buf) { lwsl_err("OOM\n"); return -1; } lwsl_debug("allocated cgi hdrs\n"); wsi->cgi->headers_start = wsi->cgi->headers_buf + LWS_PRE; wsi->cgi->headers_pos = wsi->cgi->headers_start; wsi->cgi->headers_dumped = wsi->cgi->headers_pos; wsi->cgi->headers_end = wsi->cgi->headers_buf + n - 1; for (n = 0; n < SIGNIFICANT_HDR_COUNT; n++) { wsi->cgi->match[n] = 0; wsi->cgi->lp = 0; } } n = lws_get_socket_fd(wsi->cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDOUT]); if (n < 0) return -1; n = read(n, &c, 1); if (n < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { lwsl_debug("%s: read says %d\n", __func__, n); return -1; } else n = 0; if (wsi->cgi->headers_pos >= wsi->cgi->headers_end - 4) { lwsl_notice("CGI hdrs > buf size\n"); return -1; } } if (!n) goto agin; lwsl_debug("-- 0x%02X %c %d %d\n", (unsigned char)c, c, wsi->cgi->match[1], wsi->hdr_state); if (!c) return -1; switch (wsi->hdr_state) { case LCHS_HEADER: hdr: for (n = 0; n < SIGNIFICANT_HDR_COUNT; n++) { /* * significant headers with * numeric decimal payloads */ if (!significant_hdr[n][wsi->cgi->match[n]] && (c >= '0' && c <= '9') && wsi->cgi->lp < (int)sizeof(wsi->cgi->l) - 1) { wsi->cgi->l[wsi->cgi->lp++] = c; wsi->cgi->l[wsi->cgi->lp] = '\0'; switch (n) { case SIGNIFICANT_HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH: wsi->cgi->content_length = atoll(wsi->cgi->l); break; case SIGNIFICANT_HDR_STATUS: wsi->cgi->response_code = atol(wsi->cgi->l); lwsl_debug("Status set to %d\n", wsi->cgi->response_code); break; default: break; } } /* hits up to the NUL are sticky until next hdr */ if (significant_hdr[n][wsi->cgi->match[n]]) { if (tolower(c) == significant_hdr[n][wsi->cgi->match[n]]) wsi->cgi->match[n]++; else wsi->cgi->match[n] = 0; } } /* some cgi only send us \x0a for EOL */ if (c == '\x0a') { wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_SINGLE_0A; *wsi->cgi->headers_pos++ = '\x0d'; } *wsi->cgi->headers_pos++ = c; if (c == '\x0d') wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_LF1; if (wsi->hdr_state != LCHS_HEADER && !significant_hdr[SIGNIFICANT_HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING] [wsi->cgi->match[ SIGNIFICANT_HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING]]) { lwsl_debug("cgi produced chunked\n"); wsi->cgi->explicitly_chunked = 1; } /* presence of Location: mandates 302 retcode */ if (wsi->hdr_state != LCHS_HEADER && !significant_hdr[SIGNIFICANT_HDR_LOCATION][ wsi->cgi->match[SIGNIFICANT_HDR_LOCATION]]) { lwsl_debug("CGI: Location hdr seen\n"); wsi->cgi->response_code = 302; } break; case LCHS_LF1: *wsi->cgi->headers_pos++ = c; if (c == '\x0a') { wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_CR2; break; } /* we got \r[^\n]... it's unreasonable */ lwsl_debug("%s: funny CRLF 0x%02X\n", __func__, (unsigned char)c); return -1; case LCHS_CR2: if (c == '\x0d') { /* drop the \x0d */ wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_LF2; break; } wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_HEADER; for (n = 0; n < SIGNIFICANT_HDR_COUNT; n++) wsi->cgi->match[n] = 0; wsi->cgi->lp = 0; goto hdr; case LCHS_LF2: case LCHS_SINGLE_0A: m = wsi->hdr_state; if (c == '\x0a') { lwsl_debug("Content-Length: %lld\n", (unsigned long long) wsi->cgi->content_length); wsi->hdr_state = LHCS_RESPONSE; /* * drop the \0xa ... finalize * will add it if needed (HTTP/1) */ break; } if (m == LCHS_LF2) /* we got \r\n\r[^\n]... unreasonable */ return -1; /* we got \x0anext header, it's reasonable */ *wsi->cgi->headers_pos++ = c; wsi->hdr_state = LCHS_HEADER; for (n = 0; n < SIGNIFICANT_HDR_COUNT; n++) wsi->cgi->match[n] = 0; wsi->cgi->lp = 0; break; case LHCS_PAYLOAD: break; } agin: /* ran out of input, ended the hdrs, or filled up the hdrs buf */ if (!n || wsi->hdr_state == LHCS_PAYLOAD) return 0; } /* payload processing */ m = !wsi->cgi->explicitly_chunked && !wsi->cgi->content_length; n = lws_get_socket_fd(wsi->cgi->stdwsi[LWS_STDOUT]); if (n < 0) return -1; n = read(n, start, sizeof(buf) - LWS_PRE - (m ? LWS_HTTP_CHUNK_HDR_SIZE : 0)); if (n < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { lwsl_debug("%s: stdout read says %d\n", __func__, n); return -1; } if (n > 0) { if (!wsi->http2_substream && m) { char chdr[LWS_HTTP_CHUNK_HDR_SIZE]; m = lws_snprintf(chdr, LWS_HTTP_CHUNK_HDR_SIZE - 3, "%X\x0d\x0a", n); memmove(start + m, start, n); memcpy(start, chdr, m); memcpy(start + m + n, "\x0d\x0a", 2); n += m + 2; } cmd = LWS_WRITE_HTTP; if (wsi->cgi->content_length_seen + n == wsi->cgi->content_length) cmd = LWS_WRITE_HTTP_FINAL; m = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)start, n, cmd); //lwsl_notice("write %d\n", m); if (m < 0) { lwsl_debug("%s: stdout write says %d\n", __func__, m); return -1; } wsi->cgi->content_length_seen += n; } else { if (wsi->cgi_stdout_zero_length) { lwsl_debug("%s: stdout is POLLHUP'd\n", __func__); if (wsi->http2_substream) m = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)start, 0, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_FINAL); return 1; } wsi->cgi_stdout_zero_length = 1; } return 0; } LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN int lws_cgi_kill(struct lws *wsi) { struct lws_cgi_args args; int status, n; lwsl_debug("%s: %p\n", __func__, wsi); if (!wsi->cgi) return 0; if (wsi->cgi->pid > 0) { n = waitpid(wsi->cgi->pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (n > 0) { lwsl_debug("%s: PID %d reaped\n", __func__, wsi->cgi->pid); goto handled; } /* kill the process group */ n = kill(-wsi->cgi->pid, SIGTERM); lwsl_debug("%s: SIGTERM child PID %d says %d (errno %d)\n", __func__, wsi->cgi->pid, n, errno); if (n < 0) { /* * hum seen errno=3 when process is listed in ps, * it seems we don't always retain process grouping * * Direct these fallback attempt to the exact child */ n = kill(wsi->cgi->pid, SIGTERM); if (n < 0) { n = kill(wsi->cgi->pid, SIGPIPE); if (n < 0) { n = kill(wsi->cgi->pid, SIGKILL); if (n < 0) lwsl_err("%s: SIGKILL PID %d " "failed errno %d " "(maybe zombie)\n", __func__, wsi->cgi->pid, errno); } } } /* He could be unkillable because he's a zombie */ n = 1; while (n > 0) { n = waitpid(-wsi->cgi->pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (n > 0) lwsl_debug("%s: reaped PID %d\n", __func__, n); if (n <= 0) { n = waitpid(wsi->cgi->pid, &status, WNOHANG); if (n > 0) lwsl_debug("%s: reaped PID %d\n", __func__, n); } } } handled: args.stdwsi = &wsi->cgi->stdwsi[0]; if (wsi->cgi->pid != -1) { n = user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback, wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_CGI_TERMINATED, wsi->user_space, (void *)&args, wsi->cgi->pid); wsi->cgi->pid = -1; if (n && !wsi->cgi->being_closed) lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, 0, "lws_cgi_kill"); } return 0; } LWS_EXTERN int lws_cgi_kill_terminated(struct lws_context_per_thread *pt) { struct lws_cgi **pcgi, *cgi = NULL; int status, n = 1; while (n > 0) { /* find finished guys but don't reap yet */ n = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); if (n <= 0) continue; lwsl_debug("%s: observed PID %d terminated\n", __func__, n); pcgi = &pt->cgi_list; /* check all the subprocesses on the cgi list */ while (*pcgi) { /* get the next one first as list may change */ cgi = *pcgi; pcgi = &(*pcgi)->cgi_list; if (cgi->pid <= 0) continue; /* finish sending cached headers */ if (cgi->headers_buf) continue; /* wait for stdout to be drained */ if (cgi->content_length > cgi->content_length_seen) continue; if (cgi->content_length) { lwsl_debug("%s: wsi %p: expected content length seen: %lld\n", __func__, cgi->wsi, (unsigned long long)cgi->content_length_seen); } /* reap it */ waitpid(n, &status, WNOHANG); /* * he's already terminated so no need for kill() * but we should do the terminated cgi callback * and close him if he's not already closing */ if (n == cgi->pid) { lwsl_debug("%s: found PID %d on cgi list\n", __func__, n); if (!cgi->content_length) { /* * well, if he sends chunked... * give him 2s after the * cgi terminated to send buffered */ cgi->chunked_grace++; continue; } /* defeat kill() */ cgi->pid = 0; lws_cgi_kill(cgi->wsi); break; } cgi = NULL; } /* if not found on the cgi list, as he's one of ours, reap */ if (!cgi) { lwsl_debug("%s: reading PID %d although no cgi match\n", __func__, n); waitpid(n, &status, WNOHANG); } } pcgi = &pt->cgi_list; /* check all the subprocesses on the cgi list */ while (*pcgi) { /* get the next one first as list may change */ cgi = *pcgi; pcgi = &(*pcgi)->cgi_list; if (cgi->pid <= 0) continue; /* we deferred killing him after reaping his PID */ if (cgi->chunked_grace) { cgi->chunked_grace++; if (cgi->chunked_grace < 2) continue; goto finish_him; } /* finish sending cached headers */ if (cgi->headers_buf) continue; /* wait for stdout to be drained */ if (cgi->content_length > cgi->content_length_seen) continue; if (cgi->content_length) lwsl_debug("%s: wsi %p: expected content length seen: %lld\n", __func__, cgi->wsi, (unsigned long long)cgi->content_length_seen); /* reap it */ if (waitpid(cgi->pid, &status, WNOHANG) > 0) { if (!cgi->content_length) { /* * well, if he sends chunked... * give him 2s after the * cgi terminated to send buffered */ cgi->chunked_grace++; continue; } finish_him: lwsl_debug("%s: found PID %d on cgi list\n", __func__, cgi->pid); /* defeat kill() */ cgi->pid = 0; lws_cgi_kill(cgi->wsi); break; } } return 0; } LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN struct lws * lws_cgi_get_stdwsi(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_enum_stdinouterr ch) { if (!wsi->cgi) return NULL; return wsi->cgi->stdwsi[ch]; } void lws_cgi_remove_and_kill(struct lws *wsi) { struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi]; struct lws_cgi **pcgi = &pt->cgi_list; /* remove us from the cgi list */ lwsl_debug("%s: remove cgi %p from list\n", __func__, wsi->cgi); while (*pcgi) { if (*pcgi == wsi->cgi) { /* drop us from the pt cgi list */ *pcgi = (*pcgi)->cgi_list; break; } pcgi = &(*pcgi)->cgi_list; } if (wsi->cgi->headers_buf) { lwsl_debug("close: freed cgi headers\n"); lws_free_set_NULL(wsi->cgi->headers_buf); } /* we have a cgi going, we must kill it */ wsi->cgi->being_closed = 1; lws_cgi_kill(wsi); }