/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2020 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include /* * we get one of these per matching result from the query */ static int lws_struct_sq3_deser_cb(void *priv, int cols, char **cv, char **cn) { lws_struct_args_t *a = (lws_struct_args_t *)priv; char *u = lwsac_use_zero(&a->ac, a->dest_len, a->ac_block_size); lws_dll2_owner_t *o = (lws_dll2_owner_t *)a->cb_arg; const lws_struct_map_t *map = a->map_st[0]; int n, mems = a->map_entries_st[0]; long long li; size_t lim; char **pp; char *s; if (!u) { lwsl_err("OOM\n"); return 1; } lws_dll2_add_tail((lws_dll2_t *)((char *)u + a->toplevel_dll2_ofs), o); while (mems--) { for (n = 0; n < cols; n++) { if (!cv[n] || strcmp(cn[n], map->colname)) continue; switch (map->type) { case LSMT_SIGNED: if (map->aux == sizeof(signed char)) { signed char *pc; pc = (signed char *)(u + map->ofs); *pc = atoi(cv[n]); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(short)) { short *ps; ps = (short *)(u + map->ofs); *ps = atoi(cv[n]); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(int)) { int *pi; pi = (int *)(u + map->ofs); *pi = atoi(cv[n]); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(long)) { long *pl; pl = (long *)(u + map->ofs); *pl = atol(cv[n]); break; } { long long *pll; pll = (long long *)(u + map->ofs); *pll = atoll(cv[n]); } break; case LSMT_UNSIGNED: if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned char)) { unsigned char *pc; pc = (unsigned char *)(u + map->ofs); *pc = atoi(cv[n]); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned short)) { unsigned short *ps; ps = (unsigned short *)(u + map->ofs); *ps = atoi(cv[n]); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned int)) { unsigned int *pi; pi = (unsigned int *)(u + map->ofs); *pi = atoi(cv[n]); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned long)) { unsigned long *pl; pl = (unsigned long *)(u + map->ofs); *pl = atol(cv[n]); break; } { unsigned long long *pll; pll = (unsigned long long *)(u + map->ofs); *pll = atoll(cv[n]); } break; case LSMT_BOOLEAN: li = 0; if (!strcmp(cv[n], "true") || !strcmp(cv[n], "TRUE") || cv[n][0] == '1') li = 1; if (map->aux == sizeof(char)) { char *pc; pc = (char *)(u + map->ofs); *pc = (char)li; break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(int)) { int *pi; pi = (int *)(u + map->ofs); *pi = (int)li; } else { uint64_t *p64; p64 = (uint64_t *)(u + map->ofs); *p64 = li; } break; case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: s = (char *)(u + map->ofs); lim = map->aux; lws_strncpy(s, cv[n], lim); break; case LSMT_STRING_PTR: pp = (char **)(u + map->ofs); lim = strlen(cv[n]); s = lwsac_use(&a->ac, lim + 1, a->ac_block_size); if (!s) return 1; *pp = s; memcpy(s, cv[n], lim); s[lim] = '\0'; break; default: break; } } map++; } return 0; } /* * Call this with an LSM_SCHEMA map, its colname is the table name and its * type information describes the toplevel type. Schema is dereferenced and * put in args before the actual sq3 query, which is given the child map. */ int lws_struct_sq3_deserialize(sqlite3 *pdb, const char *filter, const char *order, const lws_struct_map_t *schema, lws_dll2_owner_t *o, struct lwsac **ac, int start, int _limit) { char s[250], where[250]; lws_struct_args_t a; int limit = _limit < 0 ? -_limit : _limit; memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a)); a.cb_arg = o; /* lws_dll2_owner tracking query result objects */ a.map_st[0] = schema->child_map; a.map_entries_st[0] = schema->child_map_size; a.dest_len = schema->aux; /* size of toplevel object to allocate */ a.toplevel_dll2_ofs = schema->ofs; lws_dll2_owner_clear(o); where[0] = '\0'; lws_snprintf(where, sizeof(where), " where _lws_idx >= %llu %s", (unsigned long long)start, filter ? filter : ""); lws_snprintf(s, sizeof(s) - 1, "select * " "from %s %s order by _lws_idx%s %slimit %d;", schema->colname, where, order ? order : "", _limit < 0 ? "desc " : "", limit); if (sqlite3_exec(pdb, s, lws_struct_sq3_deser_cb, &a, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("%s: %s: fail\n", __func__, sqlite3_errmsg(pdb)); lwsac_free(&a.ac); return -1; } *ac = a.ac; return 0; } /* * This takes a struct and turns it into an sqlite3 UPDATE, using the given * schema... which has one LSM_SCHEMA_DLL2 entry wrapping the actual schema */ static int _lws_struct_sq3_ser_one(sqlite3 *pdb, const lws_struct_map_t *schema, uint32_t idx, void *st) { const lws_struct_map_t *map = schema->child_map; int n, m, pk = 0, nentries = schema->child_map_size; size_t sql_est = 46 + strlen(schema->colname) + 1; /* "insert into (_lws_idx, ) values (00000001,);" ... * plus the table name */ uint8_t *stb = (uint8_t *)st; const char *p; char *sql; /* * Figure out an estimate for the length of the populated sqlite * command, and then malloc it up */ for (n = 0; n < nentries; n++) { sql_est += strlen(map[n].colname) + 2; switch (map[n].type) { case LSMT_SIGNED: case LSMT_UNSIGNED: case LSMT_BOOLEAN: switch (map[n].aux) { case 1: sql_est += 3 + 2; break; case 2: sql_est += 5 + 2; break; case 4: sql_est += 10 + 2; break; case 8: sql_est += 20 + 2; break; } if (map[n].type == LSMT_SIGNED) sql_est++; /* minus sign */ break; case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: sql_est += lws_sql_purify_len((const char *)st + map[n].ofs) + 2; break; case LSMT_STRING_PTR: p = *((const char * const *)&stb[map[n].ofs]); sql_est += (p ? lws_sql_purify_len(p) : 0) + 2; break; default: lwsl_err("%s: unsupported type\n", __func__); assert(0); break; } } sql = malloc(sql_est); if (!sql) return -1; m = lws_snprintf(sql, sql_est, "insert into %s(_lws_idx, ", schema->colname); /* * First explicit integer type is primary key autoincrement, should * not be specified */ for (n = 0; n < nentries; n++) { if (!pk && map[n].type == LSMT_UNSIGNED) { pk = 1; continue; } m += lws_snprintf(sql + m, sql_est - m, n == nentries - 1 ? "%s" : "%s, ", map[n].colname); } m += lws_snprintf(sql + m, sql_est - m, ") values(%u, ", idx); pk = 0; for (n = 0; n < nentries; n++) { uint64_t uu64; size_t q; if (!pk && map[n].type == LSMT_UNSIGNED) { pk = 1; continue; } switch (map[n].type) { case LSMT_SIGNED: case LSMT_UNSIGNED: case LSMT_BOOLEAN: uu64 = 0; for (q = 0; q < map[n].aux; q++) uu64 |= ((uint64_t)stb[map[n].ofs + q] << (q << 3)); if (map[n].type == LSMT_SIGNED) m += lws_snprintf(sql + m, sql_est - m, "%lld", (long long)(int64_t)uu64); else m += lws_snprintf(sql + m, sql_est - m, "%llu", (unsigned long long)uu64); break; case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: sql[m++] = '\''; lws_sql_purify(sql + m, (const char *)&stb[map[n].ofs], sql_est - m - 4); m += strlen(sql + m); sql[m++] = '\''; break; case LSMT_STRING_PTR: p = *((const char * const *)&stb[map[n].ofs]); sql[m++] = '\''; if (p) { lws_sql_purify(sql + m, p, sql_est - m - 4); m += strlen(sql + m); } sql[m++] = '\''; break; default: lwsl_err("%s: unsupported type\n", __func__); assert(0); break; } if (n != nentries - 1) { if (sql_est - m < 6) return -1; sql[m++] = ','; sql[m++] = ' '; } } lws_snprintf(sql + m, sql_est - m, ");"); n = sqlite3_exec(pdb, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL); free(sql); if (n != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("%s: %s: fail\n", __func__, sqlite3_errmsg(pdb)); return -1; } return 0; } int lws_struct_sq3_serialize(sqlite3 *pdb, const lws_struct_map_t *schema, lws_dll2_owner_t *owner, uint32_t manual_idx) { uint32_t idx = manual_idx; lws_start_foreach_dll(struct lws_dll2 *, p, owner->head) { void *item = (void *)((uint8_t *)p - schema->ofs_clist); if (_lws_struct_sq3_ser_one(pdb, schema, idx++, item)) return 1; } lws_end_foreach_dll(p); return 0; } int lws_struct_sq3_create_table(sqlite3 *pdb, const lws_struct_map_t *schema) { const lws_struct_map_t *map = schema->child_map; int map_size = schema->child_map_size, subsequent = 0; char s[2048], *p = s, *end = &s[sizeof(s) - 1], *pri = " primary key autoincrement", *use; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "create table if not exists %s (_lws_idx integer, ", schema->colname); while (map_size--) { if (map->type > LSMT_STRING_PTR) { map++; continue; } if (subsequent && (end - p) > 4) { *p++ = ','; *p++ = ' '; } subsequent = 1; if (map->type < LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY) { use = ""; if (map->colname[0] != '_') /* _lws_idx is not primary key */ use = pri; p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "%s integer%s", map->colname, use); if (map->colname[0] != '_') pri = ""; } else p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "%s varchar", map->colname); map++; } p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, ");"); if (sqlite3_exec(pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("%s: %s: fail\n", __func__, sqlite3_errmsg(pdb)); return -1; } return 0; } int lws_struct_sq3_open(struct lws_context *context, const char *sqlite3_path, sqlite3 **pdb) { #if !defined(WIN32) int uid = 0, gid = 0; #endif if (sqlite3_open_v2(sqlite3_path, pdb, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("%s: Unable to open db %s: %s\n", __func__, sqlite3_path, sqlite3_errmsg(*pdb)); return 1; } #if !defined(WIN32) lws_get_effective_uid_gid(context, &uid, &gid); if (uid) chown(sqlite3_path, uid, gid); chmod(sqlite3_path, 0600); lwsl_notice("%s: created %s owned by %u:%u mode 0600\n", __func__, sqlite3_path, (unsigned int)uid, (unsigned int)gid); #else lwsl_notice("%s: created %s\n", __func__, sqlite3_path); #endif sqlite3_extended_result_codes(*pdb, 1); return 0; } int lws_struct_sq3_close(sqlite3 **pdb) { if (!*pdb) return 0; sqlite3_close(*pdb); *pdb = NULL; return 0; }