/* * lws-minimal-secure-streams-policy2c * * Written in 2010-2021 by Andy Green * * This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 * Universal Public Domain Dedication. * * * This reads policy JSON on stdin and emits it as compileable * C structs. * * It's useful if your platform is too space-constrained for a * JSON policy and needs to build a static policy in C via * LWS_WITH_SECURE_STREAMS_STATIC_POLICY_ONLY... this way you can * still create and maintain the JSON policy but implement it directly * as C structs in your code. */ #include #include #include #include #include static int interrupted, bad = 1; static void sigint_handler(int sig) { interrupted = 1; } struct aggstr { struct aggstr *next; const char *orig; size_t offset; }; static struct aggstr *rbomap, /* retry / backoff object map */ *trustmap, /* trust store map */ *certmap; /* x.509 cert map */ static size_t last_offset; static const char * purify_csymbol(const char *in, char *temp, size_t templen) { const char *otemp = temp; assert (strlen(in) < templen); while (*in) { if ((*in >= 'a' && *in <= 'z') || (*in >= 'A' && *in <= 'Z') || (*in >= '0' && *in <= '9')) *temp++ = *in; else *temp++ = '_'; in++; } *temp = '\0'; return otemp; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { const lws_ss_policy_t *pol, *lastpol = NULL; struct lws_context_creation_info info; size_t json_size = 0, est = 0; struct lws_context *context; const lws_ss_auth_t *auth; char prev[128], curr[128]; int unique_rbo = 0, m, n; char buf[64], buf1[64]; lws_ss_metadata_t *md; struct aggstr *a, *a1; signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); memset(&info, 0, sizeof info); lws_cmdline_option_handle_builtin(argc, argv, &info); lwsl_user("LWS secure streams policy2c [-d]\n"); info.fd_limit_per_thread = 1 + 6 + 1; info.port = CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN; info.options = LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS | LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DO_SSL_GLOBAL_INIT; /* create the context */ context = lws_create_context(&info); if (!context) { lwsl_err("lws init failed\n"); return 1; } lws_ss_policy_parse_begin(context, 0); printf("/*\n * Autogenerated from the following JSON policy\n */\n\n#if 0\n"); do { int m, n = (int)read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (n < 1) break; m = lws_ss_policy_parse(context, (uint8_t *)buf, (size_t)n); printf("%.*s", n, buf); json_size += (unsigned int)n; if (m < 0 && m != LEJP_CONTINUE) { lwsl_err("%s: policy parse failed... lws has WITH_ROLEs" "for what's in the JSON?\n", __func__); goto bail; } } while (1); printf("\n\n Original JSON size: %zu\n#endif\n\n", json_size); lwsl_notice("%s: parsed JSON\n", __func__); /* * Well, this is fun, isn't it... we have parsed the JSON into in-memory * policy objects, and it has set the context policy pointer to the head * of those but has not set the new policy (which would free the x.509). * * We want to walk the streamtype list first discovering unique objects * and strings referenced there and emitting them compactly as C data, * and then second to emit the streamtype linked-list referring to those * objects. * * For const strings, we aggregate them and avoid generating extra * pointers by encoding the reference as &_lws_ss_staticpol_str[xxx] * where xxx is the fixed offset in the aggregated monster-string. When * doing that, we keep a map of original pointers to offsets. * * Although we want to minimize memory used by the emitted C, we don't * have to sweat memory during this conversion since it's happening on a * PC */ pol = lws_ss_policy_get(context); while (pol) { /* * Walk the metadata list gathering strings and issuing the * C struct */ md = pol->metadata; if (md) { int idx = 0; printf("\nstatic const lws_ss_metadata_t "); prev[0] = '\0'; md = pol->metadata; while (md) { est += sizeof(lws_ss_metadata_t); lws_snprintf(curr, sizeof(curr), "_md_%s_%s", purify_csymbol(pol->streamtype, buf, sizeof(buf)), purify_csymbol(md->name, buf1, sizeof(buf1))); printf("%s = {\n", curr); if (prev[0]) printf("\t.next = (void *)&%s, \n", prev); printf("\t.name = \"%s\",\n", (const char *)md->name); if (md->value__may_own_heap) { printf("\t.value__may_own_heap = (void *)\"%s\",\n", (const char *)md->value__may_own_heap); printf("\t.value_length = 0x%x,\n", (unsigned int)strlen( (const char *)md->value__may_own_heap)); } printf("\t.length = %d,\n", idx++); // md->length); printf("\t.value_is_http_token = 0x%x,\n", (unsigned int)md->value_is_http_token); printf("}"); if (md->next) printf(",\n"); lws_strncpy(prev, curr, sizeof(prev)); md = md->next; } printf(";\n\n"); } /* * Create unique retry policies... have we seen this guy? */ if (pol->retry_bo) { a = rbomap; while (a) { if (a->orig == (const char *)pol->retry_bo) break; a = a->next; } if (!a) { /* We haven't seen it before and need to create it */ a = malloc(sizeof(*a)); if (!a) goto bail; a->next = rbomap; a->offset = (unsigned int)unique_rbo++; a->orig = (const char *)pol->retry_bo; rbomap = a; printf("static const uint32_t _rbo_bo_%zu[] = {\n", a->offset); for (n = 0; n < pol->retry_bo->retry_ms_table_count; n++) printf(" %u, ", (unsigned int) pol->retry_bo->retry_ms_table[n]); est += sizeof(uint32_t) * pol->retry_bo->retry_ms_table_count; printf("\n};\nstatic const " "lws_retry_bo_t _rbo_%zu = {\n", a->offset); printf("\t.retry_ms_table = _rbo_bo_%zu,\n", a->offset); printf("\t.retry_ms_table_count = %u,\n", pol->retry_bo->retry_ms_table_count); printf("\t.conceal_count = %u,\n", pol->retry_bo->conceal_count); printf("\t.secs_since_valid_ping = %u,\n", pol->retry_bo->secs_since_valid_ping); printf("\t.secs_since_valid_hangup = %u,\n", pol->retry_bo->secs_since_valid_hangup); printf("\t.jitter_percent = %u,\n", pol->retry_bo->jitter_percent); printf("};\n"); est += sizeof(lws_retry_bo_t); } } /* * How about his trust store, it's new to us? */ if (pol->trust.store) { a = trustmap; while (a) { if (a->orig == (const char *)pol->trust.store) break; a = a->next; } if (!a) { /* it's new to us... */ a = malloc(sizeof(*a)); if (!a) goto bail; a->next = trustmap; a->offset = 0; /* don't care, just track seen */ a->orig = (const char *)pol->trust.store; trustmap = a; /* * Have a look through his x.509 stack... * any that're new to us? */ for (n = 0; n < pol->trust.store->count; n++) { if (!pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]) continue; a1 = certmap; while (a1) { if (a1->orig == (const char *)pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]) break; a1 = a1->next; } if (!a1) { /* * This x.509 cert is new to us... * let's capture the DER */ a1 = malloc(sizeof(*a1)); if (!a1) goto bail; a1->next = certmap; a1->offset = 0; /* don't care, just track seen */ a1->orig = (const char *)pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]; certmap = a1; printf("static const uint8_t _ss_der_%s[] = {\n", purify_csymbol(pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->vhost_name, buf, sizeof(buf))); for (m = 0; m < (int)pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->ca_der_len; m++) { if ((m & 7) == 0) printf("\t/* 0x%3x */ ", m); printf("0x%02X, ", pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->ca_der[m]); if ((m & 7) == 7) printf("\n"); } printf("\n};\nstatic const lws_ss_x509_t _ss_x509_%s = {\n", purify_csymbol(pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->vhost_name, buf, sizeof(buf))); printf("\t.vhost_name = \"%s\",\n", pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->vhost_name); printf("\t.ca_der = _ss_der_%s,\n", purify_csymbol(pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->vhost_name, buf, sizeof(buf))); printf("\t.ca_der_len = %zu,\n", pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->ca_der_len); printf("};\n"); est += sizeof(lws_ss_x509_t) + pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->ca_der_len; } } printf("static const lws_ss_trust_store_t _ss_ts_%s = {\n", purify_csymbol(pol->trust.store->name, buf, sizeof(buf))); printf("\t.name = \"%s\",\n", pol->trust.store->name); printf("\t.ssx509 = {\n"); for (n = pol->trust.store->count - 1; n >= 0 ; n--) printf("\t\t&_ss_x509_%s,\n", pol->trust.store->ssx509[n]->vhost_name); printf("\t}\n};\n"); est += sizeof(lws_ss_trust_store_t); } } pol = pol->next; } /* dump any streamtype's http resp map */ pol = lws_ss_policy_get(context); m = 0; while (pol) { lws_snprintf(curr, sizeof(curr), "_ssp_%s", purify_csymbol(pol->streamtype, buf, sizeof(buf))); /* if relevant, dump http resp map */ switch (pol->protocol) { case LWSSSP_H1: case LWSSSP_H2: case LWSSSP_WS: if (!pol->u.http.count_respmap) break; if (!m) printf("\nstatic const lws_ss_http_respmap_t "); else printf(",\n"); m++; printf("%s_http_respmap[] = {\n", curr); for (n = 0; n < pol->u.http.count_respmap; n++) { printf("\t{ %d, 0x%x },\n", pol->u.http.respmap[n].resp, pol->u.http.respmap[n].state); est += sizeof(lws_ss_http_respmap_t); } printf("}"); break; } pol = pol->next; } if (m) printf(";\n"); /* * The auth map */ auth = lws_ss_auth_get(context); if (auth) printf("\nstatic const lws_ss_auth_t "); prev[0] = '\0'; while (auth) { lws_snprintf(curr, sizeof(curr), "_ssau_%s", purify_csymbol(auth->name, buf, sizeof(buf))); printf("%s = {\n", curr); if (prev[0]) printf("\t.next = (void *)&%s,\n", prev); printf("\t.name = \"%s\",\n", auth->name); printf("\t.type= \"%s\",\n", auth->type); printf("\t.streamtype = \"%s\",\n", auth->streamtype); printf("\t.blob_index = %d,\n", auth->blob_index); printf("}"); if (auth->next) printf(","); else printf(";"); printf("\n"); lws_strncpy(prev, curr, sizeof(prev)); auth = auth->next; } if (lws_ss_auth_get(context)) printf("\n"); /* * The streamtypes */ pol = lws_ss_policy_get(context); printf("\nstatic const lws_ss_policy_t "); prev[0] = '\0'; while (pol) { est += sizeof(*pol); lws_snprintf(curr, sizeof(curr), "_ssp_%s", purify_csymbol(pol->streamtype, buf, sizeof(buf))); printf("%s = {\n", curr); if (prev[0]) printf("\t.next = (void *)&%s,\n", prev); printf("\t.streamtype = \"%s\",\n", pol->streamtype); if (pol->endpoint) printf("\t.endpoint = \"%s\",\n", pol->endpoint); if (pol->rideshare_streamtype) printf("\t.rideshare_streamtype = \"%s\",\n", pol->rideshare_streamtype); if (pol->payload_fmt) printf("\t.payload_fmt = \"%s\",\n", pol->payload_fmt); if (pol->socks5_proxy) printf("\t.socks5_proxy = \"%s\",\n", pol->socks5_proxy); if (pol->auth) printf("\t.auth = &_ssau_%s,\n", purify_csymbol(pol->auth->name, buf, sizeof(buf))); { lws_ss_metadata_t *nv = pol->metadata, *last = NULL; while (nv) { last = nv; nv = nv->next; } if (pol->metadata) printf("\t.metadata = (void *)&_md_%s_%s,\n", purify_csymbol(pol->streamtype, buf, sizeof(buf)), purify_csymbol(last->name, buf1, sizeof(buf1))); } switch (pol->protocol) { case LWSSSP_H1: case LWSSSP_H2: case LWSSSP_WS: printf("\t.u = {\n\t\t.http = {\n"); if (pol->u.http.method) printf("\t\t\t.method = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.method); if (pol->u.http.url) printf("\t\t\t.url = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.url); if (pol->u.http.multipart_name) printf("\t\t\t.multipart_name = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.multipart_name); if (pol->u.http.multipart_filename) printf("\t\t\t.multipart_filename = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.multipart_filename); if (pol->u.http.multipart_content_type) printf("\t\t\t.multipart_content_type = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.multipart_content_type); if (pol->u.http.auth_preamble) printf("\t\t\t.auth_preamble = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.auth_preamble); if (pol->u.http.respmap) { printf("\t\t\t.respmap = (void *)&%s_http_respmap,\n", curr); printf("\t\t\t.count_respmap = %d,\n", pol->u.http.count_respmap); } if (pol->u.http.blob_header[0]) { printf("\t\t\t.blob_header = {\n"); for (n = 0; n < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(pol->u.http.blob_header); n++) if (pol->u.http.blob_header[n]) printf("\t\t\t\t\"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.blob_header[n]); printf("\t\t\t},\n"); } if (pol->protocol == LWSSSP_WS) { printf("\t\t\t.u = {\n\t\t\t\t.ws = {\n"); if (pol->u.http.u.ws.subprotocol) printf("\t\t\t\t\t.subprotocol = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.http.u.ws.subprotocol); printf("\t\t\t\t\t.binary = %u\n", pol->u.http.u.ws.binary); printf("\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n"); } if (pol->u.http.resp_expect) printf("\t\t\t.resp_expect = %u,\n", pol->u.http.resp_expect); if (pol->u.http.fail_redirect) printf("\t\t\t.fail_redirect = %u,\n", pol->u.http.fail_redirect); printf("\t\t}\n\t},\n"); break; case LWSSSP_MQTT: printf("\t.u = {\n\t\t.mqtt = {\n"); if (pol->u.mqtt.topic) printf("\t\t\t.topic = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.mqtt.topic); if (pol->u.mqtt.subscribe) printf("\t\t\t.subscribe = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.mqtt.subscribe); if (pol->u.mqtt.will_topic) printf("\t\t\t.will_topic = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.mqtt.will_topic); if (pol->u.mqtt.will_message) printf("\t\t\t.will_message = \"%s\",\n", pol->u.mqtt.will_message); if (pol->u.mqtt.keep_alive) printf("\t\t\t.keep_alive = %u,\n", pol->u.mqtt.keep_alive); if (pol->u.mqtt.qos) printf("\t\t\t.qos = %u,\n", pol->u.mqtt.qos); if (pol->u.mqtt.clean_start) printf("\t\t\t.clean_start = %u,\n", pol->u.mqtt.clean_start); if (pol->u.mqtt.will_qos) printf("\t\t\t.will_qos = %u,\n", pol->u.mqtt.will_qos); if (pol->u.mqtt.will_retain) printf("\t\t\t.will_retain = %u,\n", pol->u.mqtt.will_retain); printf("\t\t}\n\t},\n"); break; default: lwsl_err("%s: unknown ss protocol index %d\n", __func__, pol->protocol); goto bail; } #if 0 const lws_ss_trust_store_t *trust_store; /**< CA certs needed for conn validation, only set between policy parsing and vhost creation */ #endif if (pol->retry_bo) { a = rbomap; while (a) { if (a->orig == (const char *)pol->retry_bo) break; a = a->next; } if (!a) goto bail; printf("\t.retry_bo = &_rbo_%zu,\n", a->offset); } if (pol->timeout_ms) printf("\t.timeout_ms = %u,\n", pol->timeout_ms); if (pol->flags) printf("\t.flags = 0x%x,\n", pol->flags); if (pol->flags) printf("\t.priority = 0x%x,\n", (unsigned int)pol->priority); if (pol->port) printf("\t.port = %u,\n", pol->port); if (pol->metadata_count) printf("\t.metadata_count = %u,\n", pol->metadata_count); printf("\t.protocol = %u,\n", pol->protocol); if (pol->client_cert) printf("\t.client_cert = %u,\n", pol->client_cert); if (pol->trust.store) printf("\t.trust = {.store = &_ss_ts_%s},\n", purify_csymbol(pol->trust.store->name, buf, sizeof(buf))); #if defined(LWS_WITH_SECURE_STREAMS_AUTH_SIGV4) if (pol->aws_region) printf("\t.aws_region= \"%s\",\n", pol->aws_region); if (pol->aws_service) printf("\t.aws_service= \"%s\",\n", pol->aws_service); #endif printf("}"); if (pol->next) printf(",\n"); lws_strncpy(prev, curr, sizeof(prev)); lastpol = pol; pol = pol->next; } printf(";\n"); if (lastpol) printf("#define _ss_static_policy_entry _ssp_%s\n", purify_csymbol(lastpol->streamtype, buf, sizeof(buf))); est += last_offset; printf("/* estimated footprint %zu (when sizeof void * = %zu) */\n", est, sizeof(void *)); lws_ss_policy_parse_abandon(context); bad = 0; bail: lws_context_destroy(context); lwsl_user("Completed: %s\n", bad ? "failed" : "OK"); return bad; }