/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2021 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #endif #define MBEDTLS_ALLOW_PRIVATE_ACCESS #include "private-lib-core.h" #if defined(LWS_WITH_MBEDTLS) #if defined(LWS_HAVE_MBEDTLS_NET_SOCKETS) #include "mbedtls/net_sockets.h" #else #include "mbedtls/net.h" #endif #endif int lws_send_pipe_choked(struct lws *wsi) { struct lws *wsi_eff; #if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP2) wsi_eff = lws_get_network_wsi(wsi); #else wsi_eff = wsi; #endif /* the fact we checked implies we avoided back-to-back writes */ wsi_eff->could_have_pending = 0; /* treat the fact we got a truncated send pending as if we're choked */ if (lws_has_buffered_out(wsi_eff) #if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP_STREAM_COMPRESSION) ||wsi->http.comp_ctx.buflist_comp || wsi->http.comp_ctx.may_have_more #endif ) return 1; return (int)wsi_eff->sock_send_blocking; } int lws_poll_listen_fd(struct lws_pollfd *fd) { fd_set readfds; struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; assert((fd->events & LWS_POLLIN) == LWS_POLLIN); FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd->fd, &readfds); return select(((int)fd->fd) + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } int lws_plat_set_nonblocking(lws_sockfd_type fd) { u_long optl = 1; int result = !!ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &optl); if (result) { int error = LWS_ERRNO; lwsl_err("ioctlsocket FIONBIO 1 failed with error %d\n", error); } return result; } int lws_plat_set_socket_options(struct lws_vhost *vhost, lws_sockfd_type fd, int unix_skt) { int optval = 1; int optlen = sizeof(optval); DWORD dwBytesRet; struct tcp_keepalive alive; int protonbr; #ifndef _WIN32_WCE struct protoent *tcp_proto; #endif if (vhost->ka_time) { /* enable keepalive on this socket */ optval = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (const char *)&optval, optlen) < 0) { int error = LWS_ERRNO; lwsl_err("setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE 1 failed with error %d\n", error); return 1; } alive.onoff = TRUE; alive.keepalivetime = vhost->ka_time * 1000; alive.keepaliveinterval = vhost->ka_interval * 1000; if (WSAIoctl(fd, SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, &alive, sizeof(alive), NULL, 0, &dwBytesRet, NULL, NULL)) { int error = LWS_ERRNO; lwsl_err("WSAIoctl SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS 1 %lu %lu failed with error %d\n", alive.keepalivetime, alive.keepaliveinterval, error); return 1; } } /* Disable Nagle */ optval = 1; #ifndef _WIN32_WCE tcp_proto = getprotobyname("TCP"); if (!tcp_proto) { int error = LWS_ERRNO; lwsl_warn("getprotobyname(\"TCP\") failed with error, falling back to 6 %d\n", error); protonbr = 6; /* IPPROTO_TCP */ } else protonbr = tcp_proto->p_proto; #else protonbr = 6; #endif if (setsockopt(fd, protonbr, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&optval, optlen) ) { int error = LWS_ERRNO; lwsl_warn("setsockopt TCP_NODELAY 1 failed with error %d\n", error); } return lws_plat_set_nonblocking(fd); } int lws_plat_set_socket_options_ip(lws_sockfd_type fd, uint8_t pri, int lws_flags) { /* * Seems to require "differeniated services" but no docs * * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winsock/ipproto-ip-socket-options * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/qos/differentiated-services */ lwsl_warn("%s: not implemented on windows platform\n", __func__); return 0; } int lws_interface_to_sa(int ipv6, const char *ifname, struct sockaddr_in *addr, size_t addrlen) { long long address; #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 struct sockaddr_in6 *addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr; if (ipv6) { if (lws_plat_inet_pton(AF_INET6, ifname, &addr6->sin6_addr) == 1) { return LWS_ITOSA_USABLE; } } #endif address = inet_addr(ifname); if (address == INADDR_NONE) { struct hostent *entry = gethostbyname(ifname); if (entry) address = ((struct in_addr *)entry->h_addr_list[0])->s_addr; } if (address == INADDR_NONE) return LWS_ITOSA_NOT_EXIST; addr->sin_addr.s_addr = (unsigned long)(lws_intptr_t)address; return LWS_ITOSA_USABLE; } void lws_plat_insert_socket_into_fds(struct lws_context *context, struct lws *wsi) { struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi]; #if defined(LWS_WITH_UDP) if (wsi->udp) { lwsl_info("%s: UDP\n", __func__); pt->fds[pt->fds_count].events |= LWS_POLLIN; } #endif if (context->event_loop_ops->io) context->event_loop_ops->io(wsi, LWS_EV_START | LWS_EV_READ); pt->fds[pt->fds_count++].revents = 0; lws_plat_change_pollfd(context, wsi, &pt->fds[pt->fds_count - 1]); } void lws_plat_delete_socket_from_fds(struct lws_context *context, struct lws *wsi, int m) { struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi]; pt->fds_count--; } int lws_plat_check_connection_error(struct lws *wsi) { int optVal; int optLen = sizeof(int); if (getsockopt(wsi->desc.sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&optVal, &optLen) != SOCKET_ERROR && optVal && optVal != LWS_EALREADY && optVal != LWS_EINPROGRESS && optVal != LWS_EWOULDBLOCK && optVal != WSAEINVAL) { lwsl_debug("Connect failed SO_ERROR=%d\n", optVal); return 1; } return 0; } int lws_plat_change_pollfd(struct lws_context *context, struct lws *wsi, struct lws_pollfd *pfd) { //struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi]; return 0; } #if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS) int lws_plat_vhost_tls_client_ctx_init(struct lws_vhost *vhost) { #if !defined(LWS_WITH_MBEDTLS) && defined(LWS_SSL_CLIENT_USE_OS_CA_CERTS) PCCERT_CONTEXT pcc = NULL; CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE* ceu = NULL; DWORD ceu_alloc = 0; X509_STORE* store; HCERTSTORE hStore; int imps = 0; if (lws_check_opt(vhost->options, LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DISABLE_OS_CA_CERTS)) return 0; /* * Windows Trust Store code adapted from curl (MIT) openssl.c * https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/pull/2233 */ store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(vhost->tls.ssl_client_ctx); hStore = CertOpenSystemStore((HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY)NULL, TEXT("ROOT")); if (!hStore) { lwsl_notice("%s: no store\n", __func__); return 1; } do { const unsigned char* ecert; char cert_name[256]; DWORD req_size = 0; BYTE key_usage[2]; FILETIME ft; X509* x509; pcc = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore, pcc); if (!pcc) break; if (!CertGetNameStringA(pcc, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, NULL, cert_name, sizeof(cert_name))) strcpy(cert_name, "Unknown"); lwsl_debug("%s: Checking cert \"%s\"\n", __func__, cert_name); ecert = (const unsigned char*)pcc->pbCertEncoded; if (!ecert) continue; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); if (CompareFileTime(&pcc->pCertInfo->NotBefore, &ft) > 0 || CompareFileTime(&ft, &pcc->pCertInfo->NotAfter) > 0) continue; /* If key usage exists check for signing attribute */ if (CertGetIntendedKeyUsage(pcc->dwCertEncodingType, pcc->pCertInfo, key_usage, sizeof(key_usage))) { if (!(key_usage[0] & CERT_KEY_CERT_SIGN_KEY_USAGE)) continue; } else if (GetLastError()) continue; /* * If enhanced key usage exists check for server auth attribute. * * Note "In a Microsoft environment, a certificate might also * have EKU extended properties that specify valid uses for the * certificate." * The call below checks both, and behavior varies depending on * what is found. For more details see CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage * doc. */ if (!CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage(pcc, 0, NULL, &req_size)) continue; if (req_size && req_size > ceu_alloc) { void* tmp = lws_realloc(ceu, req_size, __func__); if (!tmp) { lwsl_err("%s: OOM", __func__); break; } ceu = (CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE*)tmp; ceu_alloc = req_size; } if (!CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage(pcc, 0, ceu, &req_size)) continue; if (!ceu || (ceu && !ceu->cUsageIdentifier)) { /* * "If GetLastError returns CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND, the * certificate is good for all uses. If it returns * zero, the certificate has no valid uses." */ if ((HRESULT)GetLastError() != CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND) continue; /* ... allow it... */ } else if (ceu) { BOOL found = FALSE; DWORD i; /* * If there is a CEU, check that it specifies * we can use the cert for server validation */ for (i = 0; i < ceu->cUsageIdentifier; i++) { if (strcmp("" /* OID server auth */, ceu->rgpszUsageIdentifier[i])) continue; found = TRUE; break; } if (!found) /* Don't use cert if no usage match */ continue; } x509 = d2i_X509(NULL, &ecert, pcc->cbCertEncoded); if (!x509) /* We can't parse it as am X.509, skip it */ continue; if (X509_STORE_add_cert(store, x509) == 1) { lwsl_debug("%s: Imported cert \"%s\"\n", __func__, cert_name); imps++; } /* * Treat failure as nonfatal, eg, may be dupe */ X509_free(x509); } while (1); lws_free(ceu); CertFreeCertificateContext(pcc); CertCloseStore(hStore, 0); lwsl_notice("%s: Imported %d certs from plat store\n", __func__, imps); #endif return 0; } #endif const char * lws_plat_inet_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, socklen_t cnt) { WCHAR *buffer; size_t bufferlen = (size_t)cnt; BOOL ok = FALSE; buffer = lws_malloc(bufferlen * 2, "inet_ntop"); if (!buffer) { lwsl_err("Out of memory\n"); return NULL; } if (af == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in srcaddr; memset(&srcaddr, 0, sizeof(srcaddr)); srcaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&(srcaddr.sin_addr), src, sizeof(srcaddr.sin_addr)); if (!WSAAddressToStringW((struct sockaddr*)&srcaddr, sizeof(srcaddr), 0, buffer, (LPDWORD)&bufferlen)) ok = TRUE; #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 } else if (af == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 srcaddr; memset(&srcaddr, 0, sizeof(srcaddr)); srcaddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&(srcaddr.sin6_addr), src, sizeof(srcaddr.sin6_addr)); if (!WSAAddressToStringW((struct sockaddr*)&srcaddr, sizeof(srcaddr), 0, buffer, (LPDWORD)&bufferlen)) ok = TRUE; #endif } else lwsl_err("Unsupported type\n"); if (!ok) { int rv = WSAGetLastError(); lwsl_err("WSAAddressToString() : %d\n", rv); } else { if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buffer, (int)bufferlen, dst, cnt, 0, NULL) <= 0) ok = FALSE; } lws_free(buffer); return ok ? dst : NULL; } int lws_plat_inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst) { WCHAR *buffer; size_t bufferlen = strlen(src) + 1; BOOL ok = FALSE; buffer = lws_malloc(bufferlen * 2, "inet_pton"); if (!buffer) { lwsl_err("Out of memory\n"); return -1; } if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, (int)bufferlen, buffer, (int)bufferlen) <= 0) { lwsl_err("Failed to convert multi byte to wide char\n"); lws_free(buffer); return -1; } if (af == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in dstaddr; int dstaddrlen = sizeof(dstaddr); memset(&dstaddr, 0, sizeof(dstaddr)); dstaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (!WSAStringToAddressW(buffer, af, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &dstaddr, &dstaddrlen)) { ok = TRUE; memcpy(dst, &dstaddr.sin_addr, sizeof(dstaddr.sin_addr)); } #ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6 } else if (af == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 dstaddr; int dstaddrlen = sizeof(dstaddr); memset(&dstaddr, 0, sizeof(dstaddr)); dstaddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; if (!WSAStringToAddressW(buffer, af, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &dstaddr, &dstaddrlen)) { ok = TRUE; memcpy(dst, &dstaddr.sin6_addr, sizeof(dstaddr.sin6_addr)); } #endif } else lwsl_err("Unsupported type\n"); if (!ok) { int rv = WSAGetLastError(); lwsl_err("WSAAddressToString() : %d\n", rv); } lws_free(buffer); return ok ? 1 : -1; } int lws_plat_ifname_to_hwaddr(int fd, const char *ifname, uint8_t *hwaddr, int len) { lwsl_err("%s: UNIMPLEMENTED on this platform\n", __func__); return -1; } int lws_plat_rawudp_broadcast(uint8_t *p, const uint8_t *canned, size_t canned_len, size_t n, int fd, const char *iface) { lwsl_err("%s: UNIMPLEMENTED on this platform\n", __func__); return -1; } int lws_plat_if_up(const char *ifname, int fd, int up) { lwsl_err("%s: UNIMPLEMENTED on this platform\n", __func__); return -1; } int lws_plat_BINDTODEVICE(lws_sockfd_type fd, const char *ifname) { lwsl_err("%s: UNIMPLEMENTED on this platform\n", __func__); return -1; } int lws_plat_ifconfig(int fd, uint8_t *ip, lws_dhcpc_ifstate_t *is) { lwsl_err("%s: UNIMPLEMENTED on this platform\n", __func__); return -1; } #if defined(LWS_WITH_MBEDTLS) int lws_plat_mbedtls_net_send(void *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { int fd = ((mbedtls_net_context *) ctx)->fd; int ret, en; if (fd < 0) return MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_INVALID_CONTEXT; ret = send(fd, (const char *)buf, (unsigned int)len, 0); if (ret >= 0) return ret; en = LWS_ERRNO; if (en == EAGAIN || en == EWOULDBLOCK) return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE; ret = WSAGetLastError(); lwsl_notice("%s: errno %d, GLE %d\n", __func__, en, ret); if (ret == WSAECONNRESET ) return( MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_CONN_RESET ); return MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_SEND_FAILED; } int lws_plat_mbedtls_net_recv(void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int fd = ((mbedtls_net_context *) ctx)->fd; int ret, en; if (fd < 0) return MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_INVALID_CONTEXT; ret = (int)recv(fd, (char *)buf, (unsigned int)len, 0); if (ret >= 0) return ret; en = LWS_ERRNO; if (en == EAGAIN || en == EWOULDBLOCK) return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ; ret = WSAGetLastError(); lwsl_notice("%s: errno %d, GLE %d\n", __func__, en, ret); if (ret == WSAECONNRESET) return MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_CONN_RESET; return MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_RECV_FAILED; } #endif