/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2019 Andy Green * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define LWS_DLL #define LWS_INTERNAL #include #include #include #include struct per_vhost_data__gs_mb { struct lws_vhost *vh; const struct lws_protocols *gsp; sqlite3 *pdb; char message_db[256]; unsigned long last_idx; }; struct per_session_data__gs_mb { void *pss_gs; /* for use by generic-sessions */ struct lws_session_info sinfo; struct lws_spa *spa; unsigned long last_idx; unsigned int our_form:1; char second_http_part; }; static const char * const param_names[] = { "send", "msg", }; enum { MBSPA_SUBMIT, MBSPA_MSG, }; #define MAX_MSG_LEN 512 struct message { unsigned long idx; unsigned long time; char username[32]; char email[100]; char ip[72]; char content[MAX_MSG_LEN]; }; static int lookup_cb(void *priv, int cols, char **col_val, char **col_name) { struct message *m = (struct message *)priv; int n; for (n = 0; n < cols; n++) { if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "idx") || !strcmp(col_name[n], "MAX(idx)")) { if (!col_val[n]) m->idx = 0; else m->idx = atol(col_val[n]); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "time")) { m->time = atol(col_val[n]); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "username")) { lws_strncpy(m->username, col_val[n], sizeof(m->username)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "email")) { lws_strncpy(m->email, col_val[n], sizeof(m->email)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "ip")) { lws_strncpy(m->ip, col_val[n], sizeof(m->ip)); continue; } if (!strcmp(col_name[n], "content")) { lws_strncpy(m->content, col_val[n], sizeof(m->content)); continue; } } return 0; } static unsigned long get_last_idx(struct per_vhost_data__gs_mb *vhd) { struct message m; if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, "SELECT MAX(idx) FROM msg;", lookup_cb, &m, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup token: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 0; } return m.idx; } static int post_message(struct lws *wsi, struct per_vhost_data__gs_mb *vhd, struct per_session_data__gs_mb *pss) { struct lws_session_info sinfo; char s[MAX_MSG_LEN + 512]; char esc[MAX_MSG_LEN + 256]; vhd->gsp->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_SESSION_INFO, pss->pss_gs, &sinfo, 0); lws_snprintf((char *)s, sizeof(s) - 1, "insert into msg(time, username, email, ip, content)" " values (%lu, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');", (unsigned long)lws_now_secs(), sinfo.username, sinfo.email, sinfo.ip, lws_sql_purify(esc, lws_spa_get_string(pss->spa, MBSPA_MSG), sizeof(esc) - 1)); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to insert msg: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } vhd->last_idx = get_last_idx(vhd); /* let everybody connected by this protocol on this vhost know */ lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol_vhost(lws_get_vhost(wsi), lws_get_protocol(wsi)); return 0; } static int callback_messageboard(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { struct per_session_data__gs_mb *pss = (struct per_session_data__gs_mb *)user; const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo; struct per_vhost_data__gs_mb *vhd = (struct per_vhost_data__gs_mb *) lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(lws_get_vhost(wsi), lws_get_protocol(wsi)); unsigned char *p, *start, *end, buffer[LWS_PRE + 4096]; char s[512]; int n; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT: /* per vhost */ vhd = lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc(lws_get_vhost(wsi), lws_get_protocol(wsi), sizeof(struct per_vhost_data__gs_mb)); if (!vhd) return 1; vhd->vh = lws_get_vhost(wsi); vhd->gsp = lws_vhost_name_to_protocol(vhd->vh, "protocol-generic-sessions"); if (!vhd->gsp) { lwsl_err("messageboard: requires generic-sessions\n"); return 1; } pvo = (const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *)in; while (pvo) { if (!strcmp(pvo->name, "message-db")) strncpy(vhd->message_db, pvo->value, sizeof(vhd->message_db) - 1); pvo = pvo->next; } if (!vhd->message_db[0]) { lwsl_err("messageboard: \"message-db\" pvo missing\n"); return 1; } if (lws_struct_sq3_open(lws_get_context(wsi), vhd->message_db, 1, &vhd->pdb)) { lwsl_err("Unable to open message db %s: %s\n", vhd->message_db, sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, "create table if not exists msg (" " idx integer primary key, time integer," " username varchar(32), email varchar(100)," " ip varchar(80), content blob);", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to create msg table: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 1; } vhd->last_idx = get_last_idx(vhd); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY: if (vhd && vhd->pdb) sqlite3_close(vhd->pdb); goto passthru; case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: vhd->gsp->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_SESSION_INFO, pss->pss_gs, &pss->sinfo, 0); if (!pss->sinfo.username[0]) { lwsl_notice("messageboard ws attempt with no session\n"); return -1; } lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED: lwsl_debug("%s: LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED\n", __func__); if (pss && pss->pss_gs) { free(pss->pss_gs); pss->pss_gs = NULL; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE: { struct message m; char j[MAX_MSG_LEN + 512], e[MAX_MSG_LEN + 512], *p = j + LWS_PRE, *start = p, *end = j + sizeof(j) - LWS_PRE; if (pss->last_idx == vhd->last_idx) break; /* restrict to last 10 */ if (!pss->last_idx) if (vhd->last_idx >= 10) pss->last_idx = vhd->last_idx - 10; sprintf(s, "select idx, time, username, email, ip, content " "from msg where idx > %lu order by idx limit 1;", pss->last_idx); if (sqlite3_exec(vhd->pdb, s, lookup_cb, &m, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { lwsl_err("Unable to lookup msg: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(vhd->pdb)); return 0; } /* format in JSON */ p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "{\"idx\":\"%lu\",\"time\":\"%lu\",", m.idx, m.time); p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " \"username\":\"%s\",", lws_json_purify(e, m.username, sizeof(e), NULL)); p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " \"email\":\"%s\",", lws_json_purify(e, m.email, sizeof(e), NULL)); p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " \"ip\":\"%s\",", lws_json_purify(e, m.ip, sizeof(e), NULL)); p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " \"content\":\"%s\"}", lws_json_purify(e, m.content, sizeof(e), NULL)); if (lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)start, p - start, LWS_WRITE_TEXT) < 0) return -1; pss->last_idx = m.idx; if (pss->last_idx == vhd->last_idx) break; lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); /* more to do */ } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP: pss->our_form = 0; /* ie, it's our messageboard new message form */ if (!strcmp((const char *)in, "/msg") || !strcmp((const char *)in, "msg")) { pss->our_form = 1; break; } goto passthru; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY: if (!pss->our_form) goto passthru; if (len < 2) break; if (!pss->spa) { pss->spa = lws_spa_create(wsi, param_names, LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(param_names), MAX_MSG_LEN + 1024, NULL, NULL); if (!pss->spa) return -1; } if (lws_spa_process(pss->spa, in, len)) { lwsl_notice("spa process blew\n"); return -1; } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_WRITEABLE: if (!pss->second_http_part) goto passthru; s[0] = '0'; n = lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)s, 1, LWS_WRITE_HTTP| LWS_WRITE_H2_STREAM_END); if (n != 1) return -1; goto try_to_reuse; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION: if (!pss->our_form) goto passthru; if (post_message(wsi, vhd, pss)) return -1; p = buffer + LWS_PRE; start = p; end = p + sizeof(buffer) - LWS_PRE; if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_OK, &p, end)) return -1; if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, (unsigned char *)"text/plain", 10, &p, end)) return -1; if (lws_add_http_header_content_length(wsi, 1, &p, end)) return -1; if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end)) return -1; n = lws_write(wsi, start, p - start, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS); if (n != (p - start)) { lwsl_err("_write returned %d from %ld\n", n, (long)(p - start)); return -1; } pss->second_http_part = 1; lws_callback_on_writable(wsi); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_BIND_PROTOCOL: if (!pss || !vhd || pss->pss_gs) break; pss->pss_gs = malloc(vhd->gsp->per_session_data_size); if (!pss->pss_gs) return -1; memset(pss->pss_gs, 0, vhd->gsp->per_session_data_size); break; case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP_DROP_PROTOCOL: if (vhd->gsp->callback(wsi, reason, pss ? pss->pss_gs : NULL, in, len)) return -1; if (pss && pss->spa) { lws_spa_destroy(pss->spa); pss->spa = NULL; } if (pss && pss->pss_gs) { free(pss->pss_gs); pss->pss_gs = NULL; } break; default: passthru: if (!pss || !vhd) break; return vhd->gsp->callback(wsi, reason, pss->pss_gs, in, len); } return 0; try_to_reuse: if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi)) return -1; return 0; } static const struct lws_protocols protocols[] = { { "protocol-lws-messageboard", callback_messageboard, sizeof(struct per_session_data__gs_mb), 4096, }, }; LWS_VISIBLE int init_protocol_lws_messageboard(struct lws_context *context, struct lws_plugin_capability *c) { if (c->api_magic != LWS_PLUGIN_API_MAGIC) { lwsl_err("Plugin API %d, library API %d", LWS_PLUGIN_API_MAGIC, c->api_magic); return 1; } c->protocols = protocols; c->count_protocols = LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(protocols); c->extensions = NULL; c->count_extensions = 0; return 0; } LWS_VISIBLE int destroy_protocol_lws_messageboard(struct lws_context *context) { return 0; }