\subsection*{What is generic-\/table? } Generic-\/table is a J\+S\+ON schema and client-\/side JS file that makes it easy to display live, table structured H\+T\+ML over a ws link. An example plugin and index.\+html using it are provided. \subsection*{Enabling for build } Enable at C\+Make with -\/\+D\+L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+I\+T\+H\+\_\+\+P\+L\+U\+G\+I\+NS=1 \subsection*{Generic-\/table J\+S\+ON } \subsubsection*{Column layout} When the ws connection is established, the protocol should send a J\+S\+ON message describing the table columns. For example \begin{DoxyCode} 1 msg = "\{\(\backslash\)"cols\(\backslash\)":[" 2 " \{\(\backslash\)"name\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"Date\(\backslash\)"\}," 3 " \{\(\backslash\)"name\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"Size\(\backslash\)", \(\backslash\)"align\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"right\(\backslash\)"\}," 4 " \{\(\backslash\)"name\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"Icon\(\backslash\)"\}," 5 " \{\(\backslash\)"name\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"Name\(\backslash\)", \(\backslash\)"href\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"uri\(\backslash\)"\}," 6 " \{\(\backslash\)"name\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"uri\(\backslash\)", \(\backslash\)"hide\(\backslash\)": \(\backslash\)"1\(\backslash\)" \}" 7 " ]" 8 "\}"; \end{DoxyCode} \begin{DoxyItemize} \item This describes 5 columns \item Only four columns (not \char`\"{}uri\char`\"{}) should be visible \item \char`\"{}\+Name\char`\"{} should be presented as a clickable link using \char`\"{}uri\char`\"{} as the destination, when a \char`\"{}uri\char`\"{} field is presented. \item \char`\"{}\+Size\char`\"{} field should be presented aligned to the right \end{DoxyItemize} \subsubsection*{Table data} The