\subsection*{Library is a component } As a library, lws is just a component in a bigger application. Many users are able to share their sources, but others decide not to, for \char`\"{}commerical advantage\char`\"{} or whatever. This makes answering questions like \char`\"{}what is wrong with my code I am not going to show you?\char`\"{} very difficult. Even if it\textquotesingle{}s clear there is a problem somewhere, it cannot be understood or reproduced by anyone else if it needs user code that isn\textquotesingle{}t provided. The biggest question is, \char`\"{}is this an lws problem actually\char`\"{}? \subsection*{Use the test apps as sanity checks } The test server and client are extremely useful for sanity checks and debugging guidance. \begin{DoxyItemize} \item test apps work on your platform, then either \begin{DoxyItemize} \item your user code is broken, align it to how the test apps work, or, \item something from your code is required to show an lws problem, provide a minimal patch on a test app so it can be reproduced \end{DoxyItemize} \item test apps break on your platform, but work on, eg, x86\+\_\+64, either \begin{DoxyItemize} \item toolchain or platform-\/specific (eg, OS) issue, or \item lws platform support issue \end{DoxyItemize} \item test apps break everywhere \begin{DoxyItemize} \item sounds like lws problem, info to reproduce and / or a patch is appreciated \end{DoxyItemize} \end{DoxyItemize}