#!/bin/bash # # $SAI_INSTANCE_IDX - which instance of sai, 0+ # $1 - background fixture name, unique within test space, like "multipostlocalsrv" # $2 - executable # $3+ - args echo "$0 $1 $2 $3 $4" >> /tmp/ctklog J=`basename $2`.$1.$SAI_INSTANCE_IDX PI=`cat /tmp/sai-ctest-$J` echo "Stage 1 kill $J 'kill $PI'" >> /tmp/ctklog # # We expect our background process to still be around # set +e set +E kill -0 $PI 2>&1 >> /tmp/ctklog GONESKI=$? if [ $GONESKI -eq 0 ] ; then kill $PI 2>&1 >> /tmp/ctklog kill -9 $PI 2>&1 >> /tmp/ctklog kill -0 $PI 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then # # but in case it isn't enough, use ps to find the same executable started on the same port # and kill that # A1=$3 if [ -z "$A1" ] ; then A1=$2 fi A2=$4 if [ -z "$A2" ] ; then A2=$2 fi # sed is there to match up bsd/osx ps with linux KL=`ps -Af | grep -v ctest-background-kill | grep -v grep | grep $2 | grep $A1 | grep $A2 | tr -s ' ' | sed "s/^\ //g" | cut -d' ' -f2` if [ ! -z "$KL" ] ; then echo "Stage 2 kill $J 'kill $KL'" >> /tmp/ctklog kill $KL 2>&1 >> /tmp/ctklog fi fi else echo "Process already dead" >> /tmp/ctklog fi exit $GONESKI