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Andy Green 81c221ed35 CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR add strings
This clears up a couple of issues with client connect.

 - if CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR is coming, which of the many
   ways the rejection may have happened is documented in the
   in argument.  It's still possible if it just got hung up on
   in will be NULL, but now it has MANY more canned strings
   describing the issue available at the callback

	"getaddrinfo (ipv6) failed"
	"unknown address family"
	"getaddrinfo (ipv4) failed"
	"set socket opts failed"
	"insert wsi failed"
	"lws_ssl_client_connect1 failed"
	"lws_ssl_client_connect2 failed"
	"Peer hung up"
	"read failed"
	"HS: URI missing"
	"HS: Redirect code but no Location"
	"HS: URI did not parse"
	"HS: Redirect failed"
	"HS: Server did not return 200"
	"HS: OOM"
	"HS: disallowed by client filter"
	"HS: disallowed at ESTABLISHED"
	"HS: ACCEPT missing"
	"HS: ws upgrade response not 101"
	"HS: UPGRADE missing"
	"HS: Upgrade to something other than websocket"
	"HS: CONNECTION missing"
	"HS: UPGRADE malformed"
	"HS: PROTOCOL malformed"
	"HS: Cannot match protocol"
	"HS: EXT: list too big"
	"HS: EXT: failed setting defaults"
	"HS: EXT: failed parsing defaults"
	"HS: EXT: failed parsing options"
	"HS: EXT: Rejects server options"
	"HS: EXT: unknown ext"
	"HS: Accept hash wrong"
	"HS: Rejected by filter cb"
	"HS: OOM"
	"HS: SO_SNDBUF failed"

 - until now the user code did not get the new wsi that was created
    in the client connection action until it returned.  However the
    client connection action may provoke callbacks like
    CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR before then, if multiple client connections
    are initiated it makes it unknown to user code which one the callback
    applies to.  The wsi is provided in the callback but it has not yet
    returned from the client connect api to give that wsi to the user code.

    To solve that there is a new member added to client connect info struct,
    pwsi, which lets you pass a pointer to a struct wsi * in the user code
    that will get filled in with the new wsi.  That happens before any
    callbacks could be provoked, and it is updated to NULL if the connect
    action fails before returning from the client connect api.
2016-07-14 08:57:27 +08:00

168 lines
12 KiB

\subsection*{Data Structures}
struct \hyperlink{structlws__client__connect__info}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info}
L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN struct lws $\ast$ \hyperlink{group__client_ga0c966136905f467816307cfba6deb5fd}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info} (struct \hyperlink{structlws__client__connect__info}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info} $\ast$ccinfo)
L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN struct lws $\ast$L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+U\+N\+U\+S\+E\+D\+\_\+\+R\+E\+S\+U\+LT \hyperlink{group__client_ga4af0a20108a95e8b6d94dd4d80055ff3}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect} (struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$clients, const char $\ast$address, int port, int ssl\+\_\+connection, const char $\ast$path, const char $\ast$host, const char $\ast$origin, const char $\ast$protocol, int ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one) L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED
L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN struct lws $\ast$L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+U\+N\+U\+S\+E\+D\+\_\+\+R\+E\+S\+U\+LT \hyperlink{group__client_gac6a8558b4410961a880241c2ac1271e2}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended} (struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$clients, const char $\ast$address, int port, int ssl\+\_\+connection, const char $\ast$path, const char $\ast$host, const char $\ast$origin, const char $\ast$protocol, int ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one, void $\ast$userdata) L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED
L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN int \hyperlink{group__client_ga4f44b8230e6732816ca5cd8d1aaaf340}{lws\+\_\+init\+\_\+vhost\+\_\+client\+\_\+ssl} (const struct \hyperlink{structlws__context__creation__info}{lws\+\_\+context\+\_\+creation\+\_\+info} $\ast$info, struct lws\+\_\+vhost $\ast$vhost)
L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN int {\bfseries lws\+\_\+http\+\_\+client\+\_\+read} (struct lws $\ast$wsi, char $\ast$$\ast$buf, int $\ast$len)\hypertarget{group__client_ga4450c34200bf9dab3beb90ef23221870}{}\label{group__client_ga4450c34200bf9dab3beb90ef23221870}
\subsection{Detailed Description}
\subsubsection*{Client releated functions}
\subsection{Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect(struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$clients, const char $\ast$address, int port, int ssl\+\_\+connection, const char $\ast$path, const char $\ast$host, const char $\ast$origin, const char $\ast$protocol, int ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one) L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED}{lws\_client\_connect(struct lws\_context *clients, const char *address, int port, int ssl\_connection, const char *path, const char *host, const char *origin, const char *protocol, int ietf\_version\_or\_minus\_one) LWS\_WARN\_DEPRECATED}}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN struct lws$\ast$ L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+U\+N\+U\+S\+E\+D\+\_\+\+R\+E\+S\+U\+LT lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect (
\item[{struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$}]{clients, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{address, }
\item[{int}]{port, }
\item[{int}]{ssl\+\_\+connection, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{path, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{host, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{origin, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{protocol, }
{\ttfamily \#include $<$\hyperlink{libwebsockets_8h}{lib/libwebsockets.\+h}$>$}
\hyperlink{group__client_ga4af0a20108a95e8b6d94dd4d80055ff3}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect()} -\/ Connect to another websocket server \begin{DoxyRefDesc}{Deprecated}
\item[\hyperlink{deprecated__deprecated000002}{Deprecated}]D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED use lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info \end{DoxyRefDesc}
{\em clients} & Websocket context \\
{\em address} & Remote server address, eg, \char`\"{}myserver.\+com\char`\"{} \\
{\em port} & Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80 \\
{\em ssl\+\_\+connection} & 0 = ws\+://, 1 = wss\+:// encrypted, 2 = wss\+:// allow self signed certs \\
{\em path} & Websocket path on server \\
{\em host} & Hostname on server \\
{\em origin} & Socket origin name \\
{\em protocol} & Comma-\/separated list of protocols being asked for from the server, or just one. The server will pick the one it likes best. If you don\textquotesingle{}t want to specify a protocol, which is legal, use N\+U\+LL here. \\
{\em ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one} & -\/1 to ask to connect using the default, latest protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal\\
This function creates a connection to a remote server \index{Client@{Client}!lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended@{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended}}
\subsubsection[{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended(struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$clients, const char $\ast$address, int port, int ssl\+\_\+connection, const char $\ast$path, const char $\ast$host, const char $\ast$origin, const char $\ast$protocol, int ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one, void $\ast$userdata) L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED}{lws\_client\_connect\_extended(struct lws\_context *clients, const char *address, int port, int ssl\_connection, const char *path, const char *host, const char *origin, const char *protocol, int ietf\_version\_or\_minus\_one, void *userdata) LWS\_WARN\_DEPRECATED}}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN struct lws$\ast$ L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+W\+A\+R\+N\+\_\+\+U\+N\+U\+S\+E\+D\+\_\+\+R\+E\+S\+U\+LT lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended (
\item[{struct lws\+\_\+context $\ast$}]{clients, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{address, }
\item[{int}]{port, }
\item[{int}]{ssl\+\_\+connection, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{path, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{host, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{origin, }
\item[{const char $\ast$}]{protocol, }
\item[{int}]{ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one, }
\item[{void $\ast$}]{userdata}
{\ttfamily \#include $<$\hyperlink{libwebsockets_8h}{lib/libwebsockets.\+h}$>$}
\hyperlink{group__client_gac6a8558b4410961a880241c2ac1271e2}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+extended()} -\/ Connect to another websocket server \begin{DoxyRefDesc}{Deprecated}
\item[\hyperlink{deprecated__deprecated000003}{Deprecated}]D\+E\+P\+R\+E\+C\+A\+T\+ED use lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info \end{DoxyRefDesc}
{\em clients} & Websocket context \\
{\em address} & Remote server address, eg, \char`\"{}myserver.\+com\char`\"{} \\
{\em port} & Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80 \\
{\em ssl\+\_\+connection} & 0 = ws\+://, 1 = wss\+:// encrypted, 2 = wss\+:// allow self signed certs \\
{\em path} & Websocket path on server \\
{\em host} & Hostname on server \\
{\em origin} & Socket origin name \\
{\em protocol} & Comma-\/separated list of protocols being asked for from the server, or just one. The server will pick the one it likes best. \\
{\em ietf\+\_\+version\+\_\+or\+\_\+minus\+\_\+one} & -\/1 to ask to connect using the default, latest protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal \\
{\em userdata} & Pre-\/allocated user data \begin{DoxyVerb} This function creates a connection to a remote server\end{DoxyVerb}
\subsubsection[{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info(struct lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info $\ast$ccinfo)}{lws\_client\_connect\_via\_info(struct lws\_client\_connect\_info *ccinfo)}}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN struct lws$\ast$ lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info (
\item[{struct {\bf lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info} $\ast$}]{ccinfo}
{\ttfamily \#include $<$\hyperlink{libwebsockets_8h}{lib/libwebsockets.\+h}$>$}
\hyperlink{group__client_ga0c966136905f467816307cfba6deb5fd}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+via\+\_\+info()} -\/ Connect to another websocket server
{\em ccinfo} & pointer to \hyperlink{structlws__client__connect__info}{lws\+\_\+client\+\_\+connect\+\_\+info} struct \begin{DoxyVerb} This function creates a connection to a remote server using the
information provided in ccinfo.\end{DoxyVerb}
\subsubsection[{\texorpdfstring{lws\+\_\+init\+\_\+vhost\+\_\+client\+\_\+ssl(const struct lws\+\_\+context\+\_\+creation\+\_\+info $\ast$info, struct lws\+\_\+vhost $\ast$vhost)}{lws\_init\_vhost\_client\_ssl(const struct lws\_context\_creation\_info *info, struct lws\_vhost *vhost)}}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+V\+I\+S\+I\+B\+LE L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+E\+X\+T\+E\+RN int lws\+\_\+init\+\_\+vhost\+\_\+client\+\_\+ssl (
\item[{const struct {\bf lws\+\_\+context\+\_\+creation\+\_\+info} $\ast$}]{info, }
\item[{struct lws\+\_\+vhost $\ast$}]{vhost}
{\ttfamily \#include $<$\hyperlink{libwebsockets_8h}{lib/libwebsockets.\+h}$>$}
\hyperlink{group__client_ga4f44b8230e6732816ca5cd8d1aaaf340}{lws\+\_\+init\+\_\+vhost\+\_\+client\+\_\+ssl()} -\/ also enable client S\+SL on an existing vhost
{\em info} & client ssl related info \\
{\em vhost} & which vhost to initialize client ssl operations on\\
You only need to call this if you plan on using S\+SL client connections on the vhost. For non-\/\+S\+SL client connections, it\textquotesingle{}s not necessary to call this.
The following members of info are used during the call \begin{DoxyVerb} - options must have LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DO_SSL_GLOBAL_INIT set,
otherwise the call does nothing
- provided_client_ssl_ctx must be NULL to get a generated client
ssl context, otherwise you can pass a prepared one in by setting it
- ssl_cipher_list may be NULL or set to the client valid cipher list
- ssl_ca_filepath may be NULL or client cert filepath
- ssl_cert_filepath may be NULL or client cert filepath
- ssl_private_key_filepath may be NULL or client cert private key
You must create your vhost explicitly if you want to use this, so you have a pointer to the vhost. Create the context first with the option flag L\+W\+S\+\_\+\+S\+E\+R\+V\+E\+R\+\_\+\+O\+P\+T\+I\+O\+N\+\_\+\+E\+X\+P\+L\+I\+C\+I\+T\+\_\+\+V\+H\+O\+S\+TS and then call \hyperlink{group__context-and-vhost_ga0c54c667ccd9b8b3dddcd123ca72f87c}{lws\+\_\+create\+\_\+vhost()} with the same info struct.