minimal-http-server-basicauth |
Shows how to protect a mount using a password file and basic auth |
minimal-http-server-dynamic |
Serves both static and dynamically generated http content |
minimal-http-server-form-get |
Process a GET form |
minimal-http-server-form-post-file |
Process a multipart POST form with file transfer |
minimal-http-server-form-post |
Process a POST form (no file transfer) |
minimal-http-server-libuv-foreign |
Same as minimal-http-server but lws uses a foreign libuv event loop |
minimal-http-server-libuv |
Same as minimal-http-server but lws uses its own libuv event loop |
minimal-http-server-multivhost |
Same as minimal-http-server but three different vhosts |
minimal-http-server-smp |
Multiple service threads |
minimal-http-server-sse-ring |
Server Side Events with ringbuffer and threaded event sources |
minimal-http-server-sse |
Simple Server Side Events |
minimal-http-server-tls |
Serves a directory over http/1 or http/2 with TLS (SSL), custom 404 handler |
minimal-http-server |
Serves a directory over http/1, custom 404 handler |