Userstring`option:"user" help:"specify the SMB user for NTLM authentication."`
Passwordoptions.SecretString`option:"password" help:"specify the SMB password for NTLM authentication."`
Domainstring`option:"domain" help:"specify the domain for authentication."`
Layoutstring`option:"layout" help:"use this backend directory layout (default: auto-detect)"`
Connectionsuint`option:"connections" help:"set a limit for the number of concurrent operations (default: 2)"`
IdleTimeouttime.Duration`option:"idle-timeout" help:"Max time in seconds before closing idle connections. If no connections have been returned to the connection pool in the time given, the connection pool will be emptied. Set to 0 to keep connections indefinitely.(default: 60)"`
RequireMessageSigningbool`option:"require-message-signing" help:"Mandates message signing otherwise does not allow the connection. If this is false, messaging signing is just enabled and not enforced. (default: false)"`
Dialectuint16`option:"dialect" help:"Force a specific dialect to be used. SMB311:785, SMB302:770, SMB300:768, SMB210:528, SMB202:514, SMB2:767. If unspecfied (0), following dialects are tried in order - SMB311, SMB302, SMB300, SMB210, SMB202 (default: 0)"`
ClientGuidstring`option:"client-guid" help:"A 16-byte GUID to uniquely identify a client. If not specific a random GUID is used. (default: \"\")"`