diff --git a/changelog/unreleased/issue-1605 b/changelog/unreleased/issue-1605
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc78a6d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/unreleased/issue-1605
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Enhancement: Concurrent restore
+This change significantly improves restore performance, especially
+when using high-latency remote repositories like B2.
+The implementation now uses several concurrent threads to download and process
+multiple remote files concurrently. To further reduce restore time, each remote
+file is downloaded using a single repository request.
diff --git a/cmd/restic/cmd_restore.go b/cmd/restic/cmd_restore.go
index 4bf59c06f..477192eab 100644
--- a/cmd/restic/cmd_restore.go
+++ b/cmd/restic/cmd_restore.go
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ func runRestore(opts RestoreOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
 	totalErrors := 0
-	res.Error = func(dir string, node *restic.Node, err error) error {
-		Warnf("ignoring error for %s: %s\n", dir, err)
+	res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
+		Warnf("ignoring error for %s: %s\n", location, err)
 		return nil
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index d2e323005..936375e55 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ require (
 	github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0 // indirect
 	github.com/google/go-cmp v0.2.0
 	github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20180825215210-0210a2f0f73c // indirect
+	github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.0
 	github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 // indirect
 	github.com/jtolds/gls v4.2.1+incompatible // indirect
 	github.com/juju/ratelimit v1.0.1
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 40d16e72c..e49fc4ca5 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ github.com/google/go-cmp v0.2.0 h1:+dTQ8DZQJz0Mb/HjFlkptS1FeQ4cWSnN941F8aEG4SQ=
 github.com/google/go-cmp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:oXzfMopK8JAjlY9xF4vHSVASa0yLyX7SntLO5aqRK0M=
 github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20180825215210-0210a2f0f73c h1:16eHWuMGvCjSfgRJKqIzapE78onvvTbdi1rMkU00lZw=
 github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20180825215210-0210a2f0f73c/go.mod h1:wJfORRmW1u3UXTncJ5qlYoELFm8eSnnEO6hX4iZ3EWY=
+github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.0 h1:CL2msUPvZTLb5O648aiLNJw3hnBxN2+1Jq8rCOH9wdo=
+github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.0/go.mod h1:/m3WP610KZHVQ1SGc6re/UDhFvYD7pJ4Ao+sR/qLZy8=
 github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 h1:Z8tu5sraLXCXIcARxBp/8cbvlwVa7Z1NHg9XEKhtSvM=
 github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0/go.mod h1:PxqpIevigyE2G7u3NXJIT2ANytuPF1OarO4DADm73n8=
 github.com/jtolds/gls v4.2.1+incompatible h1:fSuqC+Gmlu6l/ZYAoZzx2pyucC8Xza35fpRVWLVmUEE=
diff --git a/internal/restic/node.go b/internal/restic/node.go
index c8b089791..638306eac 100644
--- a/internal/restic/node.go
+++ b/internal/restic/node.go
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func (node Node) GetExtendedAttribute(a string) []byte {
 // CreateAt creates the node at the given path but does NOT restore node meta data.
-func (node *Node) CreateAt(ctx context.Context, path string, repo Repository, idx *HardlinkIndex) error {
+func (node *Node) CreateAt(ctx context.Context, path string, repo Repository) error {
 	debug.Log("create node %v at %v", node.Name, path)
 	switch node.Type {
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ func (node *Node) CreateAt(ctx context.Context, path string, repo Repository, id
 			return err
 	case "file":
-		if err := node.createFileAt(ctx, path, repo, idx); err != nil {
+		if err := node.createFileAt(ctx, path, repo); err != nil {
 			return err
 	case "symlink":
@@ -259,18 +259,7 @@ func (node Node) createDirAt(path string) error {
 	return nil
-func (node Node) createFileAt(ctx context.Context, path string, repo Repository, idx *HardlinkIndex) error {
-	if node.Links > 1 && idx.Has(node.Inode, node.DeviceID) {
-		if err := fs.Remove(path); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
-			return errors.Wrap(err, "RemoveCreateHardlink")
-		}
-		err := fs.Link(idx.GetFilename(node.Inode, node.DeviceID), path)
-		if err != nil {
-			return errors.Wrap(err, "CreateHardlink")
-		}
-		return nil
-	}
+func (node Node) createFileAt(ctx context.Context, path string, repo Repository) error {
 	f, err := fs.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
 	if err != nil {
 		return errors.Wrap(err, "OpenFile")
@@ -287,10 +276,6 @@ func (node Node) createFileAt(ctx context.Context, path string, repo Repository,
 		return errors.Wrap(closeErr, "Close")
-	if node.Links > 1 {
-		idx.Add(node.Inode, node.DeviceID, path)
-	}
 	return nil
diff --git a/internal/restic/node_test.go b/internal/restic/node_test.go
index e262a36c6..f12353a0a 100644
--- a/internal/restic/node_test.go
+++ b/internal/restic/node_test.go
@@ -177,11 +177,9 @@ func TestNodeRestoreAt(t *testing.T) {
-	idx := restic.NewHardlinkIndex()
 	for _, test := range nodeTests {
 		nodePath := filepath.Join(tempdir, test.Name)
-		rtest.OK(t, test.CreateAt(context.TODO(), nodePath, nil, idx))
+		rtest.OK(t, test.CreateAt(context.TODO(), nodePath, nil))
 		rtest.OK(t, test.RestoreMetadata(nodePath))
 		if test.Type == "symlink" && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
diff --git a/internal/restorer/doc.go b/internal/restorer/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3583c728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Package restorer contains code to restore data from a repository.
+// The Restorer tries to keep the number of backend requests minimal. It does
+// this by downloading all required blobs of a pack file with a single backend
+// request and avoiding repeated downloads of the same pack. In addition,
+// several pack files are fetched concurrently.
+// Here is high-level pseudo-code of the how the Restorer attempts to achieve
+// these goals:
+//   while there are packs to process
+//     choose a pack to process                      [1]
+//     get the pack from the backend or cache        [2]
+//     write pack blobs to the files that need them  [3]
+//     if not all pack blobs were used
+//       cache the pack for future use               [4]
+// Pack download and processing (steps [2] - [4]) runs on multiple concurrent
+// Goroutines. The Restorer runs all steps [2]-[4] sequentially on the same
+// Goroutine.
+// Before a pack is downloaded (step [2]), the required space is "reserved" in
+// the pack cache. Actual download uses single backend request to get all
+// required pack blobs. This may download blobs that are not needed, but we
+// assume it'll still be faster than getting individual blobs.
+// Target files are written (step [3]) in the "right" order, first file blob
+// first, then second, then third and so on. Blob write order implies that some
+// pack blobs may not be immediately used, i.e. they are "out of order" for
+// their respective target files. Packs with unused blobs are cached (step
+// [4]). The cache has capacity limit and may purge packs before they are fully
+// used, in which case the purged packs will need to be re-downloaded.
+package restorer
diff --git a/internal/restorer/filepacktraverser.go b/internal/restorer/filepacktraverser.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bba61e0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/filepacktraverser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+type filePackTraverser struct {
+	lookup func(restic.ID, restic.BlobType) ([]restic.PackedBlob, bool)
+// iterates over all remaining packs of the file
+func (t *filePackTraverser) forEachFilePack(file *fileInfo, fn func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool) error {
+	if len(file.blobs) == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	getBlobPack := func(blobID restic.ID) (restic.PackedBlob, error) {
+		packs, found := t.lookup(blobID, restic.DataBlob)
+		if !found {
+			return restic.PackedBlob{}, errors.Errorf("Unknown blob %s", blobID.String())
+		}
+		// TODO which pack to use if multiple packs have the blob?
+		// MUST return the same pack for the same blob during the same execution
+		return packs[0], nil
+	}
+	var prevPackID restic.ID
+	var prevPackBlobs []restic.Blob
+	packIdx := 0
+	for _, blobID := range file.blobs {
+		packedBlob, err := getBlobPack(blobID)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if !prevPackID.IsNull() && prevPackID != packedBlob.PackID {
+			if !fn(packIdx, prevPackID, prevPackBlobs) {
+				return nil
+			}
+			packIdx++
+		}
+		if prevPackID != packedBlob.PackID {
+			prevPackID = packedBlob.PackID
+			prevPackBlobs = make([]restic.Blob, 0)
+		}
+		prevPackBlobs = append(prevPackBlobs, packedBlob.Blob)
+	}
+	if len(prevPackBlobs) > 0 {
+		fn(packIdx, prevPackID, prevPackBlobs)
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/internal/restorer/filerestorer.go b/internal/restorer/filerestorer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4baf9b567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/filerestorer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"io"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/crypto"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/debug"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+// TODO if a blob is corrupt, there may be good blob copies in other packs
+// TODO evaluate if it makes sense to split download and processing workers
+//      pro: can (slowly) read network and decrypt/write files concurrently
+//      con: each worker needs to keep one pack in memory
+// TODO evaluate memory footprint for larger repositories, say 10M packs/10M files
+// TODO consider replacing pack file cache with blob cache
+// TODO avoid decrypting the same blob multiple times
+// TODO evaluate disabled debug logging overhead for large repositories
+const (
+	workerCount = 8
+	// max number of open output file handles
+	filesWriterCount = 32
+	// estimated average pack size used to calculate pack cache capacity
+	averagePackSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024
+	// pack cache capacity should support at least one cached pack per worker
+	// allow space for extra 5 packs for actual caching
+	packCacheCapacity = (workerCount + 5) * averagePackSize
+// information about regular file being restored
+type fileInfo struct {
+	location string      // file on local filesystem relative to restorer basedir
+	blobs    []restic.ID // remaining blobs of the file
+// information about a data pack required to restore one or more files
+type packInfo struct {
+	// the pack id
+	id restic.ID
+	// set of files that use blobs from this pack
+	files map[*fileInfo]struct{}
+	// number of other packs that must be downloaded before all blobs in this pack can be used
+	cost int
+	// used by packHeap
+	index int
+// fileRestorer restores set of files
+type fileRestorer struct {
+	key        *crypto.Key
+	idx        filePackTraverser
+	packLoader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error
+	packCache   *packCache   // pack cache
+	filesWriter *filesWriter // file write
+	dst   string
+	files []*fileInfo
+func newFileRestorer(dst string, packLoader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error, key *crypto.Key, idx filePackTraverser) *fileRestorer {
+	return &fileRestorer{
+		packLoader:  packLoader,
+		key:         key,
+		idx:         idx,
+		filesWriter: newFilesWriter(filesWriterCount),
+		packCache:   newPackCache(packCacheCapacity),
+		dst:         dst,
+	}
+func (r *fileRestorer) addFile(location string, content restic.IDs) {
+	r.files = append(r.files, &fileInfo{location: location, blobs: content})
+func (r *fileRestorer) targetPath(location string) string {
+	return filepath.Join(r.dst, location)
+// used to pass information among workers (wish golang channels allowed multivalues)
+type processingInfo struct {
+	pack  *packInfo
+	files map[*fileInfo]error
+func (r *fileRestorer) restoreFiles(ctx context.Context, onError func(path string, err error)) error {
+	// TODO conditionally enable when debug log is on
+	// for _, file := range r.files {
+	// 	dbgmsg := file.location + ": "
+	// 	r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
+	// 		if packIdx > 0 {
+	// 			dbgmsg += ", "
+	// 		}
+	// 		dbgmsg += "pack{id=" + packID.Str() + ", blobs: "
+	// 		for blobIdx, blob := range packBlobs {
+	// 			if blobIdx > 0 {
+	// 				dbgmsg += ", "
+	// 			}
+	// 			dbgmsg += blob.ID.Str()
+	// 		}
+	// 		dbgmsg += "}"
+	// 		return true // keep going
+	// 	})
+	// 	debug.Log(dbgmsg)
+	// }
+	inprogress := make(map[*fileInfo]struct{})
+	queue, err := newPackQueue(r.idx, r.files, func(files map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool {
+		for file := range files {
+			if _, found := inprogress[file]; found {
+				return true
+			}
+		}
+		return false
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// workers
+	downloadCh := make(chan processingInfo)
+	feedbackCh := make(chan processingInfo)
+	defer close(downloadCh)
+	defer close(feedbackCh)
+	worker := func() {
+		for {
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				return
+			case request, ok := <-downloadCh:
+				if !ok {
+					return // channel closed
+				}
+				rd, err := r.downloadPack(ctx, request.pack)
+				if err == nil {
+					r.processPack(ctx, request, rd)
+				} else {
+					// mark all files as failed
+					for file := range request.files {
+						request.files[file] = err
+					}
+				}
+				feedbackCh <- request
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
+		go worker()
+	}
+	processFeedback := func(pack *packInfo, ferrors map[*fileInfo]error) {
+		// update files blobIdx
+		// must do it here to avoid race among worker and processing feedback threads
+		var success []*fileInfo
+		var failure []*fileInfo
+		for file, ferr := range ferrors {
+			target := r.targetPath(file.location)
+			if ferr != nil {
+				onError(file.location, ferr)
+				r.filesWriter.close(target)
+				delete(inprogress, file)
+				failure = append(failure, file)
+			} else {
+				r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
+					file.blobs = file.blobs[len(packBlobs):]
+					return false // only interesed in the first pack
+				})
+				if len(file.blobs) == 0 {
+					r.filesWriter.close(target)
+					delete(inprogress, file)
+				}
+				success = append(success, file)
+			}
+		}
+		// update the queue and requeueu the pack as necessary
+		if !queue.requeuePack(pack, success, failure) {
+			r.packCache.remove(pack.id)
+			debug.Log("Purged used up pack %s from pack cache", pack.id.Str())
+		}
+	}
+	// the main restore loop
+	for !queue.isEmpty() {
+		debug.Log("-----------------------------------")
+		pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+		if pack != nil {
+			ferrors := make(map[*fileInfo]error)
+			for _, file := range files {
+				ferrors[file] = nil
+				inprogress[file] = struct{}{}
+			}
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				return ctx.Err()
+			case downloadCh <- processingInfo{pack: pack, files: ferrors}:
+				debug.Log("Scheduled download pack %s (%d files)", pack.id.Str(), len(files))
+			case feedback := <-feedbackCh:
+				queue.requeuePack(pack, []*fileInfo{}, []*fileInfo{}) // didn't use the pack during this iteration
+				processFeedback(feedback.pack, feedback.files)
+			}
+		} else {
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				return ctx.Err()
+			case feedback := <-feedbackCh:
+				processFeedback(feedback.pack, feedback.files)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (r *fileRestorer) downloadPack(ctx context.Context, pack *packInfo) (readerAtCloser, error) {
+	const MaxInt64 = 1<<63 - 1 // odd Go does not have this predefined somewhere
+	// calculate pack byte range
+	start, end := int64(MaxInt64), int64(0)
+	for file := range pack.files {
+		r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
+			if packID.Equal(pack.id) {
+				for _, blob := range packBlobs {
+					if start > int64(blob.Offset) {
+						start = int64(blob.Offset)
+					}
+					if end < int64(blob.Offset+blob.Length) {
+						end = int64(blob.Offset + blob.Length)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return true // keep going
+		})
+	}
+	packReader, err := r.packCache.get(pack.id, start, int(end-start), func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		h := restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name: pack.id.String()}
+		return r.packLoader(ctx, h, length, offset, func(rd io.Reader) error {
+			// reset the file in case of a download retry
+			_, err := wr.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			len, err := io.Copy(wr, rd)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			if len != int64(length) {
+				return errors.Errorf("unexpected pack size: expected %d but got %d", length, len)
+			}
+			return nil
+		})
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return packReader, nil
+func (r *fileRestorer) processPack(ctx context.Context, request processingInfo, rd readerAtCloser) {
+	defer rd.Close()
+	for file := range request.files {
+		target := r.targetPath(file.location)
+		r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
+			for _, blob := range packBlobs {
+				debug.Log("Writing blob %s (%d bytes) from pack %s to %s", blob.ID.Str(), blob.Length, packID.Str(), file.location)
+				buf, err := r.loadBlob(rd, blob)
+				if err == nil {
+					err = r.filesWriter.writeToFile(target, buf)
+				}
+				if err != nil {
+					request.files[file] = err
+					break // could not restore the file
+				}
+			}
+			return false
+		})
+	}
+func (r *fileRestorer) loadBlob(rd io.ReaderAt, blob restic.Blob) ([]byte, error) {
+	// TODO reconcile with Repository#loadBlob implementation
+	buf := make([]byte, blob.Length)
+	n, err := rd.ReadAt(buf, int64(blob.Offset))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if n != int(blob.Length) {
+		return nil, errors.Errorf("error loading blob %v: wrong length returned, want %d, got %d", blob.ID.Str(), blob.Length, n)
+	}
+	// decrypt
+	nonce, ciphertext := buf[:r.key.NonceSize()], buf[r.key.NonceSize():]
+	plaintext, err := r.key.Open(ciphertext[:0], nonce, ciphertext, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, errors.Errorf("decrypting blob %v failed: %v", blob.ID, err)
+	}
+	// check hash
+	if !restic.Hash(plaintext).Equal(blob.ID) {
+		return nil, errors.Errorf("blob %v returned invalid hash", blob.ID)
+	}
+	return plaintext, nil
diff --git a/internal/restorer/filerestorer_test.go b/internal/restorer/filerestorer_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd022e9d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/filerestorer_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"context"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/crypto"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+	rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
+type TestBlob struct {
+	data string
+	pack string
+type TestFile struct {
+	name  string
+	blobs []TestBlob
+type TestRepo struct {
+	key *crypto.Key
+	// pack names and ids
+	packsNameToID map[string]restic.ID
+	packsIDToName map[restic.ID]string
+	packsIDToData map[restic.ID][]byte
+	// blobs and files
+	blobs              map[restic.ID][]restic.PackedBlob
+	files              []*fileInfo
+	filesPathToContent map[string]string
+	//
+	loader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error
+	//
+	idx filePackTraverser
+func (i *TestRepo) Lookup(blobID restic.ID, _ restic.BlobType) ([]restic.PackedBlob, bool) {
+	packs, found := i.blobs[blobID]
+	return packs, found
+func (i *TestRepo) packName(pack *packInfo) string {
+	return i.packsIDToName[pack.id]
+func (i *TestRepo) packID(name string) restic.ID {
+	return i.packsNameToID[name]
+func (i *TestRepo) pack(queue *packQueue, name string) *packInfo {
+	id := i.packsNameToID[name]
+	return queue.packs[id]
+func (i *TestRepo) fileContent(file *fileInfo) string {
+	return i.filesPathToContent[file.location]
+func newTestRepo(content []TestFile) *TestRepo {
+	type Pack struct {
+		name  string
+		data  []byte
+		blobs map[restic.ID]restic.Blob
+	}
+	packs := make(map[string]Pack)
+	key := crypto.NewRandomKey()
+	seal := func(data []byte) []byte {
+		ciphertext := restic.NewBlobBuffer(len(data))
+		ciphertext = ciphertext[:0] // truncate the slice
+		nonce := crypto.NewRandomNonce()
+		ciphertext = append(ciphertext, nonce...)
+		return key.Seal(ciphertext, nonce, data, nil)
+	}
+	filesPathToContent := make(map[string]string)
+	for _, file := range content {
+		var content string
+		for _, blob := range file.blobs {
+			content += blob.data
+			// get the pack, create as necessary
+			var pack Pack
+			var found bool
+			if pack, found = packs[blob.pack]; !found {
+				pack = Pack{name: blob.pack, blobs: make(map[restic.ID]restic.Blob)}
+			}
+			// calculate blob id and add to the pack as necessary
+			blobID := restic.Hash([]byte(blob.data))
+			if _, found := pack.blobs[blobID]; !found {
+				blobData := seal([]byte(blob.data))
+				pack.blobs[blobID] = restic.Blob{
+					Type:   restic.DataBlob,
+					ID:     blobID,
+					Length: uint(len(blobData)),
+					Offset: uint(len(pack.data)),
+				}
+				pack.data = append(pack.data, blobData...)
+			}
+			packs[blob.pack] = pack
+		}
+		filesPathToContent[file.name] = content
+	}
+	blobs := make(map[restic.ID][]restic.PackedBlob)
+	packsIDToName := make(map[restic.ID]string)
+	packsIDToData := make(map[restic.ID][]byte)
+	packsNameToID := make(map[string]restic.ID)
+	for _, pack := range packs {
+		packID := restic.Hash(pack.data)
+		packsIDToName[packID] = pack.name
+		packsIDToData[packID] = pack.data
+		packsNameToID[pack.name] = packID
+		for blobID, blob := range pack.blobs {
+			blobs[blobID] = append(blobs[blobID], restic.PackedBlob{Blob: blob, PackID: packID})
+		}
+	}
+	var files []*fileInfo
+	for _, file := range content {
+		content := restic.IDs{}
+		for _, blob := range file.blobs {
+			content = append(content, restic.Hash([]byte(blob.data)))
+		}
+		files = append(files, &fileInfo{location: file.name, blobs: content})
+	}
+	repo := &TestRepo{
+		key:                key,
+		packsIDToName:      packsIDToName,
+		packsIDToData:      packsIDToData,
+		packsNameToID:      packsNameToID,
+		blobs:              blobs,
+		files:              files,
+		filesPathToContent: filesPathToContent,
+	}
+	repo.idx = filePackTraverser{lookup: repo.Lookup}
+	repo.loader = func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error {
+		packID, err := restic.ParseID(h.Name)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		rd := bytes.NewReader(repo.packsIDToData[packID][int(offset) : int(offset)+length])
+		return fn(rd)
+	}
+	return repo
+func restoreAndVerify(t *testing.T, tempdir string, content []TestFile) {
+	repo := newTestRepo(content)
+	r := newFileRestorer(tempdir, repo.loader, repo.key, repo.idx)
+	r.files = repo.files
+	r.restoreFiles(context.TODO(), func(path string, err error) {
+		rtest.OK(t, errors.Wrapf(err, "unexpected error"))
+	})
+	for _, file := range repo.files {
+		target := r.targetPath(file.location)
+		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(target)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Errorf("unable to read file %v: %v", file.location, err)
+			continue
+		}
+		rtest.Equals(t, false, r.filesWriter.writers.Contains(target))
+		content := repo.fileContent(file)
+		if !bytes.Equal(data, []byte(content)) {
+			t.Errorf("file %v has wrong content: want %q, got %q", file.location, content, data)
+		}
+	}
+	rtest.OK(t, nil)
+func TestFileRestorerBasic(t *testing.T) {
+	tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
+	defer cleanup()
+	restoreAndVerify(t, tempdir, []TestFile{
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file1",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data1-1", "pack1-1"},
+				TestBlob{"data1-2", "pack1-2"},
+			},
+		},
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file2",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data2-1", "pack2-1"},
+				TestBlob{"data2-2", "pack2-2"},
+			},
+		},
+	})
diff --git a/internal/restorer/fileswriter.go b/internal/restorer/fileswriter.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af7ea8428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/fileswriter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"sync"
+	"github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/debug"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
+type filesWriter struct {
+	lock       sync.Mutex          // guards concurrent access
+	inprogress map[string]struct{} // (logically) opened file writers
+	writers    simplelru.LRUCache  // key: string, value: *os.File
+func newFilesWriter(count int) *filesWriter {
+	writers, _ := simplelru.NewLRU(count, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
+		value.(*os.File).Close()
+		debug.Log("Closed and purged cached writer for %v", key)
+	})
+	return &filesWriter{inprogress: make(map[string]struct{}), writers: writers}
+func (w *filesWriter) writeToFile(path string, buf []byte) error {
+	acquireWriter := func() (io.Writer, error) {
+		w.lock.Lock()
+		defer w.lock.Unlock()
+		if wr, ok := w.writers.Get(path); ok {
+			debug.Log("Used cached writer for %s", path)
+			return wr.(*os.File), nil
+		}
+		var flags int
+		if _, append := w.inprogress[path]; append {
+			flags = os.O_APPEND | os.O_WRONLY
+		} else {
+			w.inprogress[path] = struct{}{}
+			flags = os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY
+		}
+		wr, err := os.OpenFile(path, flags, 0600)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		w.writers.Add(path, wr)
+		debug.Log("Opened and cached writer for %s", path)
+		return wr, nil
+	}
+	wr, err := acquireWriter()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	n, err := wr.Write(buf)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if n != len(buf) {
+		return errors.Errorf("error writing file %v: wrong length written, want %d, got %d", path, len(buf), n)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (w *filesWriter) close(path string) {
+	w.lock.Lock()
+	defer w.lock.Unlock()
+	w.writers.Remove(path)
+	delete(w.inprogress, path)
diff --git a/internal/restorer/fileswriter_test.go b/internal/restorer/fileswriter_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45c2a88fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/fileswriter_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"testing"
+	rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
+func TestFilesWriterBasic(t *testing.T) {
+	dir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
+	defer cleanup()
+	w := newFilesWriter(1)
+	f1 := dir + "/f1"
+	f2 := dir + "/f2"
+	rtest.OK(t, w.writeToFile(f1, []byte{1}))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, w.writers.Len())
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(w.inprogress))
+	rtest.OK(t, w.writeToFile(f2, []byte{2}))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, w.writers.Len())
+	rtest.Equals(t, 2, len(w.inprogress))
+	rtest.OK(t, w.writeToFile(f1, []byte{1}))
+	w.close(f1)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, w.writers.Len())
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(w.inprogress))
+	rtest.OK(t, w.writeToFile(f2, []byte{2}))
+	w.close(f2)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, w.writers.Len())
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, len(w.inprogress))
+	buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f1)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, []byte{1, 1}, buf)
+	buf, err = ioutil.ReadFile(f2)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, []byte{2, 2}, buf)
diff --git a/internal/restorer/packcache.go b/internal/restorer/packcache.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1eaad63bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/packcache.go
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"io"
+	"sync"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/debug"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+// packCache is thread safe in-memory cache of pack files required to restore
+// one or more files. The cache is meant to hold pack files that cannot be
+// fully used right away. This happens when pack files contains blobs from
+// "head" of some files and "middle" of other files. "Middle" blobs cannot be
+// written to their files until after blobs from some other packs are written
+// to the files first.
+// While the cache is thread safe, implementation assumes (and enforces)
+// that individual entries are used by one client at a time. Clients must
+// #Close() entry's reader to make the entry available for use by other
+// clients. This limitation can be relaxed in the future if necessary.
+type packCache struct {
+	// guards access to cache internal data structures
+	lock sync.Mutex
+	// cache capacity
+	capacity          int
+	reservedCapacity  int
+	allocatedCapacity int
+	// pack records currently being used by active restore worker
+	reservedPacks map[restic.ID]*packCacheRecord
+	// unused allocated packs, can be deleted if necessary
+	cachedPacks map[restic.ID]*packCacheRecord
+type packCacheRecord struct {
+	master *packCacheRecord
+	cache  *packCache
+	id     restic.ID // cached pack id
+	offset int64     // cached pack byte range
+	data []byte
+type readerAtCloser interface {
+	io.Closer
+	io.ReaderAt
+type bytesWriteSeeker struct {
+	pos  int
+	data []byte
+func (wr *bytesWriteSeeker) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	if wr.pos+len(p) > len(wr.data) {
+		return -1, errors.Errorf("not enough space")
+	}
+	n = copy(wr.data[wr.pos:], p)
+	wr.pos += n
+	return n, nil
+func (wr *bytesWriteSeeker) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
+	if offset != 0 || whence != io.SeekStart {
+		return -1, errors.Errorf("unsupported seek request")
+	}
+	wr.pos = 0
+	return 0, nil
+func newPackCache(capacity int) *packCache {
+	return &packCache{
+		capacity:      capacity,
+		reservedPacks: make(map[restic.ID]*packCacheRecord),
+		cachedPacks:   make(map[restic.ID]*packCacheRecord),
+	}
+func (c *packCache) reserve(packID restic.ID, offset int64, length int) (record *packCacheRecord, err error) {
+	c.lock.Lock()
+	defer c.lock.Unlock()
+	if offset < 0 || length <= 0 {
+		return nil, errors.Errorf("illegal pack cache allocation range %s {offset: %d, length: %d}", packID.Str(), offset, length)
+	}
+	if c.reservedCapacity+length > c.capacity {
+		return nil, errors.Errorf("not enough cache capacity: requested %d, available %d", length, c.capacity-c.reservedCapacity)
+	}
+	if _, ok := c.reservedPacks[packID]; ok {
+		return nil, errors.Errorf("pack is already reserved %s", packID.Str())
+	}
+	// the pack is available in the cache and currently unused
+	if pack, ok := c.cachedPacks[packID]; ok {
+		// check if cached pack includes requested byte range
+		// the range can shrink, but it never grows bigger unless there is a bug elsewhere
+		if pack.offset > offset || (pack.offset+int64(len(pack.data))) < (offset+int64(length)) {
+			return nil, errors.Errorf("cached range %d-%d is smaller than requested range %d-%d for pack %s", pack.offset, pack.offset+int64(len(pack.data)), length, offset+int64(length), packID.Str())
+		}
+		// move the pack to the used map
+		delete(c.cachedPacks, packID)
+		c.reservedPacks[packID] = pack
+		c.reservedCapacity += len(pack.data)
+		debug.Log("Using cached pack %s (%d bytes)", pack.id.Str(), len(pack.data))
+		if pack.offset != offset || len(pack.data) != length {
+			// restrict returned record to requested range
+			return &packCacheRecord{
+				cache:  c,
+				master: pack,
+				offset: offset,
+				data:   pack.data[int(offset-pack.offset) : int(offset-pack.offset)+length],
+			}, nil
+		}
+		return pack, nil
+	}
+	for c.allocatedCapacity+length > c.capacity {
+		// all cached packs will be needed at some point
+		// so it does not matter which one to purge
+		for _, cached := range c.cachedPacks {
+			delete(c.cachedPacks, cached.id)
+			c.allocatedCapacity -= len(cached.data)
+			debug.Log("dropped cached pack %s (%d bytes)", cached.id.Str(), len(cached.data))
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	pack := &packCacheRecord{
+		cache:  c,
+		id:     packID,
+		offset: offset,
+	}
+	c.reservedPacks[pack.id] = pack
+	c.allocatedCapacity += length
+	c.reservedCapacity += length
+	return pack, nil
+// get returns reader of the specified cached pack. Uses provided load func
+// to download pack content if necessary.
+// The returned reader is only able to read pack within byte range specified
+// by offset and length parameters, attempts to read outside that range will
+// result in an error.
+// The returned reader must be closed before the same packID can be requested
+// from the cache again.
+func (c *packCache) get(packID restic.ID, offset int64, length int, load func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error) (readerAtCloser, error) {
+	pack, err := c.reserve(packID, offset, length)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if pack.data == nil {
+		releasePack := func() {
+			delete(c.reservedPacks, pack.id)
+			c.reservedCapacity -= length
+			c.allocatedCapacity -= length
+		}
+		wr := &bytesWriteSeeker{data: make([]byte, length)}
+		err = load(offset, length, wr)
+		if err != nil {
+			releasePack()
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if wr.pos != length {
+			releasePack()
+			return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid read size")
+		}
+		pack.data = wr.data
+		debug.Log("Downloaded and cached pack %s (%d bytes)", pack.id.Str(), len(pack.data))
+	}
+	return pack, nil
+// releases the pack record back to the cache
+func (c *packCache) release(pack *packCacheRecord) error {
+	c.lock.Lock()
+	defer c.lock.Unlock()
+	if _, ok := c.reservedPacks[pack.id]; !ok {
+		return errors.Errorf("invalid pack release request")
+	}
+	delete(c.reservedPacks, pack.id)
+	c.cachedPacks[pack.id] = pack
+	c.reservedCapacity -= len(pack.data)
+	return nil
+// remove removes specified pack from the cache and frees
+// corresponding cache space. should be called after the pack
+// was fully used up by the restorer.
+func (c *packCache) remove(packID restic.ID) error {
+	c.lock.Lock()
+	defer c.lock.Unlock()
+	if _, ok := c.reservedPacks[packID]; ok {
+		return errors.Errorf("invalid pack remove request, pack %s is reserved", packID.Str())
+	}
+	pack, ok := c.cachedPacks[packID]
+	if !ok {
+		return errors.Errorf("invalid pack remove request, pack %s is not cached", packID.Str())
+	}
+	delete(c.cachedPacks, pack.id)
+	c.allocatedCapacity -= len(pack.data)
+	return nil
+// ReadAt reads len(b) bytes from the pack starting at byte offset off.
+// It returns the number of bytes read and the error, if any.
+func (r *packCacheRecord) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
+	if off < r.offset || off+int64(len(b)) > r.offset+int64(len(r.data)) {
+		return -1, errors.Errorf("read outside available range")
+	}
+	return copy(b, r.data[off-r.offset:]), nil
+// Close closes the pack reader and releases corresponding cache record
+// to the cache. Once closed, the record can be reused by subsequent
+// requests for the same packID or it can be purged from the cache to make
+// room for other packs
+func (r *packCacheRecord) Close() (err error) {
+	if r.master != nil {
+		return r.cache.release(r.master)
+	}
+	return r.cache.release(r)
diff --git a/internal/restorer/packcache_test.go b/internal/restorer/packcache_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a5f18cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/packcache_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"io"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/errors"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+	rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
+func assertNotOK(t *testing.T, msg string, err error) {
+	rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, msg+" did not fail")
+func TestBytesWriterSeeker(t *testing.T) {
+	wr := &bytesWriteSeeker{data: make([]byte, 10)}
+	n, err := wr.Write([]byte{1, 2})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 2, n)
+	rtest.Equals(t, []byte{1, 2}, wr.data[0:2])
+	n64, err := wr.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, int64(0), n64)
+	n, err = wr.Write([]byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 5, n)
+	n, err = wr.Write([]byte{5, 6, 7, 8, 9})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 5, n)
+	rtest.Equals(t, []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, wr.data)
+	// negative tests
+	_, err = wr.Write([]byte{1})
+	assertNotOK(t, "write overflow", err)
+	_, err = wr.Seek(1, io.SeekStart)
+	assertNotOK(t, "unsupported seek", err)
+func TestPackCacheBasic(t *testing.T) {
+	assertReader := func(expected []byte, offset int64, rd io.ReaderAt) {
+		actual := make([]byte, len(expected))
+		rd.ReadAt(actual, offset)
+		rtest.Equals(t, expected, actual)
+	}
+	c := newPackCache(10)
+	id := restic.NewRandomID()
+	// load pack to the cache
+	rd, err := c.get(id, 10, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		rtest.Equals(t, int64(10), offset)
+		rtest.Equals(t, 5, length)
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	assertReader([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 10, rd)
+	// must close pack reader before can request it again
+	_, err = c.get(id, 10, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected cache load call")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "double-reservation", err)
+	// close the pack reader and get it from cache
+	rd.Close()
+	rd, err = c.get(id, 10, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected cache load call")
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	assertReader([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 10, rd)
+	// close the pack reader and remove the pack from cache, assert the pack is loaded on request
+	rd.Close()
+	c.remove(id)
+	rd, err = c.get(id, 10, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		rtest.Equals(t, int64(10), offset)
+		rtest.Equals(t, 5, length)
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	assertReader([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 10, rd)
+func TestPackCacheInvalidRange(t *testing.T) {
+	c := newPackCache(10)
+	id := restic.NewRandomID()
+	_, err := c.get(id, -1, 1, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected cache load call")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "negative offset request", err)
+	_, err = c.get(id, 0, 0, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected cache load call")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "zero length request", err)
+	_, err = c.get(id, 0, -1, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected cache load call")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "negative length", err)
+func TestPackCacheCapacity(t *testing.T) {
+	c := newPackCache(10)
+	id1, id2, id3 := restic.NewRandomID(), restic.NewRandomID(), restic.NewRandomID()
+	// load and reserve pack1
+	rd1, err := c.get(id1, 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// load and reserve pack2
+	_, err = c.get(id2, 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// can't load pack3 because not enough space in the cache
+	_, err = c.get(id3, 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected cache load call")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "request over capacity", err)
+	// release pack1 and try again
+	rd1.Close()
+	rd3, err := c.get(id3, 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// release pack3 and load pack1 (should not come from cache)
+	rd3.Close()
+	loaded := false
+	rd1, err = c.get(id1, 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		loaded = true
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, loaded)
+func TestPackCacheDownsizeRecord(t *testing.T) {
+	c := newPackCache(10)
+	id := restic.NewRandomID()
+	// get bigger range first
+	rd, err := c.get(id, 5, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rd.Close()
+	// invalid "resize" requests
+	_, err = c.get(id, 5, 10, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "resize cached record", err)
+	// invalid before cached range request
+	_, err = c.get(id, 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "before cached range request", err)
+	// invalid after cached range request
+	_, err = c.get(id, 10, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "after cached range request", err)
+	// now get smaller "nested" range
+	rd, err = c.get(id, 7, 1, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// assert expected data
+	buf := make([]byte, 1)
+	rd.ReadAt(buf, 7)
+	rtest.Equals(t, byte(3), buf[0])
+	_, err = rd.ReadAt(buf, 0)
+	assertNotOK(t, "read before downsized pack range", err)
+	_, err = rd.ReadAt(buf, 9)
+	assertNotOK(t, "read after downsized pack range", err)
+	// can't request downsized record again
+	_, err = c.get(id, 7, 1, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "double-allocation of cache record subrange", err)
+	// can't request another subrange of the original record
+	_, err = c.get(id, 6, 1, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "allocation of another subrange of cache record", err)
+	// release downsized record and assert the original is back in the cache
+	rd.Close()
+	rd, err = c.get(id, 5, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		t.Error("unexpected pack load")
+		return nil
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rd.Close()
+func TestPackCacheFailedDownload(t *testing.T) {
+	c := newPackCache(10)
+	assertEmpty := func() {
+		rtest.Equals(t, 0, len(c.cachedPacks))
+		rtest.Equals(t, 10, c.capacity)
+		rtest.Equals(t, 0, c.reservedCapacity)
+		rtest.Equals(t, 0, c.allocatedCapacity)
+	}
+	_, err := c.get(restic.NewRandomID(), 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		return errors.Errorf("expected induced test error")
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "not enough bytes read", err)
+	assertEmpty()
+	_, err = c.get(restic.NewRandomID(), 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1})
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "not enough bytes read", err)
+	assertEmpty()
+	_, err = c.get(restic.NewRandomID(), 0, 5, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "too many bytes read", err)
+	assertEmpty()
+func TestPackCacheInvalidRequests(t *testing.T) {
+	c := newPackCache(10)
+	id := restic.NewRandomID()
+	//
+	rd, _ := c.get(id, 0, 1, func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
+		wr.Write([]byte{1})
+		return nil
+	})
+	assertNotOK(t, "remove() reserved pack", c.remove(id))
+	rtest.OK(t, rd.Close())
+	assertNotOK(t, "multiple reader Close() calls)", rd.Close())
+	//
+	rtest.OK(t, c.remove(id))
+	assertNotOK(t, "double remove() the same pack", c.remove(id))
+func TestPackCacheRecord(t *testing.T) {
+	rd := &packCacheRecord{
+		offset: 10,
+		data:   []byte{1},
+	}
+	buf := make([]byte, 1)
+	n, err := rd.ReadAt(buf, 10)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, n)
+	rtest.Equals(t, byte(1), buf[0])
+	_, err = rd.ReadAt(buf, 0)
+	assertNotOK(t, "read before loaded range", err)
+	_, err = rd.ReadAt(buf, 11)
+	assertNotOK(t, "read after loaded range", err)
+	_, err = rd.ReadAt(make([]byte, 2), 10)
+	assertNotOK(t, "read more than available data", err)
diff --git a/internal/restorer/packheap.go b/internal/restorer/packheap.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f8443d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/packheap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package restorer
+// packHeap is a heap of packInfo references
+// @see https://golang.org/pkg/container/heap/
+// @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure)
+type packHeap struct {
+	elements []*packInfo
+	// returns true if download of any of the files is in progress
+	inprogress func(files map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool
+func (pq *packHeap) Len() int { return len(pq.elements) }
+func (pq *packHeap) Less(a, b int) bool {
+	packA, packB := pq.elements[a], pq.elements[b]
+	ap := pq.inprogress(packA.files)
+	bp := pq.inprogress(packB.files)
+	if ap && !bp {
+		return true
+	}
+	if packA.cost < packB.cost {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (pq *packHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
+	pq.elements[i], pq.elements[j] = pq.elements[j], pq.elements[i]
+	pq.elements[i].index = i
+	pq.elements[j].index = j
+func (pq *packHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
+	n := len(pq.elements)
+	item := x.(*packInfo)
+	item.index = n
+	pq.elements = append(pq.elements, item)
+func (pq *packHeap) Pop() interface{} {
+	old := pq.elements
+	n := len(old)
+	item := old[n-1]
+	item.index = -1 // for safety
+	pq.elements = old[0 : n-1]
+	return item
diff --git a/internal/restorer/packqueue.go b/internal/restorer/packqueue.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe8259846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/packqueue.go
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"container/heap"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/debug"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+// packQueue tracks remaining file contents restore work and decides what pack
+// to download and files to write next.
+// The packs in the queue can be in one of three states: waiting, ready and
+// in-progress.
+// Waiting packs are the packs that only have blobs from the "middle" of their
+// corresponding files and therefore cannot be used until blobs from some other
+// packs are written to the files first.
+// In-progress packs are the packs that were removed from the queue by #nextPack
+// and must be first returned to the queue before they are considered again.
+// Ready packs are the packs can be immediately used to restore at least one
+// file. Internally ready packs are kept in a heap and are ordered according
+// to these criteria:
+// - Packs with "head" blobs of in-progress files are considered first. The
+//   idea is to complete restore of in-progress files before starting restore
+//   of other files. This is both more intuitive and also reduces number of
+//   open file handles needed during restore.
+// - Packs with smallest cost are considered next. Pack cost is measured in
+//   number of other packs required before all blobs in the pack can be used
+//   and the pack can be removed from the pack cache.
+//   For example, consisder a file that requires two blobs, blob1 from pack1
+//   and blob2 from pack2. The cost of pack2 is 1, because blob2 cannot be
+//   used before blob1 is available. The higher the cost, the longer the pack
+//   must be cached locally to avoid redownload.
+// Pack queue implementation is NOT thread safe. All pack queue methods must
+// be called from single gorouting AND packInfo and fileInfo instances must
+// be updated synchronously from the same gorouting.
+type packQueue struct {
+	idx filePackTraverser
+	packs      map[restic.ID]*packInfo // waiting and ready packs
+	inprogress map[*packInfo]struct{}  // inprogress packs
+	heap *packHeap // heap of ready packs
+func newPackQueue(idx filePackTraverser, files []*fileInfo, inprogress func(files map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool) (*packQueue, error) {
+	packs := make(map[restic.ID]*packInfo) // all packs
+	// create packInfo from fileInfo
+	for _, file := range files {
+		err := idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, _ []restic.Blob) bool {
+			pack, ok := packs[packID]
+			if !ok {
+				pack = &packInfo{
+					id:    packID,
+					index: -1,
+					files: make(map[*fileInfo]struct{}),
+				}
+				packs[packID] = pack
+			}
+			pack.files[file] = struct{}{}
+			pack.cost += packIdx
+			return true // keep going
+		})
+		if err != nil {
+			// repository index is messed up, can't do anything
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	// create packInfo heap
+	pheap := &packHeap{inprogress: inprogress}
+	headPacks := restic.NewIDSet()
+	for _, file := range files {
+		idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, _ []restic.Blob) bool {
+			if !headPacks.Has(packID) {
+				headPacks.Insert(packID)
+				pack := packs[packID]
+				pack.index = len(pheap.elements)
+				pheap.elements = append(pheap.elements, pack)
+			}
+			return false // only first pack
+		})
+	}
+	heap.Init(pheap)
+	return &packQueue{idx: idx, packs: packs, heap: pheap, inprogress: make(map[*packInfo]struct{})}, nil
+// isEmpty returns true if the queue is empty, i.e. there are no more packs to
+// download and files to write to.
+func (h *packQueue) isEmpty() bool {
+	return len(h.packs) == 0 && len(h.inprogress) == 0
+// nextPack returns next ready pack and corresponding files ready for download
+// and processing. The returned pack and the files are marked as "in progress"
+// internally and must  be first returned to the queue before they are
+// considered by #nextPack again.
+func (h *packQueue) nextPack() (*packInfo, []*fileInfo) {
+	debug.Log("Ready packs %d, outstanding packs %d, inprogress packs %d", h.heap.Len(), len(h.packs), len(h.inprogress))
+	if h.heap.Len() == 0 {
+		return nil, nil
+	}
+	pack := heap.Pop(h.heap).(*packInfo)
+	h.inprogress[pack] = struct{}{}
+	debug.Log("Popped pack %s (%d files), heap size=%d", pack.id.Str(), len(pack.files), len(h.heap.elements))
+	var files []*fileInfo
+	for file := range pack.files {
+		h.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
+			debug.Log("Pack #%d %s (%d blobs) used by %s", packIdx, packID.Str(), len(packBlobs), file.location)
+			if pack.id == packID {
+				files = append(files, file)
+			}
+			return false // only interested in the fist pack here
+		})
+	}
+	return pack, files
+// requeuePack conditionally adds back to the queue pack previously returned by
+// #nextPack.
+// If the pack is needed to restore any incomplete files, adds the pack to the
+// queue and adjusts order of all affected packs in the queue. Has no effect
+// if the pack is not required to restore any files.
+// Returns true if the pack was added to the queue, false otherwise.
+func (h *packQueue) requeuePack(pack *packInfo, success []*fileInfo, failure []*fileInfo) bool {
+	debug.Log("Requeue pack %s (%d/%d/%d files/success/failure)", pack.id.Str(), len(pack.files), len(success), len(failure))
+	// maintain inprogress pack set
+	delete(h.inprogress, pack)
+	affectedPacks := make(map[*packInfo]struct{})
+	affectedPacks[pack] = struct{}{} // this pack is alwats affected
+	// apply download success/failure to the packs
+	onFailure := func(file *fileInfo) {
+		h.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packInx int, packID restic.ID, _ []restic.Blob) bool {
+			pack := h.packs[packID]
+			delete(pack.files, file)
+			pack.cost -= packInx
+			affectedPacks[pack] = struct{}{}
+			return true // keep going
+		})
+	}
+	for _, file := range failure {
+		onFailure(file)
+	}
+	onSuccess := func(pack *packInfo, file *fileInfo) {
+		remove := true
+		h.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, _ []restic.Blob) bool {
+			if packID.Equal(pack.id) {
+				// the pack has more blobs required by the file
+				remove = false
+			}
+			otherPack := h.packs[packID]
+			otherPack.cost--
+			affectedPacks[otherPack] = struct{}{}
+			return true // keep going
+		})
+		if remove {
+			delete(pack.files, file)
+		}
+	}
+	for _, file := range success {
+		onSuccess(pack, file)
+	}
+	// drop/update affected packs
+	isReady := func(affectedPack *packInfo) (ready bool) {
+		for file := range affectedPack.files {
+			h.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, _ []restic.Blob) bool {
+				if packID.Equal(affectedPack.id) {
+					ready = true
+				}
+				return false // only file's first pack matters
+			})
+			if ready {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		return ready
+	}
+	for affectedPack := range affectedPacks {
+		if _, inprogress := h.inprogress[affectedPack]; !inprogress {
+			if len(affectedPack.files) == 0 {
+				// drop the pack if it isn't inprogress and has no files that need it
+				if affectedPack.index >= 0 {
+					// This can't happen unless there is a bug elsewhere:
+					// - "current" pack isn't in the heap, hence its index must be < 0
+					// - "other" packs can't be ready (i.e. in heap) unless they have other files
+					//   in which case len(affectedPack.files) must be > 0
+					debug.Log("corrupted ready heap: removed unexpected ready pack %s", affectedPack.id.Str())
+					heap.Remove(h.heap, affectedPack.index)
+				}
+				delete(h.packs, affectedPack.id)
+			} else {
+				ready := isReady(affectedPack)
+				switch {
+				case ready && affectedPack.index < 0:
+					heap.Push(h.heap, affectedPack)
+				case ready && affectedPack.index >= 0:
+					heap.Fix(h.heap, affectedPack.index)
+				case !ready && affectedPack.index >= 0:
+					// This can't happen unless there is a bug elsewhere:
+					// - "current" pack isn't in the heap, hence its index must be < 0
+					// - "other" packs can't have same head blobs as the "current" pack,
+					//   hence "other" packs can't change their readiness
+					debug.Log("corrupted ready heap: removed unexpected waiting pack %s", affectedPack.id.Str())
+					heap.Remove(h.heap, affectedPack.index)
+				case !ready && affectedPack.index < 0:
+					// do nothing
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return len(pack.files) > 0
diff --git a/internal/restorer/packqueue_test.go b/internal/restorer/packqueue_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..880f7037a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/packqueue_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+package restorer
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+	rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
+func processPack(t *testing.T, data *TestRepo, pack *packInfo, files []*fileInfo) {
+	for _, file := range files {
+		data.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
+			// assert file's head pack
+			rtest.Equals(t, pack.id, packID)
+			file.blobs = file.blobs[len(packBlobs):]
+			return false // only interested in the head pack
+		})
+	}
+func TestPackQueueBasic(t *testing.T) {
+	data := newTestRepo([]TestFile{
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data1", "pack1"},
+				TestBlob{"data2", "pack2"},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	queue, err := newPackQueue(data.idx, data.files, func(_ map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool { return false })
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// assert initial queue state
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.isEmpty())
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, queue.packs[data.packID("pack1")].cost)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, queue.packs[data.packID("pack2")].cost)
+	// get first pack
+	pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack1", data.packName(pack))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(files))
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.isEmpty())
+	// TODO assert pack is inprogress
+	// can't process the second pack until the first one is processed
+	{
+		pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+		rtest.Equals(t, true, pack == nil)
+		rtest.Equals(t, true, files == nil)
+		rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.isEmpty())
+	}
+	// requeue the pack without processing
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, queue.requeuePack(pack, []*fileInfo{}, []*fileInfo{}))
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.isEmpty())
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, queue.packs[data.packID("pack1")].cost)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, queue.packs[data.packID("pack2")].cost)
+	// get the first pack again
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack1", data.packName(pack))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(files))
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.isEmpty())
+	// process the first pack and return it to the queue
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, queue.packs[data.packID("pack2")].cost)
+	// get the second pack
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack2", data.packName(pack))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(files))
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.isEmpty())
+	// process the second pack and return it to the queue
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+	// all packs processed
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, queue.isEmpty())
+func TestPackQueueFailedFile(t *testing.T) {
+	// point of this test is to assert that enqueuePack removes
+	// all references to files that failed restore
+	data := newTestRepo([]TestFile{
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data1", "pack1"},
+				TestBlob{"data2", "pack2"},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	queue, err := newPackQueue(data.idx, data.files, func(_ map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool { return false })
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.requeuePack(pack, []*fileInfo{}, files /*failed*/))
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, queue.isEmpty())
+func TestPackQueueOrderingCost(t *testing.T) {
+	// assert pack1 is selected before pack2:
+	// pack1 is ready to restore file1, pack2 is ready to restore file2
+	// but pack2 cannot be immediately used to restore file1
+	data := newTestRepo([]TestFile{
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file1",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data1", "pack1"},
+				TestBlob{"data2", "pack2"},
+			},
+		},
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file2",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data2", "pack2"},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	queue, err := newPackQueue(data.idx, data.files, func(_ map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool { return false })
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// assert initial pack costs
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, data.pack(queue, "pack1").cost)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 0, data.pack(queue, "pack1").index) // head of the heap
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, data.pack(queue, "pack2").cost)
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, data.pack(queue, "pack2").index)
+	pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+	// assert selected pack and queue state
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack1", data.packName(pack))
+	// process the pack
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+func TestPackQueueOrderingInprogress(t *testing.T) {
+	// finish restoring one file before starting another
+	data := newTestRepo([]TestFile{
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file1",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data1-1", "pack1-1"},
+				TestBlob{"data1-2", "pack1-2"},
+			},
+		},
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file2",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data2-1", "pack2-1"},
+				TestBlob{"data2-2", "pack2-2"},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	var inprogress *fileInfo
+	queue, err := newPackQueue(data.idx, data.files, func(files map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool {
+		_, found := files[inprogress]
+		return found
+	})
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	// first pack of a file
+	pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(files))
+	file := files[0]
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	inprogress = files[0]
+	queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{})
+	// second pack of the same file
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(files))
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, file == files[0]) // same file as before
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	inprogress = nil
+	queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{})
+	// first pack of the second file
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(files))
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, file == files[0]) // different file as before
+func TestPackQueuePackMultiuse(t *testing.T) {
+	// the same pack is required multiple times to restore the same file
+	data := newTestRepo([]TestFile{
+		TestFile{
+			name: "file",
+			blobs: []TestBlob{
+				TestBlob{"data1", "pack1"},
+				TestBlob{"data2", "pack2"},
+				TestBlob{"data3", "pack1"}, // pack1 reuse, new blob
+				TestBlob{"data2", "pack2"}, // pack2 reuse, same blob
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	queue, err := newPackQueue(data.idx, data.files, func(_ map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool { return false })
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	pack, files := queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack1", data.packName(pack))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(pack.files))
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack2", data.packName(pack))
+	rtest.Equals(t, 1, len(pack.files))
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack1", data.packName(pack))
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+	pack, files = queue.nextPack()
+	rtest.Equals(t, "pack2", data.packName(pack))
+	processPack(t, data, pack, files)
+	rtest.Equals(t, false, queue.requeuePack(pack, files, []*fileInfo{}))
+	rtest.Equals(t, true, queue.isEmpty())
diff --git a/internal/restorer/restorer.go b/internal/restorer/restorer.go
index 73e844ac0..b6fb2b60e 100644
--- a/internal/restorer/restorer.go
+++ b/internal/restorer/restorer.go
@@ -18,16 +18,17 @@ type Restorer struct {
 	repo restic.Repository
 	sn   *restic.Snapshot
-	Error        func(dir string, node *restic.Node, err error) error
+	Error        func(location string, err error) error
 	SelectFilter func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool)
-var restorerAbortOnAllErrors = func(str string, node *restic.Node, err error) error { return err }
+var restorerAbortOnAllErrors = func(location string, err error) error { return err }
 // NewRestorer creates a restorer preloaded with the content from the snapshot id.
 func NewRestorer(repo restic.Repository, id restic.ID) (*Restorer, error) {
 	r := &Restorer{
-		repo: repo, Error: restorerAbortOnAllErrors,
+		repo:         repo,
+		Error:        restorerAbortOnAllErrors,
 		SelectFilter: func(string, string, *restic.Node) (bool, bool) { return true, true },
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ func (res *Restorer) traverseTree(ctx context.Context, target, location string,
 	tree, err := res.repo.LoadTree(ctx, treeID)
 	if err != nil {
 		debug.Log("error loading tree %v: %v", treeID, err)
-		return res.Error(location, nil, err)
+		return res.Error(location, err)
 	for _, node := range tree.Nodes {
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ func (res *Restorer) traverseTree(ctx context.Context, target, location string,
 		nodeName := filepath.Base(filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), node.Name))
 		if nodeName != node.Name {
 			debug.Log("node %q has invalid name %q", node.Name, nodeName)
-			err := res.Error(location, node, errors.New("node has invalid name"))
+			err := res.Error(location, errors.Errorf("invalid child node name %s", node.Name))
 			if err != nil {
 				return err
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ func (res *Restorer) traverseTree(ctx context.Context, target, location string,
 		if target == nodeTarget || !fs.HasPathPrefix(target, nodeTarget) {
 			debug.Log("target: %v %v", target, nodeTarget)
 			debug.Log("node %q has invalid target path %q", node.Name, nodeTarget)
-			err := res.Error(nodeLocation, node, errors.New("node has invalid path"))
+			err := res.Error(nodeLocation, errors.New("node has invalid path"))
 			if err != nil {
 				return err
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ func (res *Restorer) traverseTree(ctx context.Context, target, location string,
 		sanitizeError := func(err error) error {
 			if err != nil {
-				err = res.Error(nodeTarget, node, err)
+				err = res.Error(nodeLocation, err)
 			return err
@@ -139,10 +140,10 @@ func (res *Restorer) traverseTree(ctx context.Context, target, location string,
 	return nil
-func (res *Restorer) restoreNodeTo(ctx context.Context, node *restic.Node, target, location string, idx *restic.HardlinkIndex) error {
+func (res *Restorer) restoreNodeTo(ctx context.Context, node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
 	debug.Log("restoreNode %v %v %v", node.Name, target, location)
-	err := node.CreateAt(ctx, target, res.repo, idx)
+	err := node.CreateAt(ctx, target, res.repo)
 	if err != nil {
 		debug.Log("node.CreateAt(%s) error %v", target, err)
@@ -162,6 +163,31 @@ func (res *Restorer) restoreNodeMetadataTo(node *restic.Node, target, location s
 	return err
+func (res *Restorer) restoreHardlinkAt(node *restic.Node, target, path, location string) error {
+	if err := fs.Remove(path); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
+		return errors.Wrap(err, "RemoveCreateHardlink")
+	}
+	err := fs.Link(target, path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrap(err, "CreateHardlink")
+	}
+	// TODO investigate if hardlinks have separate metadata on any supported system
+	return res.restoreNodeMetadataTo(node, path, location)
+func (res *Restorer) restoreEmptyFileAt(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
+	wr, err := os.OpenFile(target, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = wr.Close()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return res.restoreNodeMetadataTo(node, target, location)
 // RestoreTo creates the directories and files in the snapshot below dst.
 // Before an item is created, res.Filter is called.
 func (res *Restorer) RestoreTo(ctx context.Context, dst string) error {
@@ -173,35 +199,84 @@ func (res *Restorer) RestoreTo(ctx context.Context, dst string) error {
-	// make sure the target directory exists
-	err = fs.MkdirAll(dst, 0777) // umask takes care of dir permissions
-	if err != nil {
-		return errors.Wrap(err, "MkdirAll")
+	restoreNodeMetadata := func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
+		return res.restoreNodeMetadataTo(node, target, location)
+	noop := func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error { return nil }
 	idx := restic.NewHardlinkIndex()
-	return res.traverseTree(ctx, dst, string(filepath.Separator), *res.sn.Tree, treeVisitor{
+	filerestorer := newFileRestorer(dst, res.repo.Backend().Load, res.repo.Key(), filePackTraverser{lookup: res.repo.Index().Lookup})
+	// first tree pass: create directories and collect all files to restore
+	err = res.traverseTree(ctx, dst, string(filepath.Separator), *res.sn.Tree, treeVisitor{
 		enterDir: func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
 			// create dir with default permissions
 			// #leaveDir restores dir metadata after visiting all children
 			return fs.MkdirAll(target, 0700)
 		visitNode: func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
 			// create parent dir with default permissions
-			// #leaveDir restores dir metadata after visiting all children
+			// second pass #leaveDir restores dir metadata after visiting/restoring all children
 			err := fs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(target), 0700)
 			if err != nil {
 				return err
-			return res.restoreNodeTo(ctx, node, target, location, idx)
+			if node.Type != "file" {
+				return nil
+			}
+			if node.Size == 0 {
+				return nil // deal with empty files later
+			}
+			if node.Links > 1 {
+				if idx.Has(node.Inode, node.DeviceID) {
+					return nil
+				}
+				idx.Add(node.Inode, node.DeviceID, location)
+			}
+			filerestorer.addFile(location, node.Content)
+			return nil
-		leaveDir: func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
-			// Restore directory permissions and timestamp at the end. If we did it earlier
-			// - children restore could fail because of restictive directory permission
-			// - children restore could overwrite the timestamp of the directory they are in
+		leaveDir: noop,
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = filerestorer.restoreFiles(ctx, func(location string, err error) { res.Error(location, err) })
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// second tree pass: restore special files and filesystem metadata
+	return res.traverseTree(ctx, dst, string(filepath.Separator), *res.sn.Tree, treeVisitor{
+		enterDir: noop,
+		visitNode: func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
+			if node.Type != "file" {
+				return res.restoreNodeTo(ctx, node, target, location)
+			}
+			// create empty files, but not hardlinks to empty files
+			if node.Size == 0 && (node.Links < 2 || !idx.Has(node.Inode, node.DeviceID)) {
+				if node.Links > 1 {
+					idx.Add(node.Inode, node.DeviceID, location)
+				}
+				return res.restoreEmptyFileAt(node, target, location)
+			}
+			if idx.Has(node.Inode, node.DeviceID) && idx.GetFilename(node.Inode, node.DeviceID) != location {
+				return res.restoreHardlinkAt(node, filerestorer.targetPath(idx.GetFilename(node.Inode, node.DeviceID)), target, location)
+			}
 			return res.restoreNodeMetadataTo(node, target, location)
+		leaveDir: restoreNodeMetadata,
diff --git a/internal/restorer/restorer_test.go b/internal/restorer/restorer_test.go
index c5fdd6cb8..70136bfe3 100644
--- a/internal/restorer/restorer_test.go
+++ b/internal/restorer/restorer_test.go
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ type Snapshot struct {
 type File struct {
-	Data string
+	Data  string
+	Links uint64
+	Inode uint64
 type Dir struct {
@@ -44,26 +46,40 @@ func saveFile(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, node File) restic.ID {
 	return id
-func saveDir(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, nodes map[string]Node) restic.ID {
+func saveDir(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, nodes map[string]Node, inode uint64) restic.ID {
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
 	defer cancel()
 	tree := &restic.Tree{}
 	for name, n := range nodes {
-		var id restic.ID
+		inode++
 		switch node := n.(type) {
 		case File:
-			id = saveFile(t, repo, node)
+			fi := n.(File).Inode
+			if fi == 0 {
+				fi = inode
+			}
+			lc := n.(File).Links
+			if lc == 0 {
+				lc = 1
+			}
+			fc := []restic.ID{}
+			if len(n.(File).Data) > 0 {
+				fc = append(fc, saveFile(t, repo, node))
+			}
 				Type:    "file",
 				Mode:    0644,
 				Name:    name,
 				UID:     uint32(os.Getuid()),
 				GID:     uint32(os.Getgid()),
-				Content: []restic.ID{id},
+				Content: fc,
+				Size:    uint64(len(n.(File).Data)),
+				Inode:   fi,
+				Links:   lc,
 		case Dir:
-			id = saveDir(t, repo, node.Nodes)
+			id := saveDir(t, repo, node.Nodes, inode)
 			mode := node.Mode
 			if mode == 0 {
@@ -95,7 +111,7 @@ func saveSnapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, snapshot Snapshot) (*res
 	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
 	defer cancel()
-	treeID := saveDir(t, repo, snapshot.Nodes)
+	treeID := saveDir(t, repo, snapshot.Nodes, 1000)
 	err := repo.Flush(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -131,18 +147,18 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 	var tests = []struct {
 		Files      map[string]string
-		ErrorsMust map[string]string
-		ErrorsMay  map[string]string
+		ErrorsMust map[string]map[string]struct{}
+		ErrorsMay  map[string]map[string]struct{}
 		Select     func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool)
 		// valid test cases
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					"foo": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 					"dirtest": Dir{
 						Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
@@ -155,13 +171,13 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					"top": File{"toplevel file"},
+					"top": File{Data: "toplevel file"},
 					"dir": Dir{
 						Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"file in dir"},
+							"file": File{Data: "file in dir"},
 							"subdir": Dir{
 								Nodes: map[string]Node{
-									"file": File{"file in subdir"},
+									"file": File{Data: "file in subdir"},
@@ -180,7 +196,7 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 					"dir": Dir{
 						Mode: 0444,
-					"file": File{"top-level file"},
+					"file": File{Data: "top-level file"},
 			Files: map[string]string{
@@ -193,7 +209,7 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 					"dir": Dir{
 						Mode: 0555,
 						Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"file in dir"},
+							"file": File{Data: "file in dir"},
@@ -205,7 +221,7 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					"topfile": File{"top-level file"},
+					"topfile": File{Data: "top-level file"},
 			Files: map[string]string{
@@ -217,7 +233,7 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
 					"dir": Dir{
 						Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
@@ -242,40 +258,44 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					`..\test`:                      File{"foo\n"},
-					`..\..\foo\..\bar\..\xx\test2`: File{"test2\n"},
+					`..\test`:                      File{Data: "foo\n"},
+					`..\..\foo\..\bar\..\xx\test2`: File{Data: "test2\n"},
-			ErrorsMay: map[string]string{
-				`/#..\test`:                      "node has invalid name",
-				`/#..\..\foo\..\bar\..\xx\test2`: "node has invalid name",
+			ErrorsMay: map[string]map[string]struct{}{
+				`/`: {
+					`invalid child node name ..\test`:                      struct{}{},
+					`invalid child node name ..\..\foo\..\bar\..\xx\test2`: struct{}{},
+				},
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					`../test`:                      File{"foo\n"},
-					`../../foo/../bar/../xx/test2`: File{"test2\n"},
+					`../test`:                      File{Data: "foo\n"},
+					`../../foo/../bar/../xx/test2`: File{Data: "test2\n"},
-			ErrorsMay: map[string]string{
-				`/#../test`:                      "node has invalid name",
-				`/#../../foo/../bar/../xx/test2`: "node has invalid name",
+			ErrorsMay: map[string]map[string]struct{}{
+				`/`: {
+					`invalid child node name ../test`:                      struct{}{},
+					`invalid child node name ../../foo/../bar/../xx/test2`: struct{}{},
+				},
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					"top": File{"toplevel file"},
+					"top": File{Data: "toplevel file"},
 					"x": Dir{
 						Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file1": File{"file1"},
+							"file1": File{Data: "file1"},
 							"..": Dir{
 								Nodes: map[string]Node{
-									"file2": File{"file2"},
+									"file2": File{Data: "file2"},
 									"..": Dir{
 										Nodes: map[string]Node{
-											"file2": File{"file2"},
+											"file2": File{Data: "file2"},
@@ -287,8 +307,10 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 			Files: map[string]string{
 				"top": "toplevel file",
-			ErrorsMust: map[string]string{
-				`/x#..`: "node has invalid name",
+			ErrorsMust: map[string]map[string]struct{}{
+				`/x`: {
+					`invalid child node name ..`: struct{}{},
+				},
@@ -326,11 +348,14 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
 				return true, true
-			errors := make(map[string]string)
-			res.Error = func(dir string, node *restic.Node, err error) error {
-				t.Logf("restore returned error for %q in dir %v: %v", node.Name, dir, err)
-				dir = toSlash(dir)
-				errors[dir+"#"+node.Name] = err.Error()
+			errors := make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
+			res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
+				location = toSlash(location)
+				t.Logf("restore returned error for %q: %v", location, err)
+				if errors[location] == nil {
+					errors[location] = make(map[string]struct{})
+				}
+				errors[location][err.Error()] = struct{}{}
 				return nil
@@ -342,33 +367,27 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
-			for filename, errorMessage := range test.ErrorsMust {
-				msg, ok := errors[filename]
+			for location, expectedErrors := range test.ErrorsMust {
+				actualErrors, ok := errors[location]
 				if !ok {
-					t.Errorf("expected error for %v, found none", filename)
+					t.Errorf("expected error(s) for %v, found none", location)
-				if msg != "" && msg != errorMessage {
-					t.Errorf("wrong error message for %v: got %q, want %q",
-						filename, msg, errorMessage)
-				}
+				rtest.Equals(t, expectedErrors, actualErrors)
-				delete(errors, filename)
+				delete(errors, location)
-			for filename, errorMessage := range test.ErrorsMay {
-				msg, ok := errors[filename]
+			for location, expectedErrors := range test.ErrorsMay {
+				actualErrors, ok := errors[location]
 				if !ok {
-				if msg != "" && msg != errorMessage {
-					t.Errorf("wrong error message for %v: got %q, want %q",
-						filename, msg, errorMessage)
-				}
+				rtest.Equals(t, expectedErrors, actualErrors)
-				delete(errors, filename)
+				delete(errors, location)
 			for filename, err := range errors {
@@ -398,10 +417,10 @@ func TestRestorerRelative(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					"foo": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 					"dirtest": Dir{
 						Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
@@ -433,10 +452,9 @@ func TestRestorerRelative(t *testing.T) {
 			defer cleanup()
 			errors := make(map[string]string)
-			res.Error = func(dir string, node *restic.Node, err error) error {
-				t.Logf("restore returned error for %q in dir %v: %v", node.Name, dir, err)
-				dir = toSlash(dir)
-				errors[dir+"#"+node.Name] = err.Error()
+			res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
+				t.Logf("restore returned error for %q: %v", location, err)
+				errors[location] = err.Error()
 				return nil
@@ -521,12 +539,12 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
 					"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-						"otherfile": File{"x"},
+						"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
 						"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
-					"foo": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 			Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
@@ -548,12 +566,12 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
 					"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-						"otherfile": File{"x"},
+						"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
 						"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
-					"foo": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 			Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
@@ -569,11 +587,11 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
-					"aaa": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"aaa": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 					"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-						"otherfile": File{"x"},
+						"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
 						"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
@@ -594,12 +612,12 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
 					"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-						"otherfile": File{"x"},
+						"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
 						"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
-					"foo": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 			Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
@@ -623,12 +641,12 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
 			Snapshot: Snapshot{
 				Nodes: map[string]Node{
 					"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-						"otherfile": File{"x"},
+						"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
 						"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
-							"file": File{"content: file\n"},
+							"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
-					"foo": File{"content: foo\n"},
+					"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
 			Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
diff --git a/internal/restorer/restorer_unix_test.go b/internal/restorer/restorer_unix_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc80015c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/restorer/restorer_unix_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+//+build !windows
+package restorer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"syscall"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/repository"
+	"github.com/restic/restic/internal/restic"
+	rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
+func TestRestorerRestoreEmptyHardlinkedFileds(t *testing.T) {
+	repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
+	defer cleanup()
+	_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, Snapshot{
+		Nodes: map[string]Node{
+			"dirtest": Dir{
+				Nodes: map[string]Node{
+					"file1": File{Links: 2, Inode: 1},
+					"file2": File{Links: 2, Inode: 1},
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	res, err := NewRestorer(repo, id)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	res.SelectFilter = func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
+		return true, true
+	}
+	tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
+	defer cleanup()
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+	defer cancel()
+	err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	f1, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempdir, "dirtest/file1"))
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, int64(0), f1.Size())
+	s1, ok1 := f1.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	f2, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempdir, "dirtest/file2"))
+	rtest.OK(t, err)
+	rtest.Equals(t, int64(0), f2.Size())
+	s2, ok2 := f2.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if ok1 && ok2 {
+		rtest.Equals(t, s1.Ino, s2.Ino)
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be2cc4dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
+1. Definitions
+1.1. "Contributor"
+     means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
+     creation of, or owns Covered Software.
+1.2. "Contributor Version"
+     means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
+     Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
+1.3. "Contribution"
+     means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
+1.4. "Covered Software"
+     means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
+     notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
+     Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
+     thereof.
+1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
+     means
+     a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
+        Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
+     b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
+        version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of
+        a Secondary License.
+1.6. "Executable Form"
+     means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
+1.7. "Larger Work"
+     means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a
+     separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
+1.8. "License"
+     means this document.
+1.9. "Licensable"
+     means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether
+     at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the
+     rights conveyed by this License.
+1.10. "Modifications"
+     means any of the following:
+     a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
+        deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
+     b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
+1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
+      means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
+      process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
+      Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the License,
+      by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import,
+      or transfer of either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+1.12. "Secondary License"
+      means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
+      General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public
+      License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
+1.13. "Source Code Form"
+      means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
+1.14. "You" (or "Your")
+      means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
+      License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that controls, is
+      controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this
+      definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
+      the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
+      outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
+2. License Grants and Conditions
+2.1. Grants
+     Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+     non-exclusive license:
+     a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
+        Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
+        modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
+        Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
+        as part of a Larger Work; and
+     b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for
+        sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
+        Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+2.2. Effective Date
+     The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
+     become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
+     distributes such Contribution.
+2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
+     The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
+     this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
+     distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
+     Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
+     Contributor:
+     a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
+     b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
+        modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
+        Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
+        Version); or
+     c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
+        its Contributions.
+     This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
+     or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
+     the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
+2.4. Subsequent Licenses
+     No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
+     distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
+     License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
+     permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
+2.5. Representation
+     Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
+     Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to
+     grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
+2.6. Fair Use
+     This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
+     applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
+     equivalents.
+2.7. Conditions
+     Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
+     Section 2.1.
+3. Responsibilities
+3.1. Distribution of Source Form
+     All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
+     Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
+     the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
+     Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
+     License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
+     attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
+     Form.
+3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
+     If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
+     a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form,
+        as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the
+        Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by
+        reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost
+        of distribution to the recipient; and
+     b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
+        License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
+        license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the
+        recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
+3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
+     You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
+     provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
+     the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
+     Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
+     Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
+     License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
+     under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
+     the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
+     Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
+     License(s).
+3.4. Notices
+     You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
+     (including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or
+     limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the
+     Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the
+     extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
+3.5. Application of Additional Terms
+     You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
+     indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
+     Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
+     behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
+     such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
+     You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
+     liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
+     indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
+     disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
+     jurisdiction.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
+   If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
+   with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute,
+   judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of
+   this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the
+   limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be placed in a
+   text file included with all distributions of the Covered Software under
+   this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute or regulation,
+   such description must be sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary
+   skill to be able to understand it.
+5. Termination
+5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
+     fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant,
+     then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor
+     are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor
+     explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing
+     basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by
+     some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into
+     compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are
+     reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the
+     non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the first time You have
+     received notice of non-compliance with this License from such
+     Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt
+     of the notice.
+5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
+     infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
+     counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
+     directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
+     You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
+     2.1 of this License shall terminate.
+5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
+     license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
+     validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
+     termination shall survive termination.
+6. Disclaimer of Warranty
+   Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" basis,
+   without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory,
+   including, without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free
+   of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing.
+   The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software
+   is with You. Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect,
+   You (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,
+   repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential
+   part of this License. No use of  any Covered Software is authorized under
+   this License except under this disclaimer.
+7. Limitation of Liability
+   Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
+   negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
+   distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
+   direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
+   character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
+   goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+   other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been
+   informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability
+   shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from
+   such party's negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such
+   limitation. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
+   incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may
+   not apply to You.
+8. Litigation
+   Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts
+   of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of
+   business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
+   jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing
+   in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring cross-claims or
+   counter-claims.
+9. Miscellaneous
+   This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
+   matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+   unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+   necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that
+   the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not
+   be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
+10. Versions of the License
+10.1. New Versions
+      Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
+      10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
+      publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
+      distinguishing version number.
+10.2. Effect of New Versions
+      You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
+      of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
+      or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
+      steward.
+10.3. Modified Versions
+      If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
+      create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
+      modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
+      any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
+      such modified license differs from this License).
+10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
+      Licenses If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is
+      Incompatible With Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of
+      the License, the notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be
+      attached.
+Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
+      This Source Code Form is subject to the
+      terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.
+      2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
+      distributed with this file, You can
+      obtain one at
+      http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file,
+then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a
+relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a
+You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
+Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
+      This Source Code Form is "Incompatible
+      With Secondary Licenses", as defined by
+      the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5673773b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru.go
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+package simplelru
+import (
+	"container/list"
+	"errors"
+// EvictCallback is used to get a callback when a cache entry is evicted
+type EvictCallback func(key interface{}, value interface{})
+// LRU implements a non-thread safe fixed size LRU cache
+type LRU struct {
+	size      int
+	evictList *list.List
+	items     map[interface{}]*list.Element
+	onEvict   EvictCallback
+// entry is used to hold a value in the evictList
+type entry struct {
+	key   interface{}
+	value interface{}
+// NewLRU constructs an LRU of the given size
+func NewLRU(size int, onEvict EvictCallback) (*LRU, error) {
+	if size <= 0 {
+		return nil, errors.New("Must provide a positive size")
+	}
+	c := &LRU{
+		size:      size,
+		evictList: list.New(),
+		items:     make(map[interface{}]*list.Element),
+		onEvict:   onEvict,
+	}
+	return c, nil
+// Purge is used to completely clear the cache.
+func (c *LRU) Purge() {
+	for k, v := range c.items {
+		if c.onEvict != nil {
+			c.onEvict(k, v.Value.(*entry).value)
+		}
+		delete(c.items, k)
+	}
+	c.evictList.Init()
+// Add adds a value to the cache.  Returns true if an eviction occurred.
+func (c *LRU) Add(key, value interface{}) (evicted bool) {
+	// Check for existing item
+	if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+		c.evictList.MoveToFront(ent)
+		ent.Value.(*entry).value = value
+		return false
+	}
+	// Add new item
+	ent := &entry{key, value}
+	entry := c.evictList.PushFront(ent)
+	c.items[key] = entry
+	evict := c.evictList.Len() > c.size
+	// Verify size not exceeded
+	if evict {
+		c.removeOldest()
+	}
+	return evict
+// Get looks up a key's value from the cache.
+func (c *LRU) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
+	if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+		c.evictList.MoveToFront(ent)
+		return ent.Value.(*entry).value, true
+	}
+	return
+// Contains checks if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness
+// or deleting it for being stale.
+func (c *LRU) Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool) {
+	_, ok = c.items[key]
+	return ok
+// Peek returns the key value (or undefined if not found) without updating
+// the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+func (c *LRU) Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
+	var ent *list.Element
+	if ent, ok = c.items[key]; ok {
+		return ent.Value.(*entry).value, true
+	}
+	return nil, ok
+// Remove removes the provided key from the cache, returning if the
+// key was contained.
+func (c *LRU) Remove(key interface{}) (present bool) {
+	if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+		c.removeElement(ent)
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+// RemoveOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
+func (c *LRU) RemoveOldest() (key interface{}, value interface{}, ok bool) {
+	ent := c.evictList.Back()
+	if ent != nil {
+		c.removeElement(ent)
+		kv := ent.Value.(*entry)
+		return kv.key, kv.value, true
+	}
+	return nil, nil, false
+// GetOldest returns the oldest entry
+func (c *LRU) GetOldest() (key interface{}, value interface{}, ok bool) {
+	ent := c.evictList.Back()
+	if ent != nil {
+		kv := ent.Value.(*entry)
+		return kv.key, kv.value, true
+	}
+	return nil, nil, false
+// Keys returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
+func (c *LRU) Keys() []interface{} {
+	keys := make([]interface{}, len(c.items))
+	i := 0
+	for ent := c.evictList.Back(); ent != nil; ent = ent.Prev() {
+		keys[i] = ent.Value.(*entry).key
+		i++
+	}
+	return keys
+// Len returns the number of items in the cache.
+func (c *LRU) Len() int {
+	return c.evictList.Len()
+// removeOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
+func (c *LRU) removeOldest() {
+	ent := c.evictList.Back()
+	if ent != nil {
+		c.removeElement(ent)
+	}
+// removeElement is used to remove a given list element from the cache
+func (c *LRU) removeElement(e *list.Element) {
+	c.evictList.Remove(e)
+	kv := e.Value.(*entry)
+	delete(c.items, kv.key)
+	if c.onEvict != nil {
+		c.onEvict(kv.key, kv.value)
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru_interface.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru_interface.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74c707744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru/lru_interface.go
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package simplelru
+// LRUCache is the interface for simple LRU cache.
+type LRUCache interface {
+	// Adds a value to the cache, returns true if an eviction occurred and
+	// updates the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+	Add(key, value interface{}) bool
+	// Returns key's value from the cache and
+	// updates the "recently used"-ness of the key. #value, isFound
+	Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
+	// Check if a key exsists in cache without updating the recent-ness.
+	Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool)
+	// Returns key's value without updating the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+	Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
+	// Removes a key from the cache.
+	Remove(key interface{}) bool
+	// Removes the oldest entry from cache.
+	RemoveOldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)
+	// Returns the oldest entry from the cache. #key, value, isFound
+	GetOldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)
+	// Returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
+	Keys() []interface{}
+	// Returns the number of items in the cache.
+	Len() int
+	// Clear all cache entries
+	Purge()
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 436383773..aa1154aa9 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts
+# github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.0
 # github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0
 # github.com/juju/ratelimit v1.0.1