diff --git a/cmd/restic/cmd_forget.go b/cmd/restic/cmd_forget.go
index cc1b4f6d8..3154a050e 100644
--- a/cmd/restic/cmd_forget.go
+++ b/cmd/restic/cmd_forget.go
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ func init() {
 	f := cmdForget.Flags()
-	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Last, "keep-last", "l", 0, "keep the last `n` snapshots (use \"-1\" for n to keep all snapshots)")
-	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Hourly, "keep-hourly", "H", 0, "keep the last `n` hourly snapshots (use \"-1\" for n to keep all hourly snapshots)")
-	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Daily, "keep-daily", "d", 0, "keep the last `n` daily snapshots (use \"-1\" for n to keep all daily snapshots)")
-	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Weekly, "keep-weekly", "w", 0, "keep the last `n` weekly snapshots (use \"-1\" for n to keep all weekly snapshots)")
-	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Monthly, "keep-monthly", "m", 0, "keep the last `n` monthly snapshots (use \"-1\" for n to keep all monthly snapshots)")
-	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Yearly, "keep-yearly", "y", 0, "keep the last `n` yearly snapshots (use \"-1\" for n to keep all yearly snapshots)")
+	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Last, "keep-last", "l", 0, "keep the last `n` snapshots (use '-1' to keep all snapshots)")
+	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Hourly, "keep-hourly", "H", 0, "keep the last `n` hourly snapshots (use '-1' to keep all hourly snapshots)")
+	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Daily, "keep-daily", "d", 0, "keep the last `n` daily snapshots (use '-1' to keep all daily snapshots)")
+	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Weekly, "keep-weekly", "w", 0, "keep the last `n` weekly snapshots (use '-1' to keep all weekly snapshots)")
+	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Monthly, "keep-monthly", "m", 0, "keep the last `n` monthly snapshots (use '-1' to keep all monthly snapshots)")
+	f.IntVarP(&forgetOptions.Yearly, "keep-yearly", "y", 0, "keep the last `n` yearly snapshots (use '-1' to keep all yearly snapshots)")
 	f.VarP(&forgetOptions.Within, "keep-within", "", "keep snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
 	f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinHourly, "keep-within-hourly", "", "keep hourly snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")
 	f.VarP(&forgetOptions.WithinDaily, "keep-within-daily", "", "keep daily snapshots that are newer than `duration` (eg. 1y5m7d2h) relative to the latest snapshot")