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Igor Fedorenko bda8d7722e restorer: Optimize empty file restore
don't create fileInfo structs for empty files. this saves memory.
this also avoids extra serial scan of all fileInfo, which should
make restore faster and more consistent.

Signed-off-by: Igor Fedorenko <igor@ifedorenko.com>
2018-10-14 17:39:42 +02:00

696 lines
16 KiB

package restorer
import (
rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
type Node interface{}
type Snapshot struct {
Nodes map[string]Node
treeID restic.ID
type File struct {
Data string
Links uint64
Inode uint64
type Dir struct {
Nodes map[string]Node
Mode os.FileMode
func saveFile(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, node File) restic.ID {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
id, err := repo.SaveBlob(ctx, restic.DataBlob, []byte(node.Data), restic.ID{})
if err != nil {
return id
func saveDir(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, nodes map[string]Node, inode uint64) restic.ID {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
tree := &restic.Tree{}
for name, n := range nodes {
switch node := n.(type) {
case File:
fi := n.(File).Inode
if fi == 0 {
fi = inode
lc := n.(File).Links
if lc == 0 {
lc = 1
fc := []restic.ID{}
if len(n.(File).Data) > 0 {
fc = append(fc, saveFile(t, repo, node))
Type: "file",
Mode: 0644,
Name: name,
UID: uint32(os.Getuid()),
GID: uint32(os.Getgid()),
Content: fc,
Size: uint64(len(n.(File).Data)),
Inode: fi,
Links: lc,
case Dir:
id := saveDir(t, repo, node.Nodes, inode)
mode := node.Mode
if mode == 0 {
mode = 0755
Type: "dir",
Mode: mode,
Name: name,
UID: uint32(os.Getuid()),
GID: uint32(os.Getgid()),
Subtree: &id,
t.Fatalf("unknown node type %T", node)
id, err := repo.SaveTree(ctx, tree)
if err != nil {
return id
func saveSnapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, snapshot Snapshot) (*restic.Snapshot, restic.ID) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
treeID := saveDir(t, repo, snapshot.Nodes, 1000)
err := repo.Flush(ctx)
if err != nil {
err = repo.SaveIndex(ctx)
if err != nil {
sn, err := restic.NewSnapshot([]string{"test"}, nil, "", time.Now())
if err != nil {
sn.Tree = &treeID
id, err := repo.SaveJSONUnpacked(ctx, restic.SnapshotFile, sn)
if err != nil {
return sn, id
// toSlash converts the OS specific path dir to a slash-separated path.
func toSlash(dir string) string {
data := strings.Split(dir, string(filepath.Separator))
return strings.Join(data, "/")
func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
Files map[string]string
ErrorsMust map[string]map[string]struct{}
ErrorsMay map[string]map[string]struct{}
Select func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool)
// valid test cases
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
"dirtest": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
Files: map[string]string{
"foo": "content: foo\n",
"dirtest/file": "content: file\n",
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"top": File{Data: "toplevel file"},
"dir": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "file in dir"},
"subdir": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "file in subdir"},
Files: map[string]string{
"top": "toplevel file",
"dir/file": "file in dir",
"dir/subdir/file": "file in subdir",
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{
Mode: 0444,
"file": File{Data: "top-level file"},
Files: map[string]string{
"file": "top-level file",
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{
Mode: 0555,
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "file in dir"},
Files: map[string]string{
"dir/file": "file in dir",
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"topfile": File{Data: "top-level file"},
Files: map[string]string{
"topfile": "top-level file",
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
Files: map[string]string{
"dir/file": "content: file\n",
Select: func(item, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
switch item {
case filepath.FromSlash("/dir"):
childMayBeSelected = true
case filepath.FromSlash("/dir/file"):
selectedForRestore = true
childMayBeSelected = true
return selectedForRestore, childMayBeSelected
// test cases with invalid/constructed names
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
`..\test`: File{Data: "foo\n"},
`..\..\foo\..\bar\..\xx\test2`: File{Data: "test2\n"},
ErrorsMay: map[string]map[string]struct{}{
`/`: {
`invalid child node name ..\test`: struct{}{},
`invalid child node name ..\..\foo\..\bar\..\xx\test2`: struct{}{},
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
`../test`: File{Data: "foo\n"},
`../../foo/../bar/../xx/test2`: File{Data: "test2\n"},
ErrorsMay: map[string]map[string]struct{}{
`/`: {
`invalid child node name ../test`: struct{}{},
`invalid child node name ../../foo/../bar/../xx/test2`: struct{}{},
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"top": File{Data: "toplevel file"},
"x": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file1": File{Data: "file1"},
"..": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file2": File{Data: "file2"},
"..": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file2": File{Data: "file2"},
Files: map[string]string{
"top": "toplevel file",
ErrorsMust: map[string]map[string]struct{}{
`/x`: {
`invalid child node name ..`: struct{}{},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
t.Logf("snapshot saved as %v", id.Str())
res, err := NewRestorer(repo, id)
if err != nil {
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
// make sure we're creating a new subdir of the tempdir
tempdir = filepath.Join(tempdir, "target")
res.SelectFilter = func(item, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
t.Logf("restore %v to %v", item, dstpath)
if !fs.HasPathPrefix(tempdir, dstpath) {
t.Errorf("would restore %v to %v, which is not within the target dir %v",
item, dstpath, tempdir)
return false, false
if test.Select != nil {
return test.Select(item, dstpath, node)
return true, true
errors := make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
location = toSlash(location)
t.Logf("restore returned error for %q: %v", location, err)
if errors[location] == nil {
errors[location] = make(map[string]struct{})
errors[location][err.Error()] = struct{}{}
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
if err != nil {
for location, expectedErrors := range test.ErrorsMust {
actualErrors, ok := errors[location]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("expected error(s) for %v, found none", location)
rtest.Equals(t, expectedErrors, actualErrors)
delete(errors, location)
for location, expectedErrors := range test.ErrorsMay {
actualErrors, ok := errors[location]
if !ok {
rtest.Equals(t, expectedErrors, actualErrors)
delete(errors, location)
for filename, err := range errors {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %v found: %v", filename, err)
for filename, content := range test.Files {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempdir, filepath.FromSlash(filename)))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unable to read file %v: %v", filename, err)
if !bytes.Equal(data, []byte(content)) {
t.Errorf("file %v has wrong content: want %q, got %q", filename, content, data)
func TestRestorerRelative(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
Files map[string]string
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
"dirtest": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
Files: map[string]string{
"foo": "content: foo\n",
"dirtest/file": "content: file\n",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
t.Logf("snapshot saved as %v", id.Str())
res, err := NewRestorer(repo, id)
if err != nil {
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
cleanup = fs.TestChdir(t, tempdir)
defer cleanup()
errors := make(map[string]string)
res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
t.Logf("restore returned error for %q: %v", location, err)
errors[location] = err.Error()
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, "restore")
if err != nil {
for filename, err := range errors {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %v found: %v", filename, err)
for filename, content := range test.Files {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tempdir, "restore", filepath.FromSlash(filename)))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unable to read file %v: %v", filename, err)
if !bytes.Equal(data, []byte(content)) {
t.Errorf("file %v has wrong content: want %q, got %q", filename, content, data)
type TraverseTreeCheck func(testing.TB) treeVisitor
type TreeVisit struct {
funcName string // name of the function
location string // location passed to the function
func checkVisitOrder(list []TreeVisit) TraverseTreeCheck {
var pos int
return func(t testing.TB) treeVisitor {
check := func(funcName string) func(*restic.Node, string, string) error {
return func(node *restic.Node, target, location string) error {
if pos >= len(list) {
t.Errorf("step %v, %v(%v): expected no more than %d function calls", pos, funcName, location, len(list))
return nil
v := list[pos]
if v.funcName != funcName {
t.Errorf("step %v, location %v: want function %v, but %v was called",
pos, location, v.funcName, funcName)
if location != filepath.FromSlash(v.location) {
t.Errorf("step %v: want location %v, got %v", pos, list[pos].location, location)
return nil
return treeVisitor{
enterDir: check("enterDir"),
visitNode: check("visitNode"),
leaveDir: check("leaveDir"),
func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
Select func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool)
Visitor TraverseTreeCheck
// select everything
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
return true, true
Visitor: checkVisitOrder([]TreeVisit{
{"enterDir", "/dir"},
{"visitNode", "/dir/otherfile"},
{"enterDir", "/dir/subdir"},
{"visitNode", "/dir/subdir/file"},
{"leaveDir", "/dir/subdir"},
{"leaveDir", "/dir"},
{"visitNode", "/foo"},
// select only the top-level file
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
if item == "/foo" {
return true, false
return false, false
Visitor: checkVisitOrder([]TreeVisit{
{"visitNode", "/foo"},
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"aaa": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
if item == "/aaa" {
return true, false
return false, false
Visitor: checkVisitOrder([]TreeVisit{
{"visitNode", "/aaa"},
// select dir/
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(item, "/dir") {
return true, true
return false, false
Visitor: checkVisitOrder([]TreeVisit{
{"enterDir", "/dir"},
{"visitNode", "/dir/otherfile"},
{"enterDir", "/dir/subdir"},
{"visitNode", "/dir/subdir/file"},
{"leaveDir", "/dir/subdir"},
{"leaveDir", "/dir"},
// select only dir/otherfile
Snapshot: Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"otherfile": File{Data: "x"},
"subdir": Dir{Nodes: map[string]Node{
"file": File{Data: "content: file\n"},
"foo": File{Data: "content: foo\n"},
Select: func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
switch item {
case "/dir":
return false, true
case "/dir/otherfile":
return true, false
return false, false
Visitor: checkVisitOrder([]TreeVisit{
{"visitNode", "/dir/otherfile"},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
sn, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
res, err := NewRestorer(repo, id)
if err != nil {
res.SelectFilter = test.Select
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// make sure we're creating a new subdir of the tempdir
target := filepath.Join(tempdir, "target")
err = res.traverseTree(ctx, target, string(filepath.Separator), *sn.Tree, test.Visitor(t))
if err != nil {