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package main
import (
var cmdCheck = &cobra.Command{
Use: "check [flags]",
Short: "Check the repository for errors",
Long: `
The "check" command tests the repository for errors and reports any errors it
finds. It can also be used to read all data and therefore simulate a restore.
By default, the "check" command will always load all data directly from the
repository and not use a local cache.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful.
Exit status is 1 if there was any error.
Exit status is 10 if the repository does not exist.
Exit status is 11 if the repository is already locked.
Exit status is 12 if the password is incorrect.
GroupID: cmdGroupDefault,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
term, cancel := setupTermstatus()
defer cancel()
summary, err := runCheck(cmd.Context(), checkOptions, globalOptions, args, term)
if globalOptions.JSON {
if err != nil && summary.NumErrors == 0 {
summary.NumErrors = 1
return err
PreRunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
return checkFlags(checkOptions)
// CheckOptions bundles all options for the 'check' command.
type CheckOptions struct {
ReadData bool
ReadDataSubset string
CheckUnused bool
WithCache bool
var checkOptions CheckOptions
func init() {
f := cmdCheck.Flags()
f.BoolVar(&checkOptions.ReadData, "read-data", false, "read all data blobs")
f.StringVar(&checkOptions.ReadDataSubset, "read-data-subset", "", "read a `subset` of data packs, specified as 'n/t' for specific part, or either 'x%' or 'x.y%' or a size in bytes with suffixes k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T for a random subset")
var ignored bool
f.BoolVar(&ignored, "check-unused", false, "find unused blobs")
err := f.MarkDeprecated("check-unused", "`--check-unused` is deprecated and will be ignored")
if err != nil {
// MarkDeprecated only returns an error when the flag is not found
f.BoolVar(&checkOptions.WithCache, "with-cache", false, "use existing cache, only read uncached data from repository")
func checkFlags(opts CheckOptions) error {
if opts.ReadData && opts.ReadDataSubset != "" {
return errors.Fatal("check flags --read-data and --read-data-subset cannot be used together")
if opts.ReadDataSubset != "" {
dataSubset, err := stringToIntSlice(opts.ReadDataSubset)
argumentError := errors.Fatal("check flag --read-data-subset has invalid value, please see documentation")
if err == nil {
if len(dataSubset) != 2 {
return argumentError
if dataSubset[0] == 0 || dataSubset[1] == 0 || dataSubset[0] > dataSubset[1] {
return errors.Fatal("check flag --read-data-subset=n/t values must be positive integers, and n <= t, e.g. --read-data-subset=1/2")
if dataSubset[1] > totalBucketsMax {
return errors.Fatalf("check flag --read-data-subset=n/t t must be at most %d", totalBucketsMax)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(opts.ReadDataSubset, "%") {
percentage, err := parsePercentage(opts.ReadDataSubset)
if err != nil {
return argumentError
if percentage <= 0.0 || percentage > 100.0 {
return errors.Fatal(
"check flag --read-data-subset=x% x must be above 0.0% and at most 100.0%")
} else {
fileSize, err := ui.ParseBytes(opts.ReadDataSubset)
if err != nil {
return argumentError
if fileSize <= 0.0 {
return errors.Fatal(
"check flag --read-data-subset=n n must be above 0")
return nil
// See doReadData in runCheck below for why this is 256.
const totalBucketsMax = 256
// stringToIntSlice converts string to []uint, using '/' as element separator
func stringToIntSlice(param string) (split []uint, err error) {
if param == "" {
return nil, nil
parts := strings.Split(param, "/")
result := make([]uint, len(parts))
for idx, part := range parts {
uintval, err := strconv.ParseUint(part, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[idx] = uint(uintval)
return result, nil
// ParsePercentage parses a percentage string of the form "X%" where X is a float constant,
// and returns the value of that constant. It does not check the range of the value.
func parsePercentage(s string) (float64, error) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "%") {
return 0, errors.Errorf(`parsePercentage: %q does not end in "%%"`, s)
s = s[:len(s)-1]
p, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Errorf("parsePercentage: %v", err)
return p, nil
// prepareCheckCache configures a special cache directory for check.
// - if --with-cache is specified, the default cache is used
// - if the user explicitly requested --no-cache, we don't use any cache
// - if the user provides --cache-dir, we use a cache in a temporary sub-directory of the specified directory and the sub-directory is deleted after the check
// - by default, we use a cache in a temporary directory that is deleted after the check
func prepareCheckCache(opts CheckOptions, gopts *GlobalOptions, printer progress.Printer) (cleanup func()) {
cleanup = func() {}
if opts.WithCache {
// use the default cache, no setup needed
return cleanup
if gopts.NoCache {
// don't use any cache, no setup needed
return cleanup
cachedir := gopts.CacheDir
if cachedir == "" {
cachedir = cache.EnvDir()
if cachedir != "" {
// use a cache in a temporary directory
err := os.MkdirAll(cachedir, 0755)
if err != nil {
Warnf("unable to create cache directory %s, disabling cache: %v\n", cachedir, err)
gopts.NoCache = true
return cleanup
tempdir, err := os.MkdirTemp(cachedir, "restic-check-cache-")
if err != nil {
// if an error occurs, don't use any cache
printer.E("unable to create temporary directory for cache during check, disabling cache: %v\n", err)
gopts.NoCache = true
return cleanup
gopts.CacheDir = tempdir
printer.P("using temporary cache in %v\n", tempdir)
cleanup = func() {
err := os.RemoveAll(tempdir)
if err != nil {
printer.E("error removing temporary cache directory: %v\n", err)
return cleanup
func runCheck(ctx context.Context, opts CheckOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string, term *termstatus.Terminal) (checkSummary, error) {
summary := checkSummary{MessageType: "summary"}
if len(args) != 0 {
return summary, errors.Fatal("the check command expects no arguments, only options - please see `restic help check` for usage and flags")
var printer progress.Printer
if !gopts.JSON {
printer = newTerminalProgressPrinter(gopts.verbosity, term)
} else {
printer = newJSONErrorPrinter(term)
cleanup := prepareCheckCache(opts, &gopts, printer)
defer cleanup()
if !gopts.NoLock {
printer.P("create exclusive lock for repository\n")
ctx, repo, unlock, err := openWithExclusiveLock(ctx, gopts, gopts.NoLock)
if err != nil {
return summary, err
defer unlock()
chkr := checker.New(repo, opts.CheckUnused)
err = chkr.LoadSnapshots(ctx)
if err != nil {
return summary, err
printer.P("load indexes\n")
bar := newIndexTerminalProgress(gopts.Quiet, gopts.JSON, term)
hints, errs := chkr.LoadIndex(ctx, bar)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return summary, ctx.Err()
errorsFound := false
for _, hint := range hints {
switch hint.(type) {
case *checker.ErrDuplicatePacks:
summary.HintRepairIndex = true
case *checker.ErrMixedPack:
summary.HintPrune = true
printer.E("error: %v\n", hint)
errorsFound = true
if summary.HintRepairIndex {
term.Print("Duplicate packs are non-critical, you can run `restic repair index' to correct this.\n")
if summary.HintPrune {
term.Print("Mixed packs with tree and data blobs are non-critical, you can run `restic prune` to correct this.\n")
if len(errs) > 0 {
for _, err := range errs {
printer.E("error: %v\n", err)
summary.NumErrors += len(errs)
summary.HintRepairIndex = true
printer.E("\nThe repository index is damaged and must be repaired. You must run `restic repair index' to correct this.\n\n")
return summary, errors.Fatal("repository contains errors")
orphanedPacks := 0
errChan := make(chan error)
salvagePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
printer.P("check all packs\n")
go chkr.Packs(ctx, errChan)
for err := range errChan {
var packErr *checker.PackError
if errors.As(err, &packErr) {
if packErr.Orphaned {
printer.V("%v\n", err)
} else {
if packErr.Truncated {
errorsFound = true
printer.E("%v\n", err)
} else {
errorsFound = true
printer.E("%v\n", err)
if orphanedPacks > 0 {
summary.HintPrune = true
if !errorsFound {
// hide notice if repository is damaged
printer.P("%d additional files were found in the repo, which likely contain duplicate data.\nThis is non-critical, you can run `restic prune` to correct this.\n", orphanedPacks)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return summary, ctx.Err()
printer.P("check snapshots, trees and blobs\n")
errChan = make(chan error)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
bar := printer.NewCounter("snapshots")
defer bar.Done()
chkr.Structure(ctx, bar, errChan)
for err := range errChan {
errorsFound = true
if e, ok := err.(*checker.TreeError); ok {
printer.E("error for tree %v:\n", e.ID.Str())
for _, treeErr := range e.Errors {
printer.E(" %v\n", treeErr)
} else {
printer.E("error: %v\n", err)
// Wait for the progress bar to be complete before printing more below.
// Must happen after `errChan` is read from in the above loop to avoid
// deadlocking in the case of errors.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return summary, ctx.Err()
if opts.CheckUnused {
unused, err := chkr.UnusedBlobs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return summary, err
for _, id := range unused {
printer.P("unused blob %v\n", id)
errorsFound = true
doReadData := func(packs map[restic.ID]int64) {
p := printer.NewCounter("packs")
errChan := make(chan error)
go chkr.ReadPacks(ctx, packs, p, errChan)
for err := range errChan {
errorsFound = true
printer.E("%v\n", err)
if err, ok := err.(*repository.ErrPackData); ok {
switch {
case opts.ReadData:
printer.P("read all data\n")
doReadData(selectPacksByBucket(chkr.GetPacks(), 1, 1))
case opts.ReadDataSubset != "":
var packs map[restic.ID]int64
dataSubset, err := stringToIntSlice(opts.ReadDataSubset)
if err == nil {
bucket := dataSubset[0]
totalBuckets := dataSubset[1]
packs = selectPacksByBucket(chkr.GetPacks(), bucket, totalBuckets)
packCount := uint64(len(packs))
printer.P("read group #%d of %d data packs (out of total %d packs in %d groups)\n", bucket, packCount, chkr.CountPacks(), totalBuckets)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(opts.ReadDataSubset, "%") {
percentage, err := parsePercentage(opts.ReadDataSubset)
if err == nil {
packs = selectRandomPacksByPercentage(chkr.GetPacks(), percentage)
printer.P("read %.1f%% of data packs\n", percentage)
} else {
repoSize := int64(0)
allPacks := chkr.GetPacks()
for _, size := range allPacks {
repoSize += size
if repoSize == 0 {
return summary, errors.Fatal("Cannot read from a repository having size 0")
subsetSize, _ := ui.ParseBytes(opts.ReadDataSubset)
if subsetSize > repoSize {
subsetSize = repoSize
packs = selectRandomPacksByFileSize(chkr.GetPacks(), subsetSize, repoSize)
printer.P("read %d bytes of data packs\n", subsetSize)
if packs == nil {
return summary, errors.Fatal("internal error: failed to select packs to check")
if len(salvagePacks) > 0 {
printer.E("\nThe repository contains damaged pack files. These damaged files must be removed to repair the repository. This can be done using the following commands. Please read the troubleshooting guide at https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/077_troubleshooting.html first.\n\n")
for id := range salvagePacks {
summary.BrokenPacks = append(summary.BrokenPacks, id.String())
printer.E("restic repair packs %v\nrestic repair snapshots --forget\n\n", strings.Join(summary.BrokenPacks, " "))
printer.E("Damaged pack files can be caused by backend problems, hardware problems or bugs in restic. Please open an issue at https://github.com/restic/restic/issues/new/choose for further troubleshooting!\n")
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return summary, ctx.Err()
if errorsFound {
if len(salvagePacks) == 0 {
printer.E("\nThe repository is damaged and must be repaired. Please follow the troubleshooting guide at https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/077_troubleshooting.html .\n\n")
return summary, errors.Fatal("repository contains errors")
printer.P("no errors were found\n")
return summary, nil
// selectPacksByBucket selects subsets of packs by ranges of buckets.
func selectPacksByBucket(allPacks map[restic.ID]int64, bucket, totalBuckets uint) map[restic.ID]int64 {
packs := make(map[restic.ID]int64)
for pack, size := range allPacks {
// If we ever check more than the first byte
// of pack, update totalBucketsMax.
if (uint(pack[0]) % totalBuckets) == (bucket - 1) {
packs[pack] = size
return packs
// selectRandomPacksByPercentage selects the given percentage of packs which are randomly chosen.
func selectRandomPacksByPercentage(allPacks map[restic.ID]int64, percentage float64) map[restic.ID]int64 {
packCount := len(allPacks)
packsToCheck := int(float64(packCount) * (percentage / 100.0))
if packCount > 0 && packsToCheck < 1 {
packsToCheck = 1
timeNs := time.Now().UnixNano()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(timeNs))
idx := r.Perm(packCount)
var keys []restic.ID
for k := range allPacks {
keys = append(keys, k)
packs := make(map[restic.ID]int64)
for i := 0; i < packsToCheck; i++ {
id := keys[idx[i]]
packs[id] = allPacks[id]
return packs
func selectRandomPacksByFileSize(allPacks map[restic.ID]int64, subsetSize int64, repoSize int64) map[restic.ID]int64 {
subsetPercentage := (float64(subsetSize) / float64(repoSize)) * 100.0
packs := selectRandomPacksByPercentage(allPacks, subsetPercentage)
return packs
type checkSummary struct {
MessageType string `json:"message_type"` // "summary"
NumErrors int `json:"num_errors"`
BrokenPacks []string `json:"broken_packs"` // run "restic repair packs ID..." and "restic repair snapshots --forget" to remove damaged files
HintRepairIndex bool `json:"suggest_repair_index"` // run "restic repair index"
HintPrune bool `json:"suggest_prune"` // run "restic prune"
type checkError struct {
MessageType string `json:"message_type"` // "error"
Message string `json:"message"`
type jsonErrorPrinter struct {
term ui.Terminal
func newJSONErrorPrinter(term ui.Terminal) *jsonErrorPrinter {
return &jsonErrorPrinter{
term: term,
func (*jsonErrorPrinter) NewCounter(_ string) *progress.Counter {
return nil
func (p *jsonErrorPrinter) E(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
status := checkError{
MessageType: "error",
Message: fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...),
func (*jsonErrorPrinter) P(_ string, _ ...interface{}) {}
func (*jsonErrorPrinter) V(_ string, _ ...interface{}) {}
func (*jsonErrorPrinter) VV(_ string, _ ...interface{}) {}