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Michael Eischer de0162ea76 backend/retry: Overwrite failed uploads instead of deleting them
For backends which are able to atomically replace files, we just can
overwrite the old copy, if it is necessary to retry an upload. This has
the benefit of issuing one operation less and might be beneficial if a
backend storage, due to bugs or similar, could mix up the order of the
upload and delete calls.
2022-08-21 11:14:53 +02:00

164 lines
5.2 KiB

package backend
import (
// RetryBackend retries operations on the backend in case of an error with a
// backoff.
type RetryBackend struct {
MaxTries int
Report func(string, error, time.Duration)
// statically ensure that RetryBackend implements restic.Backend.
var _ restic.Backend = &RetryBackend{}
// NewRetryBackend wraps be with a backend that retries operations after a
// backoff. report is called with a description and the error, if one occurred.
func NewRetryBackend(be restic.Backend, maxTries int, report func(string, error, time.Duration)) *RetryBackend {
return &RetryBackend{
Backend: be,
MaxTries: maxTries,
Report: report,
func (be *RetryBackend) retry(ctx context.Context, msg string, f func() error) error {
// Don't do anything when called with an already cancelled context. There would be
// no retries in that case either, so be consistent and abort always.
// This enforces a strict contract for backend methods: Using a cancelled context
// will prevent any backup repository modifications. This simplifies ensuring that
// a backup repository is not modified any further after a context was cancelled.
// The 'local' backend for example does not provide this guarantee on its own.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
err := backoff.RetryNotify(f,
backoff.WithContext(backoff.WithMaxRetries(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(), uint64(be.MaxTries)), ctx),
func(err error, d time.Duration) {
if be.Report != nil {
be.Report(msg, err, d)
return err
// Save stores the data in the backend under the given handle.
func (be *RetryBackend) Save(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, rd restic.RewindReader) error {
return be.retry(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Save(%v)", h), func() error {
err := rd.Rewind()
if err != nil {
return err
err = be.Backend.Save(ctx, h, rd)
if err == nil {
return nil
if be.Backend.HasAtomicReplace() {
debug.Log("Save(%v) failed with error: %v", h, err)
// there is no need to remove files from backends which can atomically replace files
// in fact if something goes wrong at the backend side the delete operation might delete the wrong instance of the file
} else {
debug.Log("Save(%v) failed with error, removing file: %v", h, err)
rerr := be.Backend.Remove(ctx, h)
if rerr != nil {
debug.Log("Remove(%v) returned error: %v", h, err)
// return original error
return err
// Load returns a reader that yields the contents of the file at h at the
// given offset. If length is larger than zero, only a portion of the file
// is returned. rd must be closed after use. If an error is returned, the
// ReadCloser must be nil.
func (be *RetryBackend) Load(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, consumer func(rd io.Reader) error) (err error) {
return be.retry(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Load(%v, %v, %v)", h, length, offset),
func() error {
return be.Backend.Load(ctx, h, length, offset, consumer)
// Stat returns information about the File identified by h.
func (be *RetryBackend) Stat(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle) (fi restic.FileInfo, err error) {
err = be.retry(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Stat(%v)", h),
func() error {
var innerError error
fi, innerError = be.Backend.Stat(ctx, h)
return innerError
return fi, err
// Remove removes a File with type t and name.
func (be *RetryBackend) Remove(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle) (err error) {
return be.retry(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Remove(%v)", h), func() error {
return be.Backend.Remove(ctx, h)
// Test a boolean value whether a File with the name and type exists.
func (be *RetryBackend) Test(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle) (exists bool, err error) {
err = be.retry(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Test(%v)", h), func() error {
var innerError error
exists, innerError = be.Backend.Test(ctx, h)
return innerError
return exists, err
// List runs fn for each file in the backend which has the type t. When an
// error is returned by the underlying backend, the request is retried. When fn
// returns an error, the operation is aborted and the error is returned to the
// caller.
func (be *RetryBackend) List(ctx context.Context, t restic.FileType, fn func(restic.FileInfo) error) error {
// create a new context that we can cancel when fn returns an error, so
// that listing is aborted
listCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
listed := make(map[string]struct{}) // remember for which files we already ran fn
var innerErr error // remember when fn returned an error, so we can return that to the caller
err := be.retry(listCtx, fmt.Sprintf("List(%v)", t), func() error {
return be.Backend.List(ctx, t, func(fi restic.FileInfo) error {
if _, ok := listed[fi.Name]; ok {
return nil
listed[fi.Name] = struct{}{}
innerErr = fn(fi)
if innerErr != nil {
// if fn returned an error, listing is aborted, so we cancel the context
return innerErr
// the error fn returned takes precedence
if innerErr != nil {
return innerErr
return err