Merge branch 'docs' into bleeding

This commit is contained in:
Snaipe 2015-02-11 14:26:22 +01:00
commit 9894a06121
9 changed files with 552 additions and 24 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -5,12 +5,11 @@

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@ -28,30 +28,19 @@ the user would have with other frameworks:
reported and tested.
* Progress and statistics can be followed in real time with report hooks.
## Installation
## Documentation
$ git clone
$ cd Criterion
$ ./ && ./configure && make && sudo make install
## Usage
Given a test file named test.c, compile it with `-lcriterion`:
$ gcc -o test test.c -lcriterion
An online documentation is available on [ReadTheDocs][online-docs]
([PDF][pdf-docs] | [Zip][zip-docs] | [Epub][epub-docs])
## Samples
Sample tests can be found in the [sample directory](
Sample tests can be found in the [sample directory][samples].
* [A simple test](
* [Using multiple suites](
* [Tests with signals](
* [Using report hooks](
* [A simple test][sample-simple]
* [Using multiple suites][sample-suites]
* [Tests with signals][sample-signal]
* [Using report hooks][sample-report]
## F.A.Q.
@ -69,6 +58,17 @@ A. Currently, on Linux 2.6.32 and Linux 3.15.7, although it should work on
most \*nix systems. More tests will be added on the build matrix.
**Q. Will this work under Windows/MSVC?**
A. Windows support with MinGW is coming, but MSVC is a bit of a lost cause
for the C language. The project internally uses c99 features and gnu
extensions, and MSVC is stuck at supporting c89.
A. Windows support with MinGW/MSVC is coming, but MSVC is a bit of a lost cause
to compile the library itself: the project internally uses c99 features and gnu

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doc/env.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Environment and CLI
Tests built with Criterion support environment variables to alter
their runtime behaviour.
Environment Variables
* `CRITERION_ALWAYS_SUCCEED`: when set to `1`, the exit status of the test
process will be 0, regardless if the tests failed or not.
* `CRITERION_NO_EARLY_EXIT`: when set to `1`, the test workers shall not
call `_exit` when done and will properly return from the main and
clean up their process space. This is useful when tracking memory leaks with
`valgrind --tool=memcheck`.

doc/hooks.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Report Hooks
Report hooks are functions that are called at key moments during the testing
process. These are useful to report statistics gathered during the execution.
A report hook can be declared using the ``ReportHook`` macro:
.. code-block:: c
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
#include <criterion/hooks.h>
ReportHook(Phase)() {
The macro takes a Phase parameter that indicates the phase at which the function
shall be run. Valid phases are described below.
Testing Phases
The flow of the test process goes as follows:
1. ``PRE_EVERYTHING``: occurs before running the tests.
#. ``PRE_INIT``: occurs before a test is initialized.
#. ``PRE_TEST``: occurs after the test initialization, but before the test is run.
#. ``ASSERT``: occurs when an assertion is hit
#. ``TEST_CRASH``: occurs when a test crashes unexpectedly.
#. ``POST_TEST``: occurs after a test ends, but before the test finalization.
#. ``POST_FINI``: occurs after a test finalization.
#. ``POST_EVERYTHING``: occurs after all the tests are done.
Hook Parameters
A report hook may take zero or one parameter. If a parameter is given, it
is undefined behaviour if it is not a pointer type and not of the proper pointed
type for that phase.
Valid types for each phases are:
* ``struct criterion_test *`` for ``PRE_INIT`` and ``PRE_TEST``.
* ``struct criterion_test_stats *`` for ``POST_TEST``, ``POST_FINI``, and ``TEST_CRASH``.
* ``struct criterion_assert_stats *`` for ``ASSERT``.
* ``struct criterion_global_stats *`` for ``POST_EVERYTHING``.
``PRE_EVERYTHING`` does not take any parameter.

doc/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

doc/intro.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Criterion is a dead-simple, non-intrusive testing framework for the C
programming language.
Most test frameworks for C require a lot of boilerplate code to
set up tests and test suites -- you need to create a main,
then register new test suites, then register the tests within
these suits, and finally call the right functions.
This gives the user great control, at the unfortunate cost of simplicity.
Criterion follows the KISS principle, while keeping the control
the user would have with other frameworks.
* Tests are automatically registered when declared.
* A default entry point is provided, no need to declare a main
unless you want to do special handling.
* Test are isolated in their own process, crashes and signals can be
reported and tested.
* Progress and statistics can be followed in real time with report hooks.

doc/setup.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Currently, this library only works under \*nix systems.
To compile the static library and its dependencies, GCC 4.9+ is needed.
To use the static library, GCC or Clang are needed.
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone
$ cd Criterion
$ ./ && ./configure && make && sudo make install
Given a test file named test.c, compile it with `-lcriterion`:
.. code-block:: bash
$ gcc -o test test.c -lcriterion

doc/starter.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Getting started
Adding tests
Adding tests is done using the ``Test`` macro:
.. code-block:: c
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
Test(suite_name, test_name) {
// test contents
``suite_name`` and ``test_name`` are the identifiers of the test suite and
the test, respectively. These identifiers must follow the language
identifier format.
Tests are automatically sorted by suite, then by name using the alphabetical
Asserting things
Assertions come in two kinds:
* ``assert*`` are assertions that are fatal to the current test if failed;
in other words, if the condition evaluates to ``false``, the test is
marked as a failure and the execution of the function is aborted.
* ``expect*`` are, in the other hand, assertions that are not fatal to the
test. Execution will continue even if the condition evaluates to
``false``, but the test will be marked as a failure.
``assert()`` and ``expect()`` are the most simple kinds of assertions
criterion has to offer. They both take a mandatory condition as a first
parameter, and an optional failure message:
.. code-block:: c
#include <string.h>
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
Test(sample, test) {
expect(strlen("Test") == 4, "Expected \"Test\" to have a length of 4.");
expect(strlen("Hello") == 4, "This will always fail, why did I add this?");
assert(strlen("") == 0);
On top of those, more assertions are available for common operations:
* ``{assert,expect}Equal(Actual, Expected, [Message])``
* ``{assert,expect}NotEqual(Actual, Unexpected, [Message])``
* ``{assert,expect}StringsEqual(Actual, Expected, [Message])``
* ``{assert,expect}StringsNotEqual(Actual, Unexpected, [Message])``
* ``{assert,expect}ArraysEqual(Actual, Expected, Size, [Message])``
* ``{assert,expect}ArraysNotEqual(Actual, Unexpected, Size, [Message])``
Initialization and finalization
Tests that need some setup and teardown can register functions that will
run before and after the test function:
.. code-block:: c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
void setup(void) {
puts("Runs before the test");
void teardown(void) {
puts("Runs after the test");
Test(suite_name, test_name, .init = setup, .fini = teardown) {
// test contents
Testing signals
If a test receives a signal, it will by default be marked as a failure.
You can, however, expect a test to only pass if a special kind of signal
is received:
.. code-block:: c
#include <stddef.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
// This test will fail
Test(sample, failing) {
int *ptr = NULL;
*ptr = 42;
// This test will pass
Test(sample, passing, .signal = SIGSEGV) {
int *ptr = NULL;
*ptr = 42;