version: 2.1.0_b{build}-{branch} os: Visual Studio 2015 init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input - 'SET PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build;%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\Debug' environment: COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN: secure: 5nuCg+faxFPeppoNNcSwVobswAVFUf8ut83vw8CX/4W2y0kZkGmwEfCUxSQWiQDU CI_NAME: appveyor CI_JOB_ID: $(APPVEYOR_JOB_ID) GCOV_PREFIX: $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER) matrix: - COMPILER: mingw GENERATOR: "MSYS Makefiles" - COMPILER: msvc GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 14 2015" CFLAGS: /MP CXXFLAGS: /MP clone_depth: 5 platform: - x86 - x64 configuration: - Debug - Release - RelWithDebInfo install: - ps: $env:RELEASE_NAME = $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -replace "/", "-" # Hack to make git think it is on the tip of the repo branch - 'git checkout -B %APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%' # Configure project - 'mkdir build && cd build' - > cmake -Wno-dev -DCTESTS=ON -DI18N=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="criterion-%RELEASE_NAME%" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="%CONFIGURATION%" -G "%GENERATOR%" .. build_script: - cmake --build . before_deploy: - ps: | $archive = "criterion-$env:RELEASE_NAME-windows-$env:COMPILER-$env:PLATFORM" cmake --build . --target install 7z a -ttar "$archive.tar" "criterion-$env:RELEASE_NAME" 7z a -tbzip2 "../$archive.tar.bz2" "$archive.tar" Push-AppveyorArtifact "../$archive.tar.bz2" test_script: - cmake --build . --target criterion_tests - ps: try { ctest -j2 } catch { type Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log } #after_test: # - 'make coveralls' notifications: - provider: Email to: [] on_build_status_changed: true deploy: provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: MnZZQeoxBVnpV9GSSvVok5Je0/N2d/fzG4+ITw95/tYSgZ8rleBV23a5sCwAea3r artifact: 'criterion-$(RELEASE_NAME)-windows-$(COMPILER)-$(PLATFORM).tar.bz2' draft: false prerelease: false on: appveyor_repo_tag: true configuration: RelWithDebInfo