This commit creates _wcs_ variants of the _str_ assertions for operating on wchar_t * instead of char *. The assertions are useful for programs using wchar_t strings, particularly on Windows where use of the wide character version of the Windows API is encouraged by Microsoft. Signed-off-by: Kevin Locke <kevin@kevinlocke.name>
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.. _assertions-ref:
Assertion reference
This is an exhaustive list of all assertion macros that Criterion provides.
As each ``assert`` macros have an ``expect`` counterpart with the exact same
number of parameters and name suffix, there is no benefit in adding ``expect``
macros to this list. Hence only ``assert`` macros are represented here.
All ``assert`` macros may take an optional ``printf`` format string and
Base Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: BaseAsserts
Common Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: CommonBinAsserts
.. doxygengroup:: CommonUnaryAsserts
.. doxygengroup:: FloatAsserts
String Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: StringAsserts
Wide String Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: WideStringAsserts
Array Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: ArrayAsserts
.. doxygengroup:: SafeArrCmpAsserts
Exception Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: ExceptionAsserts
File Assertions
.. doxygengroup:: FileAsserts