* $ganService = new Google_GanService(...);
* $advertisers = $ganService->advertisers;
class Google_AdvertisersServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Retrieves data about all advertisers that the requesting advertiser/publisher has access to.
* (advertisers.list)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string relationshipStatus Filters out all advertisers for which do not have the given relationship status with the requesting publisher.
* @opt_param double minSevenDayEpc Filters out all advertisers that have a seven day EPC average lower than the given value (inclusive). Min value: 0.0. Optional.
* @opt_param string advertiserCategory Caret(^) delimted list of advertiser categories. Valid categories are defined here: http://www.google.com/support/affiliatenetwork/advertiser/bin/answer.py?hl=en=107581. Filters out all advertisers not in one of the given advertiser categories. Optional.
* @opt_param double minNinetyDayEpc Filters out all advertisers that have a ninety day EPC average lower than the given value (inclusive). Min value: 0.0. Optional.
* @opt_param string pageToken The value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous page. Optional.
* @opt_param string maxResults Max number of items to return in this page. Optional. Defaults to 20.
* @opt_param int minPayoutRank A value between 1 and 4, where 1 represents the quartile of advertisers with the lowest ranks and 4 represents the quartile of advertisers with the highest ranks. Filters out all advertisers with a lower rank than the given quartile. For example if a 2 was given only advertisers with a payout rank of 25 or higher would be included. Optional.
* @return Google_Advertisers
public function listAdvertisers($role, $roleId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Advertisers($data);
} else {
return $data;
* Retrieves data about a single advertiser if that the requesting advertiser/publisher has access
* to it. Only publishers can lookup advertisers. Advertisers can request information about
* themselves by omitting the advertiserId query parameter. (advertisers.get)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string advertiserId The ID of the advertiser to look up. Optional.
* @return Google_Advertiser
public function get($role, $roleId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('get', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Advertiser($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "ccOffers" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $ganService = new Google_GanService(...);
* $ccOffers = $ganService->ccOffers;
class Google_CcOffersServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Retrieves credit card offers for the given publisher. (ccOffers.list)
* @param string $publisher The ID of the publisher in question.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string advertiser The advertiser ID of a card issuer whose offers to include. Optional, may be repeated.
* @opt_param string projection The set of fields to return.
* @return Google_CcOffers
public function listCcOffers($publisher, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('publisher' => $publisher);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_CcOffers($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "events" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $ganService = new Google_GanService(...);
* $events = $ganService->events;
class Google_EventsServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Retrieves event data for a given advertiser/publisher. (events.list)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string orderId Caret(^) delimited list of order IDs. Filters out all events that do not reference one of the given order IDs. Optional.
* @opt_param string sku Caret(^) delimited list of SKUs. Filters out all events that do not reference one of the given SKU. Optional.
* @opt_param string eventDateMax Filters out all events later than given date. Optional. Defaults to 24 hours after eventMin.
* @opt_param string type Filters out all events that are not of the given type. Valid values: 'action', 'transaction', 'charge'. Optional.
* @opt_param string linkId Caret(^) delimited list of link IDs. Filters out all events that do not reference one of the given link IDs. Optional.
* @opt_param string modifyDateMin Filters out all events modified earlier than given date. Optional. Defaults to 24 hours before the current modifyDateMax, if modifyDateMax is explicitly set.
* @opt_param string eventDateMin Filters out all events earlier than given date. Optional. Defaults to 24 hours from current date/time.
* @opt_param string memberId Caret(^) delimited list of member IDs. Filters out all events that do not reference one of the given member IDs. Optional.
* @opt_param string maxResults Max number of offers to return in this page. Optional. Defaults to 20.
* @opt_param string advertiserId Caret(^) delimited list of advertiser IDs. Filters out all events that do not reference one of the given advertiser IDs. Only used when under publishers role. Optional.
* @opt_param string pageToken The value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous page. Optional.
* @opt_param string productCategory Caret(^) delimited list of product categories. Filters out all events that do not reference a product in one of the given product categories. Optional.
* @opt_param string chargeType Filters out all charge events that are not of the given charge type. Valid values: 'other', 'slotting_fee', 'monthly_minimum', 'tier_bonus', 'credit', 'debit'. Optional.
* @opt_param string modifyDateMax Filters out all events modified later than given date. Optional. Defaults to 24 hours after modifyDateMin, if modifyDateMin is explicitly set.
* @opt_param string status Filters out all events that do not have the given status. Valid values: 'active', 'canceled'. Optional.
* @opt_param string publisherId Caret(^) delimited list of publisher IDs. Filters out all events that do not reference one of the given publishers IDs. Only used when under advertiser role. Optional.
* @return Google_Events
public function listEvents($role, $roleId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Events($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "links" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $ganService = new Google_GanService(...);
* $links = $ganService->links;
class Google_LinksServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Inserts a new link. (links.insert)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param Google_Link $postBody
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @return Google_Link
public function insert($role, $roleId, Google_Link $postBody, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId, 'postBody' => $postBody);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('insert', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Link($data);
} else {
return $data;
* Retrieves all links that match the query parameters. (links.list)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string linkType The type of the link.
* @opt_param string startDateMin The beginning of the start date range.
* @opt_param string assetSize The size of the given asset.
* @opt_param string searchText Field for full text search across title and merchandising text, supports link id search.
* @opt_param string createDateMax The end of the create date range.
* @opt_param string createDateMin The beginning of the create date range.
* @opt_param string relationshipStatus The status of the relationship.
* @opt_param string maxResults Max number of items to return in this page. Optional. Defaults to 20.
* @opt_param string advertiserId Limits the resulting links to the ones belonging to the listed advertisers.
* @opt_param string pageToken The value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous page. Optional.
* @opt_param string startDateMax The end of the start date range.
* @opt_param string promotionType The promotion type.
* @opt_param string authorship The role of the author of the link.
* @return Google_Links
public function listLinks($role, $roleId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Links($data);
} else {
return $data;
* Retrieves data about a single link if the requesting advertiser/publisher has access to it.
* Advertisers can look up their own links. Publishers can look up visible links or links belonging
* to advertisers they are in a relationship with. (links.get)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param string $linkId The ID of the link to look up.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @return Google_Link
public function get($role, $roleId, $linkId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId, 'linkId' => $linkId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('get', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Link($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "publishers" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $ganService = new Google_GanService(...);
* $publishers = $ganService->publishers;
class Google_PublishersServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Retrieves data about all publishers that the requesting advertiser/publisher has access to.
* (publishers.list)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string publisherCategory Caret(^) delimted list of publisher categories. Valid categories: (unclassified|community_and_content|shopping_and_promotion|loyalty_and_rewards|network|search_specialist|comparison_shopping|email). Filters out all publishers not in one of the given advertiser categories. Optional.
* @opt_param string relationshipStatus Filters out all publishers for which do not have the given relationship status with the requesting publisher.
* @opt_param double minSevenDayEpc Filters out all publishers that have a seven day EPC average lower than the given value (inclusive). Min value 0.0. Optional.
* @opt_param double minNinetyDayEpc Filters out all publishers that have a ninety day EPC average lower than the given value (inclusive). Min value: 0.0. Optional.
* @opt_param string pageToken The value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous page. Optional.
* @opt_param string maxResults Max number of items to return in this page. Optional. Defaults to 20.
* @opt_param int minPayoutRank A value between 1 and 4, where 1 represents the quartile of publishers with the lowest ranks and 4 represents the quartile of publishers with the highest ranks. Filters out all publishers with a lower rank than the given quartile. For example if a 2 was given only publishers with a payout rank of 25 or higher would be included. Optional.
* @return Google_Publishers
public function listPublishers($role, $roleId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Publishers($data);
} else {
return $data;
* Retrieves data about a single advertiser if that the requesting advertiser/publisher has access
* to it. Only advertisers can look up publishers. Publishers can request information about
* themselves by omitting the publisherId query parameter. (publishers.get)
* @param string $role The role of the requester. Valid values: 'advertisers' or 'publishers'.
* @param string $roleId The ID of the requesting advertiser or publisher.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string publisherId The ID of the publisher to look up. Optional.
* @return Google_Publisher
public function get($role, $roleId, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('role' => $role, 'roleId' => $roleId);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('get', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_Publisher($data);
} else {
return $data;
* Service definition for Google_Gan (v1beta1).
* Lets you have programmatic access to your Google Affiliate Network data. *
* ** For more information about this service, see the * API Documentation *
* * @author Google, Inc. */ class Google_GanService extends Google_Service { public $advertisers; public $ccOffers; public $events; public $links; public $publishers; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the Gan service. * * @param Google_Client $client */ public function __construct(Google_Client $client) { $this->servicePath = 'gan/v1beta1/'; $this->version = 'v1beta1'; $this->serviceName = 'gan'; $client->addService($this->serviceName, $this->version); $this->advertisers = new Google_AdvertisersServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'advertisers', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"relationshipStatus": {"enum": ["approved", "available", "deactivated", "declined", "pending"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "minSevenDayEpc": {"type": "number", "location": "query", "format": "double"}, "advertiserCategory": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "minNinetyDayEpc": {"type": "number", "location": "query", "format": "double"}, "pageToken": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}, "maxResults": {"location": "query", "minimum": "0", "type": "integer", "maximum": "100", "format": "uint32"}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}, "minPayoutRank": {"location": "query", "minimum": "1", "type": "integer", "maximum": "4", "format": "int32"}}, "id": "gan.advertisers.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/advertisers", "response": {"$ref": "Advertisers"}}, "get": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"advertiserId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}}, "id": "gan.advertisers.get", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/advertiser", "response": {"$ref": "Advertiser"}}}}', true)); $this->ccOffers = new Google_CcOffersServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'ccOffers', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"advertiser": {"repeated": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "projection": {"enum": ["full", "summary"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "publisher": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}}, "id": "gan.ccOffers.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "publishers/{publisher}/ccOffers", "response": {"$ref": "CcOffers"}}}}', true)); $this->events = new Google_EventsServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'events', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"orderId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "sku": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "eventDateMax": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "type": {"enum": ["action", "charge", "transaction"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}, "linkId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "status": {"enum": ["active", "canceled"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "eventDateMin": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "memberId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "maxResults": {"location": "query", "minimum": "0", "type": "integer", "maximum": "100", "format": "uint32"}, "advertiserId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "pageToken": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}, "productCategory": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "chargeType": {"enum": ["credit", "debit", "monthly_minimum", "other", "slotting_fee", "tier_bonus"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "modifyDateMin": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "modifyDateMax": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "publisherId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "gan.events.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/events", "response": {"$ref": "Events"}}}}', true)); $this->links = new Google_LinksServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'links', json_decode('{"methods": {"insert": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan"], "parameters": {"roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}}, "request": {"$ref": "Link"}, "response": {"$ref": "Link"}, "httpMethod": "POST", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/link", "id": "gan.links.insert"}, "list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"linkType": {"enum": ["banner", "text"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "startDateMin": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "assetSize": {"repeated": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "searchText": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "createDateMax": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "createDateMin": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "relationshipStatus": {"enum": ["approved", "available"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "maxResults": {"location": "query", "minimum": "0", "type": "integer", "maximum": "100", "format": "uint32"}, "advertiserId": {"repeated": true, "type": "string", "location": "query", "format": "int64"}, "pageToken": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}, "startDateMax": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "promotionType": {"repeated": true, "enum": ["coupon", "free_gift", "free_shipping", "percent_off", "price_cut"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}, "authorship": {"enum": ["advertiser", "publisher"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "gan.links.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/links", "response": {"$ref": "Links"}}, "get": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"linkId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "format": "int64"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}}, "id": "gan.links.get", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/link/{linkId}", "response": {"$ref": "Link"}}}}', true)); $this->publishers = new Google_PublishersServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'publishers', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"publisherCategory": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "relationshipStatus": {"enum": ["approved", "available", "deactivated", "declined", "pending"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "minSevenDayEpc": {"type": "number", "location": "query", "format": "double"}, "minNinetyDayEpc": {"type": "number", "location": "query", "format": "double"}, "pageToken": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}, "maxResults": {"location": "query", "minimum": "0", "type": "integer", "maximum": "100", "format": "uint32"}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}, "minPayoutRank": {"location": "query", "minimum": "1", "type": "integer", "maximum": "4", "format": "int32"}}, "id": "gan.publishers.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/publishers", "response": {"$ref": "Publishers"}}, "get": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gan.readonly"], "parameters": {"role": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path", "enum": ["advertisers", "publishers"]}, "publisherId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "roleId": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "path"}}, "id": "gan.publishers.get", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "{role}/{roleId}/publisher", "response": {"$ref": "Publisher"}}}}', true)); } } class Google_Advertiser extends Google_Model { public $category; public $contactEmail; public $kind; public $siteUrl; public $contactPhone; public $description; public $merchantCenterIds; public $defaultLinkId; protected $__epcSevenDayAverageType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__epcSevenDayAverageDataType = ''; public $epcSevenDayAverage; public $commissionDuration; public $status; public $payoutRank; protected $__epcNinetyDayAverageType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__epcNinetyDayAverageDataType = ''; public $epcNinetyDayAverage; public $allowPublisherCreatedLinks; protected $__itemType = 'Google_Advertiser'; protected $__itemDataType = ''; public $item; public $joinDate; public $logoUrl; public $redirectDomains; public $id; public $productFeedsEnabled; public $name; public function setCategory($category) { $this->category = $category; } public function getCategory() { return $this->category; } public function setContactEmail($contactEmail) { $this->contactEmail = $contactEmail; } public function getContactEmail() { return $this->contactEmail; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setSiteUrl($siteUrl) { $this->siteUrl = $siteUrl; } public function getSiteUrl() { return $this->siteUrl; } public function setContactPhone($contactPhone) { $this->contactPhone = $contactPhone; } public function getContactPhone() { return $this->contactPhone; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setMerchantCenterIds($merchantCenterIds) { $this->merchantCenterIds = $merchantCenterIds; } public function getMerchantCenterIds() { return $this->merchantCenterIds; } public function setDefaultLinkId($defaultLinkId) { $this->defaultLinkId = $defaultLinkId; } public function getDefaultLinkId() { return $this->defaultLinkId; } public function setEpcSevenDayAverage(Google_Money $epcSevenDayAverage) { $this->epcSevenDayAverage = $epcSevenDayAverage; } public function getEpcSevenDayAverage() { return $this->epcSevenDayAverage; } public function setCommissionDuration($commissionDuration) { $this->commissionDuration = $commissionDuration; } public function getCommissionDuration() { return $this->commissionDuration; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setPayoutRank($payoutRank) { $this->payoutRank = $payoutRank; } public function getPayoutRank() { return $this->payoutRank; } public function setEpcNinetyDayAverage(Google_Money $epcNinetyDayAverage) { $this->epcNinetyDayAverage = $epcNinetyDayAverage; } public function getEpcNinetyDayAverage() { return $this->epcNinetyDayAverage; } public function setAllowPublisherCreatedLinks($allowPublisherCreatedLinks) { $this->allowPublisherCreatedLinks = $allowPublisherCreatedLinks; } public function getAllowPublisherCreatedLinks() { return $this->allowPublisherCreatedLinks; } public function setItem(Google_Advertiser $item) { $this->item = $item; } public function getItem() { return $this->item; } public function setJoinDate($joinDate) { $this->joinDate = $joinDate; } public function getJoinDate() { return $this->joinDate; } public function setLogoUrl($logoUrl) { $this->logoUrl = $logoUrl; } public function getLogoUrl() { return $this->logoUrl; } public function setRedirectDomains($redirectDomains) { $this->redirectDomains = $redirectDomains; } public function getRedirectDomains() { return $this->redirectDomains; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setProductFeedsEnabled($productFeedsEnabled) { $this->productFeedsEnabled = $productFeedsEnabled; } public function getProductFeedsEnabled() { return $this->productFeedsEnabled; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } } class Google_Advertisers extends Google_Model { public $nextPageToken; protected $__itemsType = 'Google_Advertiser'; protected $__itemsDataType = 'array'; public $items; public $kind; public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } public function setItems(/* array(Google_Advertiser) */ $items) { $this->assertIsArray($items, 'Google_Advertiser', __METHOD__); $this->items = $items; } public function getItems() { return $this->items; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } class Google_CcOffer extends Google_Model { public $luggageInsurance; public $creditLimitMin; public $cardName; public $creditLimitMax; public $gracePeriodDisplay; public $offerId; public $rewardUnit; public $minPurchaseRate; public $cardBenefits; protected $__rewardsType = 'Google_CcOfferRewards'; protected $__rewardsDataType = 'array'; public $rewards; public $offersImmediateCashReward; public $travelInsurance; public $returnedPaymentFee; public $kind; public $issuer; public $maxPurchaseRate; public $minimumFinanceCharge; public $existingCustomerOnly; public $annualFeeDisplay; public $initialSetupAndProcessingFee; public $issuerId; public $purchaseRateAdditionalDetails; public $prohibitedCategories; public $fraudLiability; public $cashAdvanceTerms; public $landingPageUrl; public $introCashAdvanceTerms; public $rewardsExpire; public $introPurchaseTerms; protected $__defaultFeesType = 'Google_CcOfferDefaultFees'; protected $__defaultFeesDataType = 'array'; public $defaultFees; public $extendedWarranty; public $emergencyInsurance; public $firstYearAnnualFee; public $trackingUrl; public $latePaymentFee; public $overLimitFee; public $cardType; public $approvedCategories; public $rewardPartner; public $introBalanceTransferTerms; public $foreignCurrencyTransactionFee; public $annualFee; public $issuerWebsite; public $variableRatesUpdateFrequency; public $carRentalInsurance; public $additionalCardBenefits; public $ageMinimum; public $balanceComputationMethod; public $aprDisplay; public $additionalCardHolderFee; public $variableRatesLastUpdated; public $network; public $purchaseRateType; public $statementCopyFee; public $rewardsHaveBlackoutDates; public $creditRatingDisplay; public $flightAccidentInsurance; public $annualRewardMaximum; public $balanceTransferTerms; protected $__bonusRewardsType = 'Google_CcOfferBonusRewards'; protected $__bonusRewardsDataType = 'array'; public $bonusRewards; public $imageUrl; public $ageMinimumDetails; public $disclaimer; public function setLuggageInsurance($luggageInsurance) { $this->luggageInsurance = $luggageInsurance; } public function getLuggageInsurance() { return $this->luggageInsurance; } public function setCreditLimitMin($creditLimitMin) { $this->creditLimitMin = $creditLimitMin; } public function getCreditLimitMin() { return $this->creditLimitMin; } public function setCardName($cardName) { $this->cardName = $cardName; } public function getCardName() { return $this->cardName; } public function setCreditLimitMax($creditLimitMax) { $this->creditLimitMax = $creditLimitMax; } public function getCreditLimitMax() { return $this->creditLimitMax; } public function setGracePeriodDisplay($gracePeriodDisplay) { $this->gracePeriodDisplay = $gracePeriodDisplay; } public function getGracePeriodDisplay() { return $this->gracePeriodDisplay; } public function setOfferId($offerId) { $this->offerId = $offerId; } public function getOfferId() { return $this->offerId; } public function setRewardUnit($rewardUnit) { $this->rewardUnit = $rewardUnit; } public function getRewardUnit() { return $this->rewardUnit; } public function setMinPurchaseRate($minPurchaseRate) { $this->minPurchaseRate = $minPurchaseRate; } public function getMinPurchaseRate() { return $this->minPurchaseRate; } public function setCardBenefits($cardBenefits) { $this->cardBenefits = $cardBenefits; } public function getCardBenefits() { return $this->cardBenefits; } public function setRewards(/* array(Google_CcOfferRewards) */ $rewards) { $this->assertIsArray($rewards, 'Google_CcOfferRewards', __METHOD__); $this->rewards = $rewards; } public function getRewards() { return $this->rewards; } public function setOffersImmediateCashReward($offersImmediateCashReward) { $this->offersImmediateCashReward = $offersImmediateCashReward; } public function getOffersImmediateCashReward() { return $this->offersImmediateCashReward; } public function setTravelInsurance($travelInsurance) { $this->travelInsurance = $travelInsurance; } public function getTravelInsurance() { return $this->travelInsurance; } public function setReturnedPaymentFee($returnedPaymentFee) { $this->returnedPaymentFee = $returnedPaymentFee; } public function getReturnedPaymentFee() { return $this->returnedPaymentFee; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setIssuer($issuer) { $this->issuer = $issuer; } public function getIssuer() { return $this->issuer; } public function setMaxPurchaseRate($maxPurchaseRate) { $this->maxPurchaseRate = $maxPurchaseRate; } public function getMaxPurchaseRate() { return $this->maxPurchaseRate; } public function setMinimumFinanceCharge($minimumFinanceCharge) { $this->minimumFinanceCharge = $minimumFinanceCharge; } public function getMinimumFinanceCharge() { return $this->minimumFinanceCharge; } public function setExistingCustomerOnly($existingCustomerOnly) { $this->existingCustomerOnly = $existingCustomerOnly; } public function getExistingCustomerOnly() { return $this->existingCustomerOnly; } public function setAnnualFeeDisplay($annualFeeDisplay) { $this->annualFeeDisplay = $annualFeeDisplay; } public function getAnnualFeeDisplay() { return $this->annualFeeDisplay; } public function setInitialSetupAndProcessingFee($initialSetupAndProcessingFee) { $this->initialSetupAndProcessingFee = $initialSetupAndProcessingFee; } public function getInitialSetupAndProcessingFee() { return $this->initialSetupAndProcessingFee; } public function setIssuerId($issuerId) { $this->issuerId = $issuerId; } public function getIssuerId() { return $this->issuerId; } public function setPurchaseRateAdditionalDetails($purchaseRateAdditionalDetails) { $this->purchaseRateAdditionalDetails = $purchaseRateAdditionalDetails; } public function getPurchaseRateAdditionalDetails() { return $this->purchaseRateAdditionalDetails; } public function setProhibitedCategories($prohibitedCategories) { $this->prohibitedCategories = $prohibitedCategories; } public function getProhibitedCategories() { return $this->prohibitedCategories; } public function setFraudLiability($fraudLiability) { $this->fraudLiability = $fraudLiability; } public function getFraudLiability() { return $this->fraudLiability; } public function setCashAdvanceTerms($cashAdvanceTerms) { $this->cashAdvanceTerms = $cashAdvanceTerms; } public function getCashAdvanceTerms() { return $this->cashAdvanceTerms; } public function setLandingPageUrl($landingPageUrl) { $this->landingPageUrl = $landingPageUrl; } public function getLandingPageUrl() { return $this->landingPageUrl; } public function setIntroCashAdvanceTerms($introCashAdvanceTerms) { $this->introCashAdvanceTerms = $introCashAdvanceTerms; } public function getIntroCashAdvanceTerms() { return $this->introCashAdvanceTerms; } public function setRewardsExpire($rewardsExpire) { $this->rewardsExpire = $rewardsExpire; } public function getRewardsExpire() { return $this->rewardsExpire; } public function setIntroPurchaseTerms($introPurchaseTerms) { $this->introPurchaseTerms = $introPurchaseTerms; } public function getIntroPurchaseTerms() { return $this->introPurchaseTerms; } public function setDefaultFees(/* array(Google_CcOfferDefaultFees) */ $defaultFees) { $this->assertIsArray($defaultFees, 'Google_CcOfferDefaultFees', __METHOD__); $this->defaultFees = $defaultFees; } public function getDefaultFees() { return $this->defaultFees; } public function setExtendedWarranty($extendedWarranty) { $this->extendedWarranty = $extendedWarranty; } public function getExtendedWarranty() { return $this->extendedWarranty; } public function setEmergencyInsurance($emergencyInsurance) { $this->emergencyInsurance = $emergencyInsurance; } public function getEmergencyInsurance() { return $this->emergencyInsurance; } public function setFirstYearAnnualFee($firstYearAnnualFee) { $this->firstYearAnnualFee = $firstYearAnnualFee; } public function getFirstYearAnnualFee() { return $this->firstYearAnnualFee; } public function setTrackingUrl($trackingUrl) { $this->trackingUrl = $trackingUrl; } public function getTrackingUrl() { return $this->trackingUrl; } public function setLatePaymentFee($latePaymentFee) { $this->latePaymentFee = $latePaymentFee; } public function getLatePaymentFee() { return $this->latePaymentFee; } public function setOverLimitFee($overLimitFee) { $this->overLimitFee = $overLimitFee; } public function getOverLimitFee() { return $this->overLimitFee; } public function setCardType($cardType) { $this->cardType = $cardType; } public function getCardType() { return $this->cardType; } public function setApprovedCategories($approvedCategories) { $this->approvedCategories = $approvedCategories; } public function getApprovedCategories() { return $this->approvedCategories; } public function setRewardPartner($rewardPartner) { $this->rewardPartner = $rewardPartner; } public function getRewardPartner() { return $this->rewardPartner; } public function setIntroBalanceTransferTerms($introBalanceTransferTerms) { $this->introBalanceTransferTerms = $introBalanceTransferTerms; } public function getIntroBalanceTransferTerms() { return $this->introBalanceTransferTerms; } public function setForeignCurrencyTransactionFee($foreignCurrencyTransactionFee) { $this->foreignCurrencyTransactionFee = $foreignCurrencyTransactionFee; } public function getForeignCurrencyTransactionFee() { return $this->foreignCurrencyTransactionFee; } public function setAnnualFee($annualFee) { $this->annualFee = $annualFee; } public function getAnnualFee() { return $this->annualFee; } public function setIssuerWebsite($issuerWebsite) { $this->issuerWebsite = $issuerWebsite; } public function getIssuerWebsite() { return $this->issuerWebsite; } public function setVariableRatesUpdateFrequency($variableRatesUpdateFrequency) { $this->variableRatesUpdateFrequency = $variableRatesUpdateFrequency; } public function getVariableRatesUpdateFrequency() { return $this->variableRatesUpdateFrequency; } public function setCarRentalInsurance($carRentalInsurance) { $this->carRentalInsurance = $carRentalInsurance; } public function getCarRentalInsurance() { return $this->carRentalInsurance; } public function setAdditionalCardBenefits($additionalCardBenefits) { $this->additionalCardBenefits = $additionalCardBenefits; } public function getAdditionalCardBenefits() { return $this->additionalCardBenefits; } public function setAgeMinimum($ageMinimum) { $this->ageMinimum = $ageMinimum; } public function getAgeMinimum() { return $this->ageMinimum; } public function setBalanceComputationMethod($balanceComputationMethod) { $this->balanceComputationMethod = $balanceComputationMethod; } public function getBalanceComputationMethod() { return $this->balanceComputationMethod; } public function setAprDisplay($aprDisplay) { $this->aprDisplay = $aprDisplay; } public function getAprDisplay() { return $this->aprDisplay; } public function setAdditionalCardHolderFee($additionalCardHolderFee) { $this->additionalCardHolderFee = $additionalCardHolderFee; } public function getAdditionalCardHolderFee() { return $this->additionalCardHolderFee; } public function setVariableRatesLastUpdated($variableRatesLastUpdated) { $this->variableRatesLastUpdated = $variableRatesLastUpdated; } public function getVariableRatesLastUpdated() { return $this->variableRatesLastUpdated; } public function setNetwork($network) { $this->network = $network; } public function getNetwork() { return $this->network; } public function setPurchaseRateType($purchaseRateType) { $this->purchaseRateType = $purchaseRateType; } public function getPurchaseRateType() { return $this->purchaseRateType; } public function setStatementCopyFee($statementCopyFee) { $this->statementCopyFee = $statementCopyFee; } public function getStatementCopyFee() { return $this->statementCopyFee; } public function setRewardsHaveBlackoutDates($rewardsHaveBlackoutDates) { $this->rewardsHaveBlackoutDates = $rewardsHaveBlackoutDates; } public function getRewardsHaveBlackoutDates() { return $this->rewardsHaveBlackoutDates; } public function setCreditRatingDisplay($creditRatingDisplay) { $this->creditRatingDisplay = $creditRatingDisplay; } public function getCreditRatingDisplay() { return $this->creditRatingDisplay; } public function setFlightAccidentInsurance($flightAccidentInsurance) { $this->flightAccidentInsurance = $flightAccidentInsurance; } public function getFlightAccidentInsurance() { return $this->flightAccidentInsurance; } public function setAnnualRewardMaximum($annualRewardMaximum) { $this->annualRewardMaximum = $annualRewardMaximum; } public function getAnnualRewardMaximum() { return $this->annualRewardMaximum; } public function setBalanceTransferTerms($balanceTransferTerms) { $this->balanceTransferTerms = $balanceTransferTerms; } public function getBalanceTransferTerms() { return $this->balanceTransferTerms; } public function setBonusRewards(/* array(Google_CcOfferBonusRewards) */ $bonusRewards) { $this->assertIsArray($bonusRewards, 'Google_CcOfferBonusRewards', __METHOD__); $this->bonusRewards = $bonusRewards; } public function getBonusRewards() { return $this->bonusRewards; } public function setImageUrl($imageUrl) { $this->imageUrl = $imageUrl; } public function getImageUrl() { return $this->imageUrl; } public function setAgeMinimumDetails($ageMinimumDetails) { $this->ageMinimumDetails = $ageMinimumDetails; } public function getAgeMinimumDetails() { return $this->ageMinimumDetails; } public function setDisclaimer($disclaimer) { $this->disclaimer = $disclaimer; } public function getDisclaimer() { return $this->disclaimer; } } class Google_CcOfferBonusRewards extends Google_Model { public $amount; public $details; public function setAmount($amount) { $this->amount = $amount; } public function getAmount() { return $this->amount; } public function setDetails($details) { $this->details = $details; } public function getDetails() { return $this->details; } } class Google_CcOfferDefaultFees extends Google_Model { public $category; public $maxRate; public $minRate; public $rateType; public function setCategory($category) { $this->category = $category; } public function getCategory() { return $this->category; } public function setMaxRate($maxRate) { $this->maxRate = $maxRate; } public function getMaxRate() { return $this->maxRate; } public function setMinRate($minRate) { $this->minRate = $minRate; } public function getMinRate() { return $this->minRate; } public function setRateType($rateType) { $this->rateType = $rateType; } public function getRateType() { return $this->rateType; } } class Google_CcOfferRewards extends Google_Model { public $category; public $minRewardTier; public $maxRewardTier; public $expirationMonths; public $amount; public $additionalDetails; public function setCategory($category) { $this->category = $category; } public function getCategory() { return $this->category; } public function setMinRewardTier($minRewardTier) { $this->minRewardTier = $minRewardTier; } public function getMinRewardTier() { return $this->minRewardTier; } public function setMaxRewardTier($maxRewardTier) { $this->maxRewardTier = $maxRewardTier; } public function getMaxRewardTier() { return $this->maxRewardTier; } public function setExpirationMonths($expirationMonths) { $this->expirationMonths = $expirationMonths; } public function getExpirationMonths() { return $this->expirationMonths; } public function setAmount($amount) { $this->amount = $amount; } public function getAmount() { return $this->amount; } public function setAdditionalDetails($additionalDetails) { $this->additionalDetails = $additionalDetails; } public function getAdditionalDetails() { return $this->additionalDetails; } } class Google_CcOffers extends Google_Model { protected $__itemsType = 'Google_CcOffer'; protected $__itemsDataType = 'array'; public $items; public $kind; public function setItems(/* array(Google_CcOffer) */ $items) { $this->assertIsArray($items, 'Google_CcOffer', __METHOD__); $this->items = $items; } public function getItems() { return $this->items; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } class Google_Event extends Google_Model { protected $__networkFeeType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__networkFeeDataType = ''; public $networkFee; public $advertiserName; public $kind; public $modifyDate; public $type; public $orderId; public $publisherName; public $memberId; public $advertiserId; public $status; public $chargeId; protected $__productsType = 'Google_EventProducts'; protected $__productsDataType = 'array'; public $products; protected $__earningsType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__earningsDataType = ''; public $earnings; public $chargeType; protected $__publisherFeeType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__publisherFeeDataType = ''; public $publisherFee; protected $__commissionableSalesType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__commissionableSalesDataType = ''; public $commissionableSales; public $publisherId; public $eventDate; public function setNetworkFee(Google_Money $networkFee) { $this->networkFee = $networkFee; } public function getNetworkFee() { return $this->networkFee; } public function setAdvertiserName($advertiserName) { $this->advertiserName = $advertiserName; } public function getAdvertiserName() { return $this->advertiserName; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setModifyDate($modifyDate) { $this->modifyDate = $modifyDate; } public function getModifyDate() { return $this->modifyDate; } public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } public function getType() { return $this->type; } public function setOrderId($orderId) { $this->orderId = $orderId; } public function getOrderId() { return $this->orderId; } public function setPublisherName($publisherName) { $this->publisherName = $publisherName; } public function getPublisherName() { return $this->publisherName; } public function setMemberId($memberId) { $this->memberId = $memberId; } public function getMemberId() { return $this->memberId; } public function setAdvertiserId($advertiserId) { $this->advertiserId = $advertiserId; } public function getAdvertiserId() { return $this->advertiserId; } public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setChargeId($chargeId) { $this->chargeId = $chargeId; } public function getChargeId() { return $this->chargeId; } public function setProducts(/* array(Google_EventProducts) */ $products) { $this->assertIsArray($products, 'Google_EventProducts', __METHOD__); $this->products = $products; } public function getProducts() { return $this->products; } public function setEarnings(Google_Money $earnings) { $this->earnings = $earnings; } public function getEarnings() { return $this->earnings; } public function setChargeType($chargeType) { $this->chargeType = $chargeType; } public function getChargeType() { return $this->chargeType; } public function setPublisherFee(Google_Money $publisherFee) { $this->publisherFee = $publisherFee; } public function getPublisherFee() { return $this->publisherFee; } public function setCommissionableSales(Google_Money $commissionableSales) { $this->commissionableSales = $commissionableSales; } public function getCommissionableSales() { return $this->commissionableSales; } public function setPublisherId($publisherId) { $this->publisherId = $publisherId; } public function getPublisherId() { return $this->publisherId; } public function setEventDate($eventDate) { $this->eventDate = $eventDate; } public function getEventDate() { return $this->eventDate; } } class Google_EventProducts extends Google_Model { protected $__networkFeeType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__networkFeeDataType = ''; public $networkFee; public $sku; public $categoryName; public $skuName; protected $__publisherFeeType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__publisherFeeDataType = ''; public $publisherFee; protected $__earningsType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__earningsDataType = ''; public $earnings; protected $__unitPriceType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__unitPriceDataType = ''; public $unitPrice; public $categoryId; public $quantity; public function setNetworkFee(Google_Money $networkFee) { $this->networkFee = $networkFee; } public function getNetworkFee() { return $this->networkFee; } public function setSku($sku) { $this->sku = $sku; } public function getSku() { return $this->sku; } public function setCategoryName($categoryName) { $this->categoryName = $categoryName; } public function getCategoryName() { return $this->categoryName; } public function setSkuName($skuName) { $this->skuName = $skuName; } public function getSkuName() { return $this->skuName; } public function setPublisherFee(Google_Money $publisherFee) { $this->publisherFee = $publisherFee; } public function getPublisherFee() { return $this->publisherFee; } public function setEarnings(Google_Money $earnings) { $this->earnings = $earnings; } public function getEarnings() { return $this->earnings; } public function setUnitPrice(Google_Money $unitPrice) { $this->unitPrice = $unitPrice; } public function getUnitPrice() { return $this->unitPrice; } public function setCategoryId($categoryId) { $this->categoryId = $categoryId; } public function getCategoryId() { return $this->categoryId; } public function setQuantity($quantity) { $this->quantity = $quantity; } public function getQuantity() { return $this->quantity; } } class Google_Events extends Google_Model { public $nextPageToken; protected $__itemsType = 'Google_Event'; protected $__itemsDataType = 'array'; public $items; public $kind; public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } public function setItems(/* array(Google_Event) */ $items) { $this->assertIsArray($items, 'Google_Event', __METHOD__); $this->items = $items; } public function getItems() { return $this->items; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } class Google_Link extends Google_Model { public $isActive; public $linkType; public $kind; public $endDate; public $description; public $name; protected $__specialOffersType = 'Google_LinkSpecialOffers'; protected $__specialOffersDataType = ''; public $specialOffers; protected $__epcSevenDayAverageType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__epcSevenDayAverageDataType = ''; public $epcSevenDayAverage; public $createDate; public $imageAltText; protected $__epcNinetyDayAverageType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__epcNinetyDayAverageDataType = ''; public $epcNinetyDayAverage; public $advertiserId; public $id; public $impressionTrackingUrl; public $promotionType; public $duration; public $authorship; public $startDate; public $availability; public $clickTrackingUrl; public $destinationUrl; public function setIsActive($isActive) { $this->isActive = $isActive; } public function getIsActive() { return $this->isActive; } public function setLinkType($linkType) { $this->linkType = $linkType; } public function getLinkType() { return $this->linkType; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEndDate($endDate) { $this->endDate = $endDate; } public function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setSpecialOffers(Google_LinkSpecialOffers $specialOffers) { $this->specialOffers = $specialOffers; } public function getSpecialOffers() { return $this->specialOffers; } public function setEpcSevenDayAverage(Google_Money $epcSevenDayAverage) { $this->epcSevenDayAverage = $epcSevenDayAverage; } public function getEpcSevenDayAverage() { return $this->epcSevenDayAverage; } public function setCreateDate($createDate) { $this->createDate = $createDate; } public function getCreateDate() { return $this->createDate; } public function setImageAltText($imageAltText) { $this->imageAltText = $imageAltText; } public function getImageAltText() { return $this->imageAltText; } public function setEpcNinetyDayAverage(Google_Money $epcNinetyDayAverage) { $this->epcNinetyDayAverage = $epcNinetyDayAverage; } public function getEpcNinetyDayAverage() { return $this->epcNinetyDayAverage; } public function setAdvertiserId($advertiserId) { $this->advertiserId = $advertiserId; } public function getAdvertiserId() { return $this->advertiserId; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setImpressionTrackingUrl($impressionTrackingUrl) { $this->impressionTrackingUrl = $impressionTrackingUrl; } public function getImpressionTrackingUrl() { return $this->impressionTrackingUrl; } public function setPromotionType($promotionType) { $this->promotionType = $promotionType; } public function getPromotionType() { return $this->promotionType; } public function setDuration($duration) { $this->duration = $duration; } public function getDuration() { return $this->duration; } public function setAuthorship($authorship) { $this->authorship = $authorship; } public function getAuthorship() { return $this->authorship; } public function setStartDate($startDate) { $this->startDate = $startDate; } public function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; } public function setAvailability($availability) { $this->availability = $availability; } public function getAvailability() { return $this->availability; } public function setClickTrackingUrl($clickTrackingUrl) { $this->clickTrackingUrl = $clickTrackingUrl; } public function getClickTrackingUrl() { return $this->clickTrackingUrl; } public function setDestinationUrl($destinationUrl) { $this->destinationUrl = $destinationUrl; } public function getDestinationUrl() { return $this->destinationUrl; } } class Google_LinkSpecialOffers extends Google_Model { protected $__priceCutType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__priceCutDataType = ''; public $priceCut; protected $__priceCutMinType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__priceCutMinDataType = ''; public $priceCutMin; public $freeShipping; public $promotionCodes; public $percentOff; protected $__percentOffMinType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__percentOffMinDataType = ''; public $percentOffMin; public $freeGift; protected $__freeShippingMinType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__freeShippingMinDataType = ''; public $freeShippingMin; public function setPriceCut(Google_Money $priceCut) { $this->priceCut = $priceCut; } public function getPriceCut() { return $this->priceCut; } public function setPriceCutMin(Google_Money $priceCutMin) { $this->priceCutMin = $priceCutMin; } public function getPriceCutMin() { return $this->priceCutMin; } public function setFreeShipping($freeShipping) { $this->freeShipping = $freeShipping; } public function getFreeShipping() { return $this->freeShipping; } public function setPromotionCodes($promotionCodes) { $this->promotionCodes = $promotionCodes; } public function getPromotionCodes() { return $this->promotionCodes; } public function setPercentOff($percentOff) { $this->percentOff = $percentOff; } public function getPercentOff() { return $this->percentOff; } public function setPercentOffMin(Google_Money $percentOffMin) { $this->percentOffMin = $percentOffMin; } public function getPercentOffMin() { return $this->percentOffMin; } public function setFreeGift($freeGift) { $this->freeGift = $freeGift; } public function getFreeGift() { return $this->freeGift; } public function setFreeShippingMin(Google_Money $freeShippingMin) { $this->freeShippingMin = $freeShippingMin; } public function getFreeShippingMin() { return $this->freeShippingMin; } } class Google_Links extends Google_Model { public $nextPageToken; protected $__itemsType = 'Google_Link'; protected $__itemsDataType = 'array'; public $items; public $kind; public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } public function setItems(/* array(Google_Link) */ $items) { $this->assertIsArray($items, 'Google_Link', __METHOD__); $this->items = $items; } public function getItems() { return $this->items; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } class Google_Money extends Google_Model { public $amount; public $currencyCode; public function setAmount($amount) { $this->amount = $amount; } public function getAmount() { return $this->amount; } public function setCurrencyCode($currencyCode) { $this->currencyCode = $currencyCode; } public function getCurrencyCode() { return $this->currencyCode; } } class Google_Publisher extends Google_Model { public $status; public $kind; public $name; public $classification; protected $__epcSevenDayAverageType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__epcSevenDayAverageDataType = ''; public $epcSevenDayAverage; public $payoutRank; protected $__epcNinetyDayAverageType = 'Google_Money'; protected $__epcNinetyDayAverageDataType = ''; public $epcNinetyDayAverage; protected $__itemType = 'Google_Publisher'; protected $__itemDataType = ''; public $item; public $joinDate; public $sites; public $id; public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setClassification($classification) { $this->classification = $classification; } public function getClassification() { return $this->classification; } public function setEpcSevenDayAverage(Google_Money $epcSevenDayAverage) { $this->epcSevenDayAverage = $epcSevenDayAverage; } public function getEpcSevenDayAverage() { return $this->epcSevenDayAverage; } public function setPayoutRank($payoutRank) { $this->payoutRank = $payoutRank; } public function getPayoutRank() { return $this->payoutRank; } public function setEpcNinetyDayAverage(Google_Money $epcNinetyDayAverage) { $this->epcNinetyDayAverage = $epcNinetyDayAverage; } public function getEpcNinetyDayAverage() { return $this->epcNinetyDayAverage; } public function setItem(Google_Publisher $item) { $this->item = $item; } public function getItem() { return $this->item; } public function setJoinDate($joinDate) { $this->joinDate = $joinDate; } public function getJoinDate() { return $this->joinDate; } public function setSites($sites) { $this->sites = $sites; } public function getSites() { return $this->sites; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Google_Publishers extends Google_Model { public $nextPageToken; protected $__itemsType = 'Google_Publisher'; protected $__itemsDataType = 'array'; public $items; public $kind; public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } public function setItems(/* array(Google_Publisher) */ $items) { $this->assertIsArray($items, 'Google_Publisher', __METHOD__); $this->items = $items; } public function getItems() { return $this->items; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } }