full view wip

This commit is contained in:
dsx 2015-01-20 09:02:16 -05:00
parent 1cd21536be
commit 8e55d6aac2
2 changed files with 131 additions and 47 deletions

View file

@ -30,3 +30,10 @@ AS_NUMBER = {
ASN_ZONE = "asn.cymru.com"
SESSION_KEY = '\xd77\xf9\xfa\xc2\xb5\xcd\x85)`+H\x9d\xeeW\\%\xbe/\xbaT\x89\xe8\xa7'
# Set to True if you're using one BIRD with full view of the network graph
# Set to True if your BIRD doesn't pretent to be a router

View file

@ -20,18 +20,18 @@
import memcache
import subprocess
import logging
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
import re
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib import quote, unquote
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
import logging
import memcache
import random
import re
import subprocess
from toolbox import mask_is_valid, ipv6_is_valid, ipv4_is_valid, resolve, save_cache_pickle, load_cache_pickle, unescape
#from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
# from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import pydot
@ -47,16 +47,17 @@ file_handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, app.config["LOG_LEVEL"].upper()))
memcache_server = app.config.get("MEMCACHE_SERVER", "")
memcache_expiration = int(app.config.get("MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION", "1296000")) # 15 days by default
memcache_expiration = int(app.config.get("MEMCACHE_EXPIRATION", "1296000")) # 15 days by default
mc = memcache.Client([memcache_server])
def get_asn_from_as(n):
asn_zone = app.config.get("ASN_ZONE", "asn.cymru.com")
data = resolve("AS%s.%s" % (n, asn_zone) ,"TXT").replace("'","").replace('"','')
data = resolve("AS%s.%s" % (n, asn_zone), "TXT").replace("'", "").replace('"', '')
return " "*5
return [ field.strip() for field in data.split("|") ]
return " " * 5
return [field.strip() for field in data.split("|")]
def add_links(text):
@ -69,8 +70,7 @@ def add_links(text):
ret_text = []
for line in text:
# Some heuristic to create link
if line.strip().startswith("BGP.as_path:") or \
line.strip().startswith("Neighbor AS:"):
if line.strip().startswith("BGP.as_path:") or line.strip().startswith("Neighbor AS:"):
ret_text.append(re.sub(r'(\d+)', r'<a href="/whois?q=\1" class="whois">\1</a>', line))
line = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}){1,2})(\s|$)', r'<a href="/whois?q=\1" class="whois">\1</a>\3', line)
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def set_session(request_type, hosts, proto, request_args):
def whois_command(query):
server = []
if app.config.get("WHOIS_SERVER", ""):
server = [ "-h", app.config.get("WHOIS_SERVER") ]
server = ["-h", app.config.get("WHOIS_SERVER")]
return subprocess.Popen(['whois'] + server + [query], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
@ -143,7 +143,12 @@ def bird_proxy(host, proto, service, query):
elif not path:
return False, 'Proto "%s" invalid' % proto
url = "http://%s.%s:%d/%s?q=%s" % (host, app.config["DOMAIN"], port, path, quote(query))
if app.config.get('BIRD_HAS_FULL_VIEW'):
url = 'http://{}:{}/{}?q={}'.format(app.config['ROUTER_IP'][host][0], port, path, quote(query))
# FIXME: debug
url = 'http://{}:{}/{}?q={}'.format(app.config['ROUTER_IP'][host][0], port, path, quote(query))
# url = "http://%s.%s:%d/%s?q=%s" % (host, app.config["DOMAIN"], port, path, quote(query))
f = urlopen(url)
resultat = f.read()
@ -157,18 +162,18 @@ def bird_proxy(host, proto, service, query):
def inject_commands():
commands = [
("traceroute", "traceroute ..."),
("summary", "show protocols"),
("detail", "show protocols ... all"),
("prefix", "show route for ..."),
("prefix_detail", "show route for ... all"),
("prefix_bgpmap", "show route for ... (bgpmap)"),
("where", "show route where net ~ [ ... ]"),
("where_detail", "show route where net ~ [ ... ] all"),
("where_bgpmap", "show route where net ~ [ ... ] (bgpmap)"),
("adv", "show route ..."),
("adv_bgpmap", "show route ... (bgpmap)"),
("traceroute", "traceroute ..."),
("summary", "show protocols"),
("detail", "show protocols ... all"),
("prefix", "show route for ..."),
("prefix_detail", "show route for ... all"),
("prefix_bgpmap", "show route for ... (bgpmap)"),
("where", "show route where net ~ [ ... ]"),
("where_detail", "show route where net ~ [ ... ] all"),
("where_bgpmap", "show route where net ~ [ ... ] (bgpmap)"),
("adv", "show route ..."),
("adv_bgpmap", "show route ... (bgpmap)"),
commands_dict = {}
for id, text in commands:
commands_dict[id] = text
@ -198,10 +203,12 @@ def incorrect_request(e):
def page_not_found(e):
return render_template('error.html', warnings=["The requested URL was not found on the server."]), 404
def get_query():
q = unquote(request.args.get('q', '').strip())
return q
def whois():
query = get_query()
@ -317,7 +324,6 @@ def traceroute(hosts, proto):
errors.append("%s" % resultat)
infos[host] = add_links(resultat)
return render_template('traceroute.html', infos=infos, errors=errors)
@ -377,7 +383,7 @@ def get_as_name(_as):
name = mc.get(str('lg_%s' % _as))
if not name:
app.logger.info("asn for as %s not found in memcache", _as)
name = get_asn_from_as(_as)[-1].replace(" ","\r",1)
name = get_asn_from_as(_as)[-1].replace(" ", "\r", 1)
if name:
mc.set(str("lg_%s" % _as), str(name), memcache_expiration)
return "AS%s | %s" % (_as, name)
@ -415,7 +421,7 @@ def show_bgpmap():
def add_node(_as, **kwargs):
if _as not in nodes:
kwargs["label"] = '<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER">' + escape(kwargs.get("label", get_as_name(_as))).replace("\r","<BR/>") + "</TD></TR></TABLE>>"
kwargs["label"] = '<<TABLE CELLBORDER="0" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER">' + escape(kwargs.get("label", get_as_name(_as))).replace("\r", "<BR/>") + "</TD></TR></TABLE>>"
nodes[_as] = pydot.Node(_as, style="filled", fontsize="10", **kwargs)
return nodes[_as]
@ -433,26 +439,27 @@ def show_bgpmap():
e = edges[edge_tuple]
label_without_star = kwargs["label"].replace("*", "")
labels = e.get_label().split("\r")
labels = e.get_label().split("\r")
if "%s*" % label_without_star not in labels:
labels = [ kwargs["label"] ] + [ l for l in labels if not l.startswith(label_without_star) ]
labels = sorted(labels, cmp=lambda x,y: x.endswith("*") and -1 or 1)
labels = [kwargs["label"]] + [l for l in labels if not l.startswith(label_without_star)]
labels = sorted(labels, cmp=lambda x, y: x.endswith("*") and -1 or 1)
label = escape("\r".join(labels))
return edges[edge_tuple]
for host, asmaps in data.iteritems():
add_node(host, label= "%s\r%s" % (host.upper(), app.config["DOMAIN"].upper()), shape="box", fillcolor="#F5A9A9")
add_node(host, label="%s\r%s" % (host.upper(), app.config["DOMAIN"].upper()), shape="box", fillcolor="#F5A9A9")
as_number = app.config["AS_NUMBER"].get(host, None)
# as_number = app.config["AS_NUMBER"].get(host, None)
as_number = app.config["AS_NUMBER"].get(host, '6453') # FIXME: debug
if as_number:
node = add_node(as_number, fillcolor="#F5A9A9")
edge = add_edge(as_number, nodes[host])
#colors = [ "#009e23", "#1a6ec1" , "#d05701", "#6f879f", "#939a0e", "#0e9a93", "#9a0e85", "#56d8e1" ]
# colors = [ "#009e23", "#1a6ec1" , "#d05701", "#6f879f", "#939a0e", "#0e9a93", "#9a0e85", "#56d8e1" ]
previous_as = None
hosts = data.keys()
for host, asmaps in data.iteritems():
@ -470,14 +477,13 @@ def show_bgpmap():
if not hop:
hop = True
if _as not in hosts:
hop_label = _as
hop_label = _as
if first:
hop_label = hop_label + "*"
hop_label = ""
add_node(_as, fillcolor=(first and "#F5A9A9" or "white"))
if hop_label:
edge = add_edge(nodes[previous_as], nodes[_as], label=hop_label, fontsize="7")
@ -500,7 +506,7 @@ def show_bgpmap():
node = add_node(previous_as)
#return Response("<pre>" + graph.create_dot() + "</pre>")
# return Response("<pre>" + graph.create_dot() + "</pre>")
return Response(graph.create_png(), mimetype='image/png')
@ -510,10 +516,14 @@ def build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, text):
path = None
paths = []
net_dest = None
re_via = re.compile(r'(.*)via\s+([0-9a-fA-F:\.]+)\s+on.*\[(\w+)\s+')
re_unreachable = re.compile(r'(.*)unreachable\s+\[(\w+)\s+')
for line in text:
line = line.strip()
expr = re.search(r'(.*)via\s+([0-9a-fA-F:\.]+)\s+on.*\[(\w+)\s+', line)
expr = re_via.search(line)
if expr:
if path:
@ -533,10 +543,10 @@ def build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, text):
# ugly hack for good printing
path = [ peer_protocol_name ]
# path = ["%s\r%s" % (peer_protocol_name, get_as_name(get_as_number_from_protocol_name(host, proto, peer_protocol_name)))]
expr2 = re.search(r'(.*)unreachable\s+\[(\w+)\s+', line)
path = [peer_protocol_name]
# path = ["%s\r%s" % (peer_protocol_name, get_as_name(get_as_number_from_protocol_name(host, proto, peer_protocol_name)))]
expr2 = re_unreachable.search(line)
if expr2:
if path:
@ -548,7 +558,7 @@ def build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, text):
if line.startswith("BGP.as_path:"):
path.extend(line.replace("BGP.as_path:", "").strip().split(" "))
if path:
@ -556,6 +566,70 @@ def build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, text):
return paths
def build_as_tree_from_full_view(host, proto, res):
# FIXME: debug
# {u'noc.chi1.us': [[u'chi1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'noc.dal1.us': [[u'dal1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'noc.sng2.sg': [[u'sng2', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'noc.war1.pl': [[u'war1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.ash1.us': [[u'ash1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.atl1.us': [[u'atl1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.fra6.de': [[u'fra6', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.lax1.us': [[u'lax1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.lon1.uk': [[u'lon1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.nyc1.us': [[u'nyc1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.par2.fr': [[u'par2', u'31133', u'6697', u'']],
# u'rc1.sjo1.us': [[u'sjo1', u'31133', u'6697', u'']]}
# {'ginwyntcore2': [['ginwyntcore2', '9002', '6697', '']]}
re_chunk_start = re.compile(r'(.*)unreachable\s+\[(.*)\s+.*\s+from\s+(.*)\].*\(.*\)\s\[.*\]')
result = dict()
dest_subnet = None
for line in res:
line = line.strip()
expr = re_chunk_start.search(line)
if expr:
# Beginning of the BGP reply chunk
if not dest_subnet:
dest_subnet = expr.group(1).strip()
router_tag = expr.group(2).strip()
router_ip = expr.group(3).strip()
result[router_ip] = list()
elif line.startswith('BGP.as_path:'):
# BGP AS path
line = line.replace('BGP.as_path:', '')
line = line.strip()
path = [router_tag, ]
for as_num in line.split(' '):
if as_num:
elif line.startswith('BGP.community:'):
# BGP community
line = line.replace('BGP.community:', '')
line = line.strip()
elif line.startswith('BGP.cluster_list:'):
# BGP cluster size
line = line.replace('BGP.cluster_list:', '')
line = line.strip()
# Sort and filter out result
# 0. Breakdown by possible BGP pathes
# 1. Sort by BGP path length, shortest first
# 2. Sort by cluster size, smallest first
# 3. Sort by community (?)
return result
def show_route(request_type, hosts, proto):
expression = get_query()
if not expression:
@ -618,7 +692,10 @@ def show_route(request_type, hosts, proto):
if bgpmap:
detail[host] = build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, res)
if app.config['BIRD_HAS_FULL_VIEW']:
detail = build_as_tree_from_full_view(host, proto, res)
detail[host] = build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, res)
detail[host] = add_links(res)