This commit is contained in:
David Schleef 2005-04-08 00:07:20 +00:00
parent 0ca948f2c4
commit b6260acf6f
10 changed files with 675 additions and 0 deletions

.htaccess Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Redirect permanent /documentation.php
Redirect permanent /download.php
Redirect permanent /hardware.php
Redirect permanent /index.php
Redirect permanent /links.php
Redirect permanent /mailinglist.php

Makefile Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
htmlfiles = documentation.html download.html hardware.html \
index.html links.html mailinglist.html
all: $(htmlfiles)
%.html: %.xml comedi.xsl
xsltproc $< -o $@
rsync -a --files-from=files . \

comedi.xsl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet
<!ENTITY site "file:///home/ds/cvs/comedi-www/src">
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<body bgcolor="#000000">
<table border="0" width="99%" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"
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<td valign="top" rowspan="5">
<font size="8" face="arial,helvetica"><b>
<img src="images/comedi_logo.png" alt="Comedi - The Linux Control and Measurement Interface" />
<table border="0" width="99%" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"
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<br/><a href="index.html">Introduction</a>
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<br/><a href="hardware.html">Supported<br/>hardware</a>
<br/><a href="links.html">Manufacturers</a>
<br/><a href="">Bug Tracking</a>
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<br/><a href="">David Schleef</a>
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<xsl:copy-of select="body/node()" />

documentation.xml Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="comedi.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<title>Comedi Documentation</title>
Installation instructions are included in the source for both
Comedi and Comedilib.
<a href="doc/index.html">Comedilib Reference</a>

download.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="comedi.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<title>Comedi Download</title>
<li><a href="">FTP:</a></li>
<li><a href="download">HTTP:</a></li>
<li><a href="">Current Comedi CVS snapshot</a></li>
<li><a href="">Current Comedilib CVS snapshot</a></li>
<li><a href="">Browse CVS repository</a></li>
<p>Comedi and comedilib can be checked out using anonymous CVS
using the commands:
cvs -d login
cvs -d co comedi
cvs -d co comedilib
When prompted for a password, hit enter.

files Normal file
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hardware.xml Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="comedi.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<title>Hardware Supported by Comedi</title>
<h1>Supported Hardware</h1>
Current as of 0.7.69.
Manufacturer Board Name Driver config name
ADLink ACL-6126 pcl726.o acl6126
ADLink ACL-6128 pcl726.o acl6128
ADLink ACL-7122 pcl724.o acl7122
ADLink ACL-7124 pcl724.o acl7124
AdLink ACL-8112DG pcl711.o acl8112dg
ADLink ACL-8112DG pcl812.o acl8112dg
AdLink ACL-8112HG pcl711.o acl8112hg
ADLink ACL-8112HG pcl812.o acl8112hg
ADLink ACL-8113 pcl812.o acl-8113
ADLink ACL-8216 pcl812.o acl8216
ADLink PCI-9111HR adl_pci9111.o adl_pci9111
ADLink PCI-9118DG adl_pci9118.o pci9118dg
ADLink PCI-9118HG adl_pci9118.o pci9118hg
ADLink PCI-9118HR adl_pci9118.o pci9118hr
ADLink PET-48DIO pcl724.o pet48dio
Advantech PCI-1710 adv_pci1710.o pci1710
Advantech PCI-1710HG adv_pci1710.o pci1710hg
Advantech PCI-1711 adv_pci1710.o pci1711
Advantech PCI-1713 adv_pci1710.o pci1713
Advantech PCI-1720 adv_pci1710.o pci1720
Advantech PCI-1730 adv_pci_dio.o pci1730
Advantech PCI-1731 adv_pci1710.o pci1731
Advantech PCI-1733 adv_pci_dio.o pci1733
Advantech PCI-1734 adv_pci_dio.o pci1734
Advantech PCI-1750 adv_pci_dio.o pci1750
Advantech PCI-1751 adv_pci_dio.o pci1751
Advantech PCI-1752 adv_pci_dio.o pci1752
Advantech PCI-1753 adv_pci_dio.o pci1753
Advantech PCI-1753+PCI-1753E adv_pci_dio.o pci1753e
Advantech PCI-1754 adv_pci_dio.o pci1754
Advantech PCI-1756 adv_pci_dio.o pci1756
Advantech PCI-1760 adv_pci_dio.o pci1760
Advantech PCI-1762 adv_pci_dio.o pci1762
Advantech PCL-711B pcl711.o pcl711b
Advantech PCL-711 pcl711.o pcl711
Advantech PCL-718 pcl818.o pcl718
Advantech PCL-722 pcl724.o pcl722
Advantech PCL-724 pcl724.o pcl724
Advantech PCL-725 pcl725.o pcl725
Advantech PCL-726 pcl726.o pcl726
Advantech PCL-727 pcl726.o pcl727
Advantech PCL-728 pcl726.o pcl728
Advantech PCL-731 pcl724.o pcl731
Advantech PCL-733 poc.o pcl733
Advantech PCL-734 poc.o pcl734
Advantech PCL-812 pcl812.o pcl812
Advantech PCL-812PG pcl812.o pcl812pg
Advantech PCL-813B pcl812.o pcl813b
Advantech PCL-813 pcl812.o pcl813
Advantech PCL-814B pcl816.o pcl814b
Advantech PCL-816 pcl816.o pcl816
Advantech PCL-818HD pcl818.o pcl818hd
Advantech PCL-818HG pcl818.o pcl818hg
Advantech PCL-818H pcl818.o pcl818h
Advantech PCL-818L pcl818.o pcl818l
Advantech PCL-818 pcl818.o pcl818
Advantech PCM-3730 pcm3730.o pcm3730
Amplicon PC263 amplc_pc263.o pc263
Amplicon PC36AT amplc_pc236.o pc36at
Amplicon PCI230 amplc_pci230.o amplc_pci230
Amplicon PCI236 amplc_pc236.o pci236
Amplicon PCI260 amplc_pci230.o amplc_pci230
Amplicon PCI263 amplc_pc263.o pci263
Analog Devices RTI-800 rti800.o rti800
Analog Devices RTI-802 rti802.o rti802
Analog Devices RTI-815 rti800.o rti815
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS1401/12 das16.o cio-das1401/12
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS1402/12 das16.o cio-das1402/12
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS1402/16 das16.o cio-das1402/16
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS1601/12 das16.o cio-das1601/12
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS1602/12 das16.o cio-das1602/12
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS1602/16 das16.o cio-das1602/16
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS16/330 das16.o cio-das16/330
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS16JR/16 das16.o cio-das16jr/16
ComputerBoards CIO-DAS16/JR das16.o cio-das16/jr
ComputerBoards DAS08-AOH das08.o das08-aoh
ComputerBoards DAS08-AOL das08.o das08-aol
ComputerBoards DAS08-AOM das08.o das08-aom
ComputerBoards DAS08 das08.o das08
ComputerBoards DAS08/JR-16-AO das08.o das08jr-16-ao
ComputerBoards DAS08/JR/16 das08.o das08jr/16
ComputerBoards DAS08/JR-AO das08.o das08/jr-ao
ComputerBoards DAS08-PGH das08.o das08-pgh
ComputerBoards DAS08-PGL das08.o das08-pgl
ComputerBoards DAS08-PGM das08.o das08-pgm
ComputerBoards PC104-DAS08 das08.o pc104-das08
ComputerBoards PC104-DAS16JR/16 das16.o pc104-das16jr/16
ComputerBoards PC104-DAS16/JR das16.o pc104-das16jr
ComputerBoards PC-CARD DAS16/16-AO cb_das16_cs.o cb_das16_cs
ComputerBoards PC-CARD DAS16/16 cb_das16_cs.o cb_das16_cs
ComputerBoards PCI-DAS08 das08.o pci-das08
Computer Boards PCIM-DAS1602/16 cb_pcimdas.o cb_pcimdas
Computer Boards PCIM-DDA06-16 cb_pcimdda.o cb_pcimdda
ComputerBoards PCM-DAS08 das08_cs.o pcm-das08
Contec PIO1616L contec_pci_dio.o contec_pci_dio
Data Translation DT01-EZ dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT21-EZ dt282x.o dt21-ez
Data Translation DT23-EZ dt282x.o dt23-ez
Data Translation DT24-EZ dt282x.o dt24-ez
Data Translation DT24-EZ-PGL dt282x.o dt24-ez-pgl
Data Translation DT2801/5716A dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2801-A dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2801 dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2805/5716A dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2805 dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2808 dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2809 dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2811-PGH dt2811.o dt2811-pgh
Data Translation DT2811-PGL dt2811.o dt2811-pgl
Data Translation DT2814 dt2814.o dt2814
Data Translation DT2815 dt2815.o dt2815
Data Translation DT2817 dt2817.o dt2817
Data Translation DT2818 dt2801.o dt2801
Data Translation DT2821 dt282x.o dt2821
Data Translation DT2821-F-16SE dt282x.o dt2821-f
Data Translation DT2821-F-8DI dt282x.o dt2821-f
Data Translation DT2821-G-16SE dt282x.o dt2821-f
Data Translation DT2821-G-8DI dt282x.o dt2821-g
Data Translation DT2823 dt282x.o dt2823
Data Translation DT2824-PGH dt282x.o dt2824-pgh
Data Translation DT2824-PGL dt282x.o dt2824-pgl
Data Translation DT2825 dt282x.o dt2825
Data Translation DT2827 dt282x.o dt2827
Data Translation DT2828 dt282x.o dt2828
Data Translation DT3001 dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3001-PGL dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3002 dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3003 dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3003-PGL dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3004-200 dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3004 dt3000.o dt3000
Data Translation DT3005 dt3000.o dt3000
General Standards Corporation PCI-HPDI32 gsc_hpdi.o gsc_hpdi
General Standards Corporation PMC-HPDI32 gsc_hpdi.o gsc_hpdi
ICP A-821PGH pcl812.o a821pgh
ICP A-821PGL-NDA pcl812.o a821pclnda
ICP A-821PGL pcl812.o a821pgl
ICP A-822PGH pcl812.o a822pgh
ICP A-822PGL pcl812.o a822pgl
ICP A-823PGH pcl812.o a823pgh
ICP A-823PGL pcl812.o a823pgl
ICP A-826PG pcl812.o a826pg
ICP ISO-813 pcl812.o iso813
Inova ICP_MULTI icp_multi.o icp_multi
Intelligent Instrumentation PCI-20001C ii_pci20kc.o ii_pci20kc
IOTech DAQBoard/2000 daqboard2000.o daqboard2000
ITL USB-DUX usbdux.c usbdux.o
ITL USB-DUX usbduxfast.c usbduxfast.o
Keithley DAS08 das08.o das08
Keithley Metrabyte DAC-02 poc.o dac02
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1201 das16.o das-1201
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1202 das16.o das-1202
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1401 das16.o das-1401
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1402 das16.o das-1402
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1601 das16.o das-1601
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1602 das16.o das-1602
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-16 das16.o das-16
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-16F das16.o das-16f
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-16G das16.o das-16g
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1701/AO das1800.o das-1701ao
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1701ST-DA das1800.o das-1701st-da
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1701ST das1800.o das-1701st
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1702/AO das1800.o das-1702ao
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1702HR-DA das1800.o das-1702hr-da
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1702HR das1800.o das-1702hr
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1702ST-DA das1800.o das-1702st-da
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1702ST das1800.o das-1702st
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1801AO das1800.o das-1801ao
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1801HC das1800.o das-1801hc
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1801ST-DA das1800.o das-1801st-da
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1801ST das1800.o das-1801st
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1802AO das1800.o das-1802ao
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1802HC das1800.o das-1802hc
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1802HR-DA das1800.o das-1802hr-da
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1802HR das1800.o das-1802hr
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1802ST-DA das1800.o das-1802st-da
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-1802ST das1800.o das-1802st
Keithley Metrabyte DAS6402 das6402.o das6402
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-800 das800.o das-800
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-801 das800.o das-801
Keithley Metrabyte DAS-802 das800.o das-802
Kolter Electronic PCI Counter Card ke_counter.o ke_counter
MeasurementComputing CIO-DAS16/M1 das16m1.o cio-das16/m1
Measurement Computing CIO-DAS800 das800.o cio-das800
Measurement Computing CIO-DAS801 das800.o cio-das801
Measurement Computing CIO-DAS802/16 das800.o cio-das802/16
Measurement Computing CIO-DAS802 das800.o cio-das802
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1000 cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1001 cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI_DAS1002 cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1200 cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1200jr cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1602/12 cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1602/16 cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS1602/16jr cb_pcidas.o cb_pcidas
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS4020/12 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6014 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6023 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6025 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6030 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6031 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6032 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6033 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6034 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6035 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6036 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6040 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6052 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6070 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6071 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6402/12 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6402/16 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6402/16/JR cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M1/14 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M1/16 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M1/16/JR cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M2/14 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M2/16 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M2/16/JR cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M3/14 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M3/16 cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DAS64/M3/16/JR cb_pcidas64.o cb_pcidas64
Measurement Computing PCI-DDA02/12 cb_pcidda.o cb_pcidda
Measurement Computing PCI-DDA02/16 cb_pcidda.o cb_pcidda
Measurement Computing PCI-DDA04/12 cb_pcidda.o cb_pcidda
Measurement Computing PCI-DDA04/16 cb_pcidda.o cb_pcidda
Measurement Computing PCI-DDA08/12 cb_pcidda.o cb_pcidda
Measurement Computing PCI-DDA08/16 cb_pcidda.o cb_pcidda
Meilhaus ME-2000i me_daq.o me_daq
Meilhaus ME-2600i me_daq.o me_daq
Meilhaus ME-4650 me4000.o me4000
Meilhaus ME-4670i me4000.o me4000
Meilhaus ME-4680i me4000.o me4000
Meilhaus ME-4680is me4000.o me4000
Meilhaus ME-4680 me4000.o me4000
Motorola MPC8260 CPM mpc8260cpm.o mpc8260cpm
National Instruments 6527 ni_6527.o unknown
National Instruments AT-2150S ni_at_a2150.o at_a2150s
National Instruments AT-A2150C ni_at_a2150.o at_a2150c
National Instruments AT-AI-16XE-10 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-AO-10 ni_at_ao.o at-ao-10
National Instruments AT-AO-6 ni_at_ao.o at-ao-6
National Instruments AT-MIO-16DE-10 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-MIO-16D ni_atmio16d.o atmio16d
National Instruments AT-MIO-16E-10 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-MIO-16E-1 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-MIO-16E-2 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-MIO-16 ni_atmio16d.o atmio16
National Instruments AT-MIO-16XE-10 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-MIO-16XE-50 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments AT-MIO-64E-3 ni_atmio.o ni_atmio
National Instruments DAQCard-1200 ni_labpc_cs.o daqcard-1200
National Instruments DAQCard-6024E ni_mio_cs.o ni_mio_cs
National Instruments DAQCard-6036E ni_mio_cs.o ni_mio_cs
National Instruments DAQCard-6062E ni_mio_cs.o ni_mio_cs
National Instruments DAQCard-AI-16E-4 ni_mio_cs.o ni_mio_cs
National Instruments DAQCard-AI-16XE-50 ni_mio_cs.o ni_mio_cs
National Instruments Lab-PC-1200AI ni_labpc.o labpc-1200ai
National Instruments Lab-PC-1200 ni_labpc.o labpc-1200
National Instruments Lab-PC+ ni_labpc.o lab-pc+
National Instruments PCI-1200 ni_labpc.o pci-1200
National Instruments PCI-6014 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6023E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6024E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6025E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6031E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6032E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6033E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6034E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6035E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6036E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6040E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6052E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6071E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6110 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6111 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6503B ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-6503 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-6503X ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-6533 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-6534 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-6703 ni_670x.o ni_670x
National Instruments PCI-6704 ni_670x.o ni_670x
National Instruments PCI-6711 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6713 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6731 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-6733 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-DIO-32HS ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-DIO-96B ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-DIO-96 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PCI-MIO-16E-1 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-MIO-16E-4 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-MIO-16XE-10 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCI-MIO-16XE-50 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PCMCIA DAQ-Card DIO-24 ni_daq_dio24.o ni_daq_dio24
National Instruments PXI-6025E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6030E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6040E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6052E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6070E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6071E ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6503 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PXI-6508 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PXI-6533 ni_pcidio.o ni_pcidio
National Instruments PXI-6711 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6713 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
National Instruments PXI-6733 ni_pcimio.o ni_pcimio
Quanser Consulting MultiQ-3 multiq3.o multiq3
Quatech DAQP-208 quatech_daqp_cs.o daqp
Quatech DAQP-308 quatech_daqp_cs.o daqp
Real Time Devices DM7520HR-1 rtd520.o DM7520
Real Time Devices DM7520HR-8 rtd520.o DM7520-8
Real Time Devices PCI4520-8 rtd520.o PCI4520-8
Real Time Devices PCI4520 rtd520.o PCI4520
SSV Embedded Systems DIL/Net-PC 1486 ssv_dnp.o dnp-1486
standard 8255 8255.o 8255
standard parallel port comedi_parport.o comedi_parport
unknown FL512 fl512.o fl512
Winsystems PCM-A/D12 pcmad.o pcmad12
Winsystems PCM-A/D16 pcmad.o pcmad16

index.xml Normal file
View file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="comedi.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<title>Comedi - Control and Measurement Interface</title>
The Comedi project develops open-source drivers, tools, and libraries
for data acquisition.
<b>Comedi</b> is a collection of drivers for a variety of common
data acquisition plug-in boards. The drivers are implemented as
a core Linux kernel module providing common functionality and
individual low-level driver modules.
<b>Comedilib</b> is a user-space library that provides a
developer-friendly interface to Comedi devices. Included in the
Comedilib distribution is documentation, configuration and
calibration utilities, and demonstration programs.
<b>Kcomedilib</b> is a Linux kernel module (distributed with Comedi)
that provides the same interface as Comedilib in kernel space,
suitable for real-time tasks. It is effectively a "kernel library"
for using Comedi from real-time tasks.
<li>Integrated real-time support for most hardware</li>
<li>High-level library (comedilib)</li>
<li>Application-level device independence</li>
<li>Works with Linux 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 kernels</li>
<h1>Latest version</h1>
(probably not accurate!)
Comedi and Comedilib are being actively developed, and because of this,
new versions are sometimes buggy. However, reported bugs are usually
quickly fixed.
David Schleef <i>&lt;;</i>
Frank Mori Hess <i>&lt;;</i>
Much of Comedi has been developed by others, suggesting the need for
a contributors list.

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<title>Hardware Manufacturers</title>
<h1>Manufacturer Links</h1>
<li><a href="">ADDI-DATA GmbH</a></li>
<li><a href="">Advantech</a></li>
<li><a href="">ADLink</a></li>
<li><a href="">Analog Devices</a></li>
<li><a href="">Data Translation</a></li>
<li><a href="">Intelligent Instrumentation</a></li>
<li><a href="">IOtech</a></li>
<li><a href="">Incite Technology Limited</a></li>
<li><a href="">Keithley Metrabyte</a></li>
<li><a href="">Measurement Computing</a> (formerly ComputerBoards)</li>
<li><a href="">National Instruments</a></li>
<li><a href="">Quanser Consulting</a></li>
<li><a href="">SuperLogics</a> (formerly Quatech)</li>

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<title>Comedi Mailing Lists</title>
<h1>Mailing List</h1>
Comedi has a mailing list for announcements, questions, and discussion
about Comedi and data acquisition using Linux.
To subscribe, send mail to
<a href=""></a>
with the word "subscribe" in the body, or alternatively, use the web
interface below.
<a href="">Subscription web page</a>
<a href="">Mailing list archive</a>
Mailing list archive before May 2000 is not currently available