diff --git a/doc/driverwriting.sgml b/doc/driverwriting.sgml
index 00e75dd..735023d 100644
--- a/doc/driverwriting.sgml
+++ b/doc/driverwriting.sgml
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ things have to be done:
-Choose a senseful name for the source code file. Let's assume here
+Choose a sensible name for the source code file. Let's assume here
that you call it mydriver.c
@@ -859,32 +859,32 @@ Put your new driver into comedi/drivers/mydriver.c
-Edit comedi/Config.in
and add a new
line (look at the other examples). Invent a
-senseful name for the driver's variable. For example:
+Edit comedi/drivers/Makefile.am
and add mydriver.ko
+to the module_PROGRAMS
list. Also add a line
+mydriver_ko_SOURCES = mydriver.c
+in the alphabetically appropriate place.
-Add a line to comedi/drivers/Makefile.in
, using your
-freshly defined variable, i.e., CONFIG_COMEDI_MYDRIVER.
+Run ./autogen.sh in the top-level comedi directory. You will
+need to have (a recent version of) autoconf and automake
+installed to successfully run autogen.sh. Afterwards, your driver will
+be built along with the rest of the drivers when you 'make'.
-Now make distclean, reconfigure &comedi; with a new
-make, rebuild and be happy.
If you want to have your driver included in the &comedi; distribution
-(you definitely want to :-) ) send it to David
-Schleef ds@schleef.org for
-review and integration.
+(you definitely want to :-) ) send it to
+David Schleef ds@schleef.org or
+Frank Hess fmhess@users.sourceforge.net
+for review and integration. Note your work must be licensed under terms
+compatible with the GNU GPL to be distributed as a part of Comedi.