diff --git a/doc/funcref b/doc/funcref
index 1df2f31..661a922 100644
--- a/doc/funcref
+++ b/doc/funcref
@@ -53,6 +53,22 @@ Returns:
On success, comedi_data_read() returns 1 (the number of samples
read). If there is an error, -1 is returned.
+Function: comedi_data_read_n -- read multiple samples from channel
+Retval: int
+Param: comedi_t * device
+Param: unsigned int subdevice
+Param: unsigned int channel
+Param: unsigned int range
+Param: unsigned int aref
+Param: lsampl_t * data
+Param: unsigned int n
+ Similar to
+ comedi_data_read
+ except it reads n samples into the array
+ data. The precise timing of the samples is not
+ hardware controlled.
Function: comedi_data_read_delayed -- read single sample from channel after delaying for specified settling time
Retval: int
Param: comedi_t * device