diff --git a/doc/funcref b/doc/funcref
index 193eae1..5b20cd7 100644
--- a/doc/funcref
+++ b/doc/funcref
@@ -388,9 +388,11 @@ Param: unsigned int subdevice
Param: unsigned int channel
The function comedi_get_maxdata() returns the maximum
- valid data value for channel chan of subdevice
- subdevice belonging to the comedi device device
- This function returns 0 on error.
+ valid data value for channel channel of subdevice
+ subdevice belonging to the comedi device
+ device.
+ The maximum valid sample value, or 0 on error.
Function: comedi_get_n_ranges -- number of ranges of channel
Retval: int
@@ -525,7 +527,9 @@ Description:
allowed to read, write, or configure that subdevice, although
other processes can read information about the subdevice. The
lock is released when comedi_unlock() is called, or the device
- is closed. If sucessful, 0 is returned. If there is an error,
+ is closed.
+ If sucessful, 0 is returned. If there is an error,
-1 is returned.
Function: comedi_unlock -- subdevice reservation
@@ -557,6 +561,26 @@ Description:
If there is an error, NAN is returned.
+Function: comedi_to_physical -- convert sample to physical units
+Retval: double
+Param: lsampl_t data
+Param: const comedi_polynomial_t *conversion_polynomial
+ Converts data given in Comedi's integer
+ sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and
+ maxdata) into physical units (double). The
+ conversion_polynomial
+ parameter is obtained from either comedi_get_hardcal_converter()
+ or comedi_get_softcal_converter(). No range checking of the
+ input data is performed. It is up to
+ you to check for data values of
+ 0 or maxdata if you want to detect possibly out-of-range readings.
+ This function is intended to supplant comedi_to_phys(), and was
+ introduced in order to support software calibrations.
+ Physical value corresponding to the input sample value.
Function: comedi_from_phys -- convert physical units to sample
Retval: lsampl_t
Param: double data
@@ -572,6 +596,26 @@ Description:
Conversion is not affected by out-of-range behavior. Out-of-range
data parameters are silently truncated to the range 0 to maxdata.
+Function: comedi_from_physical -- convert physical units to sample
+Retval: lsampl_t
+Param: double data
+Param: const comedi_polynomial_t *conversion_polynomial
+ Converts data given in physical units into Comedi's
+ integer sample values
+ (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata). The conversion_polynomial
+ parameter is obtained from either comedi_get_hardcal_converter()
+ or comedi_get_softcal_converter(). The result will be rounded
+ using the C library's current rounding direction.
+ No range checking of the input
+ data is performed. It is up to you to insure
+ your data is within the limits of the output range you are using.
+ This function is intended to supplant comedi_from_phys(), and was
+ introduced in order to support software calibrations.
+ Comedi sample value corresponding to input physical value.
Function: comedi_data_read -- read single sample from channel
Retval: int
Param: comedi_t * device