diff --git a/doc/tutorial.xml b/doc/tutorial.xml
index 3344d2a..a5501a1 100644
--- a/doc/tutorial.xml
+++ b/doc/tutorial.xml
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
The functions
- comedi_to_physical, comedi_to_phys,
- comedi_from_physical and comedi_from_phys
+ comedi_to_physical, comedi_to_phys,
+ comedi_from_physical and comedi_from_phys
are used to convert between &comedi;'s integer data and floating point numbers corresponding
to physical values (voltages, etc.).
@@ -111,9 +111,10 @@
The source code file for the above program can be found in
- the comedilib source at demo/tut2.c and if installed as a package usually
- at /usr/share/doc/libcomedi-dev/demo/ with all the other tutorial/demo
- files.
+ the Comedilib source at demo/tut2.c and if
+ installed as a package usually at
+ /usr/share/doc/libcomedi-dev/demo/ with all the
+ other tutorial/demo files.
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@
with the command comedi_board_info -v.
- The program tut3.c demonstrates the
+ The program demo/tut3.c demonstrates the
asynchronous acquisition. The general strategy is always
the same: first, we tell &comedi; all sampling parameters such as
the sampling rate,
@@ -173,11 +174,10 @@
- Create a command structure of type comedi_cmd
+ Create a command structure of type comedi_cmd
- Call the
- function comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed
+ Call the function comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed
to fill the command structure with your comedi device,
subdevice, sampling rate and number of channels.
@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@
tells comedi which channels should be sampled in the background.
- Call comedi_command_test with your command structure. Comedi might modify your requested sampling rate and channels.
+ Call comedi_command_test with your command structure. Comedi might modify your requested sampling rate and channels.
- Call comedi_command_test again which now should return zero for success.
+ Call comedi_command_test again which now should return zero for success.
- Call comedi_command to start the asynchronous acquisition. From now on the kernel ringbuffer will be filled at the specified sampling rate.
+ Call comedi_command to start the asynchronous acquisition. From now on the kernel ringbuffer will be filled at the specified sampling rate.
Call periodically the standard
@@ -201,7 +201,10 @@
is running.
- Convert the received data either into lsampl_t or sampl_t depending on the subdevice flag SDF_LSAMPL.
+ Convert the received data either into
+ lsampl_t or
+ sampl_t depending
+ on the subdevice flag SDF_LSAMPL.
Poll for data with read as long as it returns
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@
The program below is a stripped down version of the
- program cmd.c in the demo directory. To
+ program cmd.c in the demo directory. To
compile it run:
@@ -232,7 +235,7 @@
For advanced programmers the
- function comedi_get_buffer_contents
+ function comedi_get_buffer_contents
is useful to check if there is actually data in the ringbuffer
so that a call of read can be avoided for example
when the data readout is called by a timer call-back function.
@@ -242,9 +245,10 @@
Further examples
- See the demo subdirectory of Comedilib for more example programs.
- The directory contains
- a README file with descriptions of the various demo programs.
+ See the demo subdirectory of Comedilib
+ for more example programs. The directory contains a
+ README file with descriptions of the various
+ demo programs.