diff --git a/doc/command_funcref.txt b/doc/command_funcref.txt
index c478545..637bb90 100644
--- a/doc/command_funcref.txt
+++ b/doc/command_funcref.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ Description:
with a return value of 0, or
comedi_command will fail.
For input subdevices, sample values are read using the
- function read on the device file. For output subdevices,
+ function read on the device file descriptor.
+ For output subdevices,
sample values are written using the function write.
If successful, 0 is returned, otherwise
@@ -227,7 +228,8 @@ Description:
The function comedi_mark_buffer_read is used on a subdevice
that has a Comedi input command in progress. It should only be used
if you are using a mmap mapping to read data from Comedi's buffer
- (as opposed to calling read on the device file),
+ (as opposed to calling read on the device file
+ descriptor),
since Comedi will automatically keep track of how many bytes have been
transferred via read calls. This function is
used to indicate that the next num_bytes
@@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ Description:
that has a Comedi output command in progress. It should only be used
if you are using a mmap mapping to write data to Comedi's buffer
(as opposed to calling write on the device
- file), since Comedi
+ file descriptor), since Comedi
will automatically keep track of how many bytes have been
transferred via write calls. This function is
used to indicate that the next num_bytes