AUTHORS: Add Joseph Timothy Foley and Spencer E. Olson

Various fixes and improvements to SWIG and Python support, and the
comedi.h header file.
This commit is contained in:
Ian Abbott 2017-09-27 13:55:21 +01:00
parent 1b988961a2
commit baf0baf090

View file

@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ Tobias Blaser <tblaser at freesurf dot ch>
Anders Blomdell <anders dot blomdell at control dot lth dot se>
Herman Bruyninckx
John Conner <conner at empiredi dot com>
Joseph Timothy Foley <foley at ru dot is>
Jan Gukelberger <g dot u dot g dot i at gmx dot de>
Steven Jenkins <steven dot jenkins at ieee dot org>
W. Trevor King <tvrkng at gmail dot com>
Luc Lefebvre <luc dot lefebvre at mcgill dot ca>
Spencer E. Olson <olsonse at umich dot edu>
Tim Ousley <tim dot ousley at ni dot com>
Éric Piel <piel at delmic dot com>
Bernd Porr <Bernd dot Porr at f2s dot com>